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Posted: Sat 09 Nov 2013, 00:12
by wanderer
everything is just a plaything for geeks
just kidding

i think its important to realize
that we should be trying to make a iso
that does what we want it to do
and not be misled into thinking
that the latest technology
is necessary or superior

i use ttuuxxx's Classic Pup
which is based on the 2 series
and it works better for me
than any of the new puppies

ttuuxxx took an old base
and upgraded the browser and media player
and this works better
and is more maintainable
than the newest Quirky

goingnuts with his pupngo
is another great example
and that is on a puppy 4 base

i will try woof
but it may be unnecessarily complex
slow and buggy
which i expect

we very well may end up making this from parts
like we did in the old days
and by the way those isos worked just great


Posted: Sat 09 Nov 2013, 00:19
by jpeps
gcmartin wrote:For those who suggest raising money for development, how about some suggestions to what would make you comfortable donating money?
I don't think that would fit the current model. John payed RS a regular salary at DSL, which certainly provided incentive. That would require a benefactor. Another approach could be a banner ad in which proceeds went to a central developer. I don't know how much of an incentive that would be. People can contribute now, but probably most don't and won't.

Posted: Sat 09 Nov 2013, 00:32
by wanderer

i agree with you
that is an excellent base

i will try the woof thing
i would like to see how it pulls
and cuts down packages from debian
i think its useful to have access to
a large repository
and a distro with continuous development

we shall see
that is the advantage of working together


Posted: Sat 09 Nov 2013, 08:00
by sunburnt
I and others have commented about how so much reinventing the wheel goes on around here.
I think it`s very important to keep this in mind as any effort is put out. Let`s see what`s available.

# Link to Pussy which is Puppy like and Debian based:

This may not be exactly what is wanted, but it`s closer than anything else right now.

# What a new Puppy needs:

Small size ( Difficult with Debian. 200+MB seems to be it`s target size with the apps Puppy has.).
Puppy`s many boot types.
Make SFS files directly from the Debian repository ( App builders can always make custom ones ).

This is what I see: size, bootability, and lots of apps in .deb and .sfs package formats.
# Add your thoughts about needs...

Posted: Sat 09 Nov 2013, 08:07
by wanderer
i have just completed
my first woof2 debian squeeze iso
and i am using it now to write this

couldn't get it to look for wheezy
but will look for that next

most things seem to work fine
but it looks like i will have to adjust
the monitor resolution

it took a lot of time
but was straightforward to do

i couldn't adjust it to make partial isos
will look into that next as well

i dont know how to post it
for others to look at
so someone will have to tell me how

well this is a start
and we now have an iso to play with

thoughts anyone ?


Posted: Sat 09 Nov 2013, 08:11
by wanderer
the iso is 130 meg
and has a devx file
looks very nice

didn't think i would be but
i am actually very pleased with the system
my compliments to Barry K


Community Edition

Posted: Sat 09 Nov 2013, 08:26
by L18L
... and my compliments to you, wanderer :D
on [url][/url] Smokey wrote:For developers who are looking for somewhere to park their files please contact me via PM on the Puppy Linux Forums at:

Posted: Sat 09 Nov 2013, 08:39
by simargl5
Where is repository for this new Woof fork? Who will manage that repository? Where is team who will have access to that repository? Who is Famous Release Manager? Basic things yet not solved... = Fail?

Posted: Sat 09 Nov 2013, 09:16
by wanderer
i have the iso and woof
on my computer
and will soon figure out how to post it
so everyone can play with it

we will figure out how to merge changes
i guess i will have to figure out the fossil system

if we need a release coordinator
i volunteer to do that
until you guys want someone else to

remember we are all working together
and other members
may have other ways to approach this

i would like to modify the system
so it is easy for everyone
to do this
and add the changes they want

if we just keep working on this
it will all eventually get done to our satisfaction

we already have a complete iso
all we have to do is modify it to suit us

there is a lot of stuff i don't know
so any help would be appreciated
just post to the forum

the next step is for me to learn to post things

thanks everyone


Posted: Sat 09 Nov 2013, 11:24
by Iguleder
Just use Git - first, initialize a repository:

Code: Select all

git init
Then, each time you want to commit changes, do this:

Code: Select all

git add $file1
git add $file2
git commit -m "Descriptive message"

Posted: Sat 09 Nov 2013, 14:27
by stu91
sunburnt wrote:I and others have commented about how so much reinventing the wheel goes on around here.
I think it`s very important to keep this in mind as any effort is put out. Let`s see what`s available.

# Link to Pussy which is Puppy like and Debian based:

This may not be exactly what is wanted, but it`s closer than anything else right now.

