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#571 Post by technosaurus »

I reduced the sizes of some of the danpei xpm icons a bit (enough to save ~20kb in the compiled binary size)

which reminded me - I redid a bunch of the icons for the other gtk apps (png format)
... uploading both

I may as well describe what I did to shrink them

open with mtpaint
Image -> convert to rgb
Image -> convert to indexed
check Min Max Quantize and Floyd Steinberg
change the number at the top to 92 (maybe 93?) or less
save as whatever (works for at least xpm and png, possibly others)

(use your best judgement based on the image - lower number of colors reduces size some, but may end up looking like trash if it gets too low - most small icon pixmaps look ok at 16 colors)

this works because reducing the number of colors below 93 causes the pixels to be represented by a single character ... effectively cutting the size in half (not including the reduction for each color ... ~16B ea. I think)

Note: I have had issues with some versions of mtpaint with this method especially if you do further manipulations of the pallette - it will sometime lose a clear background and need to be edited in a text editor.
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#572 Post by wjaguar »

technosaurus wrote:this works because reducing the number of colors below 93 causes the pixels to be represented by a single character ... effectively cutting the size in half
With mtPaint, it is 64 colors or less.
Note: I have had issues with some versions of mtpaint with this method especially if you do further manipulations of the pallette - it will sometime lose a clear background and need to be edited in a text editor.
mtPaint doesn't even try to preserve transparent color when quantizing. It's best to set transparent color's palette slot to some wildly different RGB color (say magenta or green) before converting to RGB - and set transparent index to that palette color (whichever one it is now) after converting back to indexed.
All appearance of transparency being preserved is from when transparent color is at once the most prevalent and at index 0 - then max-min algorithm will place it at index 0 again.

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#573 Post by Aitch »

Hi guys
Something else which may be useful, that I recently stumbled upon - underdog, that used to be in 2 series puppies, and Barry has now brought back

Basically, it is a script which allows a linux partitition to be added to the lower layer, and brought to the top layer so puppy can access it

I stumbled upon info about underdog, dated back to 2006, before I got into using puppy, and Barry picked up on it
He gave a really useful link to a 'How puppy works' page, which I hadn't seen referenced before, also, which people may find useful, bearing in mind, that changes have been made

The underdog bit: In the section on Architecture overview,
What the above diagram is intended to convey is that the bottom layer is a partition, not the "underdog.lnx" file itself. File underdog.lnx is just a text file, containing the name of a partition, for example "hda1".
At bootup Puppy will read underdog.lnx and will mount the partition as the bottom layer. If that partition happens to have a Linux distro installed in it, then the entire distro filesystem will "show through" on the top layer of Puppy's unionfs.

It will look like a normal Puppy, running JWM window manager or whatever, same desktop, but everything in the underlying distro is available to be executed. All the applications, compile environment, package manager, etc.
The actual underdog code, as used in early Puppy versions is shown in the Initial ramdisk section, where the code is listed for anyone wanting to try it,
[though the usual caveats apply...don't blame me if you break something]




Aitch :)

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#574 Post by goingnuts »

Attached the first try to backport gktdialog to gtk1. Do not expect everything working but main things should. Included a test-script (gtk_button) demonstrating what seems to work. Only xpm-images supported, edit-widget works but do not catch content yet. Shipped as static build and with images for the "stock"-icons.
If you need the present source code or if you would like to help improving the things further pm me.
And the thing running the test script...
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#575 Post by technosaurus »

goingnuts wrote:Attached the first try to backport gktdialog to gtk1.
Excellent! I can work with that.

NOTE: it is extremely faster to use

Code: Select all

echo "$MAIN_DIALOG"|gtkdialog -s
Thunor has corrected this to some extent in gtkdialog4 but here is an example that shows the difference (beginnings of a tar frontend)

Code: Select all

MAIN_DIALOG='<wtitle>Test of backported gtkdialog 0.58.11</wtitle>
	<label>File Name          |Size   |Date</label>
'`busybox tar -tvf $1 | busybox awk '{print "<item>" $6 "|" $3 "|" $4 "</item>"}'`'
	<action>echo You selected $TABLE</action>
	<button ok></button>
	<button cancel></button>
echo "$MAIN_DIALOG"|gtkdialog -s
#now see with VAR
gtkdialog --program MAIN_DIALOG
we get gdk warnings for the xpms, but a fix is suggested here:
http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gtk-list ... 00270.html
... but maybe we can just ifdef warnings from the sources altogether

should we call it gtkdlg1 (or whatever) to avoid name conflicts in case others want to use it?

