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Posted: Fri 09 Sep 2005, 03:47
by dewdrop
Hi Rarsa,

Your last statement
I'm running out of options. I want you to try the HP3320 as I think that there is another way (the puppy way) to have the 6450 printing without CUPS.
I believe that I did the same procedures with the HP3320 printer.

I read your instructions above to mean that I should now reconnect the 6540 printer, and await whatever instructions you have from "the puppy way" I can try those on the HP6540.....unless you discover something with the second attempt with the HP3320, and wish me to try something over or new with that printer.

I await your commands


Posted: Fri 09 Sep 2005, 03:52
by rarsa
With the HP3320. Please set the LogLevel to "debug", try to print the test page and send me the log.

Did you install perl when you started fresh with the HP3320?


Posted: Fri 09 Sep 2005, 03:55
by dewdrop
HI Rarsa,

I'll do as you request in your response in the morning.

As for now I'm off to catch some Zzzzz's



Posted: Fri 09 Sep 2005, 17:30
by dewdrop
Hi and Good Friday Morning Rarsa,

Here is the step by step for today's attempts, and 3 log files. I renamed the log files believing that it would not harm them.

I await further instructions.


Step by step for 9-9-2005 Pristine Install.

1.Installed Internet Connection
2.Installed Morizot firewall
3.Installed perl
4.Untarred cups-install.tar.gz file

Re: CUPS & Puppy Friendly Printer?

Posted: Fri 09 Sep 2005, 21:47
by edoc
Can anyone recommend an easily portable color printer that uses cheap or refillable color cartridges that don't produce easily smudged prints that has a wall wart (power adapter) that outputs 12-14vdc to power the printer and is likely to work well with Cups and Puppy?

How's that for a fussy request?

Cartridges: Had an Epson C84 but they wanted blood for the cartridges.

Ink Quality: Need to make some brochures from time to time so they need to be decent quality.

12-14vdc: Allows me to run it directly from emergency power.



Posted: Fri 09 Sep 2005, 23:40
by dewdrop
Hi Rarsa,

Here's some information that I obtained from this web address:

I copied the info pertaining to my printers and tarred them into the attached least I think I tarred them correctly.


Posted: Sat 10 Sep 2005, 06:19
by rarsa
dewdrop wrote:Here's some information that I obtained from this web address...
Actually that site is my main source of information regarding the drivers. I've already fully read both pages. Thank you anyway.

Now. The log is showing a Perl error. My guess is that the Perl PupGet is a stripped down version of Perl. So I am sending an extra installation file for you to test. It will install a more recent version of Perl that has the missing component (Data/

Install it the same way as the other three installs. You don't need to start fresh unless you really want to.

Do not reinstall the Perl PupGet, only this one.

Then repeat the test. with the LogLevel debug.


Posted: Sat 10 Sep 2005, 13:57
by dewdrop
Hi Rarsa,

I'm so happy I forgot to get the log file.

I'll go re-do the proceedure below and get the log file this time. Then I'll try it with the HP6540.

I'll send the info shortly.

Thanks a Million


Step by step from 9-10-2005


Posted: Sat 10 Sep 2005, 14:17
by dewdrop
Hi Rarsa,

This time my excitement didn't prevent me from remembering about the log file. It is attached to this post.


Step by step continued for 9-10-2005

1. I returned to the localhost:631 page and deleted the printer.
2. Then I did the following:

BusyBox v0.60.5 (2004.09.18-02:04+0000) Built-in shell (ash)
Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.

# leafpad /etc/cups/cupsd.conf
# /etc/rc.d/rc.cups restart
cups: restarted scheduler.

3.I returned to the localhost:631 page, re-installed the printer, requested it print the test page and it did!.
4.Then I tarred the log file.

# tar -cvzf log.tar.gz /var/log/cups/*
tar: Removing leading `/' from member names
# rm -f /var/log/cups/error_log

I will now try the HP6540 Printer.


Posted: Sat 10 Sep 2005, 14:45
by dewdrop
Hi Rarsa,

I used the HP3320 Puppy installation for the HP6540 Printer test...and did the following activities:

I disconnected the printer cable from the HP3320 and inserted it into the HP6540. It's USB, so no problem.

I went to the localhost:631 page and deleted the HP3320 printer.

I then tried to to install the HP6540 printer. The HP3320 was highlighted and it wouldn't let me change it.

I returned to the Xterm and did the following:

# /etc/rc.d/rc.cups restart
cups: restarted scheduler.

I returned to the localhost:631 page, and installed the HP6540 printer - this time it was selectable.

I continued with the installation and requested a Printer Test Page be printed, and it did!!!

Then I tried to tar the error log file and put a comma in place of a period...see below. It took awahile, but it did give me a log file ......I guess it is ok, but it looks different that the previous ones. I've attached it to see if it is of any use to you. If not, let me know and I'll redo the HP6540 printer install and get my clumsy fingers on the right keys.

