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Posted: Fri 22 Aug 2008, 02:57
by dinky
double post

Posted: Fri 22 Aug 2008, 02:59
by dinky
rhadon wrote:Hi dinky, that was the fastest answer I've ever got! Thank you. Sorry, for your confusion, that was my fault. English is not my first language, so it takes time for me to write, more time to write what I mean and sometimes there is a difference between what I mean and what I write.

My 900 has internal 4G and 8G where XP is installed. I used eeetiger with an external card (SDHC, 16G) in the card reader. I have no external cd-rom, so I think, I installed eeetiger on my eeepc in this way:
Burning the iso-file to a CD-RW in another notebook.
Booting it there and installing eeetiger with the universal installer to an USB-stick (TOSHIBA, 4G).
I booted my eeepc with this USB-stick and installed eeetiger on the 16G- SDHC-card in the card reader.
Unfortunately I can't remember exact what I did 2 month ago, I know only it was a lot. But that was past and I don't think its the reason for the troble I have now.

I've made a complete copy of all files on the SDHC- card when it worked fine and I copied the 2fs-file to the USB-stick. It works. Booting from the USB-stick is no problem, no matter I boot the 2fs-file or pfix=ram.

Trying to Install eeetiger now which I boot from that USB-stick to an old 2G-SD-card in the card reader is no problem. Only installing eetiger to the big 16G-SDHC-card fails with the message I posted before. No matter I boot with the 2fs-file or pfix=ram.

During installation I choose USB Flash drive, than sda USB2.0 CardReader SD0.
Puppy finds sda: vfat, size 15,31 GiB.
i choose 'Install Puppy to sda'.
Next it makes no difference choosing the standard Linux console with pfix=nosplash or choosing 1024x768x256 frame buffer console.
Every time I get the message I posted before and the SDHC-card is empty.

In the meantime I copied back all the files I backed up before to the empty SDHC-card, boot flag on. I tried fat32 and ext3. No matter, if I try to boot from the card reader, screen is going to black and I see a white twinkling underline in the upper left corner and that's all.
I hope this informations will be more clearly and helpful.
Hi rhadon, that shouldn't be hard to fix. I think you just need to tweak your syslinux config file, or something similar. Can you give me a list of files on your 2G card which works (booting eeetiger, if I'm correct), and also on your 16G card (which has all the files, but doesn't work). I'm looking for the list of files when you read the card from eeetiger booted from the usb flash drive. Are you with me? So boot into eeetiger from the usbflash, put your card in the reader, mount it and tell me the names of all the files there. You may have to click on the drives icon on the dockbar to open "mut", and manually mount it. I'm not sure if the card reader is recognized automatically. I'm specifically looking for the boot file, which will be something like syslinux.conf, depending on what you've installed to boot it. To be on the safe side, just list all the names of the files on both cards, and let me know which is which. If it's working before, we can get it working again. Cheers.

Posted: Fri 22 Aug 2008, 11:13
by rhadon
Hi dinky,
I'm very glad about your optimism, here are the informations:

Files from 4GB-USB-stick (bootable)

file:///mnt/home/pup_save-Tosh02.2fs 512.0MB
file:///mnt/home/pup_save-tiger2.2fs 768.0MB
file:///mnt/home/pup_301eeetiger.sfs 235.3MB
file:///mnt/home/ 418.2kB
file:///mnt/home/ldlinux.sys 9.9kB
file:///mnt/home/ 5.9kB
file:///mnt/home/isobuster_all_lang.exe 4.3MB
file:///mnt/home/initrd.gz 2.5MB
file:///mnt/home/ 9.7MB
file:///mnt/home/ 14.5MB
file:///mnt/home/ 28.9kB
file:///mnt/home/ 23.6kB
file:///mnt/home/ 401.6kB
file:///mnt/home/zdrv_301.sfs 17.5MB
file:///mnt/home/vmlinuz 1.7MB
file:///mnt/home/usbflash 0B
file:///mnt/home/syslinux.cfg.orig 74B
file:///mnt/home/syslinux.cfg 74B
file:///mnt/home/ 3.2MB

