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Posted: Sun 09 Aug 2015, 18:28
by saintless
Hi Fred.

I can only say we need much more testing at this point and it seems latest remasterdog gives errors too long time after the progress bar is closed using ktsuss from user account. The window for cleaning up and continue with mksquashfs didn't appear few minutes in my tests and I'm not sure it will appear without testing and waiting longer. i don't mind changing to gsu but to accept remasterdog dosen't work with ktsuss is no real solution.
We need also testing with official gksu package. It is very possible gsu to be replaced with gksu in later user remaster after installing programs with gksu as dependency.
Then remastering scripts will not start from user account because we don't have gksu line included. And we also don't know how the script works with gksu. I think by default official gksu is set to use root password.
I'm not so optimistic at the moment.

Edit: I'm posting here because the broken pipe problem came from this thread and my testing results about broken pipe messages are here.
Also I think we should let Otoshan read this discussion after scaring him about broken pipe messages from his screenshots.


Posted: Sun 09 Aug 2015, 20:09
by fredx181
Toni wrote:I can only say we need much more testing at this point and it seems latest remasterdog gives errors too long time after the progress bar is closed using ktsuss from user account. The window for cleaning up and continue with mksquashfs didn't appear few minutes in my tests and I'm not sure it will appear without testing and waiting longer. i don't mind changing to gsu but to accept remasterdog dosen't work with ktsuss is no real solution.
Ok, testing can't do any harm of course , but please focus on the result of the copying.
The progress bar is just for indicating copy progress, but if it closes to early there are the problems we discussed earlier, for the rest I still see no harm in some error messages related to 'echo' (if the copy task has been done properly)

To test better this remasterdog included in mintpup, it would be good to add 'exit' after the progress code.
I mean, than you can check better if the copying has been done properly by checking in filemanager.
Otherwise the cleaning may start to early, as this mintpup remasterdog progress code is not modified the way I did it for DebianDog.

Edit: Sorry, yes, I can confirm the same now, that the progress bar has closed but never gets to the cleaning message, tested with new remasterdog on DebianDog.
Will investigate further after good sleep...


Posted: Sun 09 Aug 2015, 23:38
by otoshan
saintless wrote:Hi otoshan.
otoshan wrote:
When Chromium is in fullscreen a part is under openbox taskbar.

Looks different on my system using the last openBox setup packages from Fred.
Click here for screenshot
And it is not full screen in both screenshots from you and me. Press F11 and chromium-browser will hide the taskbar.
Maybe something installed later in your system is the cause of the problem but I can't say what exactly.
Hi Toni, see a difference :)
Your screenshot My screenshot
fredx181 wrote:Probably can be fixed;
From menu > Openbox > Tint2 panel > Edit config file
Find the line: strut_policy = none (under Panel autohide section)
and comment it out, (if it is not already) so becomes this:
# strut_policy = none
Thank you Fred, this fix Chromium window.
saintless wrote:Check in your remastered module if you can find:
/var/spool/mail link
/var/spool/plymouth folder
/var/lib/dpkg/info/zlib1g:i386.symbols file

If you have them there is no problem with the remastered module caused by remasterdog script broken pipe messages.
Yes i have this inodes :)
saintless wrote:When you have time replace /opt/bin/gsu-root with the attached gsu-root in archive.
The change inside the script is from:

if [ "`whoami`" != "root" ]; then
ktsuss -u root "$@"


if [ "`whoami`" != "root" ]; then
gsu "$@"
Yes, now i don't get broken pipe messages.

When i logout i need a click "Enter" and then i can write in terminal.

P.S.[url=]Linux Mint 17.2 “Rafaela

Frugal MintPup - first run

Posted: Mon 10 Aug 2015, 03:25
by davids45
G'day saintless,
I have successfully installed MintPup from a live-CD-RW to my Pup Frugals partition (sda7) and added the correct lines to my sda frugals menu.lst so that it will boot:
title MintPup (sda7 casper)
root (hd0,6)
#kernel /casper/vmlinuz noauto from=/ changes=/casper/
#initrd /casper/initrd.lz
kernel /casper/vmlinuz noauto from=/ changes=/casper/
initrd /casper/initrd1.xz
# kernel /casper/vmlinuz psubdir=casper pmedia=atahd pfix=fsck
# initrd /casper/initrd1.lz
The commented out lines (#) did not fully boot to MintPup.

