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Posted: Tue 17 Jul 2018, 03:54
by nosystemdthanks
rockedge wrote:I managed to get it to run all the way through using a Tahr 6.0.6 built custom from woof-CE..
it looks like it translated fine, you shouldnt have to create again unless you change the .fig source.

a corepup-8.iso was created but not correctly populated.Also many errors seemed to have occurred during the build
yes, from the screencap it looks like it was successful. mcorepup 0.3 means thats 0.1 was the first version of the script to ever be adapted to corepup (july 2018) and 0.3 is the third (july 2018) and the output is still extremely verbose-- but everything actually looks normal from the screencap.

have you tried booting it? what did it do?

mcorepup 0.3 creates corepup-8, which is supposed to be that size.

personally, i think it worked. if not, i can give you some commands to try out to collect more information that we can use to figure out what happened.

mcorepup doesnt clean up after itself, instead it keeps everything in /mnt/mcorepup. the reason is that you might want those files before you get rid of them. note that it probably wont work a second time until you remove the files and unmount the coreplus iso.

but id make a copy of that iso, i believe it may have worked.

this isnt confidence, its experience. i could be wrong, but from here it would be good to have more information.

if you want to double check the file (the translation, not the fig source) run md5sum on it and let me know the hash, that will probably let me confirm that it translated too.

thanks for trying this out and helping with this so far.

one thing that might help:

# mkdir /mnt/cd ; mount corepup-8.iso /mnt/cd ; find /mnt/cd | wc -l ; umount /mnt/cd # tell me what the number is

if your iso doesnt boot, and that number is lower than i would expect, then id remove the | wc -l part and replace it with | curl -F c=@- # then post the url here. this may require you to install curl unless it is included in tahr. you could also > cdlist.txt instead and then attach it here.

probably the best information i could ask for is the list of files that are on the iso. if theyre there, it probably worked. if ones missing, i can probably tell you how to fix it.

Posted: Tue 17 Jul 2018, 06:06
by rockedge
the iso booted from a frugal type set up[ on the USB the tahr 606 is on that made it...grub4dos gui..... reports corepup-8 I am messing with the tce package to load some tcz packages...seems to work....but O have a /LIVECD directory in the ISO and it is empty correct???.

anyway it is 2:05 in the morning I need some sleep. I will continue the testing later on this morning.

Posted: Tue 17 Jul 2018, 07:19
by nosystemdthanks
rockedge wrote:I will continue the testing later on this morning.
i appreciate that. heres what i think so far:

1. most importantly: this is about your setup. its not likely about the iso you produced, nor is it likely about the standard corepup-8 from wanderer. you could try running mcorepup 0.2 instead, it produces an iso with a gui.

2. when i started using corepup (the original, and i had similar experiences with my version as its very close to exactly the same) there were many occasions when i booted without a gui.

3. on every such occasion, it was my own setup, not the iso. every occasion.

4. i have tried both corepup-8.iso the original, and corepup-8.iso the output of mcorepup03.fig. both will boot with a gui if the extensions are in place for it and the setup (the bootloader config and tce folder) is as it should be.

5. my own setup works, and yours should too. whenever there is a problem, wanderer recommends making a boot usb or boot cd. we are both using grub.

6. ultimately our way (separate bootloader) is more practical for most people. when i started working on corepup, i got a new drive so i could repeatedly dd corepup to it and boot that way. that works. now i use grub, which means i can put other things on the drive (like more versions of corepup.)

7. but the problem youre having perfectly fits a bootloader configuration problem. thus i have encouraged you to focus on that (at your preference though) as it really is the most likely place this is going to get fixed first.

8. youve already given me more information than comes with most tech support requests. im grateful for this, and if you give me more, i will try to use it.

im basing everything ive said here on that information, as well as running these things myself in several different ways.

that said, im quite happy to continue examining this with you. you can run md5sum to check the python file (i dont recommend translating it again) and you can run other commands i gave you to help me check the iso.

for diagnostic and other reasons (i still think the iso you made is good) id love it if you emailed the rather small iso to ally, who could archive it as mcorepup-8.iso. (i recommend he add the m to distinguish it from the original.)

ally has run mkfigos many times for me, which mcorepup is based on. it would be very cool to have him archive mcorepup-8. i will download it from the archive and if it isnt exactly like it should be, i will let you both know.

for now, id just rename it to mcorepup-8.iso and that will prevent or other downloads from writing over it. you dont have to worry about emailing it to anybody if you dont want to.

by the way, the process for running mcorepup is the same for mkfigos and its predecessor refractahrpup. now that youve got fig installed, it can do all of these (fig was not even designed for remastering, mkfigos actually started as a program for comparing puppy isos.)

along with remastering antix, other things fig can do include creating the sphere graphic in this picture:


fig can also do 16-colour graphics without the pygame library installed... but for this one, youd definitely want pygame.

