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#61 Post by tempestuous »

Yes, let's continue with this problem back at the original thread http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?t=13882

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3DCC and ATI Radeon 8500, 9500 & 9600 Problems

#62 Post by withasong »

As noted in my last post, I rebooted after putting a copy of the designated file into "mnt/home" as Mark suggested, and upon return, I find the folder "home" gone and I find the results in Puppy appearing to be the same as before. The modprobe agpgart gives the same "not found" message.

I also stated in my last post that I did 6 tests on my 3rd computer's ATI Radeon 9600 (the 3rd of my Radeon cards that I have been having trouble getting working just right, especially in terms of the 3D demo DRI not being active or videos not playing as well in Puppy as they play in Windows). I did 6 tests to determine a few things: how the 2.12 and 2.13beta video drivers operate in their default state (that's the first 2 tests), how r300 works in both versions of Puppy (that's the next 2), and finally how the ATI-fglrx driver in 3DCC works (that the last 2 of 6). As indicated, I'm looking for changes in the 3D demo's DRI being active and in videos playing well in both MPlayer and gXine.

3DCC's Impact On My 9600-based Computer

The r300 driver on my 9600 in 3DCC operates about the same as (but not better than) the default video in Puppy. When I first start 3DCC's Graficsdriver component, it always says my current driver is "ati" (but I'm not at all sure how that compares to the 4 ATI drivers in 3DCC, and they are ATI-fglrx-8.28.8, radeon, r200 and r300). After installing r300 and rebooting, DRI is still NOT active, my fps is 11.11 on my 9600 card (on my 9500 card, it is always faster at 14.29), and videos play in both MPlayer and gXine as well as they did with the default video driver in Puppy. I would rate the r300 driver as no improvement and no detriment.

The ATI-fglrx-8.28.8 driver on my 9600 in 3DCC operates considerably different than the default video in Puppy, and on my 9600, it's a detriment. DRI is NOT active as a result of this driver and my fps is still 11.11. On my 9600-based computer, MPlayer will play no videos whatsoever if ATI-fglrx is installed, but gXine plays videos with it as well as it did with the default Puppy driver or the r300 above. I would have to rate the ATI-fglrx driver as a detriment on my 9600 computer (but not my 8500).

The Differences between 2.12 and 2.13beta on my 9600 are minor and mostly in terms of MPlayer and the r300 driver. The placement of the video window is slightly off the screen whenever I install and reboot with the r300 driver. With 2.12 it is down and slightly off the bottom below the status bar, and with 2.13beta with the r300 driver, it is up in the left corner and slightly above the top of the screen. When I go to full screen, everything's fine, but when I go from full to smaller screen, the video screen goes back to the odd positions (even if I place it somewhere else with my mouse before going into full-screen mode). Minor, I agree, but it's still a difference. In terms of the default video driver in both versions of Puppy, on my 9600, videos of all types of videos play beautifully in both MPlayer and gXine, but the 3D demo still says that DRI is NOT active and the fps is firmly at 11.11.

Some Video Observations About 3DCC's ATI-fglrx Driver On All 3 Computers

MPlayer is a great player with certain problems or oddities (including some really desirable features that I'm not going to address here). On all three of my computers, whenever I install the 3DCC ATI-fglrx driver and reboot, MPlayer does NOT play any videos (it always states "Error opening/initializing the selected video-out (-vo) device"), and this is for avi's, mpg's, and DVDs uniformly. Again, this is on all 3 computers and under both versions of Puppy.

gXine varies in terms of how it is affected by ATI-fglrx: On my 8500, gXine appears to play better with ATI-fglrx. On my 9500, for the very first time, I am able to watch videos (though with more grain than on my other 2 computers with the same driver in gXine). On my 9600, the ATI-fglrx driver doesn't seem to postively or negatively affect the performance of gXine.

So, to sum it up, ATI-fglrx affects MPlayer uniformly (and badly), but ATI-fglrx has a varied impact in gXine on each of my 3 computers. Interesting!

PS: One oddity, before I close here, about differences between MPlayer and gXine I noticed during all these tests with 3DCC. MPlayer does not seem to play the menus at the beginning of DVDs and gXine does. I noticed this when playing the same test DVDs on all my computers during these tests. One of the test DVDs is a DVD of a TV series and the menu lists the 6 episodes that are on the DVD. Only gXine shows the menu and only it plays all the episodes (or any one) if desired. MPlayer plays ONLY the first half-hour show and then stops operating with no other choices about that DVD (in other words, you cannot view episodes 2 through 6). This is an important problem with this type of DVD on MPlayer only if my observation on this one serial video is correct.

Later Note:

I've been working on this reply for hours and just refreshed my screen and noticed the most recent posting. I agree tempestuous and Gn2, let's go back to my original thread. I'm not sure how we catch up anyone who missed this side journey in the 3DCC thread, but I know I put a notice in my original thread that the discussion had moved over here. So now, lets move it back there again. I guess I'll need to check both here and there for what has been suggested here and for possible feedback too in both places. I deeply appreciate all 3 of you (Mark, tempestuous, and Gn2) for all you have given to me in time, attention and help. Thank you!...even though I'm certainly not out of the woods yet...

