HSF/HCF softmodem dotpup packages

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hsf modem driver

#61 Post by md_jamil »

I am using Gnome at the moment I think I tried gkdial as well didnt work.I will give it another try anyway, when you try to do pppsetup it says first run modem wizard, question, how to tell modem wizard that modem is ttySHSF0 it does not show in wizard. Gnome is readily available without pppsetup thats why I am always trying. Let my try gkdial
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#62 Post by jcoder24 »

For the HCF/HSF modems you don't have to run the "Modem Wizard". You shouldn't need to run pppsetup either (I'm not sure if it is still being used).
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#63 Post by BarryK »

If you're using Gnome-ppp, don't. It makes the connection, but fails to
negotiate properly with the isp. Myself and many others had this problem.
A shame, as it looks good otherwise.
Gkdial is usually the best choice.
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hsf modem driver

#64 Post by md_jamil »

ok tried gkdial dials, starts pppd, negotiates ppp and stops after a few seconds exactly the way gnome did, when I look at /var/log/messages it has same errors as gnome (pap-secrets and chap-secrets file has world and/or group access) modem hangsup line (sighup). Well it turns out one must put some lines in those files to resolve this, at the moments they have just one line which says ( username*password ), any suggestions?
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hsf modem driver

#65 Post by md_jamil »

ok tried gkdial dials, starts pppd, negotiates ppp and stops after a few seconds exactly the way gnome did, when I look at /var/log/messages it has same errors as gnome (pap-secrets and chap-secrets file has world and/or group access) modem hangsup line (sighup). Well it turns out one must put some lines in those files to resolve this, at the moments they have just one line which says ( username*password ), any suggestions?
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hsf modem driver

#66 Post by md_jamil »

I downloaded generic type modem drive because puppy core type is not listed on linuxant.com, is that right or I have to try another one. it could be that modem driver is crashing? it connecets fine though but does not fetch any server or client adresses. One more thing,( about PAP and CHAP secrets) its warning not an error, these files may be fine may be its the wrong modem driver, what core type you guys have selected when downloading modem driver?
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Still Must Run hsfconfig, cnxtcfg After Reboot

#67 Post by EdFromHouston »

Hi, I have Puppy 1.09CE installed to hda5 with hda6 being used as a 900mb swap partition.
Hda5 and 6 are located on hda2 and hda 1 is Windows ME. I use GRUB v1.5 installed
to MBR to boot.

I have the Rockwell HSF/Data/Fax/Voice/Speakerphone modem 127A / 2015

This modem works but I must run "hsfconfig" and "cnxtcfg" after every reboot to
reinstall the driver.

I am using Jcoder24s' "hsfmodem1105.pup".
I think I added "hsfconfig --serial" correctly to /etc/rc.d/rc.local below.
I think I also added to /etc/rc.d/rc.local Jcoder24s' script listed here:
http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... a62a366028

-----------------------------Beginning of rc.local in blue-------------
Is the paragraph spacing a worry in writing script and if so is it right?
#this file called from rc.local0
#you can edit this file
#When firewall is installed, will append lines to this file

if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.firewall ]; then
/etc/rc.d/rc.firewall start
(Is this space before /etc... right?)
fi (Is this right? What is fi?)

hsfconfig --serial

# Due to segmentation errors when inserting hcfpciserial we (Should this be hsfpciserial?}
# have to temporarily move the current.cty file until after
# the modules are inserted

if [ -f /etc/$modem/current.cty ]; then
mv /etc/$modem/current.cty /etc/$modem/current.cty.o