Code: Select all

#### license: creative commons cc0 1.0 (public domain)
proginf = "doublespiral 2017 mn"
function rgbcolour r g b c
    figcgapal[c] = (r, g, b)

v 1
c 400
w 3.14159 divby 2
function radians a
    x a times 3.141592653589793 divby 180 return x
for r 490 110 -.50    
    e w minus 0.00413367105263 swap e w # 3.14159 / 4 / (490 - 300)

    for p 1 360 .5
        e w cos times 380 divby 1 int
        rc r divby 2 int
        rd 256 minus rc rgbcolour rc 0 rc 11
        x p radians x times 2 cos times e plus c int
        y p radians y times 2 sin times e plus r minus 50  int
        m 6.28 plus 1.57 divby 108.503 divby 2
        now v plus m swap now v
        rc r #divby 4 int mod 2
        iftrue rc
            now v times 2 int mod 2 times 11 pset x y now
            y2 y minus 1 pset x y2 now


    now display


now display lineinput

Posted: Tue 17 Jul 2018, 17:17
by wanderer
hi nosystemdthanks

am doing my thing
but following your script with great interest
I will test it out when I am up to speed

thanks for all your work


Posted: Tue 17 Jul 2018, 19:14
by rockedge
OK! I have my script made corepup-8 from above booting,co-exisiting with Puppy Linux and other corepups on an 8 gig USB flash drive (cheap promo give away kind)... and booting into a GUI desktop.

all I did was add the .tcz files into /cde AND I took the mydata.tgz from another corepup-6 and stuck it in there.

Next step to arrange the packages into the correct spot

Code: Select all

color white/blue black/cyan white/black cyan/black
timeout 10
default 0

# Frugal installed Puppy

title Puppy xenialpup 7.5 (sda1/XPup32)
  uuid 7c0c8c85-da6f-4699-8bd2-6dfa6feae012
  kernel /XPup32/vmlinuz   psubdir=XPup32 pmedia=atahd pfix=fsck forcepae
  initrd /XPup32/initrd.gz

title Puppy tahr 6.0.5 (sda1/Tahr605nopae)
  uuid 7c0c8c85-da6f-4699-8bd2-6dfa6feae012
  kernel /Tahr605nopae/vmlinuz   psubdir=Tahr605nopae pmedia=atahd pfix=fsck
  initrd /Tahr605nopae/initrd.gz
title Corepup-8 openbox
  find --set-root uuid () 7c0c8c85-da6f-4699-8bd2-6dfa6feae012
  kernel /Corepup-8/boot/vmlinuz showapps tce=sda1/Corepup-8/tce/ desktop=openbox waitusb=5
  initrd /Corepup-8/boot/core.gz

title Corepup-8 icewm
  uuid 7c0c8c85-da6f-4699-8bd2-6dfa6feae012
  kernel /Corepup-8/boot/vmlinuz showapps tce=sda1/Corepup-8/cde/ desktop=icewm waitusb=5
  initrd /Corepup-8/boot/core.gz

title Corepup
  root (hd0,0)
  kernel /Corepup/boot/vmlinuz showapps tce=sda1/Corepup/cde/ desktop=corepup-jwm waitusb=5
  initrd /Corepup/boot/core.gz

title Corepup icewm
  root (hd0,0)
  kernel /Corepup/boot/vmlinuz showapps tce=sda1/Corepup/tce/ desktop=icewm waitusb=5
  initrd /Corepup/boot/core.gz      

Posted: Tue 17 Jul 2018, 20:51
by nosystemdthanks
rockedge wrote:OK! I have my script made corepup-8 from above booting,co-exisiting with Puppy Linux and other corepups on an 8 gig USB flash drive (cheap promo give away kind)... and booting into a GUI desktop.
alright! tell ally, he will be happy to know that mcorepup works from tahr.

ok, i just did. couldnt be happier about this, love the screencap.

