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Slacko 5.7 final - 8 March 2014

Posted: Mon 27 Jul 2015, 15:57
by Billtoo
For anyone familiar with Cmus,here is the newest version,tested in
Slacko-5.7 pae and Slacko-6.0 beta 2.

Slacko 5.7 final - 8 March 2014

Posted: Thu 29 Oct 2015, 03:23
by Sky Aisling
I have downloaded Slacko 5.7-2015a from this site:
The target machine is an ASUS Eee PC 4G Surf 701 2GB RAM 4GB SSD
There is no 'home file' icon on desktop.
There are other components missing, for example: Wallpaper changer.

Have downloaded the correct .iso?

Re: Slacko 5.7 final - 8 March 2014

Posted: Thu 29 Oct 2015, 03:34
by unicorn316386
Sky Aisling wrote:There is no 'home file' icon on desktop.
There are other components missing, for example: Wallpaper changer.
Just curious, does typing "rox" or "wallpaper" in Console (might be called Terminal or Urxvt) work?

Slacko 5.7 final - 8 March 2014

Posted: Thu 29 Oct 2015, 03:39
by Sky Aisling
Hello unicorn316386 :)
I haven't tried a terminal inquiry.
I just shut the machine down for the night or I would give you an immediate answer.
What would be the reason to use terminal to activate the home file?
It would seem that is a necessary icon to have on the desktop?

Thank you for the response.

Posted: Thu 29 Oct 2015, 03:41
by bigpup
That web site does say that is a modified version of Slacko 5.7 for the EEEE PC.
The info statement does say things have been removed, just not much detail on what.
Being a remake, it could have been done and something got missed in the build.

Electronic development on the ASUS X101CH

Posted: Sun 31 Jan 2016, 19:58
by Volhout
After my ASUS 1001AH broke down 1 year ago, I was looking at a replacement for it. Stumbled on a X101CH 1 year ago, but after purchase realized after weeks of trying it had an Atom N2600 that had no support for hardware acceleration in it under linux. And with 1G memory soldered onto the board (no expansion) it ended up in a drawer.

Until 2 weeks ago...

I needed a mobile machine to do some development on. To take with me on a trip. Video acceleration would not be needed. Tried several puppies, and found that the one that performed best was Slacko 5.7.0 (newer kernel than 5.7).

Installed my tools, and all of them work.
- Arduino (older 1.0.3, don't need a new one) with java 1.7 SFS
- PICAXE environment
- Logic analyzer software (Saleae) that support the 10 euro USB logic analyzer hardware.
- Simetrix...that one was a hard one to find. Simetrix stopped supporting linux while ago, so this is an older version (0.62).

And I added a planner software (ganttproject).Not that I need it, but it is a nice program that runs fine under linux.

All this takes about 160 Mbyte from my save file (frugal install on sd card).

Last grisbi for Slacko 5.7 compiled by Medor

Posted: Mon 08 Feb 2016, 09:21
by Pelo
Grisbi compiled by Medor for slacko 5.7 users Read his topic to get the SFS.
I tried to compile Grisbi, for Wary. Not so bad but segmentation fault. Medor provides applications for Slacko and french Toutous. Merci à lui. Thanks
Lot of people would like to save money and do not trash the old computer running XP. Slacko 5.3.3 would be fine to save it from destroy (as it runs in 512MB RAM, due its low size)..
Grisbi would be helpful to manage the few money they hold in banks.
I try to compile it, i am a beginner :(
FYI Slacko is used as base of French puplet Slaxen (pub pour french users)

Posted: Mon 08 Feb 2016, 09:29
by Médor
Sorry the D/L link is dead now :!:
