Puppy 2.15 Viz Alpha Released

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#61 Post by MU »

Remember that you can start Muppy with or without the second internal .sfs

Without it, it does not need too many resources.
Unfortunately my patches or a similar concept did not make it into Puppy 2.14.
This meanwhile has a heavily modified initrd.gz, so it had to be patched from new.

Such a mechanism would make it so easy to create an ISO of two flavours.
You even could offer one for download without the inbuilt mupp_2xx.sfs.

Here was the info about my modifications:
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#62 Post by drongo »

WhoDo et al,

I'd like to add my two penn'orth to this thread (like 2 cents but worth more at the moment!).

I have a laptop which I can boot various versions of Puppy on but the latest Knoppix won't work on it. I tried the multi-mini-distro disk from Linux Magazine last month and Puppy was by far the easiest to get working. This is probably partly due to the fact that I'm more familiar with Puppy but that's not the whole story. Wireless networking is much better with Puppy than it has ever been. The wizards in Puppy are head and shoulders above some other distros - they explain the consequences of your choices instead of expecting you to choose between equally obscure alternatives. (I put this down to Barry's background in education - he explains stuff and the other developers have copied his example.) I tried a PCLinuxOS recently which couldn't find my wireless card. Puppy is coming on in leaps and bounds.

The latest version of Puppy just feels more "finished" than previous versions.(And I liked the previous versions.) I know there are lots of problems with things like DotPups and DotPets and all the rest of it but I think Puppy is still moving in the right direction. Even if the Community Edition becomes 650MB I don't care as long as it's good at hardware detection. If a distro can't find your network card or video card it's onto the next distro for most people.

I'm not trying to paint an unrealistic rosy picture here. I think Puppy is reaching the stage where it is going to have a lot of growing pains. There are too many variants of Puppy - who cares? Most of these variants have something going for them. It's not like people change the wallpaper and then release a new version. They all have something going for them. But most of them will die (i.e. less than two dozen people will use them).

All of the failed experiments will make Puppy better. Keep trying stuff - some of it will work. And everybody else keep complaining about bloat and broken stuff - let's keep these wacky developers on their toes.

I've been trying various Puppies for a couple of years. All I see is continuous improvement.

What more can we ask for?

Disclaimer. I have never owned a Winmodem. I'm no longer on dial-up (but I was when I first downloaded Puppy - that's why I looked at it.) I have more than one computer at home, so I'm not at risk of dropping off the 'Net.

Of course if Puppy needs ten DVDs please ignore all previous comments.
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#63 Post by cthisbear »

("Remember that you can start Muppy with or without the second internal .sfs Without it, it does not need too many resources.")
("You wanted constructive criticism.")

I have always enjoyed Sage and his witticisms, criticisms. I can see where he is coming from, but also that other Puppy fans on this forum want or need extra programs.

Barbs sometimes provoke anger, but I hold the view that generally Sage, as befits his name, inspires thought. I hold the belief anyway that we can have arguments on this forum, even to the point of blood boiling.....but we can still be friends and help out to those needing assistance.
Nobody has to be liked or disliked in particular. Even a Diatribe in a post may unwittingly solve a problem here and there.
Grief should be brief....but sometimes it clears the head and the slate.
I think that there can be room for compromise here as it will be a CE.

I think Marks solution is ideal. You can have bloat or you can have a lean, mean Puppy ankle biter. As long as the boot script gives you the path you wish to take. For smaller Puppies haven't we had Minipup, Ebox Pup and
Micro Pup. So there are some newer solutions for older problems. Remember though that many are still on Dialup or have slow broadband
speeds...and or crappy providers and that it becomes very hard to keep up. For these followers Puppy becomes unobtainable.

I feel that with Puppy we have been deluged with so many official releases a year, let alone other Pups...that we have become spoilt for choice, and or fixated with the thought of having to keep up the Joneses.
Remember that Barry had to re-upload Puppy 2.14 because there were some serious issues. So as this is an official release...let's follow some advice and do some fixes.

{USB pendrives are my first choice, because they have come down so much. I realise that manufacturers share some blame for not keeping in unison on a standard. lvds incorporated solutions as well as other may need to be incorporated into the USB setup program. See down below.

CD & DVD burning backups, that work all the time and don't play up, forcing people back to Windows should be a priority.

Media programs that work in most cases. I realise there are other issues here and that Windows Media Player also fails often in this regard.