Files from the 16GB-SDHC-card (not bootable):

file:///mnt/sda1/zdrv_400.sfs.test 17.6MB
file:///mnt/sda1/zdrv_301.sfs 17.5MB
file:///mnt/sda1/vmlinuz 1.7MB
file:///mnt/sda1/usbflash 0B
file:///mnt/sda1/syslinux.cfg 74B
file:///mnt/sda1/pup_save-tiger2.2fs 768MB
file:///mnt/sda1/pup_301eeetiger.sfs 235.3MB
file:///mnt/sda1/OpenOffice-2.3.1.sfs 139.5MB
file:///mnt/sda1/lve_version_3.iso 628.5MB
file:///mnt/sda1/ldlinux.sys 9.9kB
file:///mnt/sda1/jre-6u7-linux-i586.bin 18.8MB
file:///mnt/sda1/ 33.5MB
file:///mnt/sda1/initrd.gz 2.5MB
file:///mnt/sda1/2008-03_PCWL-eBooklet.pdf 18.2MB

Both syslinux.cfg-files are identical:

default vmlinuz initrd=initrd.gz pmedia=usbflash vga=normal pfix=nosplash

Now I installed eeetiger with universal installer to the 2GB-SD-card (booting works):

file:///mnt/sda1/initrd.gz 2.5MB
file:///mnt/sda1/ldlinux.sys 9.9kB
file:///mnt/sda1/pup_301eeetiger.sfs 235.3MB
file:///mnt/sda1/syslinux.cfg 58B
file:///mnt/sda1/USBFLASH 0B
file:///mnt/sda1/vmlinuz 1.7MB
file:///mnt/sda1/zdrv_301.sfs 17.5MB

default vmlinuz initrd=initrd.gz pmedia=usbflash vga=773

Then I copyed these files manually to the 16GB-SD-card:
All files are there but still not possible to boot from it.

So I made an Imagefile with Pudd from the 2G-card and restored it to the 16GB-card: all files are there but booting is not possible.

I'm not familiar with the way datas will be stored on cards but I think cards have also a 'hidden' part, e.g. where boot flag or a possible bootloader will be stored. In the meantime I think there is a fault. If I'm wrong, (I hope so) or if you see another possibility, please tell me. If not, do you know a possibility to test this part of the card?

Thank you very much for spending your time to such a stupid problem.


I found an older Info from you in TigerPup- section and changed the
syslinux.cfg to:
default vmlinuz initrd=initrd.gz pmedia=usbflash append vga=785 layerfs=aufs
no success.

Posted: Fri 22 Aug 2008, 23:47
by dinky
Interesting. Lets wipe your 16 G card totally, after copying any files you want to save of course. Then boot into eeetiger from your usb. Open gparted, and totally wipe the card. reformat it so it's clean, choosing the file system on the 2G card (this is for simplicity, really shouldn't matter what you use, assuming you don't need to encrypt it, this only works on fat16 and fat32 for puppy 3.01 and derivitives).

Then go to puppy universal installer, and do a fresh install of eeetiger. It should work. Make sure you choose syslinux for your boot manager. Once finished, rename the syslinux.conf file to syslinux.conf~ and copy the syslinux.conf file from your 2G card across to it. Try that, and let me know how you go.

Posted: Sat 23 Aug 2008, 11:42
by rhadon
Hi dinky,
your first ยง was no problem for me. I deleted all the files with the file manager, in gparted I deleted the Partition, built a new one as primary, formatted it with FAT32 and set the boot flag on. Copied all files (last post, last table) from 2GB card to the 16 GB card and run the universal installer: Installing doesn't work:

In universal installer I choose USB Flash drive, next (which drive to install to): sda USB2.0 CardReader SD0.
Next window: In the upper half of the window, Puppy found out about the choosen drive: sda: vfat, size 15.31 GiB and there is the button 'Install Puppy to sda'.
The lower half informs that drive is currently in Superfloppy mode and has no MBR and no partitions. Clicking the appertaining button opens gparted where I can see sda1 with FAT32, boot flag on.