# What a new Puppy needs:

Small size ( Difficult with Debian. 200+MB seems to be it`s target size with the apps Puppy has.).
Puppy`s many boot types.
Make SFS files directly from the Debian repository ( App builders can always make custom ones ).

This is what I see: size, bootability, and lots of apps in .deb and .sfs package formats.
# Add your thoughts about needs...
This could be interesting ... bian-.html

Posted: Sat 09 Nov 2013, 14:42
by Iguleder
simargl5 wrote:Where is repository for this new Woof fork?
It doesn't exist yet, but setting up a GitHub account is not a big challenge for most of us.
simargl5 wrote:Who will manage that repository?
Ummm... the one who created it?
simargl5 wrote:Where is team who will have access to that repository?
Everyone, that's how Git works. Branches, pull requests, etc'. Please refer to "man git" for more information.
simargl5 wrote:Who is Famous Release Manager?
I don't understand the link between the release manager's fame and the distro's success.
simargl5 wrote:Basic things yet not solved... = Fail?
(You're a troll, so I'll attack you using your own tactics)

Who's alphaOS' famous release manager? By your definition, alphaOS is a complete failure. :lol:

Posted: Sat 09 Nov 2013, 15:11
by oldyeller
Hi All

i have the iso and woof
on my computer
and will soon figure out how to post it
so everyone can play with it
Have you gotten in touch with smokey01 and see if he would host your files?

That way we can test and tear into the iso and see what can be changed and added to it. I will help were I can.


Posted: Sat 09 Nov 2013, 15:24
by wanderer
hi everyone
here are the basics

the woof directory is over 3 g total

the woof process was straightforward
but took a long time

the iso is 130 m
the devx file is 130 m
the zdrv file is 6 m

there are a large number of
info files and scripts
these don't take up a lot of space
but need to be sorted through
to see whats in there

i want to post the iso first
so everyone can play with it
and take a look inside

since every thing else is too big
or takes too long
to be easy to download
and pass around

the name of the iso
that came out of the woof machine
was sqzd-4.101.iso
i am going to change this to
for community edition 1
just to make it short
and have a version number

lets look at the iso
and see what we want to change

and (after i get them sorted)
then we can look at the scripts
and see how they work

the next thing i have to do to
is post the iso
so everyone can get to it

i don't know how to do this
so any help would be appreciated

thanks everyone


Posted: Sat 09 Nov 2013, 15:44
by wanderer

it seems like it would be a good idea
if we could figure out how to make
your kernal-core
into the core of the iso
and use the debian apps
as /usr

what do you think

i think its very useful
to break the iso into parts
so we can work on each part independently
and choose the best parts
for the final isos


Posted: Sat 09 Nov 2013, 15:49
by wanderer

sorry i don't really understand
how to get in touch with smokey01
i don't know what a pm is

can you explain it to me



Posted: Sat 09 Nov 2013, 16:31
by sunburnt
wanderer; At the top of the page above there`s "Memberlist", go there, type in "smokey01 ".

stu91; Saw that already and reported it here. Sounds interesting for sure.

There`s several Puppy build setups as I understand it.

# Q: Do they produce a distro using only files from the base distro?
......... Or is it a mix of Puppy and base distro files? ( kernel, libraries, etc.)
......... It`s understood that Puppy`s scripts, guis, configs., etc. are used of course.

I would think that a mix of files are used, leading to Puppy`s tool chain problems.

Posted: Sat 09 Nov 2013, 16:36
by simargl5
wanderer wrote:L18L

sorry i don't really understand
how to get in touch with smokey01
i don't know what a pm is

can you explain it to me


Click ... ile&u=5003

Posted: Sat 09 Nov 2013, 16:45
by wanderer
hi all

i have sent a pm
to smokey01
asking for help posting our iso
and am awaiting his reply


Posted: Sat 09 Nov 2013, 17:11
by wanderer
hi everyone

this is how i am going to keep track of things
because the other ways are too complex for me

i will post the community edition iso
hopefully smokey01
will let me do it on his site

everyone can download it
and play with it

the first iso will be named ce1.iso
for community edition 1

if we want to make a change to it
we will post the explanation of the change on the forum

if we make the change in an iso
we will advance the name of the iso 1 number
for example when we change ce1.iso
we will make a new iso
and name it ce2.iso
and post that iso
to (hopefully) smokey01 site
this way everyone just has to download the latest iso
to keep up to date

i will keep a copy of all the isos on my computer
and anyone else can too
as a reference
or if something happens to the main site

any additional files
like devx or woof info files
we can use the same system

we will only use whole numbers
because there is an infinite supply of them
and it keeps things simple

now i await smokey01's response
i asked him to post on the forum to answer