Boot scripts that work, are easy to change with numbers instead of typing up a start script etc. This is needed on buggy laptops. Prices will keep dropping and people are switching over to laptops as their primary computer....I like Rudy Puppys default.

A Word processor that reads all docs, Abiword used to have a problem in the past reading Emails on the server. Is this fixed with later versions and can I save as doc format? Personally I still use Office 97. Obviously I should be targeted as a no hoper.

I also think that we need to target new users better.
Unfortunately the often helpful advice that is given on our forums....does not always translate into intelligent follow up by the many seeking advice..eg, burning Puppy Isos with some other Windows CD programs than BurnCDCC, and experiencing problems, given alternative strategies and
still bleating. I still burn Isos in Puppy 1.07 cos it works.

One area that can be a real Pain is USB pens not booting.
In particular I was searching for this post days in a row..could I find it..no.
Probably me. But I searched and searched, so I could setup one problem USB that cannot boot on one machine.
That's OK because to struggle is to often learn, but the time I have spent could have been used more productively.

http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 9&start=45

lvds ........(raffy wrote:
That's a very useful new procedure in installing Puppy, Laurent. Thanks a lot!)

Is there a way to export my message to the HOW-TO forum section so others can benefit from it too ? Best regards, Laurent.)

In regard to old spec computers nothing gives me more pleasure than to revive something previously dead or comatose. So getting old gear to work should never be a Low Priority in Puppy.

As usual these are not criticisms. "Liar Liar". But there are plenty of tools out there for those talented enough to make Puppy variants, bigger and smaller that fill the need for the more discrimintating users. The best of all the Official and the varieties can be blended.
Even your Puppy Vis can be used as the base for another Bigger Hound Dog release by the disatisfied.
Lets slow down the wheel and put a better tyre on the Buggy so we keep out buggy.
Regards to all ..Chris.
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#64 Post by WhoDo »

Sage wrote:In my view, Seamonkey pulls Puppy way down the league. Opera, and if we must Sylpheed, are entirely adequate and save masses of space?
Actually, Opera was my preference for the Standard Edition. I went with the community preference for Firefox. We'll see what attempts to reduce its size bring to the table.

I also went looking for Sylpheed-claws for the email client, and couldn't easily find it. Being on a deadline meant I eventually gave up and added Thunderbird, also a popular choice. I'd like to see both Opera and Sylpheed-claws in the first Beta, but that's up to the community.
Sage wrote: Themes, wallpapers and that kind of thing are a luxury too far - get MU to include all the clever artwork, etc. For most of us, we accept what we are given; probably there'll be a different theme in the next release after some user feedback.
Agreed. What's there now will be subject to the cut as a first priority. I wanted to give the community an opportunity to see what is possible by way of a facelift without going overboard.
Sage wrote: Simplicity, operability and functionality are key requirements. There have to certain sine quae non. One of these is upgradability; it simply isn't acceptable that folks should lose anything when upgrading, even if some stuff can be restored with a few clicks. Not everyone will know which clicks work and which spell total wipeout. If it saves space, an online auto upgrade would be acceptable, albeit throwing cost and responsibility on our already far too generous sponsors.
Agreed. The 2.15 Core developers and I are working towards these key requirements. They take time and many will not appear until Beta1 or maybe even Beta2. Offering and auto upgrade for a frugal install shouldn't be hard. Doing so for a full install is another matter. Multi-session is easily upgradeable already - burn another CD and move your last session to the new CD.
Sage wrote:Although controversial. I would leave out everything to do with coding languages. Most users don't/can't use them. IT professionals need no such support - I have total faith in their ability to install whatever turns then on. For that matter, other stuff that appeals only to coders can be left out with impunity. IT people tend to be extremely clever in this department and can always look after themselves - it's their profession! This para is a general criticism of most distros, not Puppy in particular.
There is nothing in 2.15CE in terms of programming libraries that isn't necessary to support installed applications. wxBasic, QT-3.3.4, gnocl, etc are all there because applications depend on them. Maybe the ML-tcl code editor could go, but its pretty small and we wouldn't save all that much. Worth considering though.
Sage wrote: Not finally, but for the moment, concentrate on making all the HW function as intended - detection has greatly improved. Make sure the maximum facility offered by the kernel is compiled into the final distro - this should include ISA and scsi support. I believe khlr plans to provide some pointers on the former. Some onboard functions, esp sound, may have been wired into the ISA bus. scsi already works - it just doesn't install.
Noted for the core section of the project. Would you please add these to the wiki wish list so it doesn't get forgotten?
Sage wrote: Again a personal view, I would insist that everything work at full speed in only 128Mb, and work well in a lot less. Many users have told how they were able to press old kit back into service. Not all machines can have their memory upgraded. Barry's concept of running in RAM has been brilliantly executed, let's not destroy the appeal by demanding HW that some folk cannot/will not be able to supply. Bloat is potentially the Achilles' Heel of Puppy, as it states, for this and other reasons.
Puppy 1.xx series is moving toward its own community edition. That is laudible for the reasons you mention here. Puppy 2.xx is another kettle of fish, and aimed at newer hardware while maintaining reasonable backward compatibility. I know of no plans to change the strategy here, even though the general pool of available "newer" hardware is likely to increase since the release of Vista.
Sage wrote: Please - no further releases until the dotpup, pupget and .pet issue has been totally resolved. At present we are left with a hotch-potch of add-ons with no certainty or guidance that some great items available earlier will still work, are available or which version to select. No disrespect to MU - he has been a tireless and generous developer. If we have to wait for him (and for John, for that matter), so be it.
These issues are also under consideration for the core project. Please add your concerns to the wiki suggestions page if they aren't already there. I'm hoping for something that looks a lot like PSI but is as well integrated as PETget. Categories of software available is a must for most users, and descriptions to explain some of the cryptic names, and MU's idea of a screenshot next to some of the larger packages so people can tell what they look like when loaded, and MU's idea of a clue that the package is already installed instead of this pane vs that pane with no organisation... Whew! I do have some similar ideas. Let's hope those who know how can bring them to fruition in one of the next 2-3 Beta releases.