I think here is a possible problem: it seems to me, that the universal installer only detects the drive sda as in gparted I can see the partition sda1.

If I click the upper button 'Install Puppy to sda:'
Next window informs that I have chosen ...the entire drive... Superfloppy mode with no MBR and no partitions.
Next window is named 'configure bootloader to use frame buffer console': I tried standard (with bootparameter pfix=nosplash) and 1024x768x256 without any bootparameter. Next is the 'FINAL SANITY CHECK' -> 'ENTER' and I see the message:

Making sda bootable...
syslinux: this doesn't look like a valid FAT filesystem
mount: mounting /dev/sda on mnt/data failed
copying vmlinuz...
Creating syslinux.cfg...
Creating marker file for wakepup boot floppy...
Copying inird.gz...
Copying .sfs files...
umount: cannot umount /mnt/data: Invalid argument
Finished, press ENTER key to continue.

Formatting disks, there is often the choice quick format - safe format. I have the suspicion, gparted runs a quick format or someething similar. Maybe here is the problem? Please tell me if you think I'm on the wrong tack or if you have another idea.
In the meantime I will do what I did the last weeks: searching in forums, try and error, hoping for 'try and success', and often feeling like a single-bit-shiftregister.

with best regards

Posted: Sun 24 Aug 2008, 21:20
by rhadon
Hi dinky,

I solved my problem-

At last I run the HP USB disk storage format tool (XP) from eeepc. Before I wrote my first post here I tried it with another notebook and an external card reader. Now I know that this couldn't work. After formatting, the universal installer detected partition sda1 on sda, only boot flag was missing. I set this with gparted (the flag 'lba' was marked by HP tool) and installing was no problem.
After this success I run gparted again, deleted the partition on sda, build it new and formatted again with fat32, setting only boot flag. It worked again.

So the HP tool did something while formatting, gparted didn't.

Let me say thank you again because you gave me hope were I hadn't much.
Now i try to wait patiently for the next version of eeetiger. You have my best wishes.


Posted: Mon 25 Aug 2008, 22:38
by dinky
Thanks rhadon, glad you got it working. Still not sure what you did, and how you managed to use XP to get the mbr working again. Sounds like somehow the MBR was erased, and you were trying to install it in Superfloppy mode.... anyway, glad it's sorted. Slowly working on next version of eeepc, will let you know when it's out. Cheers.

Posted: Tue 09 Sep 2008, 08:48
by Lobster
Hi Dinky :)

A relative had found an Eeepc that no one claimed
He got a charger
and it was booting into Xandros OK
Then for some reason it stopped working
I tried installing Xandros from my CD and from a borrowed CD
No luck, then I installed Eeetiger to USB
and finally on to the internal IDE flash dive

Below is the procedure
also available here

Tiger Power!

Lobster Installation Guide:

It is probably best to use the Xandros default OS
and run Eeetiger from USB keydrive by pressing Ctrl + Esc during boot

This will install EeeTiger to the Eeepcs internal drive taking over the Xandros OS

You will need a 512 or more USB key drive

1. Download the Eeetiger ISO
2. Boot from CD and install to the USB using the Universal Installer
Make sure USB is bootable (you may have to use gparted - choose the 3rd boot option)
3. Boot from USB key drive by pressing Ctrl + Esc during boot and choose the USB device
4. When Eeepup loads run the universal installer
5. Run Gparted
6. Format the hdc1 (internal drive) to 16FAT and set the flag to boot when prompted
7. Reboot from USB
8. Click on the USB icon to mount
9. Run the Universal installer
10. Install to IDE flashdrive
11. Follow the instructions, select the Barry recommended boot option - 3rd option)

Posted: Tue 09 Sep 2008, 23:57
by dinky
Hi Lobster, thanks for that. Great instructions, if a bit different from how I've done it before. Couple questions. When the internal drive is formatted to fat16, does eeetiger recognise it as a usb drive, or a flash medium? I've only tried formatting the internal drive as ext 2 or ext 3, as there are more possibilities. However, using a fat system means you can also encrypt the save file, as that's broken with ext2 and ext3 partitions in Puppy 3.01.

