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up arrow hot key (solved)

Posted: Wed 16 Mar 2011, 19:10
by MikeMT
I found the same problem that eeevans616: "It seems mtpaint is hotkeyed to the up arrow on my keyboard . . ," and perhaps nancy reagan's problem. Really is a handicap working in the terminal. Tap the up arrow for a previous command and mtpaint takes a screenshot. Same thing on the bare desktop.

I found this line in /root/.jwm/jwmrc-personal <Key keycode="111">exec:mtpaint -s</Key> and deleted it. The change did not take effect with "fixmenus," but it did with a reboot.

Up arrow is now free of mtpaint.

BTW running Turbopup Extreme v1 on a Gateway Solo 2150 451 MHz, 64MB Ram. Turbopup Ex. moves well on this computer. Still trying to get the sound working, but that has been a work in progress through other Puppy versions.

Single Click

Posted: Mon 13 Jun 2011, 03:08
by nickec
Is there a way to change from double click to single click - for the GUI - in Turbopup?

Rox clicks

Posted: Mon 13 Jun 2011, 13:43
by KJ
nickec .... I think what you are looking for is a Rox function. I change a double left click to open function..... to a single left click function this way:

Right click on desktop to open main menu
Open Filesystem .... ROX-Filer
RIGHT click on any icon in home-file window that opened.
Move pointer down to "Options" and click to open "options" section
The second menu item should be "Filer Windows" ... open that.
Under "window behavior" click on "Single-click navigation" to check-mark item.
Then move down to and open the "Pinboard" section ... under the "Pinboard behavior" section click on "Single-click to open" to check-mark item.
(This section may not be active in Turbopup as desktop icons are not displayed but most other Puppies use this for desktop function).

Then click on "OK" to save changes and close window.

Hope this works for you .... KJ

Calibre in Turbopup

Posted: Thu 16 Jun 2011, 01:01
by Fishy
Trying to get my nephew's dinosaur going for few more weeks. It is an old Pentium 1 (maybe) with 386meg of memory. Is Turbo the puplet to install? Lupu 520 works but is quite slow.

All they need is email for banking etc. calibre and transmission for books and movies. I did a frugal install on my own box to see if I could get calibre running but python and Qt are giving me fits as usual. :lol:

Direction or links to appropriate packages would be appreciated. Suggestions to a different pup for Frankenstein (cobbled out of 3 dead) greatfully accepted :D


Posted: Thu 16 Jun 2011, 20:42
by tommy
ehmmm.. I wrote a similar topic on Puparcade forum, but it also applies to Turbopup, since Puparcade is based on Turbopup:
I have several geforce4 agp video cards and have no driver.
The sites having it don't exist anymore.
Has someone the somewhere?
Many thanks to whoever can post a link to it!! :wink:

Re: Rox clicks

Posted: Fri 17 Jun 2011, 00:41
by nickec
Thank you very much KJ. I appreciate your kind help.

Posted: Fri 17 Jun 2011, 01:07
by Aitch

I believe Gray compiled the original Nvidia drivers, so if it doesn't work PM him, as he may be able to help

also later drivers here [may be backward compatible]

Aitch :)

Posted: Fri 17 Jun 2011, 14:59
by tommy
I've done a lot of google and filewatcher searches for that .pet with no luck, but you had the working link!! I will try this .pet to see if it works with all the different geforce4 cards I have. I learned that make nvidia video cards work with linux drivers is a PITA but I will try if at least one does work.

I know has nvidia drivers but they're too new and nvidia says they don't work with geforce4.

Someone should consider upload this .pet to puppy 4.20 repos (to extend old PCs life) :) .

Thank you again.

Re: Calibre in Turbopup

Posted: Sat 18 Jun 2011, 14:37
by Shep
Fishy wrote:Trying to get my nephew's dinosaur going for few more weeks. It is an old Pentium 1 (maybe) with 386meg of memory. Is Turbo the puplet to install? Lupu 520 works but is quite slow.
Try Turbo Extreme and see how it goes. If it boots and speed is okay, then try Wary 5.1.2 which is intended for older gear. (Though I don't know about Pentium I's.) There is also the updated 2.14 series here you could try:
All they need is email for banking etc. calibre and transmission for books and movies.
Although you may think any old puppy should do, you may find a site needs an up to date browser addon, etc. Besides, how will they connect to the net? The older puppies may not accommodate wireless internet.

I'm surprised you have 386 MB of ram. That's plenty. But what speed is the CPU?

Posted: Sat 18 Jun 2011, 16:50
by tommy
Thanks to Aitch now my Toshiba laptop and its Geforce4 are working with direct rendering and 3D acceleration!
I installed the nvidia drivers posted above, restarted Xorg but I had a blank screen of death.
I had to hit ctrl-alt-bkspace, modify xorg.conf in this way:
Section "Device"
Identifier "Card0"
Driver "nvidia"
VendorName "nVidia Corporation"
BoardName "NV17 [GeForce4 420 Go]"
Option "ConnectedMonitor" "DFP-0" # added this to get rid of blank screen
Option "CustomEDID" "DFP-0:/proc/acpi/video/VGA/LCD/EDID" # added this to get rid of blank screen

With the two options added I was able to start Xorg with no problems and with 3D acceleration OK!
I don't know what generates the EDID file, but without that option the screen goes blank.
Many thanks for the help!

