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Posted: Thu 16 Jan 2014, 08:11
by mikeb from Carolina 1.1 allows me to run LibreOffice on Fluppy. I haven't tested it extensively, but the program runs and seems fine on first inspection.
That was a strong suspicion and my test of it was not good as I was unsure if the pets I tested were even installing.

It is one of those segmentation fault inducing libs as its core to the compiling process and binaries built with gcc are supposed to match it in some way...not an area of expertise on my part.

Nice find mate.... I will do a retest using your library...or at least one thats ok on 4.12 if it does not get on. (or use LDLibrary as you suggest)

I like a bit of future proofing :)

You definately get a puppy tee shirt....

One thing I wonder is if altering libgcc would affect anything else ...indeed compiling comes to mind...but perhaps it could be added to the open office install so it gets used instead of the native one...I will play now we have something to work with :)


Posted: Thu 16 Jan 2014, 10:37
by mikeb
Ok tested in 4.12.... added your to /opt/libreoffice4.1/program and after a first stalled run seems to be fine. Gtk/glib spits out a few warnings but hey whats new :D.
Doing that seems to avoid the need to use LD_LIBRARY too.

Ok curiosity made me look at my copy of 3.4.6 ..sure enough it does have but in ure/lib instead (layout is a bit different anyway) This was built directly from their debs by me as it happens.
It actually ran without it on puppy 4.12 but that library used for libreoffice 4.14 failed so I assume its an older version than yours.

As an aside renaming javaldx when java is not present saved 2 seconds of start up. Click to writer takes 4 seconds on a pentium 3...not bad at all really. That was run from a hard drive extraction rather than an lzma sfs which I normally use so I guess the size of the program benefits from not being compressed.

mystery solved sealed and delivered :)


Posted: Thu 16 Jan 2014, 19:29
by ac2011
Mine did that first stalled run too, then it's worked fine since.

I tend to keep the 'odd' libraries separate so I remember what they're for and, as you say, so they don't interfere with the rest of the system. So I might copy this one into /root/carolina_lib_for_libreoffice/ and then change defaultwordprocessor so that it does something like:

Code: Select all

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/root/carolina_lib_for_libreoffice:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
libreoffice4.1 --writer "$@"
(or whatever the syntax is - I'm writing this from memory)

Nice to have this solved.

Posted: Thu 16 Jan 2014, 20:12
by mikeb
Does not make documents and accounts any more exiting though...wonder if there is a fix for that :D


Works Fantastic on Puppy Precise 5.7.1 Thanks

Posted: Sat 25 Jan 2014, 16:21
by YoutIndia
Just a thankyou message. I am so much surprised that a lightweight distro like puppy could run the latest software like Libreoffice without any difficulty. So, I thought I owe you a thanks.

Thanks for sharing Libreoffice.

Posted: Sat 01 Feb 2014, 04:38
by vicmz
LibreOffice 4.2.0 SFS added to the first page. or click here:

The package includes English and Spanish languages.

This version requires different langpacks, I'm going to post those of popular Puppy languages ASAP. Meanwhile, you can select your language and click "Translated user interface" to get the language pack for your language ---> here. (You can also follow the instructions on the first page to create a LibreOffice langpack PET with the deb package you get from there)

Posted: Sat 01 Feb 2014, 05:19
by Puppus Dogfellow

Posted: Sat 01 Feb 2014, 17:15
by nancy reagan
vicmz wrote:LibreOffice 4.2.0 SFS added to the first page. or click here:


Posted: Sat 01 Feb 2014, 18:05
by vicmz
nancy reagan wrote:
vicmz wrote:LibreOffice 4.2.0 SFS added to the first page. or click here:

I CAN'T DOWNLOAD EITHER :shock: :shock: :shock:
I'm so sorry, I'll upload to another site as well. Meanwhile, there's Puppus Dogfellow links (thank you Puppus, posted to the first page). There's also the Get LibreOffice utility by 01micko for those who want to give it a go.

Language pack PETs are now available. If you don't find a PET for your language, you can request one or make it yourself following the instructions in the first page.

