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Posted: Sun 30 Jul 2017, 10:47
by FeodorF
Hi Barry,

did a 8.2 frugal install to partition#3 to make sure that the box ain't broken. Frugal 8.2 installation still looks good. Going to follow your advise now.

You are a genius!

Thank you very much.

Rem: Adding your changes to it will make the installquirky pause for 5 seconds at 71% 30653 of 33184 inodes till it continues.

Posted: Sun 30 Jul 2017, 12:12
by linuxcbon
Quirky Xerus 8.3 for x86_64

- Barry , can you please remove floppy support ? It takes much too long to detect the floppy drive. Dmesg shows :

Code: Select all

[    8.273772] random: crng init done
[   46.981631] floppy0: no floppy controllers found
- why is Mesa at 12 only, when the latest Mesa is 17 which has many speed and bugs improvements ?

- /root/.config/ contains
obsolete entries :

Posted: Sun 30 Jul 2017, 13:56
by belham2
1st, please DO NOT remove floppy support. Unbelievable as it is, there are some that still want/use it.

2nd, please DO NOT upgrade to Mesa 17 (or even Mesa 13) for Quirky at this time. Mesa in quirky is currently fine, and more important, stable....something that 17 (or even 13) can make.

3rd, thank you for all your hard work, Barry. I hope you're back at Easy Linux and doing/enjoying what currently interests you.

As a final comment, hope I have the strength, wisdom and presence of mind (in the future) to realize---and stop myself---- when I am to the point of posting where I am pointing out something like "stray globicon items" as an issue that needs attention and/or fixing in a next release. Good heavens, how this wasn't at least looked at twice & then summarily deleted, is nothing short of a wonder! :lol: :roll: Oxford/ Webster's Dictionary, find pages for A....N....A.....L and A....B...S...U...R...D

Posted: Sun 30 Jul 2017, 14:10
by linuxcbon
belham2 wrote:1st, please DO NOT remove floppy support. Unbelievable as it is, there are some that still want/use it.
Too few people still use floppy to be relevant. So yes remove it, and it slows down the startup of the PC.
belham2 wrote:2nd, please DO NOT upgrade to Mesa 17 (or even Mesa 13) for Quirky at this time. Mesa in quirky is currently fine, and more important, stable....something that 17 (or even 13) can make.
Do you have proof ? From which version is mesa stable ? From which version isnt it stable ? So we can use more recent Mesa than 13.
belham2 wrote:As a final comment, hope I have the strength, wisdom and presence of mind (in the future) to realize---and stop myself---- when I am to the point of posting where I am pointing out something like "stray globicon items" as an issue that needs attention and/or fixing in a next release. Good heavens, how this wasn't at least looked at twice & then summarily deleted, is nothing short of a wonder! :lol: :roll: Oxford/ Webster's Dictionary, find pages for A....N....A.....L and A....B...S...U...R...D
I prefer to be anal and absurd than being like you :twisted: .

Posted: Sun 30 Jul 2017, 15:37
by rerwin
Although I should have reported this problem with 8.2, it remains in 8.3.

The Save function in a frugal installation run from either a boot CD or iso-created CD does not actually save the session when an s.sfs file has already been created. Changes that I made before creating the initial save file are retained, but subsequent saves are lost. This is on my PC's sda1 NTFS partition.

I attach some diagnostic info, including a trace of parts of savesession and save_session_frugal_func (in xerrs.log). The trace shows the removal of s.sfs and invocation of mksquashfs in a terminal to replace it, but the s.sfs file is unmodified.

EDIT: I discovered this problem while trying to investigate another problem, that my PCI network adapters are not triggering creation of eth0 (and wlan0) in time for the rc.network_eth script to detect eth0, to start eth0 if it is present. This also the case in 8.2. But running SNS sometime later can find eth0 and wlan0.

I am experimenting: It appears that inserting a "sleep 2" before obtaining the available interface names improves the probability of success.

Back to the 'save' problem: I am finding that if I manually (via rox) delete the original s.sfs file before manually "saving", a new file is created with the changes. After that, at least in the same session, I can save manually and see that the s.sfs file gets modified/replaced. Very mysterious.

A bit later: The above experiment was on 8.2. I tried it on 8.3 with the s.sfs file that would not update and found that manually saving this time did update that file.

