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Posted: Wed 13 Jul 2011, 05:44
by sickgut
you wont get your wifi working till you set your dns in the wicd program

Posted: Wed 13 Jul 2011, 07:04
by Sylvander
1. "you wont get your wifi working till you set your dns in the wicd program"
Who are you addressing that to sickgut?
I'm not using wifi at this time; I'm connecting by cable to a wifi router.
Where is the wicd program to be found; in the menu?

Posted: Wed 13 Jul 2011, 11:45
by aarf
I havent used debian but i find it difficult to believe that connection would be still in a primative form. Could it be pussy is missing some files that make the internet connections. Give us a new pussy with updated internet connection and easy screenshot to test. Also want a gprs-3g connect pupdail style or simpler. Fix the partition issue too. I have other things that i need to do with my whole SDcard so pussy is being erased for now.

Posted: Wed 13 Jul 2011, 14:17
by sickgut
aarf wrote:I havent used debian but i find it difficult to believe that connection would be still in a primative form. Could it be pussy is missing some files that make the internet connections. Give us a new pussy with updated internet connection and easy screenshot to test. Also want a gprs-3g connect pupdail style or simpler. Fix the partition issue too. I have other things that i need to do with my whole SDcard so pussy is being erased for now.
The wicd program is about as close to the Puppy equiv that is available for debian, this is why I need help to add the Puppy stuff to Pussy. The internet connection things are missing any files and it works 100% of the time if you actually configure it. There is a separate section in the wicd program that has the dns settings, you need to set these or it wont work. Once its setup and you tick the "connect automatically" box next to your connection name then Pussy will auto connect as soon as you boot to the login screen

The current version that is available has wvdial in the /addon dir of the live media it is a simple unzip then click install package. I dont use 3g myself but this is aparently the application that will let you use it on Pussy.

Once you have your network setup you can then run apt-get update then apt-get install any screen shot package you like, you can browse the package lists at

The USB version is 699mb in size on one partition, there is no seccond partition at all and the previous version was only 375mb. There is no other information or partitions in the image file, if its imaged to a sd card or other removeable media only the first 699mb of the card is used and there is absolutely no information at all whatsoever written after the first 699mb of the card. You previous post about the parition issue you said that you cannot access the seccond partition, but the .img of Pussy doesnt have a seccond partition at all and is not created by Pussy.

Posted: Wed 13 Jul 2011, 14:27
by sickgut
Sylvander wrote:1. "you wont get your wifi working till you set your dns in the wicd program"
Who are you addressing that to sickgut?
I'm not using wifi at this time; I'm connecting by cable to a wifi router.
Where is the wicd program to be found; in the menu?
Yes sry i presumed you was using wifi. The wicd program executed by clicking the network icon on the desktop. It is also in the menu. Here you can setup your connection with dhcp or static etc and if you tick the "connect automatically" box next to the name of your connection then when you reboot Pussy will connect to the network as soon as it has booted to the login screen .

Normal wired ethernet is usually alot less fiddly than wifi. Try setting it up with DHCP using the wicd program and if you still have probs you need to setup the dns part, the dns ip should be the ip pf the router. DHCP on ethernet usually detects this fine but if it doesnt work then the dns and gateway settings are the ones to check .

Frugal Install

Posted: Wed 20 Jul 2011, 10:32
by Payoon
Hi Sickgut,
a very interesting project, that You have started.
I have tried the live-cd.iso and it works, except internet access, because I need pppoe.

For "frugal" install:
All my efforts to get a bootable USB stick or a bootable HD by extracting the img to them with dd if=thepussyimage.img of=/dev/sda1_or_whatever/ failed.
I could't boot them and I couldN't even mount them to look what files were there.

I think some finetuning has to be done, but the concept is amazing, especially because of apt-get. Also,I found everything quite fast, when using the live cd.


Re: Frugal Install

Posted: Thu 21 Jul 2011, 00:45
by sickgut
Payoon wrote:Hi Sickgut,
a very interesting project, that You have started.
I have tried the live-cd.iso and it works, except internet access, because I need pppoe.

For "frugal" install:
All my efforts to get a bootable USB stick or a bootable HD by extracting the img to them with dd if=thepussyimage.img of=/dev/sda1_or_whatever/ failed.
I could't boot them and I couldN't even mount them to look what files were there.