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#63 Post by Torymon »

Hey Mark,
I'm running 2.13 on a Pentium II (Klamath) with my old
9200SE ATI video card.
Back in 2.10b, glxgears worked great but fg_glxgears was iffy.
Have installed the 3DCC and all and installed the 8.28.8 drivers in that
fglrx worked good with this card in 2.10b.

fgl_glxgears worked for a moment but with problems. Very dark display
with a black (barely visible) rotating cube but after a reboot, fgl_glxgears
flashes a window then closes with errors...

Code: Select all

sh-3.00# fgl_glxgears
Using GLX_SGIX_pbuffer
X Error:  BadMatch
  Request Major code 143 (GLX)
  Request Minor code 5 ()
  Error Serial #32
  Current Serial #32
I'm kinda stuck and I'd appreciate your help!
I'm attaching my xorg.conf and xorg.0.log.
If you get the chance, I'd appreciate your insight!
xorg.conf and xorg.0.log files
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#64 Post by MU »

your xorg.conf has the section "ServerLayout", that uses "Screen0":

Code: Select all

Section "ServerLayout"
	Identifier     "X.org Configured"
	Screen      0  "Screen0" 0 0
But the section "Screen0" uses the (xorg)Ati-driver, but not fglrx:

Code: Select all

Section "Screen"
	Identifier "Screen0"
	Device     "Card0"

Code: Select all

Section "Device"
	Identifier  "Card0"
	Driver      "ati"
So to activate the fglrx-driver, your section "ServerLayout" should look like this:

Code: Select all

Section "ServerLayout"
	Identifier     "X.org Configured"
	Screen      0  "aticonfig-Screen[0]" 0 0 
Last edited by MU on Sun 14 Jan 2007, 02:52, edited 1 time in total.

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#65 Post by Torymon »

MU said;

So to activate the fglrx-driver, your section "ServerLayout" should look like this:

Section "ServerLayout"
Identifier "X.org Configured"
Screen 0 "aticonfig-Screen[0]" 0 0Screen 0

I'll change that line (note EXACTLY as typed above), reboot and test.
I mention 'EXACTLY' because of the lack of a space between 0 0 and
the Screen 0 ie- "aticonfig-Screen[0]" 0 0Screen 0
I'll let you know in a few minutes.
Thanks for the quick assist!

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#66 Post by MU »

oh sorry, that was a error during copy&paste, I corrected it now.
Must be:

Code: Select all

Section "ServerLayout"
	Identifier     "X.org Configured"
	Screen      0  "aticonfig-Screen[0]" 0 0 

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#67 Post by Torymon »

Does Xorg.conf really need the "trailing" zero?
as in...

Screen 0 "aticonfig-Screen[0]" 0 0

compared to.....

Screen "aticonfig-Screen[0]" 0 0

I'm just curious because I don't see a 'Screen 0' anywhere in

But it took a few reboots before I figured out I needed the []'s around
the '0'... finally found that and corrected. No biggie!
Unfortunately, as much as I like the window shadows... can't use it with
the 'fglrx' driver as you've stated in 3DCC... bummer... they look cool!
Still getting these errors from fgl_glxgears...
plus a dark screen in the window with a barely visible cube...
almost a black on black kinda thing!

Code: Select all

FGLTexMgr: open of shared memory object failed (Function not implemented)
__FGLTexMgrCreateObject: __FGLTexMgrSHMmalloc failed!!!
fglX11AllocateManagedSurface: __FGLTexMgrCreateObject failed!!
FGLTexMgr: open of shared memory object failed (Function not implemented)
__FGLTexMgrCreateObject: __FGLTexMgrSHMmalloc failed!!!
fglX11AllocateManagedSurface: __FGLTexMgrCreateObject failed!!
FGLTexMgr: open of shared memory object failed (Function not implemented)
__FGLTexMgrCreateObject: __FGLTexMgrSHMmalloc failed!!!
fglX11AllocateManagedSurface: __FGLTexMgrCreateObject failed!!
27 frames in 5.0 seconds =  5.400 FPS
X Error:  BadDrawable
  Request Major code 14 ()
  ResourceID 0x0
  Error Serial #50
  Current Serial #50
any ideas?
'preciate it!!!
ps, I've attached the latest xorg.conf and xorg.0.log for you.
xorg.0.log and xorg.conf
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#68 Post by MU »

you added .xinitrc, not Xorg.0.log, I need that :)

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#69 Post by Torymon »

Also, I got to wondering about the "trailing 0" thing...
seemed that I had to remove that '0' in my xorg.conf for 2.10b.
Tried removing the '0' and rebooted after my last message and
X booted up fine.
fgl_glxgears still gives the above listed errors but 3DCC 3D-Demo shows
the DRI is active and I get aprox. 40fps on the 'ant' demo.

But the main idea here is that the line...

Screen 0 "aticonfig-Screen[0]" 0 0

may not need that 'trailing' 0 as in...

