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Posted: Wed 19 Oct 2016, 09:26
by Semme
The standard SM pkg works fine.

Posted: Sun 18 Dec 2016, 17:13
by Eathray

Thank you for making this. I used the portable installer 0.5 and with some trial and error found SeaMonkey 2.20 to perform very well on my older machine with an older Puppy, and render a bunch of sites for me that nothing else was fully rendering. This solved a bunch of troubles for me.

Can anyone advise me on where would be the best place to put this portable for remastering? I want to make it the default browser of my Puppy, and then I want to clean it up, get rid of everything unnecessary, and remaster it into a new iso. Where should I permanently park this portable SeaMonkey for remastering?



Posted: Sun 18 Dec 2016, 22:37
by Mike Walsh
Hi, Eathray.

Semme can probably confirm ( or otherwise!) this for you, but I would think /usr/lib...where the FireFox directory usually lives, along with a regular bunch of other stuff.

Otherwise, park the entire thing in /mnt/home, and sym-link to the appropriate location.....either that, or point Pup to /mnt/home. The idea of the portables is, after all, that they don't occupy 'Puppy-space', in your save-file/folder.

I guess my browser installs count as 'portables' in a way. Every one of my browsers lives in sda1 (which is one of my 'Data' partitions), along with Grub4DOS and various other 'shared' stuff. They've all been painstakingly sym-linked to the appropriate locations in each Pup in the kennels, in such a way that the Pup thinks they're 'local' installs.....

Mike. :wink:

Posted: Sun 18 Dec 2016, 23:02
by Eathray
Hey Mike,

Yeah it's actually in /mnt/home right now, but when I clean up all the clutter and remaster after all the changes I've made, I don't think it will be picked up from that location during a remaster. Once I do the remaster, I can always copy it out to /mnt/home again for use with other puppies, but I want this to be the default for this particular Pup, meaning inside the system. /usr/lib sounds right... hoping someone will confirm that's a good location.

I know, I'm actually using the portability benefit for a different purpose, a newer functional browser in an older puppy... but it's working LOL

Posted: Sun 18 Dec 2016, 23:26
by anikin
Eathray wrote:... Can anyone advise me on where would be the best place to put this portable for remastering? I want to make it the default browser of my Puppy, and then I want to clean it up, get rid of everything unnecessary, and remaster it into a new iso. Where should I permanently park this portable SeaMonkey for remastering? ...
In accordance with FHS guidlines the best place to put Seamonkey will be /opt. That's where mx/mepis/antiX installs it. That's also where Palemoon installs by default. ... var-or-opt ... y_Standard

Posted: Sun 18 Dec 2016, 23:44
by Mike Walsh
I'll agree with anikin.....I was about to suggest that myself. Chrome installs to /opt by default, and as anikin says, so does's a good 'catch-all' location for many things that don't really 'fit' anywhere else.

It's where I place all my browser directories (SlimJet, Iron, etc.) when I make the various SFS packages for the community. The Wikipedia article states it nicely; 'optional software application packages.' And as the default browser, then yes; it will need to be inside the save-file/folder structure.

Mike. :wink:

Posted: Sun 18 Dec 2016, 23:49
by Eathray
anikin and Mike,

Thank you both. Opt it is. Just to confirm the issue at hand... after I clean up this mess and remaster, it will get picked up from opt, Correct? I ask because I haven't run the menu stuff yet and am waiting for my final location.


Posted: Sun 18 Dec 2016, 23:53
by Mike Walsh
Hi again, Eathray.

It certainly should do. If you read the Wikipedia article anikin referenced, it's a standard location for this type of package. Regardless of whether it's the default browser or not, it's the expected location for many browsers.....partly because Linux has so many to choose from, they would be considered to be 'optional' in that respect.

Mike. :wink:

Posted: Sun 18 Dec 2016, 23:59
by OscarTalks
In the case of the BarryK Puppies that were built with Seamonkey and also with Slackware packages the seamonkey directory goes in /usr/lib but technically it could go in /opt or maybe some other location.

If doing a remaster you should also add in your .desktop file in /usr/share/applications with suitable paths for the icon(s) and stuff. This gives you your menu entry(s) from first boot. Also add in your symlink or script (if not already present) in /usr/bin so that the seamonkey executable is executed from terminal with the command "seamonkey".

Also be aware that the seamonkey directory should be added to LD_LIBRARY_PATH so that the libs are available for some other programs. This is usually done by /etc/profile so look into that and edit if necessary.

Posted: Mon 19 Dec 2016, 00:03
by Eathray
Thanks guys,

looks good. I'll have to study Oscar's post carefully... smart guys confuse me LOL

Posted: Mon 19 Dec 2016, 00:46
by anikin
Here's how it's structured on my system: I emptied the seamonkey directory, but kept all the other stuff for you. Just copy over the stuff to the corresponding locations in your system.
just untar it.