Hi Payoon

dd'ing the.img to a sda1 type device isnt going to work, you need to dd it to the drive device not a partition on the device as the usb .img actually contains the partition and the boot method. Pure HDD install iis very inflexible at the moment as the only way to do it is:

dd if=pussyimage.img of=/dev/sda

This works very well but it doesnt have grub and so dual booting with another OS is very tricky as Pussy uses syslinux to boot the usb image. I have not found a way to boot pussy with grub yet. I think because Pussy .img has the boot stuff in it, it confuses the partition as the bootable stuff isnt meant to be imaged to a partition, only the first part of a drive. At present im using the pussy .img version that has been imaged to my hdd, it works fine and boots etc but i cant seem to get grub to work with it and so i cant get it to dual boot with Puppy or anything else.

Adding a HDD install script to Pussy that actually works and is grub friendly is the single most important and urgent issue that needs to be resolved. (this will also result in just one image, an ISO that can install to hdd or USB so that there is no need to distribute 2 versions to download, just one ISO).

The PPPOE thing,im not too familiar with but if im not mistaken the /addon dir on the live media on both the iso and img version has a wvdial package. This can be unzippeed then just click on the install script, it is a selection of debs that will auto install using dpkg when you click on the install script. This was a last minute edition, but the beta version of Pussy will have the wvdial stuff installed by default.

I may be wrong in assuming the pppoe stuff is in the wvdial package, that package does the dialup and 3g stuff,dunno about pppoe, if it doesnt do pppoe then let me know and ill hunt down the correct package and include it in the next release.

If anyone finds anything missing like the pppoe stuff, that is kinda critical to have in the OS then please post a message here so i know to include it in the next release.
isomaster, putty, wvdial and a few others will be added to the next release also.

Hope you find this info usefull, and i thankyou for trying Pussy and bringing the PPPOE issue to my attention.


Posted: Fri 22 Jul 2011, 07:35
by Payoon
Hi Sickgut,
thanks for the quick reply. The pppoe issue is not a bi problem, because their is a small package called rp-pppoe that can be installed easily. I just wanted to wait until installation on the harddrive. Thanks a lot for the information about dd installing. Now I know why it didn't work in my case. Will try tonight.
Once again I think You are working on a very interesting project. Prices for RAM are coming down quickly, so even if Pussy is a little bigger than Puppy it doesn't matter. For people with a new machine Pussy can be the way to go and if someone has older hardware with little RAM Puppy is doing a fine job.
Wish You success.

Posted: Fri 22 Jul 2011, 14:27
by sickgut
hi payoon

thanks to your feed back on the pppoe issue the rp-pppoe package will be included in the next version.

Install img to usb stick or hdd

Posted: Fri 22 Jul 2011, 15:13
by Payoon
Hi sickgut,
tonight I did a new effort to install Pussy to Hdd or USB. You told me to
dd if=pussylinuxfilename.img of=/dev/sda and this is what I did. Now I can mount the sticks and see what files are existing. I used two different USB sticks, but always when booting get the follwing message:
Syslinux Error: No configuration file found.
No default or UI configuration directive found.
After googling I found that this Error happens also to other people with other systems, so the fault is not with pussy but probably with syslinux.

Please can you tell me what distro You use to dd the img file. I will setup this and then dd to a stick or a hdd and after it works I will play with the system, because I like the concept very much. If it doesn't work on a stick I also can go with live cd and a live-rw save file to install rp-pppoe and other debian goodies.
I am sorry that I can't help You more, but I'm into Linux for only 2 years and everything learned as a one man show same You, but I fear my knowledge is not enough.


Re: Install img to usb stick or hdd

Posted: Fri 22 Jul 2011, 15:34
by sickgut
Payoon wrote:Hi sickgut,
tonight I did a new effort to install Pussy to Hdd or USB. You told me to
dd if=pussylinuxfilename.img of=/dev/sda and this is what I did. Now I can mount the sticks and see what files are existing. I used two different USB sticks, but always when booting get the follwing message:
Syslinux Error: No configuration file found.
No default or UI configuration directive found.
I havent had these errors before, but I have had a USB stick or card not boot and just show a black screen, when i get this type of thing then I zero out the first part of the drive then try again. I suspect that something strange is happening with the mbr of the drive, I wipe it clean by using:

dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda (where /dev/sda is the target drive you wanna clear)

this will wipe clean the entire drive after that is finnished then try to install pussy again via the dd command:

dd if=pussy-alpha-full.img of=/dev/sda

making sure not to dd it to a partition (/dev/sda1) rather the drive itself (/dev/sda)
also the img version is gzipped and must be unzipped before being dd'ed.
also the drive must not be mounted while its being dd'ed.
i use the dd in pussy on my netbook to dd my usb sticks, have tried it with debian squeeze and lenny and puppeee version 1 as well and it works.

technically you can just zero out the first 512kb or 1MB of the disk, this will clear out your mbr, but where possible i just zero out the entire disk to be on the safe side.

I hope this is helpful to you, i really hope it helps with the usb booting prob, as pussy is definately at its best when running from hdd or usb

Bootable USB Stick

Posted: Sat 23 Jul 2011, 18:12
by Payoon
Hello sickgut
after some testing I got Pussy working very well on a 1GB USB Stick.
The trick was to format the stick to fat16 und to use Unetbootin or Live Linux USB when creating that stick ( both worked on fat16, but neither worked with fat32).
DD didn't work with fat16 and also not with fat32. This only as info in case someone else has this problems. In my opinion all this has nothing to do with Pussy but much more with syslinux ( when you google you'll find a lot of people with similar problems on other systems ).
Pussy on a stick works very well and is quite fast in booting. Now I want to test live-rw file ( and setup pppoe) and then try to do Unetbootin for a frugal install on a hdd.
Thanks so far for Your fine work and for Your support. I'll give You feedback as soon as I can.


Posted: Sat 23 Jul 2011, 22:53
by sickgut
hi payoon

when using dd to image a usb stick it doesnt matter what format the usb stick is in as the .img contains a FAT32 partition with the booting stuff all ready setup, ive never had to use netbootin or do any config stuff at all, nothing with any kind of partition setup, even if the usb stick was ntfs with some hacked version of win7 on it, after you dd it with the pussy .img your left with a working pussy install on the usb.

ive zeroed out a few flash drives with dd to kinda resurrect them after imaging them with other OSes that have been corrupted somehow, then dd'ed them with the pussy .img and they work, this is as complicated as it gets.

where you working with the iso version and trying to dd that? i think its possible to get 3rd party software like netbootin to get a bootable usb stick from an iso but the .img version should just be imaged to the usb stick with: dd if=pussy-alpha-full.img of=/dev/sda
with no other editing or adjusting syslinux or partitions at all, if the partition is changed to another format you will loose the data. If the syslinux settings are changed on the usb stick then it probably wont work because they are already correct. There is no need to use netbootin or any other program to make the .img work on the usb stick

i think either you must have a bad usb stick or you have been trying to dd the iso version or the .img is being dd'ed to a partition on the drive rather than the drive itself.

im glad its working for you know, but i get concerned when the standard install methods ive listed in the article on my site dont work because if they arent working then i need to change the info. Thanks for your feed back and letting me know about the install to usb probs it really does help and i do appreciate it.

keep up the good work

Posted: Sun 31 Jul 2011, 07:57
by sickgut
Hi dogfarmers

my website has fallen victim to my provider going out of business, ive pointed the domain name to my backup server and pussy linux is still available from the site even tho it doesnt look the same
(have lost everything from the original server), hope fully over the next few weeks ill be able to fix up the site so that the documentation, faq, etc maybe a forum and things all working.

pussy linux isnt dead, it will move forward, however the next release may be a while as im still the only developer. There will be more options for download, the 67mb 207mb and the full blown 700mb versions as i originally intended. Hopefully better hdd install support and swapfile and save file scripts will be in the next version. The catroll-panel will still be a collection of user editable scripts due to the fact this is still a developers OS and it helps people to see how it all works.

i think the moral of the story for me is that maybe i should have spent $31 a year in hosting rather than $30, hell..... i think even an extra 50 cents would have been better.

Posted: Sun 31 Jul 2011, 11:00
by aarf
It was me. I finally had a connection where i could download 500MB+ just a couple of hours before sickguts website throws in the towel. I may have copies of the original pages in storage. In a day or two i can look.

Posted: Mon 01 Aug 2011, 14:46
by aarf
aarf wrote:It was me. I finally had a connection where i could download 500MB+ just a couple of hours before sickguts website throws in the towel. I may have copies of the original pages in storage. In a day or two i can look.
no just two "read me" .attached