The only problem so far (first boot) is that my partition icons across the bottom of the screen do not wrap so that I can see and access them all. I have two hard drives on this desktop so about 28 partitions altogether. It would also be more compact if the partition label was not displayed, just the partition code (e.g. just 'sdb3' not 'data (sdb3)' - if I can get the icons to wrap across the screen to see sdb3 :D ).

I can run seamonkey from a link to my main data partition on sda5 (using it now) and LibreOffice-5.0's calc looks OK too.

I have not yet tried to load-at-booting my very large frugals' personal sfs which has wine+programs, graphics packages, games and an older version of LibreOffice (that I need to update to 5.0).

Thanks for this interesting Pup.

David S.

Re: Frugal MintPup - first run

Posted: Mon 10 Aug 2015, 06:49
by saintless
Hi davids45.
davids45 wrote:G'day saintless,
I have successfully installed MintPup from a live-CD-RW to my Pup Frugals partition (sda7) and added the correct lines to my sda frugals menu.lst so that it will boot:

Code: Select all

   title MintPup (sda7 casper)
  root (hd0,6)
#kernel /casper/vmlinuz noauto from=/ changes=/casper/
#initrd /casper/initrd.lz
kernel /casper/vmlinuz noauto from=/ changes=/casper/
initrd /casper/initrd1.xz
# kernel /casper/vmlinuz psubdir=casper pmedia=atahd pfix=fsck
# initrd /casper/initrd1.lz[/quote]
The commented out lines (#) did not fully boot to MintPup.
initrd.lz is for casper-boot and can't work with porteus-boot code.
There is no initrd1.lz and it is normal to get boot error.
Your initrd1.xz code is correct for porteus-boot. But keep in mind initrd1.xz will not work with casper-boot code as initrd.lz doesn't work with porteus-boot code.
The second post explaines the available boot methods and gives link to the correct boot codes.
The only problem so far (first boot) is that my partition icons across the bottom of the screen do not wrap so that I can see and access them all. I have two hard drives on this desktop so about 28 partitions altogether. It would also be more compact if the partition label was not displayed, just the partition code (e.g. just 'sdb3' not 'data (sdb3)' - if I can get the icons to wrap across the screen to see sdb3 :D ).
My answer about this problem is here: ... 459#848459
Desktop-drive-icons and pup-volume-monitor are taken from Puppy linux. I know nothing about the program code and I can't fix the behaviour in Ubuntu and Debian based system since there is no available settings to do it after installing desktop-drive-icons. I have no solution for this problem but maybe someone will find one in the future. For the moment you can simply remove desktop drive icons and pup volume monitor:

Code: Select all

sudo apt-get purge desktop-drive-icons pup-volume-monitor
And use mount-wizard to access your partitions or some Ubuntu tool for drive icons on the desktop.
I have not yet tried to load-at-booting my very large frugals' personal sfs which has wine+programs, graphics packages, games and an older version of LibreOffice (that I need to update to 5.0).
It is not recommended to use sfs file created on different linux. It can break the system (inside your save file/folder data). If you like to test it do it from fresh boot without persistent.

Edit: MintPup and DebianDog main advantage is using dpkg/apt-get/synaptic. Loading sfs modules from Puppy or different linux can break dpkg database and it is not easy to recover the system after that.


Posted: Mon 10 Aug 2015, 06:56
by saintless
otoshan wrote:Yes i have this inodes :)
Nice :) Then your remastered module is OK and we have no critical bug in MintPup yet.
Yes, now i don't get broken pipe messages.
Added to the fixes post for now.
Instead using menu entry from user account just type in terminal:

Code: Select all

Till new deb package is available to fix this bug properly.
I see the difference in the screenshots now. Nice Fred gave a fix about this too.

otoshan wrote:P.S.[url=]Linux Mint 17.2 “Rafaela

Posted: Mon 10 Aug 2015, 08:23
by saintless
otoshan wrote:When i logout i need a click "Enter" and then i can write in terminal.
This is because some process from acpid is still active.
Official Ubuntu, Debian and Mint system includes active login manager by default and exit X will not drop down to console but to login manager window.
I don't thhink this needs fixing and I prefer not to remove acpid but this will solve the problem for you:

Code: Select all

sudo apt-get purge acpid
I will add it to the fixes post but for information only.

