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Posted: Sun 17 Feb 2008, 21:35
by raffy
The version of Breeezy you are using does not use the auto-hide function. The menu/task bar is always present.
Sorry, Breeezy uses auto-hide of the task bar from day one. :)

JWM in 3.01 is a new version and it may have its own peculiarities. For example, its application window can be resized only from the bottom corners.

Re: auto-hide

Posted: Sun 17 Feb 2008, 23:23
by 9a6or
raffy wrote:
...JWM in 3.01 is a new version and it may have its own peculiarities. For example, its application window can be resized only from the bottom corners.
Windows can be resized with ALT+ right drag, as in FluxBox (DamnSmallLinux). To get the fullscreen sorted, I may have to go back to Breeezy... if only every small problem could be solved so easily :)


Posted: Tue 19 Feb 2008, 09:48
For what it's worth:

If you plan to do a install of puppy on the SSD (wiping out Xandros) then you will want to make sure of this tweak. By default Puppy sees the Silicon Motion SSD as hdc in slow ide mode. You want it to get picked up as a SATA device so DMA is on.

When i first installed on the SSD i was surprised to see it was very slow. Eventually i realized DMA wasn't being used like it usually is when the OS sees the hardware as sdx as opposed to hdx.

The installer will advise you of what lines to add to grub's menu.lst file. (You could also use lilo or something else i imagine. But i used grub.)

if you used the default directory with a frugal install the suggestion would look something like:

title Puppy Linux 3.01 Frugal
rootnoverify (hd0,0)
kernel /puppy301/vmlinuz pmedia=idehd psubdir=puppy301
initrd /puppy301/initrd.gz

all you need to do is change the kernal line a little to look like:

kernel /puppy301/vmlinuz hdc=noprobe pmedia=idehd psubdir=puppy301

The next time you reboot your SSD will show up as sda1 instead of hdc1 and run more than 10x faster.

Hope this helps someone..

Oh.. and THANKS to Dan, Barry and all the rest for this. I've been waiting for a month to decide on what distro to use and surprised myself by going with puppy. Perhaps the name hid its coolness from me.

Posted: Tue 19 Feb 2008, 11:04
by scotto_puppy
To add my bit to this discussion...
I found myself installing XP on the SSD and Pup301 on my 2gb SD. I did this thinking that I could not do without XP (I use a couple of odd utils that run under Windows).
I changed the default boot order however, to default to the SD and so the Pup arrives without notice when I start the eee.
Bottom Line: I never look at XP now and leave it there for my attractive young assistant to use, who knows no other :lol:

Posted: Wed 20 Feb 2008, 19:06
by Caneri
Hi all,

I'm not sure if anyone has run into this problem but sometimes the save as box in Abiword is partially off screen.

If anyone sees this just hit alt and drag the box lower with the mouse. Now to find a way to make it stick there.....

This works on the Classmate anyway.


Posted: Thu 21 Feb 2008, 00:45
by John Lewis
Hi all,

I'll post ths here as it pertains to pupeee

I now have my eeepc and pupeee running on an 8gb sd card.

There is no sound.

I've tried the wizard and checked the mixer settings. The modules all seem present.

Using alt mute key shows a small window with figure 10. The volume up and down keys show a narrow window with a thin vertical line. none responds to keypresses by changing.

I tried the card in my laptop and desk top and it works fine . the mixer works and the keys do what they should, showing mute or the volume level in the window.

I tried my 2.15CE usb stick in the eeepc and sound works fine with that.

Any one have any idea of what's wrong please. Im out of ideas.

John Lewis


Posted: Thu 21 Feb 2008, 02:00
by raffy
Let's hope your problem goes away with the use of alsamixer (launch in console). You can move/adjust volumes using the arrow keys.

Posted: Thu 21 Feb 2008, 02:06
by dvw86
Check /etc/modprobe.conf. The last line should be:
options snd-hda-intel model=3stack-dig

Posted: Thu 21 Feb 2008, 05:39
by dvw86
Well I've got the next update to Pupeee done but before I post it there is a small issue. On first boot everything looks and works great. After you shut down and save your first session, the next boot does not use the black Vista theme. It is easy enough to re-choose it, but I don't know why this is happening. I'd like to fix it before I post it. Anyone have any ideas?

Posted: Thu 21 Feb 2008, 07:46
by Lobster
dvw86 wrote:Anyone have any ideas?
I think it is a bug (if you are using remastering). Report it to Barry. If you change the default background or theme, this should not be cleared out as 'personal details'. For now I suggest that there are two points in the remastering process when you are offered the opportunity to alter files that are going to be used. It might be possible to retain and manually add files at this point but I am unaware of the complete procedure - too fiddly.

