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Posted: Wed 17 Aug 2016, 17:13
by ally
they are mirrored already


Posted: Wed 17 Aug 2016, 18:07
by learnhow2code
Sailor Enceladus wrote:I thought it was pronounced Dev-oo-on, but the site refers to it as dev-1. So pu-du-an is really pronounced pud-1? :)
its pronounced "dev-one" (ive heard dave-one in a recording, but that was just the accent.) but since debian has more than two syllables, you kind of get a choice when combining devuan with another name. btw thanks ally :)

Posted: Thu 18 Aug 2016, 05:24
by musher0
ally wrote:they are mirrored already

What? (surprised) You mean the "raw" output of the woof-CE process?
Sailor gave you a copy perhaps? Or you woofed the Puduan yourself?
Which is great if you have mirrored it, but jo no really comprendo how!!!
I know I didn't send you my copy!

Anyway, details, details!!! The main (and good) thing is: if someone wants to re-
master the Puduan, they can just download your archived copy and go at it.


Posted: Thu 18 Aug 2016, 05:56
by musher0
Sailor Enceladus wrote:I thought it was pronounced Dev-oo-on, but the site refers to it as dev-1. So pu-du-an is really pronounced pud-1? :)
In my head I clealy hear : "Poo-Doo-Ann".

But as mentioned by learnhow2code earlier, the accent (mother tongue or regional)
may play a role, too. I don't think any pronunciation is wrong at this point.

As long as we understand what we are talking about! There's no language police
about this!

My Progress Report:
wmx installed and up with bmpanel2!

Nilson's nice backdrop included. (The more I look at it, the more it makes sense.
Strange for a picture, but that's how I feel about his pic.)

Newly compiled deadbeef has segmentation fault. So bye-bye deadbeef.
Replaced by (g)mplayer and Sound eXchange.

Bye-bye mono-function palemoon too.
Replaced by latest seamonkey, which has multi-functions.

Anybody else remastering this Puduan? Sailor perhaps? I heard from another
interested member through PM.

There's lots of potential in this "Puduan", people. As for me, I'm sort of following
my "instinct" at this point, but I'm sure this Puduan Pup can be taken in many
other intelligent and/or useful and/or beautiful directions.


Posted: Thu 18 Aug 2016, 07:28
by musher0
@ally and anyone interested:

The raw results from the woof-CE process are now available here:

devx: ... vNdjj8g2H7

iso: ... y6LJktP5P7

My remaster will come later.


Posted: Thu 18 Aug 2016, 07:30
by nilsonmorales
Other color

Posted: Thu 18 Aug 2016, 13:03
by musher0

I finally woofed a loading Puduan Pup! With lots of help!

Posted: Thu 18 Aug 2016, 14:24
by Billtoo
Manual frugal install to a 4gb flash drive, computer is a COMPAQ

video-info-glx 1.5.3 Thu 18 Aug 2016 on Puduan 6.0.0 Linux 3.14.0 i686
0.0 VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] RV530 [Radeon X1600 PRO]
product: RV530 01.00

X Server: Xorg Driver: radeon
1920x1080 60.00*+
1920x1080 60.00*+

direct rendering: Yes
server glx vendor string: SGI
server glx version string: 1.4
OpenGL vendor string: X.Org R300 Project
OpenGL renderer string: Gallium 0.4 on ATI RV530
OpenGL version string: 2.1 Mesa 10.3.2

Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.80GHz
Core 0: @2800 1: @2800 MHz

It got to the desktop okay, wired network, and sound working.
PPM seems to be broken.
Deadbeef works, screeny doesn't, added a gtktetris pet from lxpup and
it works.
Firewall won't start.
Updated palemoon.
That's it so far.

EDIT: I loaded the devx but couldn't compile anything with it, unloaded
that and loaded devx_librepup_6.0.2.1.sfs.

I installed and from dpupexprimo.
Compiled mpg123-,MPLayer-1.3.0,Smplayer-16.8.0, and
Also compiled Gkrellm-2.3.7 and Gkrellm-gkfreq-2.4

I installed radky's, TAS-1.11 didn't

Posted: Thu 18 Aug 2016, 17:01
by ally
sorry for the delay, had some difficulty with the upload


Posted: Thu 18 Aug 2016, 17:07
by learnhow2code
thanks ally. if there was a puppy linux foundation (an idea floated around years ago by some guy that worked with via or something,) youd be the first person i tried to put on the board.

Posted: Thu 18 Aug 2016, 21:23
by musher0
ally wrote:sorry for the delay, had some difficulty with the upload

Many thanks for your trouble, ally. :) I'll second learnhow2code's motion! :)


@BillToo: As I said a few times above and privately to some, that iso contains
a "raw" output, unrefined, of the Woof-CE process.
It's good that you tested
it, to show its capabilities and shortcomings, but it's not intended for production
. It's mostly for Puppyists who'd like to try their hand at remastering it, making
it more useful, more beautiful, etc. :)

BTW, in that respect, we have to thank Phil and William for having thought of
putting quite powerful development tools in the corresponding Puduan devx. By golly,
the devx is almost as big as the Puppy itself!

I'm repeating this warning because some "enemies of Puppy" :( or temperamentally
devious people (they exist, unfortunately) could use this unrefined output to drag
Puppy's good reputation down, saying: "See: Puppy can't do this or that." Whereas
this particular Puppy iso represents only a rough draft to be improved upon.