I got some weird characters at the beginning of usage, but other than that, seems to be working nicely.

to handle the messages etc... this template should work

Code: Select all

gtkdialog --program MAIN | while read LINE || [ "$LINE" ] ; do
case "$LINE" in
#custom parameters here
  *=*)eval $LINE
  *)echo "$LINE"
Edit more notes: it doesn't try to use pixmap path (I wondered why you specified the full paths)
this and others can be set in the gtkrc file (I am attaching the full gtk1 tutorial since it is hard to find these days) which has this in section 21
When your application starts, you should include a call to:

void gtk_rc_parse( char *filename );
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Last edited by technosaurus on Fri 03 Feb 2012, 05:06, edited 2 times in total.
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#576 Post by goingnuts »

I have started a new thread for the gtkdlg1 backport...here

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#577 Post by antiloquax »

This may be a stupid question, sorry.
I can boot into PupNGo. I've loaded the GUI sfs. But what command do I issue to start the GUI?
I've had a look using defaultfilemanager, but couldn't see anything that worked!
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#578 Post by goingnuts »

Try "xwin" - depending on which version you use - but if you loaded the GUI-sfs via the firstboot script I guess it states
"If you have just installed the GUI_412.sfs type 'xwin' to start the graphical user interface" .. or something like that.
If it is one of the very first versions it might be 'startx'...
Hope you succeed.

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#579 Post by antiloquax »

Many thanks! I must have missed that message ... :oops:
My System:Arch-Arm on RPi!
"[url=http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?t=76049l]RacyPy[/url]" puplet on Toshiba Tecra 8200. PIII, 256 MB RAM.
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#580 Post by Aitch »


I just came across a window manager called awesome

Any use for this project? it uses C and Lua, AFAIK


Aitch :)

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#581 Post by goingnuts »

Aitch wrote:goingnuts/techno

I just came across a window manager called awesome

Any use for this project? it uses C and Lua, AFAIK


Aitch :)
Thanks for the link - I will look into that. atm I am full time on gtkdlg1...

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#582 Post by technosaurus »

I wouldn't bother
129 xcb>=1.6)
131 pkg_check_modules(AWESOME_REQUIRED REQUIRED
132 glib-2.0
133 cairo
134 x11
135 oocairo
136 oopango
137 xcb-randr
138 xcb-xtest
139 xcb-xinerama
140 xcb-util>=0.3.8
141 xcb-keysyms>=0.3.4
142 xcb-icccm>=0.3.8
143 xcb-image>=0.3.0
144 cairo-xcb
145 libstartup-notification-1.0>=0.10
146 xproto>=7.0.15
147 imlib2
148 libxdg-basedir>=1.0.0)
with dependencies like that we may as well use compiz and lots of plugins

e16 would be a much nicer (smaller/simpler) choice, it uses its own eesh instead of lua and it has a more permissive license, a lot of the tools will work with gtk1 and I even found a hack to do desktop icons with it ... best of all it can look really nice with the right themes
though it will need to be patched for static builds because it uses dlopen to try and grab calls to libX11 (doesn't seem too complicated though)

...until someone makes "fpwm" that is ... a window manager in the style of a first person shooter (i've been mulling it over for a while)
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#583 Post by Aitch »

a window manager in the style of a first person shooter
sounds neat

thanks for checking the other wm - shame about that

Aitch :)

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Another window manager...

#584 Post by Keef »

I found this one on Giles Orr's window manager site:
It hasn't been touched in 10 years, but has a lot of documentation, and only relies on xlib, libc and some POSIX functions, Does not rely on any toolkit libraries.
It compiles ok, but had to make the minor alterations that Giles Orr mentions in his notes.
It is ancient, I know, but may be useful.
I'll upload the pet I made if anyone wants a dabble (best if I tested it a bit more first...)

