Bringing the Woof-CE template for Dpup Wheezy up to date

Please post any bugs you have found

#61 Post by gcmartin »

# echo "Additional command output that may be helpful"
Additional command output that may be helpful
# alsamixer
cannot open mixer: No such file or directory
# alsa
alsa alsactl alsamixer.bin
alsaconf alsamixer alsawizard
# alsaconf
modinfo: could not open kernel/sound/core/snd.ko: No such file or directory
modinfo: could not open kernel/sound/core/snd.ko: No such file or directory
modinfo: could not open kernel/sound/core/snd.ko: No such file or directory
Getting started...
Building card database, please wait... device found
modinfo: could not find module snd-opl3sa2
modinfo: could not find module snd-cs4236
modinfo: could not find module snd-cs4232
modinfo: could not find module snd-cs4231
modinfo: could not find module snd-es18xx
modinfo: could not find module snd-es1688
modinfo: could not find module snd-sb16
modinfo: could not find module snd-sb8

#62 Post by jlst »

Thanks but I forgot to mention that you type:

lsmod | grep snd

in a fully working puppy, where sound is already detected... this script uses a very simple logic to find sound modules. I'll have to add exceptions and perhaps refine the logic or rewrite it...

I see the ethernet stuff is more accurate, that's because the folder structure allows a more accurate search, in this case the 'vendor': intel via realtek

#63 Post by jlst »

Nevermind that, I've been reading this:

And I'm getting some ideas on how to proceed...
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#64 Post by musher0 »

Hello all.

Does anybody know how to convert this png image into an lss isolinux cd boot image?
mtpaint is not doing it properly. Thanks in advance.

(12.04 KiB) Downloaded 323 times
"You want it darker? We kill the flame." (L. Cohen)

#65 Post by jlst »

gcmartin, try

./setup-netsound -detect

with this modified script. It's still very generic, when it can't find a match for the hardware based on the 'vendor', then if it's a 'high definition' audio device, it will attemp to load all -hda- modules, no more than 10 I guess.

However, this time the script loads AND UNLOADS modules until it finds the correct one.

There is a silent switch called -autodetect , -auto should not be used as it doesn't check anything.

musher0, if you have other machines, perhaps you might want to test the script there, I'll be testing it in two laptops tomorrow..
Last edited by jlst on Fri 29 Jan 2016, 23:04, edited 1 time in total.
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#66 Post by musher0 »

jlst wrote:gcmartin, try

./setup-netsound -detect

with this modified script. It's still very generic, when it can't find a match for the hardware based on the 'vendor', then if it's a 'high definition' audio device, it will attemp to load all -hda- modules, no more than 10 I guess.

However, this time the script loads AND UNLOADS modules until it finds the correct one.

There is a silent switch called -autodetect , -auto should not be used as it doesn't check anything.

musher0, if you have other machines, perhaps you might want to test the script there, I'll be testing it in two laptops tomorrow..
Could you please list the parms to test? I want to be clear on this. Thanks.
"You want it darker? We kill the flame." (L. Cohen)

#67 Post by gcmartin »

Completed the run. But haven't tested sound, yet. Should I use alsaconf or some other utility to check? Players currently dont produce sound.

I would guess that there may be window version in addition to this terminal version in the future.

Hope this info is useful. I will return tomorrow for further instructions.
setup-netsound console log
(2.4 KiB) Downloaded 146 times
The report produced
(2.68 KiB) Downloaded 146 times
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#68 Post by wjaguar »

musher0 wrote:Does anybody know how to convert this png image into an lss isolinux cd boot image?mtpaint is not doing it properly.
Thanks for finding a hard-to-trigger bug in mtPaint. :-) Patch is attached.

P.S. 2All: it is better if bugs in mtPaint get reported to me, by email, mailinglist, or through Github. A bug which is only posted to this forum has some chance to be missed.

