X-Slacko-4.4 with Xfce

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#621 Post by Sage »

Anyone offering the full .iso, please?
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#622 Post by ally »

@ sage

just going up on the archive now


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#623 Post by Sage »

Magic! Thanks.

3b7 really is the bees knees. Since it's 32bit and will run on virtually anything, any chance of super slim version. It'd be far better if this were to be constructed by an expert rather than any old jock from a remaster, what with deps. & co.
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#624 Post by johnywhy »


Running X-slacko-3b7.iso installed by:

- manually copy files inside X-slacko-3b5.iso to hard disk.
- run grub4dos. menu.lst was successfully created.
- boot x-slacko from grub, then reboot creating save-folder.
- apply some desktop personalization.
- shut-down
- upgrade to 3b7 by manually copy all files from X-slacko-3b7.iso into the x-slacko install folder, overwriting existing files.
- on reboot, lost wallpaper. Otherwise, generally seems to be working.

THANKS FOR THIS AWESOME PUP. It may replace my Vanguard-Carolina-R2 as most stable xfce pup.

However, a few bumps in the road. Grateful for any help:

- i cannot find acpi tool in control panel. I see acpid-busibox in the 'Remove built-in packages' tool (no, i did not remove it, just checking to see if it's installed). Running acpid-busibox from command-line returns 'command not found'.


- when creating new 'Directory' widget on panel, picking a pre-loaded target dir on it's config dialog does not work. But, browsing to the target dir does work (so this is non-urgent).


- flsynclient does not remember 'Sensitivity' setting. Some other puppies have this problem (but not all). Important for me, this is how i reduce false palm-taps, which is a major problem on my touchpad.


Cannot get Wine to run a windows program:
(i prefer Portable Wine or PlayOnLinux, if any available for Slacko. Could not find. Anybody know of such?).

- installed Slackware "Wine-1.7.9 Wine is Not an emulator" and dependency mpg123-1.15.4. from the default PPM,
- successfully installed Windows software eM Client by double-clicking it's .msi installer in Thunar.
- could not run eM Client. Tried to run by "Wine File Manager > C:\Program Files\emClient\mailclient.exe"
- 'Check for installed dependencies' on Wine shows:
File /usr/bin/wmc has these missing library files:
File /usr/bin/wrc has these missing library files:
File /usr/lib/wine/openal32.dll.so has these missing library files:
File /usr/lib/wine/gphoto2.ds.so has these missing library files:
libgphoto2.so.6 libgphoto2_port.so.10
File /usr/lib/wine/winegstreamer.dll.so has these missing library files:
libgstapp-0.10.so.0 libgstbase-0.10.so.0 libgstreamer-0.10.so.0
- So i uninstalled Slackware "Wine-1.7.9 Wine is Not an emulator".
- Then i installed wine-1.5.15-i686.pet from the Slacko directory. (curious, why is Slackware, not Slacko, the default repository on Slacko?)
- (hrm, did Sage just say xSlacko is 32 bit?..... :/
- Now PPM shows 4 different "installed" checkmarks, next to:
Slackware Wine-1.7.9
Slacko Wine-1.5.15-i686
Slacko Wine-1.3.28-i486_v1
Slacko Wine-1.5.2-i486_v1

(question, why are 4 different Wines installed now? I see two different Wine Notepads in application menu. Is the first Wine install interfering with the second Wine install, even though i uninstalled it? How to completely remove all Wines?)

- still could not run eM Client.
- installed mono & gecko by running at command-line: http://winezeug.googlecode.com/svn/trun ... -addons.sh from http://wiki.winehq.org/Mono.
- seemed to execute ok.
- still could not run eM Client.

i welcome all suggestions.

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#625 Post by starhawk »

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#626 Post by johnywhy »

starhawk, thx for wine pointer. i saw that thread, but didn't understand it, but now i think i get it.

just not sure which pkg to install:

wine-1.6.2-i486_v1.1.pet _______ puppy 431


wine-1.6.2-i486_v2.1.pet _______ racy puppy 5.5

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#627 Post by starhawk »

I'd use the Racy Puppy one, I think.
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#628 Post by johnywhy »

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#629 Post by starhawk »

WINE 174 is, as near as I can tell, a beta... use 162 if you can.
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#630 Post by Sage »

You are right, jw. Time for those incredibly silent majority to speak up, loudly, and encourage both micko and rg to bring forward their golds. Slackware itself and ditto-based derivatives/compatibles are most underrated OSes.
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#631 Post by starhawk »

I don't normally 'do' betas, dunno why -- but I think I'll take a look at X-Slacko 3b7. Caro Vanguard is turning out to be a little temperamental regarding what CPU it runs on -- see the thread for details -- and on top of that the older CUPS in there is starting to annoy me a little too much. I'm kind of tired of having to change the print settings every single time I want to print something from LibreOffice.