Posted: Mon 19 Dec 2016, 01:28
by Eathray

Okay, pardon my question if it feels... less than brilliant LOL

So I'm going to untar it in place which is, /opt/seamonkey-portable-0.5/Downloads, then manually move files to where they should go... correct?

Okay should I at this point remove original seamonkey stuff that came with this puppy first? Then move the new components where they want to go?

Posted: Mon 19 Dec 2016, 02:53
by anikin
I don't know how/where it's installed in your Puppy, but to be on the safe side I'd first uninstall/delete any previous versions.

OK let's do it manually step by step.

1) Copy/put *your* seamonkey folder to /opt.

2) Open the downloaded folder structure, go to usr/bin. There's a symlink there - copy it to usr/bin in *your* Puppy. Or rather use this command to create the symlink:

Code: Select all

ln -s /opt/seamonkey/seamonkey /usr/bin/seamonkey

3) Go to usr/share/applications in the downloaded structure and copy the "seamonkey-mozillabinaries.desktop" file to usr/share/applications in *your* Puppy.

4) Go to usr/share/pixmaps and copy the "seamonkey-mozillabinaries.xpm" to usr/share/pixmaps in *your* Puppy.

5) You can also drag(copy) the "seamonkey-mozillabinaries.desktop" file to your desktop to use it as a clickable icon. Right-click on it to edit the name.

And that's it.

From now on upgrading Seamonkey will be a simple job. For example, download the latest release from here Open the terminal in the directory where you downloaded it and run this command:

Code: Select all

rm -rf /opt/seamonkey && tar jxvf seamonkey-2.46.tar.bz2 -C /opt
This command removes the old seamonkey and unpacks the new one in its place, just make sure you have the correct version number in that line.

Posted: Mon 19 Dec 2016, 11:41
by Mike Walsh
I'll have to study Oscar's post carefully... smart guys confuse me...
^^^ :lol: :lol:

I thought you said you're grateful to us 'smart guys'..!! :o :D

Mike. :wink:

Posted: Mon 19 Dec 2016, 12:02
by Eathray
Mike Walsh wrote: ^^^ :lol: :lol:

I thought you said you're grateful to us 'smart guys'..!! :o :D

Mike. :wink:
Always grateful... and often confused LOL

Posted: Mon 19 Dec 2016, 16:16
by Eathray
Well, that all took some time. I think I have it all complete but a lot of that I had to do manually. C'est difficile, my friends.

So I have removed the built in SeaMonkey, put the Portable in opt, symlynked to /usr/bin, created the menu entries, created the defaultbroswer and htmleditor scripts... I think It's done... am I missing anything?

Posted: Mon 19 Dec 2016, 17:39
by anikin
Eathray wrote:Well, that all took some time. I think I have it all complete but a lot of that I had to do manually. C'est difficile, my friends.

So I have removed the built in SeaMonkey, put the Portable in opt, symlynked to /usr/bin, created the menu entries, created the defaultbroswer and htmleditor scripts... I think It's done... am I missing anything?
The word Portable in this discussion sounds a bit ambigious/confusing, because the original, built in Seamonkey in your Puppy was also portable, I think, although it resided at a different location. Seamonkey, Tor Browser, Palemoon - they all by definition are built as Portable apps. So I presume you meant to say you put the seamonkey directory in /opt. If that is the case, then you done good. As for doing things manually, of course the right way to symlink would be like:

Code: Select all

ln -s /opt/seamonkey/seamonkey /usr/bin/seamonkey
maybe I should edit my post and also add this command.

Posted: Mon 19 Dec 2016, 18:21
by Eathray

I didn't use the code to make my symlink, but I did call it from the console and it loads, so it works.

Thanks all for the help. I guess I'm done.

seamonkey 2.46 stored in my pendrive.

Posted: Wed 08 Mar 2017, 06:25
by Pelo
seamonkey stored in my pendrive. Is that true that will slow the browser ?
I am pleased by the idea of not occupying my pupsave, and it will be used by several Puppies. Other applications should run the same way..
I was running SeaMonkey by SFS on the fly, but that does not prevent cache and other things.

Posted: Wed 18 Oct 2017, 19:52
by Mercedes350se
Everything seemed to go well but:

Code: Select all

HOME=/mnt/home/seamonkey-portable-0.5 /mnt/home/seamonkey-portable-0.5/seamonkey/seamonkey 
XPCOMGlueLoad error for file /initrd/mnt/dev_save/seamonkey-portable-0.5/seamonkey/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Couldn't load XPCOM.
This is on a frugal install of 4.3.1. I installed both and