DD (openbox)/XenialDog General Discussion Thread

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#81 Post by saintless »

fredx181 wrote:Not sure if I understand well what you mean, why "never" make this community project ?
Sorry for not making this more clear.
If you open new thread you will be again "one man band" developer/maintainer. All the work will wait for you and will be stoped once you leave someday. As it stopped already for few jessie iso versions. You can't support many versions alone.
Let someone else (Dan is very good choice and you should send him invitation for the github organisation) open the new thread and share some of the development/updates work. You can help a lot and I can do that and others too but community project needs more developers.

Stretch isn't ready for stable yet. It will be easier for anyone to wait few more months before starting Stretch version.

Just sharing what I think about that. Nothing more.

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#82 Post by saintless »

fredx181 wrote:EDIT: Ah, maybe I see what you mean: That it's too early, first we need more people who seriously want to help with DD development.
In that case, yes, but to be honest, I'm not very optimistic about that.
The projects are licensed now and anyone can continue the work anytime in any direction.
I can't help you with Stretch till I fix the mess with old-old-old, old-old, old stable Debian versions. Wheezy goes to the archive repository soon, Squeeze multimedia repository isn't available anymore. Luckily I made backups sometime ago for Squeeze and Wheezy multimedia. I need to do alot of work before I can help with something new.

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#83 Post by fredx181 »

backi wrote:Hi everyone !
Regarding Debian 9 Stretch and increasing demand for releasing a new Debian Dog Stretch .
Don`t want to sound negative......but there are a lot concerns about Stretch Stable being stable.....find more and more reports about problems ...
This is one example from Distrowatch " Readers comments " today .
23 • debian 9 32bit (by george on 2017-06-26 06:40:27 GMT from Italy)
Debian 9 is ok (i tested the mate version) also if it is better waiting few weeks for the 9.1 more robust version before updating from version 8. But Debian 9 32bit version has an incredible bug for a so long tested distribution: Libreoffice writer does not start from menu or command line and crashes with no error indication. It shall be interesting to see if
this macroscopic error will be corrected in few time (debian reaction times are often very long)
Maybe better not jump the gun...there is (IMO) no need to hurry .Jessie still works fine for me .

Greetings !
Hi backi,

Sure there will be bugs, and I've seen in the past advices to better wait a while (e.g. a month) for anyone making the switch to the new stable.
Btw, this I could not reproduce:
But Debian 9 32bit version has an incredible bug for a so long tested distribution: Libreoffice writer does not start from menu or command line and crashes with no error indication
Libreoffice writer runs fine on my Stretch install. EDIT: Stretch 32 bit.
So you can't believe everything written on the internet.

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#84 Post by fredx181 »

saintless wrote:
fredx181 wrote:EDIT: Ah, maybe I see what you mean: That it's too early, first we need more people who seriously want to help with DD development.
In that case, yes, but to be honest, I'm not very optimistic about that.
The projects are licensed now and anyone can continue the work anytime in any direction.
I can't help you with Stretch till I fix the mess with old-old-old, old-old, old stable Debian versions. Wheezy goes to the archive repository soon, Squeeze multimedia repository isn't available anymore. Luckily I made backups sometime ago for Squeeze and Wheezy multimedia. I need to do alot of work before I can help with something new.

Yes, I see, it's a lot that you re-continued!

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#85 Post by anikin »

Hi Toni, Fred et al,

Can you guys share your vision of the future of DD? Just your thoughts about how both of you see it. I might have missed something important in this thread, but the optics/impression so far has been this: No Stretch, No Jessie, No Wheezy. I will not maintain this, update that, whatever; you can do as you wish, but the organization needs more developers. Confused.

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#86 Post by fredx181 »

Toni, I added Squeeze to the website, tell me if I was too impulsive and you want maybe later, or if you'd like anything changed.
https://debiandog.github.io/doglinux/zz ... ueeze.html

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#87 Post by saintless »

Hi Anikin.
anikin wrote:Can you guys share your vision of the future of DD? Just your thoughts about how both of you see it.
Sure. No more developers - no real future for DebianDog project.
anikin wrote:I might have missed something important in this thread, but the optics/impression so far has been this: No Stretch, No Jessy, No Wheezy. I will not maintain this, update that, whatever; you can do as you wish, but the organization needs more developers. Confused.
Me (Toni) - I will support/maintain all versions till 2015 in all threads started by me. The so called older DebianDog versions (including Fred's openbox) + MintPup. I will release updated iso versions slowly with repository changes, updated packages and bugs fixed for as long as I can do this without help from others.
I will not update the existing special package repository because it was a mistake to have it with priority over official Debian repository. It takes a lot of extra time to update such special repository again and again. Instead I will provide bugs-fixing-list with packages for download and install by the user. Unless someone doesn't want to take care of all the work involved with special package repository updates (I really doubt that).

