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Posted: Thu 10 Nov 2011, 14:50
by difedepe
666philb wrote:hi difedepe

an example of how to do this for two puppies.......
1.on your usb make a folder for each puppy.... eg. lucid and slacko
2.mount the puppy iso or cd by clicking on it and copy 3 files ,the 'initrd' the 'vmlinuz' and 'puppy.sfs' to the folder on the usb.
3.repeat with the other folder for the other puppy.
4. run 'grub4dos' from the menu/system/grub4dos bootloader
5.choose your usb from the box, and tick search only this drive. ok and ok
7. done!

you can have as many puppies as you like on the drive.... just pop them in a folder and run grub4dos again to pick them up.
Thanks very very much :-)
I'll try later @home and I'll inform you, but I have a doubt.
before creating the two forlders and copy the "3" files inside each folder I have to install one puppy with linuxliveusb creator in the root, right?
after this I move the diles in the forder.
Another question. The saved set up (.3fs files) will be created by each distro and they will be different right?

thanks a lot in advance,

Posted: Fri 11 Nov 2011, 07:14
by 666philb
you would need to be booted into puppy to do that. so yes, you would need to put puppy on the usb or burn a cd.

and yes, each puppy would have it's own savefile

Posted: Thu 17 Nov 2011, 09:34
by nooby
I have a Asus Eeepc 900 with 4GB of ext2 partition and one 16GB of ext3?

not so sure I have a poor memory. could be that in total it is a 16GB SD
that is paritioned in three with 75MB fat16 or 32 and one 4GB with ext2 for
the Debian/Xandros partition and 12GB of ext3 which is the user partition .

So should I use Puppy 5.3 or Slacko 5.3 or Snow Puppy 5 or Puppeee44.

I still have lupu 528 where does one download Puppy 5.3?

why would one be better than the other. I would not prefer puppeee44 because it would require months of questions on the forum with none answering and me getting more sad every day. Too steep learning curve
so many things done in a different way. What I like about puppeee is that
Jemimah did her best to get all the Asus 900 features to work.

which one can not expect from any standard distro.

Posted: Fri 18 Nov 2011, 03:14
by rics
Hi I've just started using Puppy 5.3 but am having trouble connecting to the internet using a wired connection on my Acer laptop. Wifi works fine though. My ethernet controller is an Atheros AR8131 PCI-E. Is there an updated driver for this?

Posted: Sat 19 Nov 2011, 18:17
by Karl Godt
I still have lupu 528 where does one download Puppy 5.3?

has got a not tiny variety of folders related to Puppy Linux : ... puppy-5.3/
would be the folder for slacko ... ns/quirky/
would cover quirky, wary .racy, drake ... ns/fatdog/
would cover the 64-bit area i guess [ me thinking less than 200MB not really fat ] ... /puppyrus/
would cover the Russian language i guess ... imal-i486/
would cover [ parts of ] the Puppy build environment i guess .

I just add them here , because runtt21 made an ibilio bookmark in his Foxy_3 browser [ me thinking i had not found any Puppy browser that good until now ]

AND OF COURSE if IBILIO may be slow :
should contain the above mentioned paths to files , too

Slacko Puppy

Posted: Thu 22 Dec 2011, 13:55
by minesadorada
Newbie here :)

I just installed slacko to replace puppy 529 because to be honest, it seemed slicker and better.

But one problem.

I have a wireless WPA2 router which connected fine with 529 but refuses to connect in slacko.

I have tried all 3 network setups (Frisbee, Barry's simple, and the full Network connection wizard). The Barry's simple got the closest, but refused the WPA2 connection. The other's don't even see my router.

The driver works, as 'Barry's simple' scans and finds my router OK. It assigns an IP but then complains and quits.

In Lucid 5.29 it connects fine.

Any solution for me?

Verifying Puppy Version

Posted: Sat 24 Dec 2011, 16:44
by rincon155
I installed Slacko 5.3 and created lupusave. After that I downloaded Puppy 5.3.1 HIGMEM and used it. I was asked to upgrade my lupusave and accepted. In the following reboot I saw an identification for 5.3.1 Now I realized that there is a that I haven't downloaded. Do I need to install it? My system seems OK. I think that first I have to verify my Slacko version installed, but I don't know how. Thank you.