Anyway, on a frugal install the intermittent saving to disk (30 minutes or so) only works on the internal drive with an edited init... or so I thought... canyou check this for me? Look for the PUPMODE file, I think it's in /etc/rc.d/, though I can't check that right now. If it's set to pupmode 13 we have liftoff... and I'm guessing with this you're talking about a frugal install, not full...

I've been working on eeetiger based on Puppy4, though I don't have much to speak of at the moment. I do know it will be alot smaller, roughly 150 to 160Mb or so. Possibly smaller still if I include most of the programs in an sfs extension. Also looking at replacing wbar with avant window navigator.

Still having issues getting the rebuilds from unleashed booting correctly and installing Compiz-Fusion. I'm planning a total re-write of eeetiger, and eventually TigerPup from unleashed. The boot time should be faster as well, using the default pebble bootsplash. Anyway, will post more when I've done more... could be some time, so don't hold your breathe. My wife is due any day now, with our second baby on the way. Cheers matey, and thanks for your enthusiasm.

Posted: Wed 10 Sep 2008, 15:53
by Lobster
When the internal drive is formatted to fat16, does eeetiger recognise it as a usb drive, or a flash medium?
Flash medium. :)

I had to return the Eeepc this morning - so can not answer the other question.
I created a new ethernet cable for the router to his Linux machine (better than wifi anyday) and tested it on Eeetiger - worked OK :)

I formatted to fat 16 because of compatibility and usability.

Good luck with the sprog (baby) and great to hear of a new EeeTiger.
Keep on your toes, Barry might be creating a Classmate/Eeepc puplet and Tom seems keen to try new stuff . . . :)

Also be aware of LIT which provides major 4.xx series software links ... 732#229732

nice distro - my experiance of eeetiger

Posted: Fri 12 Sep 2008, 23:58
by bingobetty
Gotta say I love this but was having some sound problems. I got the sound working (on an eee701) for the media player but then on reboot no sound whatsoever.

What worked for me (after a few trys).

Firstly set the xfce mixer "wannabe master" to "front,0"

Then in the music player app that gave choppy sound set the sound driver to ALSA.

Now I can say I fooking love it! Booted off an SD card on the train from London and peeps were looking over their shoulders at the compiz effects and stuff!

Top work everyone!

Posted: Wed 24 Sep 2008, 23:34
by LaneLester
I guess I'm doomed to not run Puppy on the Eee PC. I failed with Breeezy, Puppeee, and eeeTiger. The interesting thing to me is that the symptoms were completely different in every case.

I tried eeeTiger last, and it seemed the simplest and most foolproof approach... although evidently not proof against this fool.

When I selected the USB stick to boot, the Eee quit with "Missing operating system." I looked at the files on the stick, and I noticed that not all of the ones from the .iso were on there. But adding them didn't make any difference.

Both gparted and fdisk showed the stick as bootable. I had used gparted to create an ext2 partition.

The only thing I did out of the procedure was put a zero-byte pup_400.sfs file in the .iso directory. This was needed, because I was doing this in Dingo. I then deleted it from the USB stick before testing it.

Later: Having tried it on a 512 MB stick, I decided to try a 2 GB. While going through the installer, I was reminded about the possible necessity of trying different boot sector things. I had taken the default on the 512 MB stick, and this time I took the mbr.bin approach. The difference when I tried it was the "Missing OS" message just flashed on the screen, and then it immediately went to the Xandros on the internal flash drive.



