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Posted: Wed 07 Mar 2007, 02:24
by sunburnt
netjess; Check the "LanPuppy HowTo" post for my other reply.
Make any other posts there as m1r0 & I have been chatting.

I've used tftpd32 & it works well at home, large corporate LANs are tricky.
tftpd32 is a simple way to get it going, PupServer's made for the purpose.
I run my setup on a FAT32 HD partition, it boots to DOS & I run a batch file.
This way I can dual boot Win98 & PupServer on the same PC... nice!

There's lots of posts & the WIKI page that explains the LanPuppy setup.
There's a utility tool for making ONLY Puppy-1 versions into LanPuppies.
It adds the needed files to the image file automatically.
LanPuppy needs Samba network shares: homes, sys, docs, & public.
A diskless client PC needs shares on a server to have HOME space.

The LanPuppy1-01.pup has to be extracted to a HD partition.
The DOS utilities: dostar, dosgzip, & doszip will extract it.
PupServer was intended to be used to extract it, but you use what you got.
The PupServer isn't hard to build with the DHCP-PXE boot package.
