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Posted: Sat 20 Nov 2010, 06:20
by 2lss
I gave the latest beta a try today. The mouse still behaves the same as before, so I am downloading the kernel source to build a no-elantech kernel.

I also tried beryl + cairo dock. Surprisingly beryl performs great on my 900. The only downside is the python dependency. I am curious how hard it would be to port the simply beryl configuration tool into bacon. If its only objective changing beryl's config files then it may not be that hard.

Cairo dock seems a little cumbersome on such a small screen. Any thoughts on splitting beryl and cairo dock into separate categories? AKA beryl fall under 'change window manager' and the dock under 'change desktop'.

Posted: Sat 20 Nov 2010, 13:08
by dougeeebear
I decided to try Beryl, just to see how it works.
I don't care for docks, but just to test.

When I load the boot manager, I get the following error:

Code: Select all

NOTICE: The following SFS files located in directory /mnt/home
are the wrong version for the current Linux kernel:


The above files will be ignored.
The kernel requires squashfs, version 4, SFS files.
Note, there is an SFS-version-converter in the Utility menu.
I cannot find any such converter in the Utility menu, or in the control panel.
This is in Beta 4 full install.

The converter is in the File System menu.
I ran it but I still get the error message.
Oh well, I don't care for docks anyway, just FYI.

Posted: Sat 20 Nov 2010, 16:12
by jemimah
2lss wrote:I gave the latest beta a try today. The mouse still behaves the same as before, so I am downloading the kernel source to build a no-elantech kernel.

I also tried beryl + cairo dock. Surprisingly beryl performs great on my 900. The only downside is the python dependency. I am curious how hard it would be to port the simply beryl configuration tool into bacon. If its only objective changing beryl's config files then it may not be that hard.

Cairo dock seems a little cumbersome on such a small screen. Any thoughts on splitting beryl and cairo dock into separate categories? AKA beryl fall under 'change window manager' and the dock under 'change desktop'.
Well cairo-dock will only run under beryl. I can make a dialog that will let you switch Beryl to RoxPanel though. You can switch it by hand by editing the beryl-start script.

Also in the cairo-dock settings, you can make cairo-dock a lot more panel-like.

I think it would be easy to rewrite the Simple Configuration tool. Don't most people want the complex one though?

Posted: Sat 20 Nov 2010, 16:14
by jemimah
dougeeebear wrote:I decided to try Beryl, just to see how it works.
I don't care for docks, but just to test.

When I load the boot manager, I get the following error:

Code: Select all

NOTICE: The following SFS files located in directory /mnt/home
are the wrong version for the current Linux kernel:


Odd, does the md5sum on beryl.sfs check out?

Posted: Sat 20 Nov 2010, 18:32
by dougeeebear
jemimah wrote:Odd, does the md5sum on beryl.sfs check out?

Posted: Sat 20 Nov 2010, 18:34
by dougeeebear access error:

Code: Select all

502 Bad Gateway
EDIT: it's ok now :)

Posted: Sat 20 Nov 2010, 20:51
by T_B
Hi jemimah, I am the owner of an eeepc t101mt.

Ubuntu is already working pretty good on it (including touchscreen) thanks to Plippo on the Ubuntu forums:

Would be nice to have a fully working Puppeee version also though. Are you planning on supporting the t101mt so it will work out of the box?
If not, no worries, you are doing a great job.

Posted: Sun 21 Nov 2010, 01:40
by jemimah
I will try to make it work. But someone has to get it working first so they can tell me what the settings are.

The t101mt may work with the egalax driver. Can you try this and let me know if it's recognized? ... n-44-beta4

Posted: Sun 21 Nov 2010, 09:14
by 2lss
jemimah wrote:I think it would be easy to rewrite the Simple Configuration tool. Don't most people want the complex one though?
I agree, but I figured that the simple configuration tool would be an easy start. The complex one is about 2k lines of code. (although python does not look that hard to rewrite as basic)

Posted: Sun 21 Nov 2010, 13:38
by dougeeebear
I have no problem getting Beryl to work on an SD card, but I still can't load the sfs on a full Puppeee install (or any other sfs for that matter).

/root is the correct location for the sfs files isn't it?

Side Note:
I had the same problem with the midnight commander sfs, but it worked when I installed it.
So do all sfs files have to be installed in a full Puppeee installation?

Posted: Sun 21 Nov 2010, 16:58
by jemimah
SFS files should go in /mnt/home.

For a full install, use the SFS Installer for Full install. It converts SFS files to pets, and installs them for you.

Posted: Sun 21 Nov 2010, 17:04
by jemimah
2lss wrote:
jemimah wrote:I think it would be easy to rewrite the Simple Configuration tool. Don't most people want the complex one though?
I agree, but I figured that the simple configuration tool would be an easy start. The complex one is about 2k lines of code. (although python does not look that hard to rewrite as basic)
I took a look the beryl config file. It's pretty straight forward. Much like configuring IceWM - which could also really use a better configuration tool. Adding some comments to the beryl config file might make editing by hand reasonably easy.