I just checked the area where I'm keeping the log files, and now a second log file has been created. I'll attach everything I see, but I'm not sure which one(s) will be useful for you.

Final point - it looks like the change of the perl version was the crucial difference in the success of your efforts.


# tar -cvzf log,tar.gz /var/log/cups/*
tar: Removing leading `/' from member names
# rm -f /var/log/cups/error_log
# tar -cvzf log.tar.gz /var/log/cups/*
tar: Removing leading `/' from member names
# fm -f /var/log/cups/error_log
fm: No such file or directory

Posted: Sat 10 Sep 2005, 16:53
by rarsa
Great! Thank You for all your time and patience. Most people would have quit by now.

At least we got it printing. It seems that we have all our ducks in a row.

There is still something that makes me uneasy: The installation size.

Do you want to continue trying to find what is the minimum install we can do to have it working?

Currently the perl PupGet installs to less than 3 MB. The full perl I sent installes to almost 32 MB. I am sure that we need way less than the 32 MB to have cups running. We just need to find out what parts are essential

As it stands right now the full installation (cups, espgs, hpijs, perl) will take 56 MB, plus 19 MB for temporary installation files. It may be peanuts for other distros, but puppy strives to be small.

For us to find the minimum requirements we will have to start with a minimal installation and add file by file as required. It will be slow and we may get to the same point we are now.

What do you say? do we Puppyfy it?

CUPS - Success

Posted: Sat 10 Sep 2005, 17:01
by dewdrop
What do you say? do we Puppyfy it?
I say "lead on O Great One"... :D

You tell me what to do and I will do it. I think I'll add what we have done so far to my regular pup001 file so I can use the printer(s) when I need to when I'm in Puppy.

I'll start off with a pristine install for the Puppyfy attempt you just tell me what to do on each step and I'll keep a Step by step, and send the logs of course.

Do you want one attempt per day? That seems like it would be sufficient for the time being.


Posted: Sat 10 Sep 2005, 17:04
by rarsa
Or we could coordinate for an IRC session, that may speed up the testing.

CUPS - Success

Posted: Sat 10 Sep 2005, 17:09
by dewdrop

Yes a IRC chat would be okay. I think I've finally figured out how to use the IRC with GAIM...I'm registered with dewdrop2 on IRC, and I'm participating in the chat that's going on this weekend, at the moment. set the time for the IRC and I'll try to comply or at least let you know if the time is acceptable or not. But go ahead and start me off, and I'll see where it gets me.


CUPS - Success

Posted: Sat 10 Sep 2005, 18:49
by dewdrop
Hi Rarsa,

It is now about 1:20pm CDT, and I've just finished installing the HP6540 Printer on my "normal usage" Chubby Puppy Linux Distribution. I used the 2 files - cups-install.tar.gz and perl-5.8.6-install.tar.gz

If I understand you correctly, it will be the perl file that you will be trying to reduce. Is that correct? Or, is it both of them?

Thanks again for the great work. My Puppy has just become more valuable to me.



Posted: Sun 11 Sep 2005, 13:58
by dewdrop
Good Morning Rarsa,

I had a couple of thoughts overnight and here they are.

Maybe you could get one of the moderators to switch this thread over to the How to (Solutions) topic area. Since it is now solved.....:)

Would it be wise to open a new thread for the 1.0.5alpha2 work we will now be embarking upon? If so, would need a name and location here on the forum, unless it's really obvious...:)

FYI - I have downloaded the iso and the usr.devx.sfs file for Puppy 1.0.5alpha2 and am ready to begin with your instructions.

If you could start me out with a step by step after the CD install I'd appreciate it. I know you want me to not load the entire file, but I'm thinking I might need some guidance in that area. Once I get a step by step going of my own, it will become easier...just as it did with CUPS.


Posted: Sun 11 Sep 2005, 19:15
by JaDy
I wonder if the memory footprint could be reduced significantly by eliminating the need for the Perl system by compiling (really compiling) the Perl programs used in CUPS. I found this: ... /B/CC.html

This compiler backend takes Perl source and generates C source code corresponding to the flow of your program. In other words, this backend is somewhat a real compiler in the sense that many people think about compilers.

Posted: Mon 12 Sep 2005, 09:23
by BarryK
Gee, I wonder if CC can be used to convert ndiswrapper, a Perl program for
setting up wireless networking, to C code?.... I'm probably being too hopeful.

Posted: Mon 12 Sep 2005, 10:49
by Guest
If I remember correctly the compiled program is still dependant on the perl modules.

Posted: Mon 12 Sep 2005, 13:14
by rarsa
Great dewdrop.

Please let me know about the results. If they are positive, then I have everything I need to prepare the DotPups.