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Posted: Sat 04 Jun 2011, 23:13
by cthisbear
Hey AJ!

sharie death won't let you post anymore either
if she get's her way.

I hope that she doesn't look at your site either.
Consternation, concern that you are polluting peoples minds.

Serves you right.
She won't like your screen pic either....I shall now refer to it
as your scream pic.

Or maybe she wants a similar Emoticon.
Certainly her views could support such an adornment.

It's not weird enough....but I enjoyed this piece.

All the best mate

Posted: Sat 04 Jun 2011, 23:20
by MU
Hi everybody,

the decision for me is temporary.
I do not read the board very often atm, because of my job.
I also would not have the time and energy, to start banning or other stuff, sitting there for hours, just checking, what happens.

When my german board was closed some years ago, because the board-provider stopped its service, I decided not to continue it somewhere else because of such reasons.

The most problematic issue is, when people do not accept, that insulting other people in a board is contra-productive.
Trying to be fair in such a situation as moderator, is extremely timeconsuming, and in fact not really possible.
Some guys in my board decided not to accept my rule, that insulting is forbidden because of this reason, and the result was the death of the board.

I offered John to help as far as I can, but leave it open, to select someone else instead, who is reading the board more frequently than I do.

In case I will stay admin, I will post my mail-adress for all, so that people may inform me, if help is needed.

Greets, Mark

Posted: Sat 04 Jun 2011, 23:42
by shariebeth
@cthisbear: There really is nothing I wish to say in response except to acknowledge that your rants, insults, and name-callings are duly noted.

Posted: Sat 04 Jun 2011, 23:47
by Aitch
AJ wrote:Why reinvent the wheel?
Sorry, AJ, I wasn't specific enough, maybe...?

I meant suggestions/ideas specifically about administration and transparency, with a view to better forum management/communication, since it seems to have bitten a few, and left a trail of distaste, which gets regurgitated in the forum, every now and then, and may be why this current change is occurring....if you know what I mean, :wink:

John M

Thanks for your reply

Can you also follow up on the request for a compiling section, as suggested here

and which Flash said he'd forwarded to you a while back

thanks again :D

Aitch :)

Posted: Sun 05 Jun 2011, 00:01
by Bligh
I have been here for awhile and have enjoyed the forums and the community. I will support the decision.

Posted: Mon 06 Jun 2011, 10:58
by tlchost
Caneri wrote:
I would still like to nominate Thom form Baltimore for his experience with forums..E

PS..Thom will be a bit of an asshat for the first few years but that's just the Hillbilly in worries mates
I'm flattered....but with over 40 years experience moderating, I may be over qualified.


Posted: Mon 06 Jun 2011, 11:03
by tlchost
Caneri wrote: a bit harsh, for a fish eater....gotcha
I thought of you yesterday as the mounds of oysters on the half shell, steamed shrimp and fried soft shell crabs were constantly refilled at the local buffet.

What we need is a Puppy Food port...Seafood in the Cloud.

Now that would be a practical use of technology (Oh my, did I violate
some unspoken rule?).


Posted: Mon 06 Jun 2011, 11:44
by Bruce B
cthisbear wrote:Ah! America...the land of freedom.
as long as you agree with the government.
The feds.
The bible bashers.
The gun freaks.
Who have I left out??
For one thing, you didn't mention the Department of Injustice.

You didn't say anything about Bible Thumpers.

The primary reason for my reply is to inform you about Drone Porn, something I'm just learning about.


Posted: Mon 06 Jun 2011, 12:05
by artifus
Bruce B wrote:The primary reason for my reply is to inform you about Drone Porn, something I'm just learning about. ~
whoa, bruce. please tell me that's a deleted scene from some sci-fi movie i saw back in the eighties... please?

Posted: Mon 06 Jun 2011, 12:35
by Bruce B
artifus wrote:
Bruce B wrote:The primary reason for my reply is to inform you about Drone Porn, something I'm just learning about. ~
whoa, bruce. please tell me that's a deleted scene from some sci-fi movie i saw back in the eighties... please?
I could say anything you want, but it wouldn't change reality.


Posted: Sun 12 Jun 2011, 01:54
by JohnMurga
Also for the record ...

Based on how events have unfolded.

Many people guessed already, but for those who didn't ...

I am sad to say that the bans for jonyo and puppyite are now permanent.

John de Murga