Posted: Mon 05 Sep 2011, 11:00
by panzerpuppy
Turbopup Xtreme screenshots replaced with images of sleeping kitties?


[EDIT] It's the year 2011 and Turbopup is still alive and kicking (the thread has reached almost 200 000 views !) :D

Posted: Mon 31 Oct 2011, 18:34
by Luxeon
I'm just beginning a trial of Turbopup--it does appear to be very lean and mean! I can't believe it is using 16mb at idle!!!!

I'm currently using a multisession DVD for fear that Turbopup will grab the existing Lucid Puppy 5.28 frugal files and goof them up (as Wary did when I tested it recently).
Of course, I backed them up...but...
If I use Turbopup in frugal mode, will it create it's own pup-save file?

I know I guess I could just try it, but to be blunt, I am a novice with Puppy and don't want to screw anything up.

Posted: Mon 31 Oct 2011, 18:58
by Colonel Panic
Luxeon wrote:I'm just beginning a trial of Turbopup--it does appear to be very lean and mean! I can't believe it is using 16mb at idle!!!!

I'm currently using a multisession DVD for fear that Turbopup will grab the existing Lucid Puppy 5.28 frugal files and goof them up (as Wary did when I tested it recently).
Of course, I backed them up...but...
If I use Turbopup in frugal mode, will it create it's own pup-save file?

I know I guess I could just try it, but to be blunt, I am a novice with Puppy and don't want to screw anything up.

Yes it will create its own pup_save file, but unlike some other Pups it boots up without giving you a delay to enable you to choose a savefile and (depending on what other pup_save files you've got around), "accidents" can happen where it loads, or tries to load, the wrong savefile. I've found in the past that it's best to use it without any other savefiles around, at least not ones Puppy would recognise (i.e. ones with extension .2fs or .3fs). It's easy enough to change the extension of any others on the drive to something like .bak or .ffs..

Posted: Wed 02 Nov 2011, 19:53
by starhawk
Hey... trying to get TurboPup running on a Latitude CPi :eek:

More info on the system is here --> ... 099#579099

A few issues so far...

(1) Boot screen does not permit me to enter extra parameters. Dunno if that's by design or by my hardware being crotchety. What I can say is, the one time I pressed F2 fast enough, I entered "puppy pfix=noram" and it shut down on me.

(2) Graphics card on this system is really special, it's a NeoMagic 2160 (never heard of 'em myself)... gotta have drivers for it, cuz if I go with Xorg, it can't tell what size screen I have and eventually just blanks the LCD, but if I go Xvesa, it's greener than a seasick alcoholic dragon :shock:

Any advice?

Posted: Thu 03 Nov 2011, 03:57
by starhawk

Posted: Thu 03 Nov 2011, 06:54
by starhawk

"Idiot, you are." Yoda says to me.

Works fine as long as you choose the right screen res. Picked 800x600 last time and it cut the monitor rather than giving me a desktop. This time I chose 1024x768 and it's there.

Would be more comfortable if I had the NeoMagic driver present and working, but then again it gave me no end of trouble in Igu's Guy Pup. Could be Guy Pup didn't have the driver working perfectly, could be something's up with this old laptop... dunno.

What I do know is that I have a black screen with a white cursor. I move the cursor over to a specific area on the left side of the screen, and the "taskbar" (dock?) pops out absolutely immediately. Be nice if I knew how to change the wallpaper, but I'm not sure I want to push my luck that far ;)

Congrats, synth, you've made a fairly modern OS that works on a very, very old laptop (this thing is at least 15...) and with very useable performance (from what I can tell so far) at that. Well done, sir, well done.

...that said it's 3am here (well, 5min till...) and I really don't feel like staying conscious any longer today so it's off to bed for me.

Posted: Thu 03 Nov 2011, 10:19
by snayak
turbo pup is an excelent creation.

Where can I find the devx for turbo pup v1.0?


Posted: Thu 03 Nov 2011, 17:53
by starhawk
Wallpaper changer doesn't work. Locks up hard instead (mouse moves but nothing else works). Not sure what's up with that...

Posted: Fri 04 Nov 2011, 06:08
by ldolse
snayak wrote:turbo pup is an excelent creation.

Where can I find the devx for turbo pup v1.0?

Use the 4.2 devx with Turbopup as it's a 4.2 remaster: ... vx_420.sfs

Posted: Fri 04 Nov 2011, 07:03
by Puppyt
- from memory, synth deliberately went 'back to black' and jettisoned the wallpaper and other trinkets to streamline performance. Check out sc0ttman's "Akita" thread, where he's pushed the TurboPup base to gel with Wary5 pets ( Beta4 has just been released, and it's working very nicely for me on a Lenovo T60. sc0ttman might give you some pointers on wallpaper issues if you want to stick to synth's original.

EDIT: AAAAaargh! You were just THERE on the thread earlier today - I have told you absolutely nuttin' you didn't already know. Mucho :oops: