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Posted: Tue 06 May 2014, 07:17
by shinobar
Will you test the Remasterx, if you are interested in? ...

Do not install but extract the pet and click the executable, if you don't want this in the remasterd cd.

Most code from Barry K., and some from RSH.
The '-b 1024K' option for the mksquashfs makes smaller sfs, thanks to the information from rufwoof.

Posted: Tue 06 May 2014, 12:09
by rufwoof
OscarTalks wrote:To change your starting country/language setting in a remaster I think you have to edit /etc/profile

Around line 100 you should see
#this line gets edited by chooselocale script...

Below that you need to comment out the en_US line and just have
export LANG

Then at first boot it should all be as you want it for the UK. I did this with mine and it is all OK but it was a while ago so I hope I remembered correctly what I did. This was a manual remaster of the main Puppy .sfs file.
That was perfect thanks Oscar - just as I wanted it. Now when you boot it still prompts for locale/language etc - but you can just accept the defaults and it drops through without having to restart X (whilst leaving the option to choose other languages/locale if needed).

My LiveCD now starts up relatively quickly (80MB iso), sets locale quickly (as above) and a click on the connect and accepting the simple network settings (few clicks) usually has you connected to the net relatively quickly.

I've also dropped in a quick firewall and sound setup script, which invokes the wizard (loads a database of sound cards etc) i.e. simple and quick. On the CD I've also included some scripts to load flash, firefox (version 29 with a select few add-ons (no script, flash block, zoom)), libre office 4.2.3 (with UK dictionary) and multimedia (Openshot, Blender, Audacity, Mesa, inkscape (full version), xvidcap). There's also a script to load all of those via a single click (LOAD_ALL script).

I've set boot parameters to pfix=ram pmedia=cd pkeys=uk so it boots to ram and those scripts all load into ram, so no HDD even required/touched. The downside of that is you can't create a savefile (otherwise the loaded sfs's get loaded twice).

I use a nvidia based PC and using the inbuild nvidia drivers Openshot works ok (providing mesa is loaded) and will correctly run 3D title rendering (that it uses Blender for) and scrolling titles (that it uses inkscape for). Another PC also does the same (Radeon).

Booting just to do some internet banking (80MB iso) is relatively quick - just needing the firefox load after having booted to the desktop. Loading everything else (LOAD-ALL) is still relatively acceptable speed wise - and the CD drive is free after loading (leaving the PC running purely from RAM only). Installing puppy sfs and the EXTRAS folder to HDD obviously improves speed. I'm seeing CD load speeds comparable to how quickly it takes to dowload the same from googledrive (I have a 50Mb - 75Mb internet connect D/L speed (around 6MB/sec)), so in concept there's not much difference between having EXTRAS local (on CD/DVD) than it is to pull those down from googledrive. Puppy ISO + EXTRA's weighs in at around 390MB total iso size (i.e. EXTRAS is around 300MB which takes around 50 seconds on my internet connection.

ISO also includes a couple of windows iso burning programs (32 bit and 64 bit versions), so in concept if you used the cloud to store your data and files, then given a blank cd and internet connection, relatively quickly you could have downloaded a puppy and be up and running with a full desktop (with comprehensive office and multimedia editing capabilities) relatively quickly - and all running in ram.

This is my (messy - needs a good tidy up) googledrive shared folder where the iso's are stored. s533t.iso is the 80MB desktop iso whilst s533t-OFFICE.iso is the full version (with the additional EXTRA's folder).

Thanks to all who offered help. I'm pretty close to if not at a final version now of a liveCD that does more or less everything I need.

Re: Remasterx

Posted: Tue 06 May 2014, 12:19
by rufwoof
shinobar wrote:Will you test the Remasterx, if you are interested in? ...

Do not install but extract the pet and click the executable, if you don't want this in the remasterd cd.

Most code from Barry K., and some from RSH.
The '-b 1024K' option for the mksquashfs makes smaller sfs, thanks to the information from rufwoof.
I'll have to give that remaster script a go thanks shinobar.

The -b 1024K mksquashfs option does slow that process down a lot, but given that you build once, use many the extra space (download) savings can be worthwhile. Typically seems to knock around a extra 20MB off a typical iso file size (a Wary iso I tried the other day reduced down from around 160MB to around 130MB). Best way IME is to only drop that -b 1024 parameter in once you're more or less at the final edition.

I've also used the same high compression choice when making sfs's such as Libre (not sure but I think it reduced it down from 180MB to around 140MB).

