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Posted: Fri 30 Jul 2010, 12:59
by russoodle
OK, i've uploaded this iso and the md5 checksum text file to my server so cinclus_cinclus doesn't have to worry about doing more uploads for a 10-d/l limit...(my upload speed is pitiful, so it took all damned day - sorry).

10wt3ch might turf it out again when he uploads his new version, so i suggest you grab it while the going's good, however if we ask nicely, maybe he'll leave it there for those who have no issues and are happy to use it.

http://www.puppylinuxstuff.meownplanet. ... PE-1.9.iso (351.57mb)
http://www.puppylinuxstuff.meownplanet. ... .9.md5.txt

User: puppy
P'word: linux


Edit: Ouch, typo on my part in the url, sorry guys - thanks for pointing that out, cinclus_cinclus, i've corrected mine now :oops:

Posted: Fri 30 Jul 2010, 21:48
by cinclus_cinclus
Thank you russoodle for making this possible, but these are the correct(ed) links:

http://www.puppylinuxstuff.meownplanet. ... PE-1.9.iso (351.57mb)
http://www.puppylinuxstuff.meownplanet. ... .9.md5.txt

User: puppy
P'word: linux

Posted: Fri 30 Jul 2010, 22:25
by calexand
Just wondering how close to Ubuntu this Puppy is; will it run Bordeaux Wine and must the installed version of Wine be removed prior, can I download, say, yassr and needed libs from Ubuntu, is it possible to update the OS and appls/libs via Ubuntu updaters and if so, how?
If these have been answered any where else or previously, please excuse and remove.
Once again, thanks for the quite useful Puppy!

Posted: Fri 30 Jul 2010, 23:02
by cinclus_cinclus
Answer to the wine question.

Add wine 1.2 by the following steps:

1) Create with unetbootin a USB-live-stick with a save-file

(all following steps without rebooting)
2) delete the installed Wine 1.1.43 files by:

Code: Select all

( while read line ; do rm "$line" ; done ) < winefiles
3) install ...

4) remaster an ISO-file from the current state including the complete /root/.wine directory.

Leaving out the remaster step 4) and rebooting looses the wine 1.2 installation in spite of the persistent save file.

Posted: Fri 30 Jul 2010, 23:18
by cinclus_cinclus
By the way it was even trickier to install Word/Excel 97:

the MS-Office setup-program forgets some essential files which you have to add afterwards manually from the installation-CD and then repair the installation by "Repeat the last installation" ... then remaster.

Something doesn't seem to work properly with the unionfs/aufs-filesystem.

Posted: Sat 31 Jul 2010, 04:19
by l0wt3ch
I apologize for having taken so long, but I'm pleased to announce the release of UbuntuStudioPE2.1.

It's built on the current Lucid Puppy: 507 Beta 2.

As a reward for those who were patient, and have a lot of ram, I have also uploaded a "fat" version (451 MB - won't boot on older computers) with extra audio production software not available on the regular edition.

Updated screenshots in first post.

Posted: Sat 31 Jul 2010, 11:10
by cinclus_cinclus
The reported problems which I have vaguely related to aufs are gone in v. 2.1 (slim).

So you don't have to remaster anymore as described for example for installing wine-1.2. Because there is no wine built-in in v. 2.1 you don't have to delete it before installing wine-1.2.

Can you please give me the exact list of the additional programs and differing configuration-files of the fat version?

I would highly appreciate an sfs-module containing the additional programs of v. 2.1(fat).

Posted: Sat 31 Jul 2010, 17:53
Anyone else had any major issues with installing 1.9?

I'm gonna download 2.1, BRB.

Posted: Sat 31 Jul 2010, 18:11
Just burned Puppy Studio 2.1 and the MD5s matched.

Posted: Sun 01 Aug 2010, 06:12
by l0wt3ch
@cinclus_cinclus: I actually already have an sfs made up, but it contains some duplication of packages with the new version. So I'll have to look into that.

Firewire not working

Posted: Mon 02 Aug 2010, 03:58
by mrufino1
I'm sad to report that firewire is not working, and I see in /etc/modules.conf that raw1394 is on the list, so I'm not sure what the problem is.

could not open driver .so '/usr/lib/jack/': cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
jackd: unknown driver 'firewire'

Is the message in jack, this usually has to do with permissions I think when I've gotten it on other distros, but puppy shouldn't have that issue as the user is root, correct? 2.0 was working fine with firewire (I have the iso that was labelled as 1.9).

Let me know what else you need info-wise or if you need me to test anything.

Posted: Mon 02 Aug 2010, 04:33
by mrufino1
Just to confirm, I ran 2.0 from a cd, and after modprobe raw1394, firewire started up fine.
Also, I notice that force 16 bit is checked in qjackctl's setup by default, any reason for this?
Thanks, hopefully the issue is simple for firewire on 2.1. Also, on 2.0, running from cd, the aforementioned purple graphics screen is not an issue, but I can't remember if that was ever an issue with 2.0 or just with the original version.