Posted: Tue 17 Jul 2018, 22:20
by wanderer
very cool


Posted: Tue 17 Jul 2018, 23:32
by rockedge
I need to install the library to get the Vivaldi browser to run and I think I will need it later for zoneminder.....any tips? I could take and Ubuntu/Debian version and make it a tcz perhaps........ OR does tinycore have such a package containing this lib already ?

actually getting vivaldi to run is just a side thing..main thing here is this library comes up as a dpendecy on other packages I will need down the road.

Posted: Tue 17 Jul 2018, 23:45
by nosystemdthanks
so wanderer and i are both working on ways to manage that sort of thing.

mine will probably not be tcz based at first, but i agree thats better and wanderers probably will start out that way. it will be very easy to add a few lines to that script and create a new iso that has libnss included. less wonderful is that i havent gotten the core to modify properly (busy with other stuff lately.) so if it doesnt go in a tcz, id have to find a clever place to put it.

ive done that lots of times with other distros, that had the whole thing in a squashfs but not in the initrd-- corepup (and coreplus) have that stuff in initrd or tcz.

which means id need to get one of those working (to do the job for you, at least. you can always make a tcz.)

im surprised libnss isnt available though, have you tried tce-load -wi nss.tcz

Posted: Wed 18 Jul 2018, 00:58
by rockedge

Code: Select all

tce-load -wi nss.tcz
This did work....somewhat.
After having to install libcups.tcz this error now occurs:

Code: Select all

./vivaldi: /usr/local/lib/ version `NSS_3.22' not found (required by ./vivaldi)

Posted: Wed 18 Jul 2018, 01:36
by nosystemdthanks
this is not surprising, but you tried the easy option first-- that was the best thing to do.

so you want a version of libnss that corepup doesnt have, and its even possible that you want a version of libnss that corepup cant run. before you make it a tcz, id recommend getting the debian version (like you said) and trying that.

coreplus at least, and based on what im typing now also the version of busybox that comes with all versions of corepup (wanderers and mine) include ar-- this is very relevant to getting debian stuff working in non-debian-based distros. code from mcorepup:

# wget ' ... 4_i386.deb' ; ar x dpkg_1.18.24_i386.deb ; tar -xvf data.tar.xz ./usr/bin/dpkg-deb

now you have dpkg-deb in your path, and you can download .deb files and open them like this:

# dont do this: dpkg-deb -x libnss.deb /

first youll have to go to and get the url for the .deb you want, then either download it with your browser or use wget before using dpkg-deb.

note the / is the path to unzip the .deb to, and (since this isnt a debian system) youll probably want to do this instead:

mkdir ./libnss ; dpkg-deb -x libnss.deb ./libnss ; find ./libnss

before you add all those files to your running filesystem.

corepup has /usr/lib and /usr/local/lib, one could be a symlink, we dont know if the files you want in the libnss are going to go to the path you need them to.

but since you already installed an older libnss, you can probably find / | grep libnss for a hint as to where to put the newer one.

once youre satisfied that libnss works as you need it to, the fun part is making it stay that way. the obvious method is to create a tcz. the not-so-obvious method (for the moment) is anything else...

in most distros youd just put something in /etc/rc.local or the equivalent of that. for figos, i actually modified the live cd to look for /etc/.figos-local on 4 partitions (mounted read-only) and if the file contains "1" then it runs the /etc/rc.local on that partition.

this is a cheap and easy way to have a live cd that looks for settings on other drives.

i probably either need to modify the initrd (the core) or create a tcz builder as a feature of mcorepup to accomplish either of those things.

whats really cool is-- if you found a third way, i could do more things with mcorepup a little sooner. but i should probably use this as a reason to work on either the tcz builder or the code that remixes the core.

getting libnss working-- probably easy, try using dpkg-deb like i said. getting libnss to stay in your setup... without a tcz or changing the core, neither wanderer nor i have likely tried that yet.

youll probably want to make a tcz, to get this working today. if you do, posting what you did will likely help (we can all make a tcz, im very confident of that, but its not something ive read the instructions for yet.)

your corepup skills are fast approaching what i would compare to wanderer and myself. which means always feel free to ask, but we can nearly gain from your corepup experience now, as much as you can gain from ours. and dont think its not appreciated, it definitely is.