# Load modules for detected modem

echo >> /etc/modules.conf
echo alias /dev/ttyS"$mdev"* "$modem"serial >> /etc/modules.conf
echo alias char-major-241 "$modem"serial >> /etc/modules.conf
echo alias /dev/ttyCUA* "$modem"serial >> /etc/modules.conf
echo alias char-major-242 "$modem"serial >> /etc/modules.conf
echo alias /dev/modem "$modem"serial >> /etc/modules.conf
#echo options "$modem"serial serialmajor=240 calloutmajor=241 >> /etc/modules.conf

if [ `lsmod | grep -ic $modem` -eq 0 ] #check if modules loaded already
insmod "$modem"osspec
if [ "$HSF" -gt 0 ] ; then insmod hsfbasic2 ; fi
insmod "$modem"engine
insmod "$modem"serial

if [ -f /etc/$modem/current.cty.o ]; then
mv /etc/$modem/current.cty.o /etc/$modem/current.cty

# Setup required devices

rm -f /dev/modem /dev/cua"$mdev"0 /dev/ttyS"$mdev"0 2>/dev/null
"$modem"config -serial

dialog --no-shadow --msgbox "$mdev modem successfully installed." 6 37

#Load modem drivers on boot. This adds 10 or more seconds to the boot time.
rm -f /dev/modem /dev/cuaHSF0 s>/dev/null
hsfconfig --serial
(This paragraph appears over and
over again after each reboot and the running of "hsfconfig" and then
"cnxtcfg' in order to reinstall the modem driver so it will connect after rebooting.)

--------------------------------End of rc.local------------------------------------------

I don't know a thing about linux. All I've learned I've learned here. My system is getting
better as time goes by but this is stumping me, no big deal really as the driver does work.

Does the above file look right? I'm new at this so I'd like to know if it is right before I go deeper.

I'm also thinking the firewall or GRUB may be causing problems but I'm just guessing.

Thanks for your time. I only have a few hours ISP time till the end of the month so please excuse
me if I can't respond sooner.

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#68 Post by muggins »

hi ed,

my sister has a hsf winmodem and i followed jcoder's advice & did the hsfconfig --serial thing in rc.local, and it worked fine. then, perhaps following an upgrade, it stopped working for her for some unknown reason, so instead i modified the script for defaultconnect, in /usr/local/bin, to run hsfconfig --serial before gkdial.

at least i think that's what i did? she's at work at the moment, but i'll email her later & ask.

if you just do hsfconfig --serial in a console window does that activate your modem? (there is a bit of a delay i recall)
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#69 Post by EdFromHouston »

Hi muggins,

When I run "hsfconfig --serial" the modem works.

My modem did originally connect after rebooting come to think of it but after only two or three reboots and not changing anything like adding software it quit working after rebooting so I think I'm having the same problem your sister is having.
(Edit: This occurred after first installing hsfmodem-1105.pup. I didn't change rc.local until after it quit working after rebooting.)

I noticed this at startup just now after running hsfconfig --serial:

Module hsf2 loaded with warnings.

Using lib/modules/2.4.29/hsfmodem/hsfengine/o.gz.
At this point Puppy stalled for about 15 seconds looking for it.

I also noticed this at startup and shutdown:

/etc/rc.d/rc.local not found 55
/etc/rc.d/rc.local not found 56
/etc/rc.d/rc.local not found 64
/etc/rc.d/rc.local not found 68

I have no idea what all this means but it did seem relevant.

I'm smoking my ISP this month so I wont be able to stay much longer. Maybe your sister can help.

Thanks again.

Edit: How did you modify the other file?
Last edited by EdFromHouston on Wed 29 Nov 2006, 17:51, edited 1 time in total.
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#70 Post by muggins »

where you've got those errors, rclocal not found ,is that a typo? as the file should be called rc.local

i'll have a look at my sister's computer tomorrow & see where i put that "hsfconfig --serial" command. why it doesn't work in rc.local i can't understand.
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#71 Post by EdFromHouston »

muggins wrote:where you've got those errors, rclocal not found ,is that a typo? as the file should be called rc.local

i'll have a look at my sister's computer tomorrow & see where i put that "hsfconfig --serial" command. why it doesn't work in rc.local i can't understand.
Five typos: Sorry about that.
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#72 Post by muggins »