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#585 Post by Aitch »

Wow, Giles Orr's site is amazing, hadn't seen that before....

AHWM looks interesting, Keef :D

I'd never considered focus to be broken, though it may have changed since 2002?
I'm just used to windows auto focus if on top, and backgrounded windows being in bottom taskbar, unless clicked in - maybe just habits?

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#586 Post by technosaurus »

for the ultra-minimalist window managers, I already posted mcwm (though it is a bit outdated now), its by far the lightest when statically compiled due to using xcb instead of X11 (X11 doesn't statically link well though tinyx11 gets us a bit closer)... and it has an ISC license ... some others xcb window managers are i3, uuwm, uwm (based on jwm) there is even a composite manager called unagi

several pages back we were trying to find a way to use a running instance of a multicall binary to run new "applets" rather than spawning a whole new instance (the way ROX-Filer does) I think we had everything except the mechanism to get new args into the running process. ---Solved (I think, see the notes on apipe).

Code: Select all

#include <stdio.h>

void argsfromstdin(void){	/* TODO accept a function pointer to run ac, av */
char s[255],  av[255][255];
unsigned char i=0, pos=0, ac=0;
enum quotes_t{QUOTED=0,UNQUOTED}quotes=UNQUOTED;

//open a file ./apipe and store its file descriptor in variable apipe
//use mkfifo /tmp/apipe to create it ... or you can use stdin
//FILE * apipe = fopen("/tmp/apipe","r");;

while (i<strlen(s)) {
	/* '!'=33, 'ÿ'=-1, '¡'=-95 outside of these are non-printables */
	if ( quotes && ((s[i] < 33) && (s[i] > -1) || (s[i] < -95))){ 
		av[ac][pos] = '\0';
		if (av[ac][0] != '\0')	ac++;
		pos = 0;
		if (s[i]=='"'){  /* support quoted strings */
			if (pos==0){
			}else{		/* support \" within strings */
				if (s[i-1]=='\\'){
					av[ac][pos-1] = '"';
				}else{	/* end of quoted string */
		}else{			/* printable ascii characters */
			av[ac][pos] = s[i];
/* TODO accept a function pointer to run ac, av */
#ifdef DEBUG
#include <string.h>
#define write1(s) write(1, s, strlen(s))
while (ac-->0) {write1(av[ac]);write1("\n");}


int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
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#587 Post by goingnuts »

technosaurus: Had not seen your update - would be cool if it works!

The latest post about window managers reminded me that I had a static build of conky lying around.

Also found that gxine-0.2.1 is gtk1..now I only need to get a static uclibc xinelib build... :roll:
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static build conky
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#588 Post by PANZERKOPF »

About GetGUI:
I modified somewhat, now it can recognize Dialog/Xdialog syntax and following
Getgui's native options are not broken (I hope). Some default values are changed for my own needs (default fonts, button color etc..).
Also, a program name is changed to "xgetgui" to avoid copiright conflicts.
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#589 Post by technosaurus »

PANZERKOPF wrote:About GetGUI:
I modified somewhat, now it can recognize Dialog/Xdialog syntax and
Getgui's native options are not broken (I hope). Some default values are changed for my own needs (default fonts, button color etc..).
Also, a program name is changed to "xgetgui" to avoid copiright conflicts.
I went through and fixed most of the syntactical build errors, and tweaked the font and border settings so it isn't so fugly. Still needs a lot of cleanup though ... mainly how the functions and variables are declared... also made a build script.

Edit @PANZERKOPF, btw most of the fixes were not your code - just legacy stuff and from ripping chunks out of ploticus ... also I added the list of widgets to the --help (though I didn't put any order to them or descriptions or formatting)
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#590 Post by goingnuts »

PANZERKOPF: Really nice! If only we could add scrolling to the menu and file select windows it would be close to perfect. I did try to contact the developer about this but never got any contact...

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