Posted: Wed 18 Jul 2018, 13:59
by wanderer
hi all

just an update

it looks like nosystemdthanks script
is pretty comprehensive and can do more and more
and I will try to use it this weekend to build a corepup

also I intend to try to make a tc 9 set of corepups
like the ones I made for tc 6.4.1
also this weekend

this of course in addition to looking at the
jwm-menu script
tce-load script
and import-sce script

a lot of fun

keep the faith


Posted: Wed 18 Jul 2018, 14:05
by nosystemdthanks
itll be a lot better when it can make changes to the core.gz, but thank you.

Posted: Wed 18 Jul 2018, 15:42
by rockedge
I am having success using Tahrpup to download and extract packages such as the
nss-3.36.0-1.0.fc28.i686.rpm Fedora 28 package that may fix my little problem. And then
using Tahr to have the set of extracted pieces ready to br placed in the corepup file structure. I am expereimenting with methods for having the changes be persistant.

looking for the 3rd method and the main goal of getting the latest Vivaldi browser to run. I feel like this goal is close to being achieved.

Posted: Wed 18 Jul 2018, 21:59
by nosystemdthanks
while it will be extremely simple, the tcz builder in mcorepup will make it very easy to build things like this into the iso, with the option to include the resulting tcz or leave it out. if it leaves it out, it wont create it either.

for example, you could have a section that instead of including everything from corepup-full, would just leave out the stuff for wifi if you didnt want it.

though in this instance i was referring to tczs that dont already exist-- it will grab files from online, stick them in a file hierarchy and then produce a new tcz from it, which then gets included (optionally) in the iso.

as far as talking vs doing goes, ive already set the script up to produce three different corepup isos. im going to do the tcz thing--

when i do that, i can also make it take the mods file that wanderer works on and incorporate that into the iso as a tcz.

but i dont know if that will be this week or not. we have at least three guys innovating corepup now, i love that. if rockedge finds a non-tcz way to save things, that will be really cool.

with corepup im running sudo find / -type l | xargs ls -l to try to find a way to have stuff automatically load when the iso does. i should be looking in the startup scripts too. corepup already has these features, theres got to be a way to use them from the filesystem.

otherwise we will need an rclocal.tcz or something to add this functionality, which i would be happy to produce. but i dont want to make tczs manually if i can setup the way i want to create them with mcorepup.

the mcorepup way will allow mcorepup to create tczs automatically. wanderers script-- which will probably be better, will be for users to create tczs. unless he gets there first and i decide to just use that with mcorepup somehow. thats cool too.

Posted: Wed 18 Jul 2018, 22:28
by wanderer
hi nosystemdthanks

I have been following your script
and that is clearly the way to go
I will do my stuff
but im going to try to use your script more and more

its awesome

thanks for all your work


Posted: Wed 18 Jul 2018, 22:58
by nosystemdthanks
wanderer wrote: its awesome

thanks for all your work

i really appreciate it.

i want you to know, that although im happy with the 2 years of work ive done on this sort of thing (which started as a way to remix puppy) that its not so much about the script as the philosophy. the script is just an implementation of that philosophy.

i think about a future where distros themselves are less important, and tools to create distros are aimed more and more at users rather than developers.

traditionalists will laugh at this. users cant create distros. theres a lot more to a distro than remixing an existing iso.

ive spent a decade working this philosophy out-- its largely based on my experience with puppy at least 12 years ago, and woof-ce proves theres a lot more to a distro than remixing an existing iso.

that said-- not everyone wants to build up from the core, some want to mess with coreplus instead.

we have a framework that lets us offer both.

its simple enough for people to understand. its a little unfamiliar, superficially, but a lot of the "sophistication" it lacks is stuff you can clearly tell i know how to do.

there are features where lists of files are used instead of arrays. there are features where arrays are used. there are features where strings are passed directly to the shell, too.

each time ive added something, ive tried to do it the easiest way-- not the "best" way.

both are subjective-- different people think different things are easy. different people think different things are simple-- or best.

and theres a good reason for it. even though i could refine and refine and refine-- what i really want is to make it so that people can take it and do wtf they want. i dont like the "wtfpl" license, licenses shouldnt be sloppy, but this is a "wtfyw" design.

in "better" languages like bash (bash is a better language, of course. powerful too.) a "wtfyw" design will be very difficult to manage down the road.

this is done with language thats designed more closely with a "wtfyw" (do whatever the f you want) philosophy. take all the script and put it together. take all the script and separate it into other files (if you want to.) make your own version-- use an existing version.

the only reason weve made it this far this quickly is because of your attitude and your philosophy.