OK, i'm on the net using my sister's hsf winmodem. in her /etc/rc.d/rc.local file it has this, pertaining to the modem, via jcoder:

Code: Select all

#Load modem drivers on boot. This adds 10 or more seconds to the boot time.
rm -f /dev/modem /dev/cuaHSF0 /dev/ttySHSF0 2>/dev/null
hsfconfig --serial
as i mentioned previously, this used to work fine, but for some reason doesn't load the modem any more. Instead i put the code in /root/.xinitrc , towards the end of the file, like this:

Code: Select all

exec hsfconfig -s &

and this now works. (N.B. there is a 10 second delay after the window comes up before the modem is active) .the important thing to remember is to place the "hsfconfig -s &" command before
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#73 Post by EdFromHouston »

muggins wrote:ed,

OK, i'm on the net using my sister's hsf winmodem. in her /etc/rc.d/rc.local file it has this, pertaining to the modem, via jcoder:

Code: Select all

#Load modem drivers on boot. This adds 10 or more seconds to the boot time.
rm -f /dev/modem /dev/cuaHSF0 /dev/ttySHSF0 2>/dev/null
hsfconfig --serial
as i mentioned previously, this used to work fine, but for some reason doesn't load the modem any more. Instead i put the code in /root/.xinitrc , towards the end of the file, like this:

Code: Select all

exec hsfconfig -s &

and this now works. (N.B. there is a 10 second delay after the window comes up before the modem is active) .the important thing to remember is to place the "hsfconfig -s &" command before
OK, this is what I did.

I left everything in rc.local.
I opened /root/.xinitrc as text and added the first code followed by a space then the second you have written above.
I rebooted Puppy.
I ran hsfconfig --serial in the console.
I rebooted.

It is working fine now and connecting at 45.2 which is the same as my other Windows XP system.

I still have funny things showing up at startup and shutdown like rc.local not found and then numbers like I talked about before but everything works now so I'm not going to worry about those things.

I'm sure there are at least several hundred other people with the problem your sister and I were having, the problem you solved at least for us.

You should let Jcoder24 know about how you solved this.

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#74 Post by muggins »


at least it works for the moment. maybe try removing the "hsfconfig" stuff from rc.local, or comment the relevant lines out, (which you do by inserting an # at the beginning of the line), and see if you're still getting those rc.local not found messages.

because you shouldn't be getting any, AFAIK. to me it's a mystery why you're receiving these messages at bootup, & also why hsfconfig doesn't work in rc.local.
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#75 Post by EdFromHouston »

muggins wrote:ed,

at least it works for the moment. maybe try removing the "hsfconfig" stuff from rc.local, or comment the relevant lines out, (which you do by inserting an # at the beginning of the line), and see if you're still getting those rc.local not found messages.

because you shouldn't be getting any, AFAIK. to me it's a mystery why you're receiving these messages at bootup, & also why hsfconfig doesn't work in rc.local.
OK I took everything out of rc.local except:

hsfconfig --serial

if [ -f /etc/$modem/current.cty ]; then
mv /etc/$modem.current.cty /etc/$modem/current.cty.o

(And the firewall stuff.)

Everything works. It also boots faster by about 5 seconds.

I used GRUB on MBR to boot between Windows and Puppy back and forth several times. I cold started it several times.


New Edit: I did notice on startup and shutdown it said "rc.local not found 14: hsfconfig not found". I did have 4 lines saying there were problems with rc.local and now there is just the one. I may put that in another thread but I doubt it, it works good now. I wanted to let you know. Thanks again.
Last edited by EdFromHouston on Sat 02 Dec 2006, 06:18, edited 1 time in total.
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problems with conexant chipset and hsf drivers

#76 Post by Giorgio »

i have an HSF conexant chipset pci modem and i have followed the instructions in the forum, but i have some problems.
The chipset model is 14f1:2f30.

I prefer puppy 1.07 because it is faster on my old hardware, but i use also 2.02 CE and 2.12 versions (il like to test those distribuitios and all of theme are installed on hard disk).