Puppeee 4.4 Beta Testing

Posted: Sun 21 Nov 2010, 20:59
by mawebb88
jemimah wrote:Is the new pnethood working well?
Does all your multimedia play?
Does printing work?
Sorry been out of action for the last couple of weeks. But today I have given Puppeee 4.4 Beta a run. Unfortunately pNethood is not working for me in 508 version with my Samba LANDisk whereas it works in 504 (except having to do a manual Rox refresh when you show files). It does work with Windows XP shares but my LANDisk shares are the important ones for me. I did a upgrade of my 504 save file for the testing BTW.

I have not tried printing (its not important for me) and for multimedia I usually use wine solutions or install audacious-1.3.2. with plugins as I need midi playback.



Posted: Sun 21 Nov 2010, 22:46
by morgonzola
Well cairo-dock will only run under beryl. I can make a dialog that will let you switch Beryl to RoxPanel though. You can switch it by hand by editing the beryl-start script.
i would love this. i'm not much of a dock person its just a little bit too much eye candy for me to take in. plus now with the expose thing i don't really need to use the dock to minimize things into
so yes having a switcher would be great

Posted: Mon 22 Nov 2010, 09:25
by rhadon
Hi jemimah,

at last I want to say Thank You for your incredible work with Puppeee.

I use it for a long time with my Eee 900 (OK, most of the time only in backfround for Skype and Opera portable and sometimes for scanning and printing) without any problem.

Since Eeetiger and Ripple I'm a fan of Compiz Fusion, so it was a must do to test your newest beta4 with Beryl.

Wow, I'm deeply impressed! A lot of programs I've never used before and Beryl works fine. OK, sometimes it crashes, meaning screen goes to black and I can see the backlight is on. The only reaction I get with power button. I hear the usual 'good bye' but nothing more happens. Then I can shutdown with Ctrl + Alt + Del.

Compared with luci-235 - 237 with CF it seems to be a lot faster. I don't know is it the newer Xorg, the newer kernel or Beryl itself.

Some shortcuts doesn't do what I expect although they seem to be identically with compiz, But that can be my fault. Must play more with it.

One serious problem I have with Skype and Beryl. During a call I can't see incoming video or my own picture (see attached picture).The other one can see me. Tested with builtin and with USB-webcam. Without Beryl both webcams work fine.

Running Skype from terminal I get a lot of "X Error, request 131, minor 18, error code 8 BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes) "

With Eeetiger and Ripple I've had the same problem.

With luci and CF Skype works fine (maybe less smooth).

If there is anything I can try or test please let me know.



Posted: Mon 22 Nov 2010, 12:56
by abushcrafter
For the Review Asus Eee PC 1015PEM Netbook - Reviews. Do I have to use Puppeee for full functionality? Will one of the other puppy's like Wary, Quirky, Lupu, LHP, Fluppy do? You see I have done a lot of work on my puppy and only want to maintain one version of it.

Posted: Mon 22 Nov 2010, 17:38
by jemimah
You need a recent Xorg for the gma3150 and I think the latest kernel will detect the touchpad correctly (if not try booting with psmouse.force_elantech=1).

Puppeee has configurable overclocking and fan control, and advanced power management. Hotkeys work. Boots faster. Custom kernel. Bluetooth. Suspend. Hibernate. Apps fit the screen.

Puppeee and Fluppy have the same software and are probably mostly savefile compatible.

Posted: Wed 24 Nov 2010, 22:03
by tubeguy
Found on a myspace page. Yup, it's still around.

Posted: Sun 28 Nov 2010, 15:47
by nooby
Jemimah, have patience now with a stubborn "newbie" like me.

I am trying to decide if I should use your Fluppy on my Acer D250 Netbook 10" Atom CPU and Intel graphic


if I should use this Puppeee 4.4 on it?

What is the pro et con for these options?

I tested the eee-508 sfs and the initrd and vmlinuz that belong to it. I added the Z thing in case it was needed

Maybe one have to add it to the kernel line and I forgot about that one?

Anyway a most peculiar error.

Xorg works up to setting time but fail at the asking what resolution one wants.

Only give a blank black screen but if one hit enter then the desktop looks normal and one can set everything and it works until one do a exit to prompt or a reboot or shutdown then it show a total black screen again so it fail to show the prompt and the text so one can not do any save file with it.

I then decided to boot into fluppy and use an old pupsave despite you not recommend such.

That one allow me me maybe to continue to use puppeee 44 beta but not sure.

Have not rebooted after the upgrade from eee-504.sfs which was normal as far as I remember.

Posted: Mon 29 Nov 2010, 20:25
by T_B
jemimah wrote:I will try to make it work. But someone has to get it working first so they can tell me what the settings are.

The t101mt may work with the egalax driver. Can you try this and let me know if it's recognized? ... n-44-beta4
Terribly sorry for not answering sooner,

I have tried the driver and also updated Xorg.conf
After reboot X did not start and I had to reconfigure it again with xorgwizard.

I assume this is not very helpful and you need an error report. If you tell me where to look for I will gladly assist.