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Posted: Thu 07 Jan 2010, 02:49
by Hugh
A hearty thanks to the group, and this thread in particular, for the

links to:

Fax Free


PDF Escape

They have proven to be exceedingly useful!

When our little 'pups' lack certain functionality it is
very reassuring to know that there are easily implemented

What a GROUP!!

Posted: Fri 12 Mar 2010, 01:12
by edoc
epdfview is crashing when I try to move to page 4 of a 56 page document.

I have not had any problems with large pdf documents previously (though I don't know if any of them were all of 56 pages).

Should I try FoxIt instead?

Posted: Fri 12 Mar 2010, 09:38
by dejan555
Just to mention that kpdf is here:

It's heavy on dependencies but works good so if you don't mind installing 26+ MB pet to have good pdf reader try it.

Posted: Fri 12 Mar 2010, 09:59
by disciple
Yes, try FoxitReader or MuPDF or the image viewer MU made that shows pdfs... or something else.
PDF is a truly weird and wonderful format - IME regardless of the viewer you use, if you deal with enough PDFs you will always find some pdfs which don't display or which crash the viewer, but work fine in another program.