Thanks for your input.
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#65 Post by WhoDo »

drongo wrote:Even if the Community Edition becomes 650MB I don't care as long as it's good at hardware detection. If a distro can't find your network card or video card it's onto the next distro for most people....[snip]...

Of course if Puppy needs ten DVDs please ignore all previous comments.
Thanks for a good read and some much needed encouragement, drongo. Tuppence or not, I enjoyed it! :wink:

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Use of sfs

#66 Post by raffy »

Am glad that MU mentioned the use of sfs to complement a slim Puppy.

I just shared the approach I made (with Pakt's help) in getting OpenOffice in a standard release at http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?t=15762
(that must be a new thread for discussing what to delete from the alpha release).
Puppy user since Oct 2004. Want FreeOffice? [url=http://puppylinux.info/topic/freeoffice-2012-sfs]Get the sfs (English only)[/url].
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#67 Post by WhoDo »

cthisbear wrote:I think Marks solution is ideal. You can have bloat or you can have a lean, mean Puppy ankle biter. As long as the boot script gives you the path you wish to take.
I'll mention the possibility to the 2.15 core team. We're looking at scripts to take some of the pressure off refugees trying to configure their new Puppy, and this is one worth following up.
cthisbear wrote:So as this is an official release...let's follow some advice and do some fixes.

{USB pendrives are my first choice, because they have come down so much. I realise that manufacturers share some blame for not keeping in unison on a standard. lvds incorporated solutions as well as other may need to be incorporated into the USB setup program. See down below.
Please add these ideas to the wiki so we don't have to go hunting for them when we want to make changes. They are most worthwhile.
cthisbear wrote: CD & DVD burning backups, that work all the time and don't play up, forcing people back to Windows should be a priority.
see above
cthisbear wrote: Media programs that work in most cases. I realise there are other issues here and that Windows Media Player also fails often in this regard.
Two media players have been incorporated into the Office edition, to give users a chance to experience both and do their own comparison. Can't do anything about proprietary codecs though.
cthisbear wrote: Boot scripts that work, are easy to change with numbers instead of typing up a start script etc. This is needed on buggy laptops. Prices will keep dropping and people are switching over to laptops as their primary computer....I like Rudy Puppys default.
see above. Please add this to the wiki, Chris.
cthisbear wrote: A Word processor that reads all docs, Abiword used to have a problem in the past reading Emails on the server. Is this fixed with later versions and can I save as doc format? Personally I still use Office 97. Obviously I should be targeted as a no hoper.
Abiword definitely does save in doc format. Don't know about the email issue. Will look into it.
cthisbear wrote: I also think that we need to target new users better.
Unfortunately the often helpful advice that is given on our forums....does not always translate into intelligent follow up by the many seeking advice..eg, burning Puppy Isos with some other Windows CD programs than BurnCDCC, and experiencing problems, given alternative strategies and
still bleating. I still burn Isos in Puppy 1.07 cos it works.
Nathan's Grafburn is in the new edition and nicely solves these issues IMHO. It's a whole lot simpler than Gcombust, for example.
cthisbear wrote: One area that can be a real Pain is USB pens not booting.
In particular I was searching for this post days in a row..could I find it..no. Probably me. But I searched and searched, so I could setup one problem USB that cannot boot on one machine.
That's OK because to struggle is to often learn, but the time I have spent could have been used more productively.
USB pen drives are a bit flakey. Not Puppy's fault. Some brands boot every time. Others you've got a struggle to get them recognised. It's not even a driver issue, some of the time. I've found a gentle "squeeze" on the connector end of the drive can make for a better connection.