Posted: Sat 24 Dec 2011, 16:59
by Jasper
Hi rincon155,

One way to see which version you have is to left click on the green four drawer box near the clock in your system tray. Then look in the window that appears at the top of your screen and note the details for comparison.

With less than 4 GB of RAM the PAE version will gain you nothing, but if you already have it and it works it may do no harm.

My regards

Posted: Sat 24 Dec 2011, 20:28
by rincon155
Thank you Jasper, I did it as you indicated and and verified that I have slacko-5.3.1 Kernel Happy holidays!!!!

Slacko Wireless network problem

Posted: Fri 30 Dec 2011, 11:10
by minesadorada
More info on my wireless problem.

It's a laptop ADVENT 5711
Wireless network is the LiteOn WN 6302L (which is a Realtek 8187SE)

Slacko supposedly supports the Realtek 8187SE but as I posted earlier, none of the network wizards can 'see' the router.

I've tried this with 2 seperate routers,

Can anyone give me a troubleshooting route to solve this problem? I'm new to Puppy and Linux generally, but I can follow simple instructions.

The laptop user (a pensioner) is threatening to re-install Windows!

Tried so far, without success:
All 3 network connect wizards
Loading the windows driver as an NDISWrapper
Going through the 'load module' list

Slacko reports it has the 8187 module loaded.

Posted: Sat 05 May 2012, 07:56
by killapup
minesadorada said,
I just installed slacko to replace puppy 529 because to be honest, it seemed slicker and better.

But one problem.

I have a wireless WPA2 router which connected fine with 529 but refuses to connect in slack.
Did you get a resolution for this problem? I'm only new to the forum and to Puppy so I've just found your query and it seems to have no response.

I've had the same problem but was able to fix it by setting my wifi to WPA/WPA2 rather than just WPA2 and haven't had a problem since. Hope you have already found a solution, if not, I hope that helps, cheers,


Posted: Tue 24 Dec 2013, 11:53
by fobq
what does the diagram show on the left hand from the clock on the system tray?

Posted: Sat 19 Apr 2014, 07:52
by rufwoof
what does the diagram show on the left hand from the clock on the system tray?
Its xload - which shows the proportion of CPU being used. Its actually showing the number of processes (or threads) that want to use the cpu and therefore varies between 0 and infinity, rather than 0 and 1. This is why it changes scale, and you can get a whole lot of white horizontal lines to indicate the change (when that happens and you aren't running any intensive program(s), it could means that the cpu is being heavily used - which could mean that something might be hogging the CPU - perhaps due to an error. Restarting X or even rebooting usually fixes such problems).

Obsolete Link?

Posted: Tue 17 Feb 2015, 02:40
by TwoPuppies
Hi Lobster.

I just clicked on the link "Jesse Smith Review" right at the beginning of this thread, and ended up here: ... 67#feature
This not a review, but just a collection of comments.
I guess the original review to which they refer has now vanished.

I've had a bit of a hunt around, and the review itself seems to be here instead: ... 12#feature

Just thought you might like to know.

5.3.3 is really a nice Puppy

Posted: Tue 05 Apr 2016, 04:27
by Pelo
Beginners using Puppy, not building it again. 5.3.3 is really a nice Puppy, full featured and able to run in RAM in computers not so old, and the newest ones too, up to windows 8
(it's easier to categorize computers by the Windows version, isn'it ?)

Posted: Sun 03 Nov 2019, 23:54
by Lobster
Thanks everyone 8)
Have been updating :oops: this info. Go to first post in this thread :D

Puppy Linux
First amongst no equals

Posted: Thu 12 Dec 2019, 12:45
by FriendlyIce
Hey, just don't want to create new thread :p. So I will try ask it here :p. I have an old laptop with like no space. And I want to run Linux on USB thro that old laptop. Why I need linux is only to use protonVPN, filezilla maybe and download some files from internet. But I need everything it on my USB Stick. So I want to install Linux and save information on my stick. I know how to install it, but is that information will be automaticaly saved on my stick and next time when I run it I will found it?
And next question which linux to choose? Bionic? Xenial? Slacko? Tahrpup? I just need a lightweight linux for that some programs and files :).
Waiting for any answer and information. Thank you totally.