-= With best regards, Dmitry Groshev, maintainer of mtPaint =-
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#69 Post by musher0 »

wjaguar wrote:
musher0 wrote:Does anybody know how to convert this png image into an lss isolinux cd boot image?mtpaint is not doing it properly.
Thanks for finding a hard-to-trigger bug in mtPaint. :-) Patch is attached.

P.S. 2All: it is better if bugs in mtPaint get reported to me, by email, mailinglist, or through Github. A bug which is only posted to this forum has some chance to be missed.

-= With best regards, Dmitry Groshev, maintainer of mtPaint =-
Hello Dmitry.

No thanks to me in particular are necessary for finding bugs.
It is rather the other way around: the bugs find me! :)
And I do not thank them! :)

But I do thank you kindly for having found this thread and my question.
And of course for providing us with the lss patch for mtpaint.

If I may, now I have another, derivative, question for you:

How does one patch mtpaint? Also:
which version of mtpaint should be used for this patching?

Many thanks in advance.

Bye for now.
"You want it darker? We kill the flame." (L. Cohen)

#70 Post by jlst »

musher0, sorry for all the confusion, the script is suffering a metamorphosis just like when Goku transforms into a big monkey..

I will explain every command one of these days...

meanwhile the -report command now actually does all the work
1) it runs the script itself [again] and logs all the process' output to a file
2) creates a .tar.gz archive containing the actual report, the process log and asound.state
3) the tar archive can be found in /tmp and the current directory (if it's writeable)

WARNING: this will reset your alsa configuration, use it in test installs only.

so, YOU just:
1) boot, go to where the .pet file is located
2) Install the .pet file
3) open a terminal window and run setup-netsound -report
4) Check retrovol's volume sliders, sometimes the volume control is in the wrong slider (not Master, PCM, etc...)
5) Play a video or audio file... (repeat step 4 if you don't hear anything, just in case)

That's all you need to do, and then upload the tar archive to here as an attachment.

I think this can be automated, making the script itself send the file to a ftp server, but that requires access to a ftp server.. something that I don't have..

gcmartin, test again with this modified script...
Last edited by jlst on Sat 30 Jan 2016, 05:20, edited 1 time in total.

#71 Post by gcmartin »

One of the things one should also note is that running this will impact any active LAN services the PC might have, as well. Thus, LAN subsystem "may" need restarting upon completion of the script.

The test, again, is conducted on @Musher0's distro without save sessions where sound is not working.

Console log

Code: Select all

# setup-
setup-netsound  setup-spot      
# which setup-netsound
# setup-netsound -report
Compressed report ready to be shared:
Sound via pMusic is, now, working. Great!

Report is attached below:
Last edited by gcmartin on Sat 30 Jan 2016, 06:36, edited 1 time in total.
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#72 Post by musher0 »

Hi jlst.

It won't be too serious if you run it on a regular, non-test, puppy. I just did!

I asked for the report and it "unhooked" the sound module. Then I simply ran it again
to get my sound back, choosing the correct module from the list.

A note, I don't know if it is significant or not: the command

Code: Select all

setup-netsound -report
seemed to hang. So I hit Ctrl-C. And no reports were created in /tmp.
Or maybe it takes a long time and I was impatient?

I hope this helps. BFN.
"You want it darker? We kill the flame." (L. Cohen)

#73 Post by jlst »

musher0, it does take some time, but not too much

I want to point out that is eventually will run as a service on top of 10alsa and, if both fail, then setup-netsound will try to do some magic.. so all the changes I was talking about.. they're not as important anymore.

try this new pet file: setup-netsound -report
Last edited by jlst on Thu 04 Feb 2016, 01:19, edited 1 time in total.

#74 Post by gcmartin »

Hi @Musher0. That utility does take some time. But, if you leave it unattended as I do, when you come back, it has created 2 reports for shipment. And, there are a couple others sitting in /tmp.

I had tested this early on, on a PC that was running correctly. I have not done so since resurrecting Musher0's distro. Which I have been running pristine for past 3-4 days on a 64bit PC, booted from DVD.

I will assume that if necessary, this utility will also run on 64bit PUP distros with equal discovery and resolutions.