Thanks for your input, Chris, and for the encouragement. Please add the suggested items to the wiki so we have a single point of reference for changes to the core system.

Cheers, mate.
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#68 Post by iscraigh »

Going to bring it up again because I think for new users it is important. Dhcp as a default on first boot, I guess i am spoilt but most people I know are on broadband using dhcp so having to go to setup to configure it is not always obvious. Also the icon for installing java on the desktop.
so far so good though. did we update the remaster script? (haven't tried it yet).

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#69 Post by Gekko »

Billwho? wrote:
Sage wrote:The one thing Puppy does NOT need is multiple user accounts.
As a default I agree especially with a live CD, But I really believe the ability to add Multi user as an option should be encouraged.
Exactly!! Why can't Puppy have the options as other linux OS? Why does everyone (oh noes, I generalised again...) always want Puppy to be so incredibly different to other Linux distros? Linux is free, it is about having options. If someone proposes say, multiple users on an OS, why would you shoot them down? Honestly, I find that weird, very weird.
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#70 Post by Sage »

Bloat and complexity, Gekko! Just that.
As I implied, those who need extras can add them - be my guest!
Otherwise, thanks for your complimentary comments, cthisbear & YooHoo! Getting folks to listen, think, read, discuss, rationalise and come to a concensus is one of the most difficult functions of any academic - there are no absolute answers. All we need to do now is get GWB to listen, think, read ..... and take the next plane to Tehran! Join the World Court, sign up for Kyoto, add your suggestion here for a better world.

PS for WD: Thunderbird has some rather undesirable issues. Don't ask me for specifics because I never use it. However, I'm fed up of cleaning up other folks Thunderbird messes. On 'doze, I usually install Eudora for them. If they use Gnome or a Gnome-compatible KDE, I set up Evolution for them - bloated but a clear winner overall. Otherwise, Sylpheed is adequate for 90% of the remainder, especially if using smaller distros.
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#71 Post by Nathan F »

Bloat and complexity, Gekko! Just that.
In relation to multi-user? Linux is by it's nature multi-user, Puppy is just different in this area arbitrarily. It requires a good bit of hacking to change that, but once done the code is no more complex. Also, doing so does not prevent anyone from running Puppy as root anyway.

Did you have some sort of bad experience with a badly implemented distro somewhere? I know some distros have taken the paranioa about root to an extreme. Ubuntu won't let you log in as root at all unless you change the configuration manually, and then an apt-get can wipe out all your changes anyway. I've also heard bad things about Mandriva. But then look at Slackware, you can basically do what you want with a Slackware installation. Anything you want, really. And that's what I'm arguing for, giving the user a choice.

Right now there is no choice with Puppy if you want to run multiple user accounts, except to use a different OS. A lot of people are arguing for encrypted save files, which are great, but that is something different, it does not make Puppy multi-user. It just secures the save file. I could accomplish the same thing by using a bios password. Why would you argue against giving people the choice in this issue? I just don't understand. It is a good thing, why be so adament that we shouldn't do it?

The implementation I'm working on is pretty transparent to end users, and they don't have to do anything different with their Puppy unless they want to. You would still be able to have Puppy auto log in as root every time you boot up, if that is your preferred method of doing things. But for those of us who have reasons why they don't want to do that, and really there are very valid reasons why, Puppy is frankly very limited. I stopped using it for a while because of this issue, and then I missed it so much I decided to just go in and see if I could change it.