My sense, too, is that saving on exit sometimes works and sometime doesn't. I haven't determined a pattern, yet, but thought I'd mention it. /EDIT

Posted: Sun 30 Jul 2017, 17:14
by snayak
Dear All,

I tried to do a frugal install of Quirky Xerus64 8.3, the way I install all other puppies.
Here are the lines I added to my Grub4Dos boot config file menu.lst:

Code: Select all

title xerus64 RAM (sda2/xerus64)
  find --set-root --ignore-floppies /xerus64/initrd.q
  kernel /xerus64/vmlinuz  pmedia=atahd psubdir=xerus64 pfix=fsck savefile=ram
  initrd /xerus64/initrd.q
It went fine while booting up to some steps but later gave a Kernel panic. It said:

Code: Select all

Setting up layered file system, zram on top, Quirky SFS underneath
ls: /q.sfs: no such file or directory
mv: can't rename '/q.sfs': no such file or directory
Kernel panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill init!
I know trying a frugal install of Quirky is a bold move, since it is not recommended. But I think it is possible with little tweak. Since it boots till this point. Seeing unavailability, I reconfirmed that q.sfs is present in folder xerus64. Seeing error message once more, I thought if I put q.sfs directly on sdb2 rather than inside folder xerus64, it may run. But I remained hopeless. :-(

Any guidance please? How to install this frugally...

Srinivas Nayak

Try this

Posted: Sun 30 Jul 2017, 20:38
by escucha
May be this can help U

title Quirky-Xerus64-8.3
kernel /xerus64/vmlinuz install_specs=UUID=here_you-will-putt-your-uuid_drive_number:ext4:xerus64
initrd /xerus64/initrd.q

Don't know your HD drive format mode, mine is ext4 format I think U can change to yours

Get UUID drive using 'blkid' command.

good luck

Posted: Sun 30 Jul 2017, 21:21
by musher0
Hello all.

I was into languages today! ;)
Freshly and expressly compiled on QX64!


Mawk is said to be the fastest language for processing data.
Please see here.


Don't get rid of gawk, just zip it with: zip -9m gawk .

Latest version as of this writing.

Compiled using instructions at: ... /bash.html
except for the readline line, i.e.:
./configure --prefix=/usr \
--docdir=/usr/share/doc/bash-4.4 \


As a bit of trivia, you may be interested to know that I compiled both
on a thumb drive formatted in udf format. It doesn't matter since udf
has the same permissions as ext2.

The advantage of udf is that it takes less overhead for itself, leaving
you with more storage room on the drive. Only for storage or work,
though: you cannot boot from a udf drive.

Both languages installed fine and work great on my QX installation.


Re: Quirky Xerus 8.3 for x86_64, released July 29, 2017

Posted: Mon 31 Jul 2017, 00:08
by BarryK
Billtoo wrote:The SDHC card is a lexar 600x that claims up to 95MB/s, the speed test

# sync
# #echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches
# dd if=/dev/zero of=/dummyfile bs=1M count=1024 conv=fdatasync oflag=direct
1024+0 records in
1024+0 records out
1073741824 bytes (1.1 GB, 1.0 GiB) copied, 85.6042 s, 12.5 MB/s

I think they were fibbing a bit, quite a bit. (':roll:')
Actually, it is called "spin", it is what politicians do.

It is probably not exactly a lie. I think what they do is write to the flash drive until the internal buffer is full, then claim that to be the peak write speed.
Which is complete b*s* but they get away with it.
That's my guess anyway.

Manufacturers do something similar with solar photovoltaic panels. No way can you get the power output they claim, especially the Chinese panels. I think they multiply open-circuit voltage with short-circuit current, then claim that is the power output -- again, b*s*. Divide by half would be about right.

Ha ha, while I'm at it, another one comes to mind, the storage capacity of lithium batteries, as used in mobile phones.
I did a lot of tests on such batteries, and determined the vendors claims to be greatly exaggerated -- the Chinese especially.
I think what they do, is measure the energy required to charge a battery, then say that is the actual battery capacity. Which it isn't, as there is a lot off power loss in the charging process, also when discharging. Again, divide by two.

Posted: Mon 31 Jul 2017, 00:13
by BarryK
linuxcbon wrote:- why is Mesa at 12 only, when the latest Mesa is 17 which has many speed and bugs improvements ?
mesa is at 12 because Quirky 8.3 is built from Ubuntu 16.04.2 Xenial Xerus DEBs.

Posted: Mon 31 Jul 2017, 00:19
by BarryK
belham2 wrote:3rd, thank you for all your hard work, Barry. I hope you're back at Easy Linux and doing/enjoying what currently interests you.
Yes! I did a build of Easy last night, using same Ubuntu 16.04.2 DEBs as Quirky 8.3.

Booted up on my Hub 16GB USB3 stick, bootup was so fast, running is fast, very pleasant experience. Running it right now.

Note, I have written about those Hub drives, with 'innostor' chip, very fast for not much money:

Posted: Mon 31 Jul 2017, 00:55
by musher0
Hello all.

In line with my post here about a typo, the same typo prevents
the description and credits panel from loading properly.