I noticed that on 2.1 the only ardour was ardourvst, any chance of including just a regular ardour? I understand the vst build is still not really stable. and I don't use vst's in linux.
One other thing (please don't take any of this as complaining, just some suggestions), puppy's menus are very cluttered with a lot of programs that have nothing to do with music production, and even in a regular release, it seems there are mutliple tools for the same job. Is there a way to simplify that? Just some thoughts. My dream distro would start up, have jack ready to go (not running, so I could change the setup if needed, but ready with one button push), with ardour open and ready to go, not much else on there. Maybe a few other programs.

Posted: Mon 02 Aug 2010, 22:45
by l0wt3ch
Well I wonder why those firewire drivers aren't working now. It's hard to know when you have nothing to test on.

The "force 16-bit" option was on by default because when I used to follow the tutorial on how to set up JACK, it would always have that and "real time" checked, and having those things work was a sign of success. I'm pretty sure I disabled it for 2.1.

I'm thinking of making the next release a lot slimmer, with a "fat" version and perhaps an sfs module. Ubuntu Studio: Puppy Edition version 1 was nice and light, but people complained that it didn't have everything they expected from Ubuntu Studio in terms of audio production software. Two releases should fix that problem.

Posted: Mon 02 Aug 2010, 22:48
by l0wt3ch
I have created several pets: ZynAddSubFx, Rosegarden, Muse, and Audacious, to name a few.

Ubuntu Studio: Puppy Edition 1.9 is also re-uploaded to the ftp server.

Posted: Tue 03 Aug 2010, 02:22
by calexand
Hello 10wt3ch.
Thanks for all your work! For me, version 2 (1.9) worked best, just would like to know about adding Ubuntu things/updates--see earlier post.
Version 2.1 (Slim) with the addition of the Wine 1.2 pet works pretty well, also.
There appears to be several problems/quirks with the version 2.1 Fat~all the Wine related stuff is listed in Multimedia instead of in Utility, WineTricks appears to not function. It is also listed as a Lupu version 5.06 instead of Lupu version 5.07 as the Slim version is. Problem with Desktop Icons staying in place...
Once again, however, thank you for something that works... And that I SURELY could not do myself!

Posted: Tue 03 Aug 2010, 02:27
by mrufino1
I think a slimmer version is a good idea. There seems to be a lot of duplication of software in puppy in general (for instance, there are about 20 ways to set up your wireless networking, 4 calculators, etc). Is there a way to get rid of stuff like that? I tried uninstalling via package manager but that seems only for installing. I would love to have just ardour (not ardourvst), some plugins, rosegarden or muse (I don't do a ton of sequencing, but they seem to be the best for that), hydrogen, a sampler, zynadd, amsynth, a text editor, terminal, media player, browser, maybe word processor and spreadsheet on the off chance that some record keeping is needed, anything other than that and basic utilities to run the OS doesn't really seem necessary for a music production OS.
Not sure what would have changed the firewire in the new 2.1 though, that's strange. I put 2.0 (1.9?) back on my usb drive, we'll see how that goes. I'm having trouble making a usb stick from the universal installer, I went back to unetbootin, so I'm going to boot into the usb in a little bit. Puppy seems very stable and fast and is a good platform for making music.

Posted: Tue 03 Aug 2010, 13:34
by Perry Nium
Hello good people...... newbie here with years of Windows experience but only a year of using Linux (Mint 7 at present), at a level of : have written some shell scripts :lol:

This sounds like an interesting project. I am interested in a way to run video editors OpenShot and Kdenlive (the most promisingly busily developed NLEs IMHO) easily and quickly from a USB stick.

Have I got the right end of the (USB) stick that this little project you've got going here is basically Puppy Linux with the packages that Ubuntu Studio provides? No actual connection with Ubuntu? :) - but with the advantage of fast running because it's all loaded into memory with no further USB stick reading?

I would want to load up my camera footage into Windows for some conversion and VirtualDub processing, then reboot with the Puppy-stick and work on the video. Is there any prospect of being able to access the Windows disk partitions, or would I have to copy my clips onto my Linux Mint partition first, before loading up the pup?

Is there a way to configure US-"PE" as I'd like it (you don't have Kdenlive) and create my own ISO in order to burn the key again for my requirements? Or is that wishful thinking?

Thanks..... very interested to hear what's possible - with the lack of good free NLEs in Windows there would be a fair bit of interest I reckon, in a good USB stick Linux-powered video editing solution 8)

Tascam US-122

Posted: Tue 03 Aug 2010, 16:24
by rkinl71
Hello everybody.

Any way to get the Tascam US-122 working? I'm running PE 2.0 (1.9). This distro rocks!!

Tascam us-122

Posted: Tue 03 Aug 2010, 16:37
by mrufino1

This may help. I remember reading that the tascam interfaces are not the most linux friendly.

I am trying to compile the driver for the mixman dm2 to use with mixxx and having a tough time, you need to install the devx sfs and kernel headers, and so far it's still not working, so I don't know how easy it is to compile on puppy. I'll keep trying and anything I find out may help you here too.

What is Ubuntu Studio and who should use it

Posted: Tue 03 Aug 2010, 17:05
by gcmartin
This looks like an interesting project.

I want to apologize for my asking this as it may be interpreted many ways. I am just seeking understanding.

I'm trying to understand the following:
  • What is its target design?
  • What audience is it initially targeted for?
  • What does "Ubuntu" in its name reference?
There may be a web/wiki page somewhere that explains this, but I haven't had luck in locating one.

Thanks in advance