Fred - (correct me if I'm wrong) will continue XenialDog 32-64-bit and working on new DD-Stretch 32-64-bit versions.

Nobody - (Maintainers Wanted) for newer DebianDog-Jessie versions in the threads started by Fred after I left the organisation.

The near future:
Almost all existing Dog projects will be maintained by me and Fred for as long as we can.
Few DD-Jessie projects are discontinued (no maintainers for the iso versions).
Fred and maybe some more people continue to work on DD-Stretch version. I will help him/them when I'm ready with the rest of my plans to re-continue the support for the existing iso versions in my threads.

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#88 Post by saintless »

fredx181 wrote:Toni, I added Squeeze to the website, tell me if I was too impulsive and you want maybe later, or if you'd like anything changed.
https://debiandog.github.io/doglinux/zz ... ueeze.html

Thanks Fred.
Its OK. I started in the organisation MintPup repository also but both will take few weeks to fix all I want. No problem to add information to the site and links to the forum. The threads are open and anyone interested can ask questions there.
I will work on Squeeze first few days, Then MintPup. Then DD-Jessie. Then DD-Wheezy (when the repository is moved to debian archive).

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#89 Post by dancytron »

edit July 7, 2017: Fred download a version of Stretch 64 further down the thread. Download that one instead. http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic. ... 770#959770

Hello all,

I've remastered Stretch Dog 64 with the changes that Fred gave us. I've installed it a couple of different ways, used it some, and installed the programs I usually install and everything has worked flawlessly. I know there is a lot of talk about it Stretch not being stable yet, but from my limited experience here, I don't see it. Seems to work fine.

It seems to be "feature complete" and there are no bugs that I am aware of.

Download it here:

(edit 7-5-17 links removed, see notice at top of post)

At this point, I think it is what it is. I hope that Fred will take over now, publish it on the website and/or start a new thread as he deems fit. I have no idea about the license issues, so if there are issues I assume someone else will take care of them in due course.

Reference links

The link to the original post is here.

http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic. ... 422#950422

This is the download link and md5 file.
https://github.com/fredx181/StretchDog/ ... 4-TEST.iso
https://github.com/fredx181/StretchDog/ ... 4-TEST.md5

This is the bug that I found.

http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic. ... 604#950604

http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic. ... 577#952577

and Fred fixed it here.

http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic. ... 725#952725

The fix is a modified initrd1.xz file, download it here.

https://github.com/fredx181/StretchDog/ ... initrd1.xz

Upgrading kernel and installing upgrade kernel script

http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic. ... 698#958698
Last edited by dancytron on Fri 07 Jul 2017, 23:02, edited 3 times in total.
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#90 Post by saintless »

dancytron wrote:At this point, I think it is what it is. I hope that Fred will take over now, publish it on the website and/or start a new thread...
Can you share the reasons you don't want to open a thread and offer support?
Now you are much more capable to maintain this iso than I or Fred were at the beginning.
Why Fred has to take care of everything?

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#91 Post by dancytron »

saintless wrote:
dancytron wrote:At this point, I think it is what it is. I hope that Fred will take over now, publish it on the website and/or start a new thread...
Can you share the reasons you don't want to open a thread and offer support?
Now you are much more capable to maintain this iso than I or Fred were at the beginning.
Why Fred has to take care of everything?

My capabilities are limited. I don't even begin to have the knowledge or skills it would take to maintain this ISO. Starting a thread that says, "Here is an ISO, I don't really understand how it works and if you find something broken I can't fix it" doesn't seem like a good idea.

All I did was upgrade the ISO using apt-get upgrade, swap out intrd files following Fred's instructions and remaster it. It is Fred and Ruwoof's creation.

I did a little grunt work. (edit: and I did it in a well organized, well documented manner) I was happy to do it and I am happy with the result, but what I can do is finished.
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#92 Post by saintless »

dancytron wrote:My capabilities are limited.
Same here:
As you can see it is all dpkg database work and some tricks learned from my friends in linux community. I still consider myself as linux newb.
Now it is called DebianDog.
Dive in Dan.

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#93 Post by dancytron »

Well, I'll continue to contribute where I think I can and how I want to.

Xenial Dog 64 does not run on my computer. Something to do with not recognizing the obsolete intel G30 display adapter. The next contribution I plan to make is to install XD64 again, document what it is doing, gather the error logs, and report it on the Xenial Dog 64 thread.

At least for now, from my point of view, Stretch 64 is finished.
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#94 Post by saintless »

Try to create and startx with xorg.conf in DebianDog-64. There is information how to do that in Debian wiki and in DebianDog howto thread.
Then use this xorg.conf to startx in XenialDog-64. If it still doesn't work change the video driver inside xorg.conf with vesa or alternative intel driver.
Usually it is a kernel driver or xserver-xorg version small difference.