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#632 Post by starhawk »

Tried it on the Dell laptop. Chromium *still* didn't run (maybe it's the SFS and not the OS? Dunno.) despite the different glibc, and X-Slacko didn't like my rt2800usb based WiFi card. (Rosewill RNX-EasyN1.)

Oh well. Back to Vanguard.
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#633 Post by Sage »

rt2800usb based WiFi card
We did this (more than once?) on the Forum about 1-2yrs ago. According to my fallible memory, you have to blacklist something and run it as something else. One of the regular Forum members (Technosaurus? someone else?) is an out-and-out expert on NIC chip indiscretions. BK has alluded to it in one of his many missives. Guess it's down to 'Search' - good luck.
But it can be made to function correctly, I do remember that.
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#634 Post by johnywhy »


how to log into xSlacko correctly?

somehow i broke my xfce reboot function.

if i click shutdown from xfce menu, then reboot, nothing happens.

i was trying to find a CLI way to shutdown, and ended up logging out of xwin. somehow logged back in, but i think i logged in the wrong way. (i used xwin startxfce4, i think).

how to get back to correct session and restore reboot function?

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#635 Post by starhawk »

Code: Select all

...would be the typically correct start-X command ;)

Code: Select all

...shuts things down.

Code: Select all

...shuts down and starts back up.

It sounds like you have a corrupt savefile, though. Time for a new one! (or a reinstall, if you did *ugh* a full installation.)
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#636 Post by rg66 »

Code: Select all

xwin xfce4-session

Code: Select all


Code: Select all

X-slacko-5b1 - X-tahr-2.0 - X-precise-2.4
[url=http://smokey01.com/rg66/]X-series repo[/url]
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#637 Post by johnywhy »

rg66 wrote:

Code: Select all

xwin xfce4-session
thx for these, rg66! i could not find them anyplace :?

are they universal xfce commands, or xSlacko-only?

also, is there a way on xSlacko to get a "computer will shutdown in 30 seconds" countdown shutdown, like Tahrpup has?

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#638 Post by starhawk »

Hey, rg, long time no chat.

Two questions.

(1) is there any chance of the next non-beta being released with say glibc2.19 instead of 2.17?
(2) and when do you expect it to be released?

Reason I'm asking is that rcrsn51 is trying to blame my current printer problems on Caro Vanguard (which is out-and-out BS, it worked fine on the same system, same config, until I rebuilt my savefile due to some other issues I was having) and there's not much I can do other than switch back to X-Slacko if I want help. (I'd like to say a few things about that, but I'm in public.)
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How To Disable Lid Suspend (or install xfce power manager)?

#639 Post by johnywhy »


is it possible to disable lid-suspend on stock xSlacko beta-7? i cannot find in etc/acpi.

i see acpid-busibox is installed, but can't find how to use.

i see the acpitool in the repo below, but it does not appear to be installed on xSlacko. i did not install it yet:
http://distro.ibiblio.org/puppylinux/pe ... es-slacko/

ideally, i'd like to install xfce's own power manager. It works great on VLina.

i installed xfce4-power-manager-1.2.0-i486-2.txz in ppm, but when i run it i just get "power manager is not running, do you want to start it?". I click yes, and nothing happens. Dependency-checker says "nothing missing".

i found a Slackware package here:
http://packages.slackware.com/?r=slackw ... i486-1.txz

the slackware installed ok on xSlacko, but puppy says it needs the following depends, none of which are in the ppm, and only 2 of which i found in packages.slackware.com:
xfce4-power-manager has these missing library files:
libgbm.so.1 libxcb-dri3.so.0 libxcb-present.so.0 libxcb-sync.so.1 libxshmfence.so.1 libpng16.so.16 libupower-glib.so.1

any solution appreciated!

many thx!
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#640 Post by rg66 »

johnywhy wrote:
rg66 wrote:

Code: Select all

xwin xfce4-session
thx for these, rg66! i could not find them anyplace :?

are they universal xfce commands, or xSlacko-only?

also, is there a way on xSlacko to get a "computer will shutdown in 30 seconds" countdown shutdown, like Tahrpup has?

Except for xfce4-session those commands should be universal for puppy.

Run /etc/acpi/actions/acpi_poweroff.sh, that runs when pushing the power button and has a 30 second countdown timer.
X-slacko-5b1 - X-tahr-2.0 - X-precise-2.4
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