So please find attached a corrected script. It's a drop-in replacement,
there is no need to do anything else. It incorporates the previous
correction of the typo in the desktop file.

About my up arrow not working, the solution happened to be in a jwm
personal configuration file. Some idiot (aka me!) :oops: had imported it
from a Puppy into the Quirky without checking it first... (I had binded the
up arrow to a program that luckily for me did not exist on Quirky.)

Have a great typo-free day, everyone! :lol:

To musher0 Re: Browser longevity

Posted: Mon 31 Jul 2017, 07:56
by Rodney Byne
To musher0,

Re: browser longevity.

Thanks for your & other's reply.

It's not so much the "under the hood" stuff, it
more concerns the inability of particularly
older in years browers such as SM, to render
modern web pages correctly.

I'm an avid reader of on-line newspapers & over
time noticed that older distros such as Precise 5.7.1
couldn't cope with their newer production processes,
so page displays had become corrupted.

Up to date browsers don't have that problem anymore.

That was all. Best regards.

Quirky Xerus 8.3 for x86_64, released July 29, 2017

Posted: Mon 31 Jul 2017, 09:13
by ETP
@Rodney Byne:

It seems that you would like a modern self updating browser for 8.3
Here it is Waterfox64 (posting from it now with 8.3)

Direct download link for pet follows: ... UVaSlptbnc

It will automatically update to 54.0.1 :)
Plus a classic favourite track to test:

intel graphics chipse

Posted: Mon 31 Jul 2017, 10:00
by lp-dolittle
Hi Barry,

thank you for your response to my previous post!

Maybe this feedback can be of some help.
Your XkbConfigManager fixes (27th July) also influenced the keyboard-layout issue (Swiss German settings) on my Dell Latitude 6500 with Intel graphics chipset. In Quirky Xerus 8.3, after the Quick Setup the keyboard-layout still is partly flawed (shift key and third level chooser do not work correctly, and I'm unable to configure them appropriately), but the chosen configuration no longer is spontaneously reset to default (US layout) when X is restarted. This still may happen if the XkbConfigManager is 'confused' by possibly too many simultaneous attempts at correcting.

Could it be that the XkbConfigManager needs additional debugging?

sorry for still annoying

Re: Quirky Xerus 8.3 for x86_64, released July 29, 2017

Posted: Mon 31 Jul 2017, 14:23
by musher0
ETP wrote:@Rodney Byne:

It seems that you would like a modern self updating browser for 8.3
Here it is Waterfox64 (posting from it now with 8.3)

Direct download link for pet follows: ... UVaSlptbnc

It will automatically update to 54.0.1 :)
Plus a classic favourite track to test:
"Waterfox" ??? Looks suspicious !!!
Keep your hands on the wheel where I can see them and
show me your driver's licence please. :lol:


Posted: Mon 31 Jul 2017, 16:59
by Rodney Byne
To ETP (& musher0)

Thanks for the Waterfox link.
I am now at 54.0.1

Well now, we have a Firefox & a Waterfox.
Will there ever be an Airfox to complete
the three elements I wonder.

Re your classics link, I watched it but sorry that
particular group must have passed me by.
I'm getting on a bit, but the band that caught my
imagination then was The Police LP heard the first
time in 1973 while working in Indonesia
(Roxanne, Walking on the moon etc)
and of course Abba in the eighties.

Thanks again, best regards.


Posted: Mon 31 Jul 2017, 17:49
by ETP
Hi Rodney Byne & musher0,

@ musher - I kid thee not, totally kosher. :lol:

But a funny thing did just happen. A high pitched beeping sound suddenly started
to emanate from my PC with ever increasing volume and urgency.

Taking it to be the motherboard sounder, I panicked thinking that the memory had failed
and held the power button down. :shock:

The PC shut down but the sound continued. :shock:

Only then did my eyes alight on the alarm clock sitting on a bookcase next to the PC.
Some fool of a house maid.... (O/K it was me!) must have accidently hit the on switch when dusting. :oops: :oops: :roll:
Panic over. :lol:

Waterfox with 8.3, press F11 to toggle into full screen then click on link: ... 242cEpnVVE

ETP your 8.3 full screen

Posted: Mon 31 Jul 2017, 20:27
by Rodney Byne

Nice desktop,
why have so many 25 drive icons - are some separate partitions
on the same drive & for what purpose, what is qpm, how is that shelf
of shortcuts created?
There's so much about Linux I don't know.


Speed test for frugal to partition

Posted: Mon 31 Jul 2017, 21:49
by FeodorF

I have added 'date' to line 112 and line 157 to see how long it will take for the 2GB 2.6GHz 2x Intel Celeron board.