I have downloaded the file "hsfmodem-1105.pup".
After the installation (in 1.07 and 2.12) i reboot but "cnxcfg" didn't find any HCF/HSF modem :-(

Then i have used "hsfconfig" several times, using all the files "*.inf" of "hsfconfig"...but anyone works...
I have done also the link from /dev/modem to ttySHSF0.
"hsfconfig" recognize my modem, but it writes thai in isn't supported by the drivers.

Then i have downloaded "hsflinmodem-5.03.27-k2.4.29.tar.gz" but "pinstall.sh" command doesn't work and write that "alienpackages.txt" is missing.
I tried to put a blank "alienpackages.txt" file in "./packages" directory or to add to the "packages file" the line of the hsf drivers, but it doesn't work.
I have also tried using the pupget package manager...but i can't install it.

Finally i have tried to download "hsfmodem-" drivers fron "linuxant" site...but they have the
modem speed at 14400...
(and i can't compile with puppy because i can't install devx package in 1.07 (I think that i have the wrong file "usr_devx.sfs"...) and for version 2.02 and 2.12 i can't have the compilers putting "devx_202.sfs" in "/" or in "/root" or in "/usr").
I have compiled it with Quilinux2.0 and it works...(i had to load the kernel sources to compile)...but speed is really limited to 14400...i have tested it...

So i have some questions...

1) Why does "cnxcfg" not recognize my modem?

2) How can i install "hsflinmodem-5.03.27-k2.4.29.tar.gz" package in puppy?

3) Can i take the compiled file from Quilinux2.0? How can i do this?

4) It is not possible to have speed at 57600kbps using "linuxant" or others drivers?

I hope tha someone can help me...


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Re: problems with conexant chipset and hsf drivers

#77 Post by jcoder24 »

1) Why does "cnxcfg" not recognize my modem?
Which version of puppy are you running cnxtcfg on?
2) How can i install "hsflinmodem-5.03.27-k2.4.29.tar.gz" package in puppy?
This is a pupget package that should be installed with the pupget installer. However, it is not as updated as the the .pup version.
3) Can i take the compiled file from Quilinux2.0? How can i do this?
If Quilinux has the same kernel version as that of the puppy you are using.
You can archive the files from Quilinux via sh-3.00# tar cvfz hsfmodem.tar.gz /lib/modules/* /usr/sbin/hsf* /etc/hsfmodem/
copy it over to puppy and extract it via tar xvfz hsfmodem.tar.gz -C / then run hsfconfig --serial
4) It is not possible to have speed at 57600kbps using "linuxant" or others drivers?
http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 9060#69060 or http://www.google.com
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#78 Post by Giorgio »

Hi jcoder24,
Thank you for the answers.

The pupget manager install the "hsflinmodem-5.03.27-k2.4.29.tar.gz" in all my versions(1.07, 2.02 CE, 2.12)...but the modem doesn't work...
I have tried all the "*.inf" file.

I have copied the compiled file from Quilinux2.0...but puppy 2.02 CE has the 2.6.16 kernel....and the 2.12 has the 2.6.18....but Quilinux2.0 has the 2..6.17preempt version.
I have however tried but it's not working.

I have also modified linuxant drivers file following the hint of the fedora site, but the speed is fixed at 14400, probably a can't find the right number to modify...(every time i open the "hsfengine" file the numbers are not the same).

I run "cnxtcfg" on version 1.07 and 2.02 CE and 2.12 and it didn't find any HCF/HSF modem in all of the 3 versions.
I don't know why...is it possible that i have a too recent conexant chipset?

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#79 Post by newb4life »

hi jcoder, thanx heaps ( http://www.int21.de/conexant/ ) ,hope this works on damnsmalllinux too!
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#80 Post by panzerpuppy »

Any instructions on how to get a (HCF in this case) Conexant modem working in Puppy 3.xx?
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