Edit: BTW this acpid problem doesn't exist on P-III machines (MintPup is built on one of them).


Posted: Mon 10 Aug 2015, 12:05
by saintless
fredx181 wrote:Will investigate further after good sleep...
Hi Fred.

Why dont you forget about this progress bar. We had very similar problem with mount-wizard solved by commenting out the fill line. We can do the same for remasterdog.

This works well for me in MintPup and I suggest to remove the background for rsync process and add something similar or message. This from wget-progress works fine for me in MintPup and cleans /var/log files:

Code: Select all

rsync -a / "$WORK" --exclude=/{dev,live,lib/live/mount,cdrom,mnt,proc,sys,media,run,tmp,var/run,var/tmp,rofs,casper,cow,casper-rw-backing,lost+found,$WRKDIR} 2> /dev/null | \
yad --image=save48-alt --no-buttons --progress-text="Coppying files to "$WORK"..." \
--progress --auto-close --auto-kill  --undecorated --center 2> /dev/null
If you agree to do the same in DebianDog I will do some extra testing with gsu, gksu, sudo, ktsuss from user and root account and from menu entry and terminal.
To tell you the truth I feel tired to test again and again finding new problems just to keep the progress bar in remasterdog. I'm sure you feel the same way.

Edit: I even prefer the included progress options in rsync (it starts in terminal from menu entry anyway):

Code: Select all

rsync --info=progress2 -a / "$WORK" --exclude=/{dev,live,lib/live/mount,cdrom,mnt,proc,sys,media,run,tmp,var/run,var/tmp,rofs,casper,cow,casper-rw-backing,lost+found,$WRKDIR} 2> /dev/null

Code: Select all

rsync -avh --progress / "$WORK" --exclude=/{dev,live,lib/live/mount,cdrom,mnt,proc,sys,media,run,tmp,var/run,var/tmp,rofs,casper,cow,casper-rw-backing,lost+found,$WRKDIR} 2> /dev/null

Posted: Mon 10 Aug 2015, 17:30
by Ether


I'm trying to set up a Dell Inspiron 1545 laptop with multi-boot DebDog and MintPup frugal install using GRUB4DOS on a freshly formatted hard disk with one ext2 partition.

I booted DebianDog-Jessie-openbox_xfce-3.16.0-4-686-pae.iso CD and used the installer script to install it, and it seems to be working fine.

Now I'm ready to frugal-install MintPup from live CD.

Do I have to do the MintPup frugal installation manually, or will the MintPup installer know that it shouldn't use the "live" folder that DebDog is using?


Posted: Mon 10 Aug 2015, 17:59
by saintless
Ether wrote:.Do I have to do the MintPup frugal installation manually, or will the MintPup installer know that it shouldn't use the "live" folder that DebDog is using?
DebianDog is located in /live folder.
MintPup is located in /casper folder and the installer will not use /live folder.
You can just copy casper folder from the iso on the same partition adding the boot code inside the existing menu list. Links to boot code examples you will find in the second post.


Posted: Mon 10 Aug 2015, 20:18
by fredx181
Hi Toni,
To tell you the truth I feel tired to test again and again finding new problems just to keep the progress bar in remasterdog. I'm sure you feel the same way.
Yes, I really understand, indeed I'm also tired of it and just wanted to move on with other things.
That's why I reacted to easy about the broken pipe error, sorry for that, and for all the trouble.

I put a lot of energy and time into it lately, and would feel dissapointed if I gave up.
That alone would be not a good reason so I like to mention that I'm convinced now that I'm on the right track of fixing the bugs, testing now with using gsu, sudo, gksu, ktsuss and what I have now seems to work well with all, not sharing yet, like to do more testing first.

You agree with trying just one more time?
If it turns out that it's still buggy, we use the rsync progress options as you suggested.

rsync -a / "$WORK" --exclude=/{dev,live,lib/live/mount,cdrom,mnt,proc,sys,media,run,tmp,var/run,var/tmp,rofs,casper,cow,casper-rw-backing,lost+found,$WRKDIR} 2> /dev/null | \
yad --image=save48-alt --no-buttons --progress-text="Coppying files to "$WORK"..." \
--progress --auto-close --auto-kill --undecorated --center 2> /dev/null
Ok, I'll try that also, didn't think of something like it yet.