Posted: Mon 01 Aug 2011, 18:59
by aarf
in lupu526
prepare the usb flashdrive in gparted > clear all partitions so it is just unallocated space, but make sure the partition table is there> use create partition table in one on the top drop down menus.
download and make backup copy of pussy.img.gz 530Mb.
click pussy.img.gz 530Mb and it will turn into pussy.img 699mb this takes a while so check in rox that it is in fact 699mb before you dd. it wont tell you when the extracion is complete.
usb flashdrive may not appear as icon on the desktop so remember from gparted what it is called. mine is sdd

then do the dd from a terminal opened in the directory where the pussy.img is located.
********** make sure you dd the .img NOT the .img.gz ********
# dd if=pussy-alpha-usb-full.img of=/dev/sdd
1431552+0 records in
1431552+0 records out
732954624 bytes (733 MB) copied, 264.052 s, 2.8 MB/s
dont know why it says 733 mb
still no icon on desktop (icon could have been behind pwidgets).
go into gparted and create a new partition and label it live-rw (see image attached.)
shut down. boot it.
in pussy:
select "live"
login: root
password: pussy
at prompt type> startx
select rox from meow menu
wifi add wlan0 to preferences
connects ok but no pages will load in cleanbrowser.
in the wifi thing tried combinations of numbers in dns, ip, dhcp, global something.
need more directions for filling out this wifi gui preferably with successful screenshots.

Posted: Tue 02 Aug 2011, 09:07
by Colonel Panic
This looks intriguing, just downloading it now. I agree that the name has "connotations" though....



Posted: Tue 02 Aug 2011, 13:09
by Colonel Panic
A quick update; sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but WICD doesn't seem to work on this machine so I wasn't able to get online with Pussy. Shame because it's a very promising project.

CP .

hi people

Posted: Wed 03 Aug 2011, 08:57
by sickgut
hello sry for late replys ive had internet access issues but im back now

this is the settings i personally use in WICD

dns (this is the same as the gateway):

note the gateway and dns are the same ip and they are the ip of your router.
if you use global dns setting then fill in that space for it with the same ip, it will use the same dns for all your connections.
with most connection programs the dns and gateway are always the same i cant think of any reason or situation why someone would have it setup so they wherent the same, this causes problems because altho wicd is just being thorough it confuses people as most other programs dont need the dns thing.

if you want to use the commandline you can edit /etc/network/interfaces enter the ip info there except the dns, for the dns you edit or create a file in /etc/resolv.conf and enter only this info on the first line:


no other info is required and if you add anything else it will mess it up.
the gateway ip uses the router to get and send traffic to the outside world but only via ip addresses, the dns or nameserver thing resolves the domain names to ip address so you can surf the net

Pussy doesnt HAVE to use WICD
if anyone knows of a better program to use then WICD that exists in the debian repos then let me know, if you want to help out on this issue then you dont even need pussy to findd the right program just setup a basic debian install and apt-get whatever program you think is better and if it works good with your system then let me know and i will include that in pussy, aparently it DOES make a difference to compatibility what connection program you use, just as using the commandline wireless tools to do ifup ifconfig etc works with most hardware but not all (doesnt work with my eeepc wireless but works fine on other laptops, when i used WICD it works however)

because i only have 3 types of computers here i cant test every network hardware and i can only make something work with what i got so i do need help in regards to this issue (unless someone knows how to port puppies connection programs to debian/ pussy?)

super awesome apt-get pussy powers dont work with no netconnection!!
so yeah i need yall to help me test alternatives to wicd, hell we can have more connection managers than one as well maybe we might need to have wicd + some other one that supports different hardware etc?

if your browsing the net for alternatives to wicd then i suggest look in squeeze first as pussy is based on this however we can use any later program from wheezy or sid, hell we can even use etch or lenny maybe we need a really OLD wifi connection program for older stuff?

thankyou arf for explaining the .img installation, as i have trouble trying to explain things clearly. other then my little tinkerings i have no idea how a normal person uses aa computer and i may need input from the community to do propper and clearly explained non rambling howtos and instructions.

comming soon is the 67mb version and the 207mb version, but the pussyos and the pussyxtra squashfs files can be aded to these versions manually (207mb versionscontains the pussos already). Maybe separate development on the 3 main squashfs files in pussy needs to happen, the live system the basic os and the xtra apps. maybe the pussyxtra squash file should just be an addon to download separate so the standard size for pussy is 207mb. i am wanting feed back from pussy users in regards to this.. have your say, as all comments will be considered with all seriousness

pussy doesnt have to be called pussy.. (it will always be pussy to me but now that i have made this OS and have completed what i have set out to do for myself, I am willing to change the name and work on it and modify stuff depending on what the community would like.)

i like cats and a cat is close enough to puppy without being a puppy so maybe we can keep it cat themed?
there has been no interest in putting the puppy stuff on pussy tomake it a puppy so i think pussy does need its own name and separate identity