Posted: Sat 01 Feb 2014, 19:19
by ASRI éducation
vicmz wrote:LibreOffice 4.2.0 SFS added to the first page. or click here:
Merci ! :wink:

Posted: Sun 02 Feb 2014, 01:20
by vicmz
I wonder what happened with, clicking the download button doesn't start the download.

For those who'd like a version including Spanish langpack and help files, I re-uploaded the LibreOffice SFS here:

Posted: Sun 02 Feb 2014, 16:32
by nancy reagan
Danke !

So weit, works better than my previous version.

LibreOffice 4.2.0 fr (PET)

Posted: Sun 02 Feb 2014, 20:10
by boxR
LibreOffice 4.2.0 fr (PET) is now available here : And Java RE 1.7 Update 51 (PET) :

Posted: Sun 02 Feb 2014, 23:08
by vicmz
Merci beaucoup BoxR. Added to the first page. :D

Posted: Tue 11 Feb 2014, 10:48
by chococyanide
I've installed LibreOffice 4.2.0 PET for my Precise 5.7.1 . It can open document files in my drive (it even changes the icon), but LibreOffice is not listed anywhere in the menu, typing libreoffice in console doesn't work either (it says 'bash: libreoffice: command not found') . What is wrong here?

Posted: Tue 11 Feb 2014, 11:25
by boxR
chococyanide wrote:I've installed LibreOffice 4.2.0 PET for my Precise 5.7.1 . It can open document files in my drive (it even changes the icon), but LibreOffice is not listed anywhere in the menu, typing libreoffice in console doesn't work either (it says 'bash: libreoffice: command not found') . What is wrong here?
I think that you just have to refresh the menu.
For example : menu Desktop → Desktop icon switcher
But there is certainly a better way to do it.

Posted: Tue 11 Feb 2014, 15:43
by chococyanide
boxR wrote:I think that you just have to refresh the menu.
For example : menu Desktop → Desktop icon switcher
But there is certainly a better way to do it.
Wow thanks, it works! I thought it will come up when I reboot. Turns out there's another way..

Libreoffice 4.2 Won't run on 5.7 Slacko

Posted: Sat 22 Mar 2014, 21:21
by Ido Wolf
Hi! I've installed 4.2 from the PET file in the OP, and at first, puppy alerted me that menu entries do not exist for the application (!).

After a reboot, menu entries did appear (with no icons though), but pressing them doesn't do anything. Libreoffice simply won't start, no error message or anything. Help, please?

Thank you for the great efforts and making 2 of my weakest PCs become lightning fast!

Posted: Mon 24 Mar 2014, 03:44
by OverDrive
Hi Vicmz,

First off, Thanks for maintaining this sticky on LibreOffice. :)

I thought you would like to know LibreOffice will not play powerpoint presentations with sound out of the box in Puppy without gstreamer installed.

I downloaded Shinobar's gstreamer sfs for Slacko off of his server at:

He also has a gstreamer sfs for Wary and Lucid at:

I am thinking this might be helpful to list on the first page.

Hope this Helps


Note: Edited to correct links

Re: Libreoffice 4.2 Won't run on 5.7 Slacko

Posted: Mon 24 Mar 2014, 23:19
by vicmz
Ido Wolf wrote:Hi! I've installed 4.2 from the PET file in the OP, and at first, puppy alerted me that menu entries do not exist for the application (!).

After a reboot, menu entries did appear (with no icons though), but pressing them doesn't do anything. Libreoffice simply won't start, no error message or anything. Help, please?

Thank you for the great efforts and making 2 of my weakest PCs become lightning fast!
Try typing libreoffice4.2 in a terminal window, then copy the results (for urxvt select everything with the left mouse button and middle-click with the mouse wheel wherever you want to paste) and share them here.
OverDrive wrote:I thought you would like to know LibreOffice will not play powerpoint presentations with sound out of the box in Puppy without gstreamer installed.

I downloaded Shinobar's gstreamer sfs for Slacko off of his server at:

He also has a gstreamer sfs for Wary and Lucid at:

I am thinking this might be helpful to list on the first page.
Added to the first page, thank you.