I hope to get a rebadged Eeepc next month and so just wish to thank you and others working on this and similar initiatives.

The idea of having a Puppy for this hardware. Wonderful. :D

Posted: Thu 21 Feb 2008, 10:43
by John Lewis
Thanks raffy and dvw86 on your reply.

Tried raffy's alsamix in terminal and got error messages. Next tried dvw86 suggestion. This did the trick.

However when I shutdown; the PC didn't shut down properly (even though I had put in the suggested patch from nibbl on the users forum.

I pulled the battery to shut down and the next boot failed with a stack of error messages. I stuck the card in another box and deleted the save file.

When I restarted all worked and checking modprobe.conf showed the line of code was present. I reinstalled the power off patch and closed down to make the save file.

All now seems to work again including alsamixer in the console and the volume and mute on the keyboard so maybe I had something bad in original save file.

Thanks again for your time,

John Lewis

Posted: Thu 21 Feb 2008, 15:40
by BigEd
Thanks for this, I like my eee even more now :)

Having some problems with the wifi though.
Auto detected the wifi card fine when I first installed it, I clicked on configure and saw some available networks (didnt connect to any of them as they wernt mine)
Now when I click the connect icon the wifi card is not detected, cant seem to find it on the module list either?
If i delete the pup save file its fine again, this has happened a couple of times :?:

Posted: Thu 21 Feb 2008, 16:05
by MaximumFish
This looks very interesting but haven't been able to figure out how to boot it from an SD card. Can someone point me in the right direction? I have access to Windows and my Eee currently has Ubuntu on it and I'm guessing I can get it working with at least one of those but I have no idea how!

Much thanks.


Posted: Thu 21 Feb 2008, 17:49
by dvw86
BigEd wrote:Thanks for this, I like my eee even more now :)

Having some problems with the wifi though.
Auto detected the wifi card fine when I first installed it, I clicked on configure and saw some available networks (didnt connect to any of them as they wernt mine)
Now when I click the connect icon the wifi card is not detected, cant seem to find it on the module list either?
If i delete the pup save file its fine again, this has happened a couple of times :?:
All that comes to mind is that you are somehow removing the loaded module or loading the wrong one. The correct one is loaded by default and should stay that way unless you manually remove it. The default module is:

ath_pci pci Support for Atheros 802.11 wireless LAN cards.

Posted: Thu 21 Feb 2008, 21:11
by dvw86
Well here is the latest update. See the first post for the download location. It still has the little JWM bug where you have to re-choose the black Vista theme after your second boot (first boot from your pupsave file). This has some requested features and it's not that serious of a bug so I wanted to post it anyways. Updates include:

Trackpad scroll and tap enabled by default.
Asapm battery monitor replaces Batmon.
The shut down bug eliminated (hopefully).
The wireless driver rt2570 is blacklisted since it causes problems on the Classmate. (thanks to Caneri).
New JWM look.

Posted: Fri 22 Feb 2008, 05:21
by jus407
can anyone give me specs about the EEE running puppy linux?

I want to know about:
Battery life
text readability (web surfing)
video viewing (nothing big - just youtube)
heat while in use
hibernating/sleeping how well does it work


Posted: Fri 22 Feb 2008, 14:20
by tempestuous
dvw86 wrote:Ouch! It's 200EU to include videoview in the Pupeee iso. I will look for an alternative before the next release.
Now that the trick of enabling the webcam in bios is known, will xawtv work? ... 804#129804

Posted: Fri 22 Feb 2008, 19:55
by dvw86
tempestuous wrote: Now that the trick of enabling the webcam in bios is known, will xawtv work? ... 804#129804
Interesting, when xawtv starts the camera light turns on for a few seconds but nothing shows up on the screen. The video source is set to camera1.

As a side note, that JWM bug is really annoying. I've got to do something about it.

Posted: Fri 22 Feb 2008, 21:35
by MyPup
Thanks for the hard work on pupeee getting better and better thanks dvw86

Posted: Fri 22 Feb 2008, 21:41
by JustGreg
I spend a day trying to get xawtv to work without success. When I saw the posts on ffmpeg, I tried ffmpeg and I got it to work in a hour. One problem was xawtv did not always find the camera. Sometimes, it did and other times it did not. If the camera was enabled, videoview found it. I used videoview to confirm the camera operation.

To me, the web camera is nice, but, it seems to be more work than it is worth. The effort would be worth it, if you had a need to do teleconferences using Skype. Skype has been reported to work with EeePC, once you set up an account.. However, the last thing I want is my management and fellow employees to know I can do teleconferencing while on vaction :wink: