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Support for Saluki and Carolina

Posted: Wed 09 May 2012, 15:59
by peebee
The delta files for:

Saluki 023 with Kernel 3.2.8-ski

and Lina-Lite with Kernel 3.2.13-c

and Carolina with Kernel 3.2.13-ski pae

are attached

To install the Broadcom WL driver onto Saluki 023 or Lina-Lite
  • 0. install xdelta3

    1. install in post #1

    2. install the delta file attached to this post (3.2.8-ski for saluki, 3.2.13-c for lina-lite)

    3. install the multi-kernel pet in post #1

    4. reboot
To install the Broadcom WL driver onto Carolina 003:
  • 1. install in post #1

    2. install the delta file attached to this post

    3. install the multi-kernel pet in post #1

    4. reboot

WPC54G pcmcia adapter in Slacko 5.3.3

Posted: Sat 12 May 2012, 20:24
by DutchPuppy
Hi Peebee,

Thanks for this post!
Today I upgraded from Slacko 5.3.1 to 5.3.3 on a Compaq Evo N600c with a Linksys WPC54g pcmcia adapter. In 5.3.1 it had always worked fine and i expected the same in 5.3.3 but it was not at first place.
At the first boot it was recognized, but after saving the 2fs file and a reboot, it did not work anymore and could not get recognized the adapter.

After reading this post and installed the B43 Version pet, it worked, but i had to manually activate the connection every time.
Then tried frisbee and that worked. It does connects slower than previously in 5.3.1, but it does connect! Thanks again.

Delta file for Precise Puppy 5.2.60

Posted: Thu 24 May 2012, 12:16
by peebee
The delta files for:

Precise 5.2.60 k3.2.18 is attached (e.g. for MacPup 5.2.9 and also Precise-Mate)

To install the Broadcom WL driver onto Precise 5.2.60

1. install in post #1

2. install the delta file attached to this post (attachment #3 - make sure you select the right one)

3. install the multi-kernel pet in post #1

4. reboot

Delta files for oldyeller versions of Precise

Posted: Sun 03 Jun 2012, 08:31
by peebee
The delta files for:

Ov-Precise-5.2.61 non-pae with Kernel 3.2.27_5.2.60

and Ov-Precise 5.3.0 with Kernel 3.2.27-upup

are attached

To install the Broadcom WL driver onto OvPrecise

1. install in post #1

2. install the delta file attached to this post (make sure you select the right one)

3. install the multi-kernel pet in post #1

4. reboot

Delta file for Pemasu's version of Precise

Posted: Sun 03 Jun 2012, 13:03
by peebee
Pemasu's Upup Precise with Kernel 3.3.2-upup already includes the wl driver.

To update the Broadcom WL driver logic on Upup Precise:

1. install in post #1

2. reboot

New All-In-One multi-kernel version pet attached

Posted: Sun 03 Jun 2012, 22:47
by peebee
A new pet that replaces all of the kernel specific pets for the 5.100 version of the driver with a single multi-kernel support version has been attached to post #1.

The way this has been implemented has been to include a base version of the driver and individual delta files that transform the base into the kernel specific version at install time. It is therefore dependent on xdelta3 being available (for saluki only you will need to install xdelta3 from the link given before installing the multi-pet). The un-needed delta files and the base driver are deleted after the kernel specific driver has been generated. The folder /opt/broadcom-sta is where all this happens.

It will be much easier to keep this single multi-kernel pet updated.


Delta file for Mage2

Posted: Mon 04 Jun 2012, 10:50
by peebee
The delta file for:

Mage2 1.9.95 with Kernel 3.3.8-mage2-p64gsw-i586

is attached

To install the Broadcom WL driver onto Mage2

1. install in post #1

2. install the delta file attached to this post

3. install the multi-kernel pet in post #1

4. reboot

Wary & Racy 5.3.90 - 5.4 Betas

Posted: Mon 25 Jun 2012, 21:55
by peebee
BarryK has released the beta versions of Wary and Racy 5.4

These versions have rerwin's new pup_event_backend_modprobe with extended preference processing built-in from woof.

To load the Broadcom wl driver onto Wary 5.3.92:
  • 1. load the multi-kernel pet from post #1
To load the Broadcom wl driver onto Racy 5.3.90:
  • 1. load the delta pet for k3.0.25 from post #7

    2. load the multi-kernel pet from post #1

Diffs record

Posted: Sun 15 Jul 2012, 10:23
by peebee
As a record.....

Open the attached file as text to see all the changes made to the original Broadcom sources.


Delta files for Precise Puppy

Posted: Thu 09 Aug 2012, 11:21
by peebee
Delta files are no longer required for Precise 5.4 - they are now built in to the multi-kernel pet

Posted: Sun 12 Aug 2012, 08:47
by peebee
Reserved for future use

Posted: Mon 20 Aug 2012, 15:04
by peebee
Reserved for future use

Delta files for Slacko k3.2.33-4g & k3.4.17-PAE

Posted: Sat 25 Aug 2012, 11:09
by peebee
The delta files for the Beta version of the next version of Slacko:
  • Slacko with Kernel 3.2.33-4g and with Kernel 3.4.17-PAE
are attached.

This is another "new generation" pup that does NOT need the rerwin fixes pet.

To install the Broadcom WL driver onto Slacko
  • 1. install the (correct!) delta file attached to this post

    2. install the multi-kernel pet in post #1

    3. reboot

New version uploaded

Posted: Sat 25 Aug 2012, 11:15
by peebee
Version 9 uploaded on 25 Aug 2012 - from download 343 onwards - see post #1.

For this version I have taken most of the delta files out of the Multi-Kernel pet and provided them individually as posts to the thread - the main pet still directly supports the official release puppies Wary and Slacko.

As before, there are no changes to the actual driver from this change so if you've downloaded and are using a previous version you can stick with it.


Precise 5.2.72 & 73 delta added

Posted: Sun 26 Aug 2012, 10:15
by peebee
I've added the delta file to support Precise 5.2.72 & 5.2.91 k3.2.28-pae as just released by BarryK - see ... 5&start=10

Posted: Thu 30 Aug 2012, 19:02
by peebee
Reserved for future use

Posted: Sat 01 Sep 2012, 17:48
by peebee
The delta file for the next Slacko with k3.2.28-4g has been uploaded: ... 5&start=20


Posted: Thu 06 Sep 2012, 19:38
by Tman
Hi Peebee,

I just wanted to ask you if I compile the newer STA drivers,
and install the pet, will it overwrite the older wl driver, or do I have to somehow remove the older wl driver?

Also, I will be compiling for Solidpup (Wary 5.1.1 kernel )
Will I need any special patches for the older kernel?

Great work with the drivers. :wink:

Posted: Thu 06 Sep 2012, 20:06
by Tman

I forgot to ask you, is it okay for the B43 drivers and the STA drivers to exist alongside one another? I don't have a broadcom wireless adapter, I just want to include the drivers for other forum members.

Posted: Thu 06 Sep 2012, 22:37
by peebee
Tman wrote:Hi Peebee,

I just wanted to ask you if I compile the newer STA drivers,
and install the pet, will it overwrite the older wl driver, or do I have to somehow remove the older wl driver?

Also, I will be compiling for Solidpup (Wary 5.1.1 kernel )
Will I need any special patches for the older kernel?

Great work with the drivers. :wink:
Hi Tman

Great to have your interest - I'll do my best to answer your questions.

The wl.ko driver has to be compiled specifically for each kernel - as you can see from post #1 the multi-kernel pet directly supports Wary 5.3 with k2.26.32.59 so there should be no problem with Solidpup. The source I use does have a set of patches applied - mainly for later kernels - the patches are attached to: ... 5&start=16.

If you like I can download Solidpup + devx + kernel sources and make a delta pet for k2.26.32.28 - and also test that it works on my laptop with b43 wifi.....

or I can send you the patched source by pm so you can compile your own driver and tell you what you need to do to make the delta yourself.

The delta is tiny so can be built into the iso if you feel so inclined, so that people just need to load the multi-kernel pet.

I'm not sure how to answer your queries about "new" drivers overwriting "old" drivers - other than to say the pets include uninstall logic which should remove the drivers if you uninstall the pet and revert you to the situation before you loaded the pet.
Assuming you used my pets as the blueprint for your pet then there should be no overwriting situations to take care of.
The delta file creates the driver for your kernel dynamically.

Hope this helps