I am going to download the latest util. Prior to testing, I will reboot the distro to get it back to the original state where LAN and sound doesn't work; here, I will run the utility to reports.

@Musher0, as this is pre-alpha, is there some changes coming on this: (icons, desktop utilities, SAMBA missing, the "Musher0 Instant File Locator" utility missing, and other issues are present)?

Hope others can provide reports to help in testing, as well.
Console log after boot to pristine system desktop. Missing same subsystems as before.
(4.51 KiB) Downloaded 149 times
Setup Report
(2.7 KiB) Downloaded 158 times
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#75 Post by wjaguar »

musher0 wrote:How does one patch mtpaint?
The obvious way. :-) That is, by applying the un-gzipped patch from within the "src" subdir.
Also: which version of mtpaint should be used for this patching?
Absolutely any since 3.20. That code had not been touched since then, so the patch applies perfectly.
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#76 Post by musher0 »

@jlst and gcmartin

Have you had any problems with your mouse on this Wheezy prototype?

A private tester just reported he did, on two different brands of portables, too.
Of course he can't go further.

(Shucks, another bug!) :(

Last edited by musher0 on Sat 30 Jan 2016, 16:45, edited 1 time in total.
"You want it darker? We kill the flame." (L. Cohen)
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#77 Post by musher0 »


Out of the blue, and I'm not hinting at anything: would the file
be of any use in your script?

I was following [reading] the boot process from Barry's init file in initrd.gz to better
understand it when I saw that file in the same dir. as BOOTCONFIG.

"You want it darker? We kill the flame." (L. Cohen)
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#78 Post by musher0 »

@gcmartin: You wrote:
> @Musher0, as this is pre-alpha, is there some changes coming on this: (icons,
desktop utilities, SAMBA missing, the "Musher0 Instant File Locator" utility missing, and
other issues are present)?

I hear you, gc, except I'm not an octopus with a main brain plus one brain per tentacle!!!

"Slow but sure", "One thing at a time", are sayings that apply nicely at this time!

I guess the Instant File Locator will be the next top priority.

The SAMBA, to be frank, I know nothing about, I never was a "network person" in the
sense of WhineDose<>Linux connectivity. Development will be faster if:

if you know someone knowledgeable, could you please approach that person to try to
get him/her interested in our project? Many thanks in advance.

(The logical thing to do, I think; unless you are that person, of course.)

The icons and desktop utilities can wait until the pre-alpha can boot into its desktop.
(Ah, the world-famous musher0 logic!!!) :twisted:

Actually, there's nothing preventing anyone to develop those in parallel. It'll be simple
enough to integrate their results in the pre-alpha once the boot-up ailment is cured.

Sorry if my progress seems to lag behind jlst's: I'm deep in the isolinux process and
it's complicated to understand for this "just-one-brain" entity. :)

But there is progress, this non-octopus is slowly getting there! ;) I burned and tested
at least three metal plates yesterday; one was almost satisfactory. So I'm trying to
make that one better today.

Thanks for the precisions. Much appreciated. I'll give it a shot.

Speaking of desktop utilities, that means that this Puppy will have a nice mtpaint which
nobody else has. :)

Again thanks to all.

"You want it darker? We kill the flame." (L. Cohen)
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#79 Post by musher0 »

Hello all.
The first desktop app specific to this pup can be found here.
Do not enjoy! ;) BFN.
"You want it darker? We kill the flame." (L. Cohen)

#80 Post by jlst »

musher0, I did not have any problems with input devices...

I am booting from Precise Puppy, 'huge' kernel 3.14.55 from slacko 6.3.0. Woof-CE scripts and stuff, already there. A weird remaster, but it works.

musher, I undid all these changes: ... 851#883851

setup-netsound was executed as a service and fixed sound and ethernet at the first bootup, the timing issue I was having since I was testing tahrpup...

My next message will be after booting correctly from this problematic dpup whezzy.. maybe the day after tomorrow..
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