Posted: Thu 18 Aug 2016, 22:24
by Billtoo
musher0 wrote:
@BillToo: As I said a few times above and privately to some, that iso contains
a "raw" output, unrefined, of the Woof-CE process.
It's good that you tested
it, to show its capabilities and shortcomings, but it's not intended for production
. It's mostly for Puppyists who'd like to try their hand at remastering it, making
it more useful, more beautiful, etc. :)

That's what I'm attempting to do :)

BTW, in that respect, we have to thank Phil and William for having thought of
putting quite powerful development tools in the corresponding Puduan devx. By golly,
the devx is almost as big as the Puppy itself!
The devx didn't work for me, the devx from librepup is working.

I ran the tests at and it passed everything so I don't need the puppy firewall.

Now if only PPM worked I could get kpat and all would be well :)

Posted: Thu 18 Aug 2016, 23:55
by learnhow2code
musher0 wrote:I'm repeating this warning because some "enemies of Puppy" :( or temperamentally
devious people (they exist, unfortunately) could use this unrefined output to drag
Puppy's good reputation down, saying: "See: Puppy can't do this or that." Whereas
this particular Puppy iso represents only a rough draft to be improved upon.
i would just point them to puppy tahr-- which despite having slightly less fans on this forum than i would expect, imo is probably the best version of puppy ever. nice to find a mention of librepup on the thread, too. (made from tahr 6.0.2., at least the most recent version i found archived is.)


Posted: Fri 19 Aug 2016, 00:02
by gcmartin
Hello @Musher0

I have the following MD5 checksum of the download. Could someone check to validate?

Code: Select all

2ec5a9847471586ad7ec3aff36eb048c  puduan-6.0.0.iso
I noticed your mention in this post that you plan another ISO via a remaster.

I am wondering if TahrPUP's manner of distributing maintenance matches your views for rolling service out or will a remastering approach be the way you will field maintenance?

Thanks for what you've given us. This is a great start along your plans for your contribution. (actually NOT technically a "start", as I have been following you on this for awhile)

Posted: Fri 19 Aug 2016, 03:58
by musher0
@BillToo: So you're going to get the PPM2 working for us on that Puduan, is that it???!!! ;)
(Just teasing!)

M-o-m-m-y !! That is NOT my pup! :cry: I made this ISO output available for you people
to keep your fingers and minds busy, and hopefully start an exchange of ideas about it !!!

If you want to thank someone, thank first Iguleder for initiating the idea of a Puduan Jessie,
then Phil and William for improving its implementation in the woof-CE. (Actually we do need
to thank them, it is not an option !) :)

As for me, I just clicked here and there where I was told in the woof panel !!! :lol:

Posted: Fri 19 Aug 2016, 08:12
by musher0
Hello gang!

I've started presenting my remaster here. See you there, hopefully!


Posted: Fri 19 Aug 2016, 09:09
by 666philb
wget is missing ...installing that gets the PPM working

the firewall needs some items symlinking from /sbin to /usr/sbin

Code: Select all

ln -s /sbin/ip6tables /usr/sbin/ip6tables
ln -s /sbin/ip6tables-restore /usr/sbin/ip6tables-restore
ln -s /sbin/ip6tables-save /usr/sbin/ip6tables-save
ln -s /sbin/iptables /usr//sbin/iptables
ln -s /sbin/iptables-restore /usr/sbin/iptables-restore
ln -s /sbin/iptables-save /usr/sbin/iptables-save
there seems to be a lot of stuff missing from the devx which is why billtoo was having problems compiling gkrellm

also you seem to have deleted stuff from the packages-puduan folder and not removed them from the DISTRO_PKG_SPECS... vlc for example. doing this messes up the PPM as it still thinks vlc and all its dependences are installed when they are not.

the kernel isn't to good ...couldn't see my soundcard ...try a later version 3.14 version

steam works :D

Posted: Fri 19 Aug 2016, 09:49
by musher0
Hi, Phil.

You wrote:
> also you seem to have deleted stuff from the packages-puduan folder and not
removed them from the DISTRO_PKG_SPECS... vlc for example. doing this
messes up the PPM as it still thinks vlc and all its dependences are installed when
they are not.

Believe me if you will, but I haven't altered or removed anything from the
"packages-puduan" folder. I followed your instructions and jlst's to a t, and that's
it. Please re-adjust your perspective: I'm a newbie at this but I'm methodical, not
a sorcerer's apprentice. I wouldn't wander off on a tangent with an already difficult
and even overwhelming process.

Thanks for spotting the other shortcomings. Will incorporate.


Posted: Fri 19 Aug 2016, 09:58
by musher0
About wget:

Posted: Fri 19 Aug 2016, 11:00
by 666philb
hi musher0,

it can be difficult solving problems over a distance...i just presumed that that's what you did as you said you wanted to remove vlc.

ok then first thing i would do is look in the packages-deb-puduan folder and see if vlc is there. if it isn't, then the 1download script or the download packages tab needs to be run... this should hopefully also get all the missing stuff. you'll then need to rebuild all the packages.

if vlc is there .... try just building that and see if there are any errors.. note that there's more stuff missing than vlc so all packages should be rebuilt.

if it was me ... i would rename my my working woofout puduan folder to woofout puduan old... delete the woofce folder. grab the latest woofce and start afresh. nearly all the packages are already downloaded so the whole process won't take long. .... just remember to add the DISTRO_PKG_SPECS & DISTRO_PET_REPOS from the old folder.

as for wget, that is a busybox applet, the PPM needs the proper wget.

good luck :D