Screen "aticonfig-Screen[0]" 0 0

X just booted up fine without the '0' in there... know why?
I'm just trying to learn with the rest of us and
ok, got your post in there... corrected the tar file for you... note this copy
of xorg.conf DOES NOT have that weird "trailing zero"...
xorg.conf and xorg.0.log
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#70 Post by MU »

I have no explanation why you had to remove the "0", in my xorg.conf entries generated by 3DCC (that uses aticonfig from Ati), there it is.

That fglrxgears crashes, might be, that it uses functions not supported by your card.
The driver 8.28.8 was the last one from Ati supporting the Radeon 92xx, later drivers dropped support completely.

A older driver I used before did not work at all by default, I had to modify it with a libGL.so from an even older version 8.24 then.

The support for "old" cards by Ati (though they are still sold) is very lousy :roll:
This is beside other issues a reason, that my next card will be from Nvidia.

But if the 3D-Demo runs with 40 fps, it is working optimal.
My Radeon 9250 reaches 50 fps on a Pentium 800, without accelleration only 9 fps.

So I think you have the best configuration now :)

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#71 Post by Torymon »

Mark said;
A older driver I used before did not work at all by default, I had to modify it with a libGL.so from an even older version 8.24 then.
Seems like I/we had to install a different version of ligGL back in 2.02 or so.
Makes me wonder...
The support for "old" cards by Ati (though they are still sold) is very lousy Rolling Eyes
This is beside other issues a reason, that my next card will be from Nvidia.
Yeh, I know... I see that NVidia is a better supported card (for now!) but
now that AMD and ATI have merged... there could be some
contention in the accelerated video with linux!
Um, I think it's Pixar or maybe Dreamworks that renders EVERYTHING on
AMD Opteron processors! Hey... cool! If AMD has that serious vendor interest, then the merger with ATI is BOUND to produce some
value product.
ATI (although slow and minimal) HAS shown interest and effort in supporting
the linux community! Being it that AMD has been in the linux server
business for quite some time, the ATI merger will "force" ATI to
"catch up"! IMHO.
I think '07 will be an impressive year in the linux world!
JMHO... again :roll:
oh, I agree that I think my system is optimal now and about that weird
"trailing zero"... so be it... it gets added periodically...
don't know why but it doesn't seem to make any difference.
Thanks Mark...
And ALL the rest of the Puppy Community!

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#72 Post by miseral »

Is there a DRM nodules for my sis 630 ? thanks , im using 214

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#73 Post by MU »

yes, the SIS module can be installed with 3DCC.
Note that many SIS cards do not support DRI in Linux, but yours might work.
Only a few SIS chips are supported

These are NOT supported:
SIS 315 650 Xabre Volari V3XT, V5, and V8

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#74 Post by bobwrit »

does SIS 530 acelerate? because my card isn't acelerating right now I downloaded the sis drm moduels.
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#75 Post by MU »


4. Hardware accelerated 3D (DRI/OpenGL)
Q: Tuxracer is terribly slow on my SiS 315/550/650/651/330/661/741/760/761/340/XGI Vx
A: DRI and hardware accelerated OpenGL/3D is not supported on these chipsets. I don't know how many times I must say this. And besides, I don't do any DRI related development.
So the 530 should work with the SIS module :)

If not, please attach these two files:

They might give us a clue what goes wrong.


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#76 Post by bobwrit »

the xorg.0.log file wasn't in /var/log but heres the other one
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#77 Post by MU »

It seems you use xvesa, not xorg.
xorg.0.log is created, when xorg starts.

Also your xorg.conf is invalid, there miss entries.

You first should do:
exit X (hit CTRL ALT Backspace).
Then type:

This offers to use xvesa or xorg.
Choose xorg, and continue.
If X starts, use the 3DCC again. It needs a working xorg to work properly.

In case X will not start, use Xvesa again, and attach your xorg.0.log (and xorg.conf), that now should exist, as you tried to use xorg.


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#78 Post by mikeb »


using this dotpup (cheers) to setup 3d acceleration with an ati 128 graphics card...all seems ok but I have this problem..
It's feasible that the manuafacturer of that graphics card "messed" with the pci-id of the ATi chip, so the radeon module refuses to load because it thinks the hardware is incompatible.

As a last resort, try to force the module to load, like this -

modprobe -f radeon

Check for error messages, then run lsmod to see if it loaded.
Sure enough forcing the r128 driver works and brings up dri also :D .

My question is how/where do I implement this so that the xorgwizard will configure using the new driver rather than defaulting back to vesa which is all my efforts have achieved so far.

I'm sure the answer is simple but eludes me at the moment



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#79 Post by mikeb »

I added modprobe -f r128 to rc.local and r128 to driver in xorg.conf...

the driver is loaded but so is the standard one and in xorg.conf the driver is changed back to vesa on reboot.


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#80 Post by bobwrit »

when trying to boot with xorg the commands say that it's starting x but it didn't, a couple of minutes of doing nothing later it said that it was exiting from x. I had to boot from a cd and then restart x in xorg.it booted then fine but the 3d download centre didn't work. heres the file
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