A custom File & Folder selector.

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#61 Post by mikeb »

Hmm well I do remember having fun with such as mencoder guis and so on. Then there's linux mutations to deal with where last weeks function syntax get reversed for no reason and /sys folders get moved lol.

Now why have my pepper plants not produced peppers?
Give me a tall ship and a sea to sail on.... actually a small boat will do since I know nothing about sail usage.

So did I accidentally but successfully hijack your topic in the end ? :D


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#62 Post by sunburnt »

Depending on other`s work is always a scary scenario. I know that well.

What part of the world do you live in? Pepper plants are picky.

To me the most interesting part of any thread is when the subject is exhausted.
Then interesting conversation usually takes place and the ideas begin to flow.
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#63 Post by mikeb »

Actually chili pepper plants. In the past I have had a good crop grown on a windowsill.. These are in a poly greenhouse and have no peppers at all.. my frustration was fueled when I noticed this boat persons crop thriving ...the secret was the river water apparently.
Alternative explantion is that where we are is simply a place where plants (and people) do not thrive lol

Ideas hmm... they tend to come in phases followed by annoying others with them :D

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#64 Post by amigo »

Sometimes an excess of fertilizer will cause plants to not flower and bear fruit. Also, chile plants do not like low temps at night -under 18C or 55F.
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#65 Post by mikeb »

Hmm general purpose compost and no added fertiliser. Not had colder nights for some time but perhaps the temperature swings of outside are not to their liking. Actually these were some packets of seeds that the children bought and most of them failed to germinate ... I have noticed poorer growth / fruiting from older seeds before so might be a factor though these were pretty recent date on them.

One gets attached though I have not tried talking to them..
One irk are sudden bursts of hot sunshine and resultant very upset seedlings...the greenhouse is a recent addition...I though a more controlled enviroment would be a good idea after the soggy cold previous summer....plus I have always wanted one :)

The soil here is quite acidic/clay and I have got used to what prefers it ... the new guinea pig is building up a good stock of compost for next year though.

@sunburnt.... perhaps topic needs altering to Gardeners question time...

My fingers are not quite as green as I would like them to be.

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#66 Post by amigo »

I've always had a green thumb, but this year has been so bad -my compost won't even rot.
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#67 Post by Karl Godt »

Alle Paprikasorten sind mehrjährige Pflanzen, auch wenn der Name Capsicum annuum Einjährigkeit vermuten lässt. Der botanische Begriff bezieht sich nicht auf ein Kalenderjahr, sondern darauf, dass die Pflanze vom Keimen bis zur Samenreife keine Vegetationspausen einlegt.
All peppers are perennial plants, even if the name suggests Capsicum annuum Einjährigkeit. The botanical term does not refer to a calendar year, but that the plant from germination to seed maturation inserts no vegetation breaks.
Because of License things some "humans" developed mutations of plants that develop blossom but no seed-fruit .

I would wait one or two years and if no bees around, hope the bugs will pollinate .
Probably that is a pepper-tree and such would probably take 10-20 years to blossom .
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#68 Post by mikeb »

Probably that is a pepper-tree and such would probably take 10-20 years to blossom .
that would be fun...... The joy of growing is finding the tomato plant that came from the cracks in the concrete from nowhere produces a great crop and the pampared/sown ones are put to shame :D

Funny my compost never seems to rot either...I usually put whatever it becomes on the garden anyway and the worms do the rest

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#69 Post by Karl Godt »

Or it needs more wetness or weed .

About fruit trees : When I was young I only knew normal small cherry trees. Now I found some places where
Prunus avium is a deciduous tree growing to 15–32 m (50–100 ft) tall
grow . Needs scaffolding to harvest !!
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#70 Post by mikeb »

Are you suggesting I use country and western bands to fertilise my soil... not sure if thats legal but at least it might liven up the neighbours.

As for cherry trees...yes.... one in france had its owner frantically trying to persuade the village to come and pick cherries..... helicopters recommended....man they tasted good though.
Ours are small and are sour cherries but the birds like them.

Dry compost...most likely...it can get dry here normally.

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#71 Post by mikeb »

Hmm was playing with yad and kept getting an odd crash under certain circumstances. Turns out there was a memory allocation bug fix added slightly after the version I grabbed so I have merged it in. This affected the list box insofar as some character combinations causes a crash. The icon box seems to work now too :) .
There is also a text box stdin handling improvement though unsure what that would affect...I suspect UTF8 handling but added just in case anyway.
I also made confirm delete for the file browser default so no --confirm-overwrite= parameter needed (ignored if you do ) unless you want to use custom text (oh fixed the default spelling too )
For anyone testing replace with this one for a happier life,
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#72 Post by sunburnt »

Thanks Mike; I grabbed your update, and I hope the variant builders use it too.

As long as wrappers don`t change their command syntax all is well for us users.
But if like GTK and other base widget apps. keep changing their crap, it`s a pain.
The wrapper folks have to keep chasing their tails to keep their app. working.
I wouldn`t wish that on anyone. Need a universal GUI creation command set.
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#73 Post by mikeb »

Well in response to a previous troll good software design means determining your command set / structure/ methods /syntax etc right at the beginning and then sticking with it... If now commands are added the original remain as a subset. Unix...intel... etc seem to get that one..