Edit2: I hoped to see some progress indication, sure it does work without troubles, but I still like (as I wrote above, now that I've gotten so far with bug fixes) a real progress indicator.


Posted: Mon 10 Aug 2015, 20:36
by Ether
saintless wrote:MintPup is located in /casper folder and the installer will not use /live folder. You can just copy casper folder from the iso on the same partition adding the boot code inside the existing menu list. Links to boot code examples you will find in the second post.
Thank you, that worked.

But I am having trouble getting the 802.11 working. Neither DebDog nor MintPup sees my wireless network.

To rule out a hardware problem, I tried Lucid Puppy on the same machine and it sees the wireless network right away and connects with no problem.

Are there some things I could try?

Also a general question: is there a way to search an entire thread, instead of just one page?


Posted: Mon 10 Aug 2015, 20:56
by dancytron
Ether wrote:
saintless wrote:MintPup is located in /casper folder and the installer will not use /live folder. You can just copy casper folder from the iso on the same partition adding the boot code inside the existing menu list. Links to boot code examples you will find in the second post.
Thank you, that worked.

But I am having trouble getting the 802.11 working. Neither DebDog nor MintPup sees my wireless network.

To rule out a hardware problem, I tried Lucid Puppy on the same machine and it sees the wireless network right away and connects with no problem.

Are there some things I could try?

Also a general question: is there a way to search an entire thread, instead of just one page?

For my old laptop, it was a missing driver issue. There is a *.squashfs file with a bunch of drivers from Porteus (I'll find a link and add it to this message). That got it to work with mine.

Otherwise, I'd find out exactly what chip your wireless driver has and then Google "Ubuntu driver (your chip name)" and see what it says. More than likely, you'll find some source for the driver.

edit: here is the link ... s.squashfs

Posted: Mon 10 Aug 2015, 22:08
by Ether
dancytron wrote:edit: here is the link ... s.squashfs
I downloaded that and copied it into the DebDog /live folder.

I saw it get loaded when I booted DebDog.

But DebDog still does not see my wireless network:

Posted: Mon 10 Aug 2015, 22:40
by dancytron
Do you know what chipset your wireless uses?

Posted: Tue 11 Aug 2015, 01:55
by Ether
dancytron wrote:Do you know what chipset your wireless uses?
I have so far been unable to determine the chipset. It's a Dell Inspiron 1545 laptop Model PP41L with OG848F motherboard.

iwconfig does not show what the 802.11 hardware is.


Posted: Tue 11 Aug 2015, 02:09
by dancytron

It is a Dell Wireless 1397 per this page ... ies/specs/

It has a BCM4312 chipset.

This thread has a link to the driver ... t/19329916

Googling "Dell Wireless 1397 linux driver" leads to many links to install it.

MintPup fast glance at it

Posted: Tue 11 Aug 2015, 05:16
by Pelo
MintPup fast glance at it.
Virtual machine windows. Install goes well. Users after install find the usual menu of puppies. Pets don't install (we were informed)
boot is fast.
Apt get has no applications new for us.
DebianDog is looking like Mintpup.
Xhippo and Xrecord ? il fallait oser. Bien.

Posted: Tue 11 Aug 2015, 06:21
by saintless
fredx181 wrote:I put a lot of energy and time into it lately, and would feel dissapointed if I gave up.
I know Fred, no problem to test again but keep in mind I get the broken pipe message with remastercow too. Not only remasterdog and debdog-full-install need changing.
The reason to use ktsuss (gsu-root) for some scripts is because it will preserve user $HOME/ directory. Otherwise the cleaning will be done in /root directory even when you start remastering from user account. I know sudo also has option to preserve the user directory but the included gsu doesn't do that I think.
Edit2: I hoped to see some progress indication, sure it does work without troubles.
No, it is only example without progress indication instead simple message. It acts like a message in this case but looks better with text inside the progress bar. Similar to mount-wizard fix.
BTW rsync from Wheezy doesn't support "--info=progress2" option but "-avh --progress" works in all versions and gives output at the end in MB data copy. Tested with all available gsu (timeout, notimeout, xterm), gksu, gsudo, ktsuss, ktsuss2, sudo, su-to-root, su and works on my machine.


Posted: Tue 11 Aug 2015, 06:25
by saintless
Thanks for the wireless pointers Dan!

Ether, if you can make BCM4312 driver work post the steps, please!
Didn't this help for DebianDog? ... 037#856037