Posted: Tue 06 May 2014, 12:53
by rufwoof
Just discovered that the change in locale to UK (country) in /etc/profile doesn't agree with OpenShot (or rather python).

Python throwing out an error : unsupported locale setting :cry:

Re: Remasterx

Posted: Tue 06 May 2014, 16:57
by rufwoof
shinobar wrote:Will you test the Remasterx, if you are interested in? ...

Do not install but extract the pet and click the executable, if you don't want this in the remasterd cd.
I installed the PET, invoked it from the menu (setup), entered some values and ... /dev/sr0 not found.

I did that from a LiveCD (no savefile created) with the CD to be remastered in /dev/sr0 (mounted as /mnt/sr0).

The initial startup defaulted to /dev/sr0 in the 'Original CD' field. Changing that to /mnt/sr0 and it started the remaster OK, I've currently got /tmp/root /tmp/etc and a build directory (puppylivecd build under /mnt/sda4 (chosen working directory in my case). Clicking OK and its remastering ..... (the wait and wait bit with the progression slider slowly increasing i.e. I guess remastering ok).

Posted: Tue 06 May 2014, 17:06
by RSH
Mabe trying out my code snippets or the script from shinobar.

I'm using Openshot 1.3.1 in LazY Puppy (Lucid 528-4 based) and also Openshot 1.4.3 in L.A.S.S.I.E. (Precise 571 based). Both are running and working and them presenting to me a DE GUI.

These Openshot SFS Modules are both in LazY Puppy Repostory at - For Openshot 1.3.1 there is a Python 2.6.4 SFS needed (and available). Openshot 1.4.3 comes with Python included.


Posted: Tue 06 May 2014, 17:29
by L18L
rufwoof wrote:Just discovered that the change in locale to UK (country) in /etc/profile doesn't agree with OpenShot (or rather python).

Python throwing out an error : unsupported locale setting :cry:
locale must be set by

Code: Select all

or use GUI script

Code: Select all

View your locales by

Code: Select all

locale -a
When you edit /etc/profile to a supported locale (set by localedef / setlocale / ) there will be no error.

Posted: Tue 06 May 2014, 17:33
by rufwoof
RSH wrote:Mabe trying out my code snippets or the script from shinobar.
Thanks RSH. I suspect that ShinoBar's script contains the snippet you posted (or a close version of that) from what shinobar said. I haven't actually looked at the code/script yet though.
L18L wrote:locale must be set by localedef
Thanks L18L

How to set another language (locale) as default

Posted: Tue 06 May 2014, 17:48
by vicmz
Taking notes... :lol:

This is fun, I'm learning bit by bit how to set things in a remaster. As a side question, will any issues appear if I make my remaster using an EXT4 formatted 8 GB Flash drive as working space?

Posted: Tue 06 May 2014, 19:37
by rufwoof
Remaster Express remastered to completion and worked as expected.

I like the progression slider rather than the /|-\| rolling character based progression indicator. Worked fine under my Slacko 5.3.3 (derivative).

I especially like how it also buries the remastered puppy sfs deeper than the default 2 levels that the reboot Searching.... scan searches (i.e. puts it out of the way from accidentally being unwittingly picked up).

Perhaps an additional option/checkbox to be able to pick the level of compression - normal (faster remaster) or high compression (slower remaster). For large remasters, perhaps 600MB iso type sizes, the high compression choice would be painfully slow, especially if cycling through repeated remasters (if you're anything like me and always seem to forget something). Maybe even a fast remaster (low/no compression) choice as well (for development stage).

Re: Remasterx

Posted: Sat 10 May 2014, 16:33
by rufwoof
shinobar wrote:The '-b 1024K' option for the mksquashfs makes smaller sfs, thanks to the information from rufwoof.
I've also applied that to pizzagood's script and found that it can make a sizeable difference even for relatively small sfs's. For example my flash10 sfs shrinks down from around 5MB to 3.8MB.

I guess even though a 1MB dictionary is relatively large, the dictionary in effect becomes the data. i.e. longish string sequences inside the dictionary, small dictionary position pointer(s) outside of the dictionary (a large dictionary with mostly/all dictionary position pointers outside of the dictionary).

Remastering using ram as temp space also helps make the slower compression time more acceptable (less slow).

Remasterx / on test / pets added

Posted: Tue 29 Jul 2014, 14:52
by Pelo
Victoire Victoria. Even con Puppy pfix=ram
Defeast : after several runs ok i have lost wlan completely. I will start again pfix=ram.
Il y a something in the algorithm which fails.Not in remasterx i think, in the algorythm of pupjibaro LXDE, the puppy used.
I am using the version 8.