Posted: Thu 12 Dec 2019, 15:47
by mikeslr
Hi FriendlyIce,

Every Puppy will happily 'live' exclusively on a USB-Stick, booting from it, saving data files and changes back to it, totally ignoring --if you want-- the existence of the hard-drives of the computer into which the USB-Stick was plugged and booted. And with an 'old' --at least for now-- computer you don't have to worry about overcoming UEFI booting restrictions.

But there's always a catch. New Puppies may not have the drivers and firmware required to make use of an old computers hardware --little things like builtin wifi adapters, sound-cards, keyboards, monitors. And to function adequately, new Puppies may require more RAM than the computer has. On the other hand, old Puppies may not be able to run reasonably current Web-browsers and openssl required by current Websites. And I don't know if protonVPN may require some 'infrastructure' absent from older Puppies.

If you want accurate advice ALWAYS TELL US YOUR COMPUTERS SPECS: Computer name, model and amount of RAM if nothing else; graphics card and wifi adapter if possible. 'Old computer' isn't good enough.

That said, I'd suggest dpup-stretch as a reasonably good gamble that you won't be wasting your time setting it up. ... 590#974590: an Up-to-date Puppy about which there have been several reports of it functioning well on 'old computers'. Again, note what I wrote about protonVPN as dPup-stretch is only a 32-bit operating system. That shouldn't make a difference. But, I can't tell you that the people at protoVPN didn't think it does and precluded their use.

Posted: Thu 30 Apr 2020, 04:25
by charlane_meyer
mikeslr wrote:Hi FriendlyIce,

Every Puppy will happily 'live' exclusively on a USB-Stick, booting from it, saving data files and changes back to it, totally ignoring --if you want-- the existence of the hard-drives of the computer into which the USB-Stick was plugged and booted. And with an 'old' --at least for now-- computer you don't have to worry about overcoming UEFI booting restrictions.

But there's always a catch. New Puppies may not have the drivers and firmware required to make use of an old computers hardware --little things like builtin wifi adapters, sound-cards, keyboards, monitors. And to function adequately, new Puppies may require more RAM than the computer has. On the other hand, old Puppies may not be able to run reasonably current Web-browsers and openssl required by current Websites. And I don't know if protonVPN may require some 'infrastructure' absent from older Puppies.

If you want accurate advice ALWAYS TELL US YOUR COMPUTERS SPECS: Computer name, model and amount of RAM if nothing else; graphics card and wifi adapter if possible. 'Old computer' isn't good enough.

That said, I'd suggest dpup-stretch as a reasonably good gamble that you won't be wasting your time setting it up. ... 590#974590: an Up-to-date Puppy about which there have been several reports of it functioning well on 'old computers'. Again, note what I wrote about protonVPN as dPup-stretch is only a 32-bit operating system. That shouldn't make a difference. But, I can't tell you that the people at protoVPN didn't think it does and precluded their use.
Hello. Real new to Linux....well, as far as setting it up anyway. I downloaded Bluetooth BlueZ 5.54 and extracted it to a sub-directory "bluetooth" of "root". I tried the instructions in Janky but my files are not getting found. i do not know how to go about entering "systemclt" after the sudo command because my system is not finding it from terminal. In the Janky instructions, I get:

[NEW] Controller 00:15:83:15:A3:10 BlueZ 5.38 [default]

well how is this found? I just have a WIFI card but there is reference to bluetooth in my bios with a wireless switch and also for WWAN and WLAN. Just no separate bluetooth card.

I tried the commands thereafter and these work except for the last command of:

[bluetooth]# power on

that this is not working naturally. I looked at Youtube, my goto for answers, and that was how I got to entering "systemctl" in the first place, this not working either.

A little direction would be appreciated. Thank you kindly.


Posted: Thu 30 Apr 2020, 17:28
by charlane_meyer
Yeah, when I type in:

apt-get install bluetooth

I am not quite sure how the cd works for sub-directory change.

I get command not found. FYI, i was die-hard DOS in the past and I am making some subtle connections like with Grub. This appears to be some type of path issue I think. I have looked in directories and am not connecting the dots yet.

I have no sound coming from my laptop either.