As contrary example microsoft deliberatly add dummy functions to break their older systems to push buying new ones even though the core systems has not really changed but in their case they stand to make megabucks....its a very effective way for them to trash an established system...they will do it to XP soon once its ended support time... wait until your next update won't install or run.....FOSS has what to gain by such behaviour?

By the way on that last point some software developers takes steps to undo that behaviour to keep their programs supporting a wide user base...others don't bother/care...a bit like web pages that only work on certain browsers... to me it shows a contempt towards the end user.

Ps just imagine being a sys admin with windows for that last one .. you might not even have it. :D

Regular deprecation of functions shows disorganisation....and why not leave a handler in for such...not like this stuffs small is it.

hey has the gtk sucks thread moved?????? :D

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#74 Post by sunburnt »

LOL Just what I was thinking...

Yes, by now it should be very apparent what`s required for defining GUIs.
So just setup a good command set ( I like Visual Basic`s: Window.Control.Property = ).
Adding commands doesn`t pose a problem, just don`t change existing commands.
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#75 Post by mikeb »

hmm well perhaps one interest in such as yad is to have a gui widget that buffers the user from core api changes. gtkdialog seem to throw in syntax changes with each major release too. One puppyism is the use of bash scripts in abundance as alternative to bloated system control and binary interfaces that the likes of kde and gnome use. Indeed I have taken much of that approach over to slax and the results was rather neat. Its also of course pretty portable so no system is dependant on one particular windows manager and desktop. (puppies wireless wizard worked when the kde one failed for example so there are sometimes gains over and above size and speed and scripts are easier to fix)

A pile of useful scripts and the binaries to run them ... a toolkit for all.
perhaps the frustration with gtk2 is that it is a good choice for many reasons and very commonly employed by applications so an easier time when working with it would be welcome.

Coming back to yad I have yet to actually fully utilise it (ok did a quick one with the set time/date dialog)... i tend to have bursts of productivity... though I was doing some tests with dynamically updating lists for such as network shares/drive mounting and so on when I stumbled accross the problem I just fixed. If anything else crops up I will update...hey I might even start my own thread :D
Hmm thinking about it over the years I have only started perhaps half a dozen threads... it must be a sign. Someone once accused me of only posting to increase my post count which of course is true...my huge ego needs constantly feeding :)

well thats another brownie point


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#76 Post by sunburnt »

Wow, I never thought about brownie points.! :roll:

Yes, Bash is the one thing that`s truly portable, but then any scripting language could be also.
Bash is portable, fixable on the spot, no compiling, and capable, but it does have problems.

I`m thinking about looking into Script Basic as an alternative to BaCon.
Slightly slower, will compile to an interim code, and the run time interpreter dependency.
The run time would probably need to be compiled, as does BaCon exec. files, and Bash.

Collect more Yad stuff, and maybe we`ll work up some more wrappers for it too.
Then starting a Yad thread is a great idea. Kinda like a web site, content first...
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#77 Post by mikeb »

Perhaps it deserves a new name as a fork .. yadley , yadlevice, yadiddly.

I have made cookies in the past but they always taste better when someone else does it.... especially if theres ginger in there. My party piece is bread...trouble is they eat it as fast as I make it.

Today I masochistically hacked something to build against a newer xulrunner than it was built for so I can play with it.... but I am not a programmer. Oh and man did they make some hairy changes in that one... Mind you it does work better built against the intended system(s) so better already...

I have lots of happy beetroot to munch on..it seems to like growing here and the slimy creatures don't eat it.

Well thats todays blog

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#78 Post by sunburnt »

A side bar... Yad seems to have stopped working with --directory ( blank GUI, 2 buttons ).
I know it was working before, everything else about it seems to be okay.

I`ve tried 4 different yads and compiled one myself, all the same.
So it appears something happened to the GTK directory chooser.
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#79 Post by mikeb »

yad --file-selection
give that a whirl :)

As it happens yesterday I started applying yad to pburn.

So far done all the pop up notifications, progress bars and the burn log... all happy.
Next the load/save and various dialogs like copy.

One thing I noticed is speed... eg the progress pops up instantly whereas with the gtkdialog widget script there is a bit of a delay on a 1GHz machine.

Did it compile ok for you... behaved for me apart from hacking intl version iirc .
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#80 Post by mikeb »

I think the notification from the forum failed so here's another post..

useful way to handle deliminated output using bashisms......

Code: Select all

echo $SECOND
assigns each field to matching variable or if number of parameters is unknown....

Code: Select all

TMP=(${IN//~ })
echo ${TMP[1]}
produces an indexed array TMP....note does not like the pipe delimeter or spaces in parameters....

there are other ways but these are pretty neat if useable ..I know many instances of echo + cut being used where the first example would do the job in puppy.

what a thread bump :)
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