Ooops, turned into a rant on me. Sorry, I'll go back to be3ing more quiet again.

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#72 Post by kirk »

I'm all for better multi-user support, as long as Puppy still auto logs in as root.

Multi-user isn't need by most people using Puppy. It would be nice for some stuff, some programs only want to install or run as a non-root user, but so far user spot has got me around. And some people want to use puppy as a server. As far as encryption goes A bios password won't help if your booting from usb flash or sharing a computer with others. But I'm not sure how many people would need encryption ether, however the encryption rig is transparent to the user who doesn't need it.
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#73 Post by Nathan F »

Don't get me wrong, I'm not against encryption. It's just that to me that isn't multi-user support, it's something else entirely.

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#74 Post by Sage »

Nathan, you see the code, the historical use of user/root logins. I see a user GUI ready to go. That's been the kind of issue between developers and users that has, to date, been preventing Linux delivering the K.O. blow to a wicked alternative. Barry was (one of several) to break out of ivorytowerism and sweep away the cant. Like I said, Nathan - you want multi-user? You are sufficiently talented to write it in for your own needs, but the great unwashed don't need it, don't want it.
Ubuntu: don't like Gnome, don't like bloat, don't like hype - no contest!
Mandriva: still trying to make money off the distro - badly advised business model. Shame - at one time, theirs was the only offering that could read my camera without user interaction.
Slackware: dinosaur for the gurus. Only a shade more accessible than Gentoo - the ultimate distro that loves to talk to itself!
Plenty of other enlightened distros to choose from. Someone, other than Mr Shuttleworth, should give Warren Woodford a pot of gold (and some decent artwork!). His only crime was to adopt the same misguided business model, but otherwise was able to cut through the cr*p for the benefit of users. Such a tragedy that he lives in a rotten capitalist regime and needs to struggle to eat, along with 20% of his fellow citizens!
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#75 Post by iscraigh »

for me multi user is not needed but I don't see the harm in having the capability.
Default to the way it is and have an option to change it, or a question on first boot.

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#76 Post by Billwho? »

kirk wrote:I'm all for better multi-user support, as long as Puppy still auto logs in as root.

Multi-user isn't need by most people using Puppy. It would be nice for some stuff, some programs only want to install or run as a non-root user, but so far user spot has got me around.
This is pretty well where I am coming from. A couple of my projects just wont work without Multi user. I have tried to add it myself but it didn't work.
My suggestion of an option to add Multi user involves the use of a Dotpup, sfs, Petget or something similar. As it would help out others who either want or need Multi user but like me don't as yet have the ability to hack there way to having it working themselves.
This is one of the most complicated scripts I have been able to get to run so far.

Code: Select all

mount /dev/hda2 /mnt/hda2
wine /mnt/hda2/windows/system32/freecell.exe
umount /dev/hda2
Obviously I still have a loooooooooong way to go :lol:
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#77 Post by Nathan F »

but the great unwashed don't need it, don't want it.
I totally disagree with that statement. The assumption here is again that Puppy is for Windows refugees and noobs only, which is an idea I see put forward again and again on this forum. I welcome them all but frankly they do not make up the entire community. However, this is the last comment I will make on this topic in this thread, because as of right now I feel like I'm hijacking it and I want to stop being rude.

Anyone interested in multi-user support in Puppy, I will probably start a new discussion on the subject elsewhere on the forum.

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#78 Post by WhoDo »

Nathan F wrote:Anyone interested in multi-user support in Puppy, I will probably start a new discussion on the subject elsewhere on the forum.
I would certainly like to see that, and encrypted pup_save.2fs files, in 2.15CE Office edition, if only as an option. Start 'er up, mate.

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#79 Post by Sage »

an idea I see put forward again and again on this forum
......bit of foot-shooting there, Nathan!! QED.
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#80 Post by pakt »

Sage wrote:
an idea I see put forward again and again on this forum
......bit of foot-shooting there, Nathan!! QED.
I think it's quite clear there are two camps here, each with valid reasons.

Although I agree with Sage that the majority of users have no need of a multi-user Puppy, I suggest the following as a solution to this otherwise unsolvable problem: create a multi-user fork of Puppy maintained by Nathan. Barry continues with Puppy development as before and Nathan and Co. can port any changes to the multi-user version. :P

Methinks Raspberry Pi were ideal for runnin' Puppy Linux
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