it just happens to be one that i can assist. and im very grateful to you for that, because i did design this stuff in hopes of helping somebody.

you just happen to be really fun and really easy to help. if you become more familiar with what ive done with your work, youll find:

1. its surprisingly easy

2. youll find ways to make it easier

im proud of my language, as well as its simplicity, but i still think a language designed specifically for remastering gnu/linux would be really neat.

mcorepup actually began as a program to compare different puppy isos. there are hundreds (for starters) and i wanted to make a table of everything important in them.

at one point it gained the ability to produce bootable isos.

the feature that lets you say whose changes to add is new to corepup, and i think very important. it lets the developers choose a default config, and the user change that, and other people add to it without everyone saying "oh no, i dont want this change."

instead of bothering people about adding stuff, trying to "protect" it it from changes, it just makes it more trivial to prevent their changes from making it into the iso. just remove the name, and you control the contributors yourself (as the lead dev or as the user, both get a real say.)

but the philosophy is simpler than that-- put every user in far greater control. use automation so they dont have to do it all themselves.

instead of making distros-- make tools to make distros.

heavily inspired by woof itself, though olpc has a tool to turn ubuntu into their own olpc platform. we didnt invent automated remastering. but isnt it cool?

as for the future of the distro-- a generic bootable iso that isnt fun or interesting (but can be remixed the way we are doing) isnt rocket science.

what do you get if you have lots of tools for remixing every aspect of a distro?

you have a distro factory, which is aimed at users running the factory instead of these so-called "developers."

im not anti-developer. its really the user/dev dichotomy that im trying to reduce. every user should have more of a taste of developing, even if theyre lazy (most users are.)

and this philosophy would make it easier to become a developer-- it would reduce the overhead of modern large distros-- it would make organisations like spi and red hat less powerful, and thats why eventually youre going to hear people speaking very loudly against this philosophy.

but its too cool not to explore, and no matter how simple your approach (even because your approach is simple) you are a pioneer. and rockedge is a bigger deal than he probably understands.

you cant change the world with 2 people as easily as you can with 3 or more. you guys are my heroes. we are not elite, we are a few guys messing around with software in a garage, doing stuff our way.

not saying we will be famous, not saying that at all-- but apple and hp (and puppy and the linux kernel) started that way too.

Posted: Thu 19 Jul 2018, 09:06
by greengeek
Interesting stuff going on here. I don't pretend to be keeping up with the play, but I do have a question:

Is it likely that this "automation" might make it possible for a user to boot "x"corepup on a variety of machines - then run a script that would detect what frmware that specific PC was "already" using during boot - and build a minimal iso based on that?

Seems as if "basic" variants of Linux are bloated as a result of wifi (and other) firmware payloads that must be carried to enable multi-PC boot - and that payload burden continues on next boot.

Is there a way to get a "corepup-CE" to dump all of the fware it does not need?

(sorry if the question is muddled - I had no wine last night and had to double up tonight :-) )

Posted: Thu 19 Jul 2018, 09:29
by nosystemdthanks
greengeek wrote: Is there a way to get a "corepup-CE" to dump all of the fware it does not need?
i have two answers to your question. the first is that im working on mcorepup04, it has a libre option that dumps all firmware- (its not enabled by default. it should be, but im leaving wanderer in charge of that)

we know which firmware is in each file. so while its certainly not a high priority for me to make this happen (only because it would take time to get it right) it is actually very possible to run this script, have it figure out what firmware you need, and then get rid of the others.

but i am in no hurry to write the routine that detects the needed firmware. i can tell someone where to start, but i wont trust my implementation of that on someone elses machine-- nor their distro.

Posted: Thu 19 Jul 2018, 13:35
by rockedge
I am experimenting with the effects this type of actions will have. I created several corepup-8's with mcorepup03 which comes out around 11 megs when finished. I created the /tce folder and then add one by one things to it and boot to see what happens. I am gaining understanding this way. I have also found that I can decompress and open tcz files in tahrpup by just changing the extension to sfs and look inside copy stuff. Also I have been making changes then rebooting corepup and letting a backup file be made...changes seem to stick. I have it so hacked around though I will need a moment to bring it all together to some form of real tests. work in progress..but I can say I added /tce folder I put together with corepup-6 ...just copied it over to the corepup-8 directory added a menu.lst entry and it booted fine and worked with all the features....started with the icewm desktop using around 57 megs of RAM. Palemoon ,Chrome and Firefox on board.