BTW even if the system boots in X creating custom xorg.conf file often gives less ram/cpu usage as positive result. But this file must be deleted before remaster because startx probably will fail on different hardware.

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#95 Post by mcewanw »

saintless wrote:Hi William.
mcewanw wrote:...but for something new I'd like to see a Puppy/Debian or Puppy/Ubuntu mongrel including dpkg/apt/Synaptics despite the imperfections/issues such a distribution would have to contend with in terms of dpkg database corruption. Maybe dreaming.
There was such project:
It didn't work well. You can read there my opinion why this method is wrong from the start.
I've since come across another puppy which includes dpkg/apt/synaptics:


Just installed it but not really tested it as yet to see what issues it brings having both Puppy Package Manager and Synaptics! I'm wondering what happens when I install a package using PPM, which is also official from Debian via Synaptics... I suppose the problems might be minimal if Synaptics only being used to install something not easily available via PPM itself, though I imagine there could be some issues that libs may get copied over, but I don't know.

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#96 Post by saintless »

mcewanw wrote:I've since come across another puppy which includes dpkg/apt/synaptics:

If all packages are registerd in /var/lib/dpkg/status you can try to reinstall and reconfigure all:

Code: Select all


for pkg in `dpkg --get-selections | awk '{print $1}' | egrep -v '(dpkg|apt|mysql|mythtv)'` ; do apt-get -y --force-yes install --reinstall $pkg ; done
If this doesn't break dpkg then it worth trying to fix any new synaptic issues.

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#97 Post by fredx181 »

Hi All,

Here's what I've been working on for a Stretch 32 and 64 bit version:
This a fork of DebianDog.
- The 32-bit version is build from scratch from a full install using netinstall ISO
- The 64-bit version is almost identical to what dancytron shared here:
http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic. ... 812#958812 only fixed flashplayerchoice, now direct download latest version from Adobe (used some code from the "flashplayer auto-updater" script, thanks to Geoffrey!) and improved font rendering a little.
It's made by doing a dist-upgrade from Jessie to Stretch and has very little changes/additions compared to the Jessie 64-bit version: http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?t=101931

The DE setup of the 32-bit version is similar to the Jessie version from here:
http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?t=108535 openbox with xfce components added and extended with some extra applications/scripts.
Some more info (32-bit):
The conky version is from Jessie (pinned) because the Stretch version looks bad IMHO for light backgrounds
Also pinned xterm (Jessie version also) because with the Stretch version I had the problem (unsolved) that it refuses to close sometimes.

The boot methods live-boot and porteus-boot are supported, see here (except live-boot-2):
For (Stretch) live-boot, it's recommended now to add to the kernel line:

Code: Select all

In case you experience that booting time is extreme long (and very slow starting X) (like me, using old HP laptop, having this problem only with newer kernels >=4.8, kernel bug?) the solution/workaround is adding to kernel boot line:

Code: Select all

The main 01-filesystem is xz compressed, convert to gzip or lz4 for faster booting and running.

ISO: https://github.com/fredx181/StretchDog/ ... -07-04.iso
Md5sum: https://github.com/fredx181/StretchDog/ ... -07-04.md5
ISO: https://github.com/fredx181/StretchDog/ ... -07-04.iso
Md5sum: https://github.com/fredx181/StretchDog/ ... -07-04.md5

Dropbox mirror:
32-bit ISO: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/nfp ... -07-04.iso
64-bit ISO: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/gqk ... -07-04.iso

I will not maintain these any further, so here my contribution is finished.
Reason is that I don't want to be confronted anymore with the "domino effect" that certain forum members can cause with agressive or non-constructive messages and/or psychological war. (enough = enough)

Screenshot openbox_xfce (thanks to belham2 :D ):

Last edited by fredx181 on Thu 06 Jul 2017, 18:18, edited 1 time in total.
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#98 Post by backi »

Hi everyone !
Installed new DDStretch32 to Usb-Stick frugally -save on demand .

Can not set Timezone .
Anybody else encountering this problem ?
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#99 Post by zagreb999 »

regards backi

with synaptic do install
and ntp

it is the best time zone

please, do inform us about quality
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#100 Post by backi »

Hi zagreb !

Thanks for the tip.
Installing gnome-system-tools requires another 37 mb of space ......maybe there is another solution......going to wait a bit before installing .
Did not test intensively ( not so much time ).

Just have 1 gig Ram....One thing i found ....using zram the way i did in Jessie seems not working ( because of newer kernel ? )... .
For machines with more than 1gig ram this is irrelevant .

Regards !
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