Posted: Thu 25 Sep 2008, 02:14
by dinky
Hi Lane, your problem might be that you're using Dingo. Haven't extensively tested it, but I think the installer for flash medium is hosed. Try downloading the TigerPup iso (parent of eeetiger) and burning that onto a live cd. Then run the 'universal puppy installer', and follow the same steps to create a bootable usb stick. After that, pull the eeetiger files from the iso, and copy them onto the usb in place of the TigerPup files. This should solve your problems. Don't give up, we'll definitely get it going. The other thing to check are the settings in your bios. You need to change your hard disk boot priority... should recognize the usb as another hard drive. Let me know how you go. TigerPup is here:


Posted: Thu 25 Sep 2008, 07:17
by aarf
LaneLester wrote:I guess I'm doomed to not run Puppy on the Eee PC. I failed with Breeezy, Puppeee, and eeeTiger. The interesting thing to me is that the symptoms were completely different in every case.

I tried eeeTiger last, and it seemed the simplest and most foolproof approach... although evidently not proof against this fool.

When I selected the USB stick to boot, the Eee quit with "Missing operating system." I looked at the files on the stick, and I noticed that not all of the ones from the .iso were on there. But adding them didn't make any difference.

Both gparted and fdisk showed the stick as bootable. I had used gparted to create an ext2 partition.

The only thing I did out of the procedure was put a zero-byte pup_400.sfs file in the .iso directory. This was needed, because I was doing this in Dingo. I then deleted it from the USB stick before testing it.

Later: Having tried it on a 512 MB stick, I decided to try a 2 GB. While going through the installer, I was reminded about the possible necessity of trying different boot sector things. I had taken the default on the 512 MB stick, and this time I took the mbr.bin approach. The difference when I tried it was the "Missing OS" message just flashed on the screen, and then it immediately went to the Xandros on the internal flash drive.


more than occasionally EeePC fails to see the plugged usb. Hold down the escape key when booting and confirm that the usb is in the choices . If it exist there selected it, if it is not there reboot and replug the flash drive. Press/hold the escape key on each boot to be sure of booting what you want.

Posted: Thu 25 Sep 2008, 12:46
by LaneLester
dinky wrote:Hi Lane, your problem might be that you're using Dingo. Haven't extensively tested it, but I think the installer for flash medium is hosed. Try downloading the TigerPup iso (parent of eeetiger) and burning that onto a live cd. Then run the 'universal puppy installer', and follow the same steps to create a bootable usb stick. After that, pull the eeetiger files from the iso, and copy them onto the usb in place of the TigerPup files.
Thanks for the help, dinky! It worked perfectly, even though I cheated and let the installer put the eee files directly on the usb. The first time I ran the installer, it asked me where the files were located, and I pointed to a directory where I had extracted the .iso. Then I had to exit and use gparted, because the installer couldn't use the ext2 on the usb. I changed it to fat16, and I'm pretty sure when I ran the installer again, it didn't ask me where the files were. Maybe it saved that info from the first run.

With compiz on the eee, it's like having a new video game to play with! I used compiz with Xubuntu a while back, but I didn't stick with it, because I wanted functionality more than eye candy. I might have gotten things the way I wanted them, but the controls were too confusing and I couldn't find any decent help.

And thanks, aarf, for your suggestion. I've never had any trouble with the usb sticks getting recognized. I wish I could say the same thing for the SD card. I have a 4 GB in there, and it seems totally random whether or not it is seen.


eeeTiger on an SD Card?

Posted: Thu 25 Sep 2008, 15:29
by LaneLester
Now that I have eeeTiger working on a USB flash drive, I thought it would be neater to have it on an SD card that doesn't stick out. I have a 1 GB card with a fat16 partition. In the Eee PC I copied the files from the USB to the SD, but it wouldn't boot.

Is there a different approach I should try?


Posted: Fri 26 Sep 2008, 11:11
by dinky
Hi Lane, a few things to try. Firstly, make sure you set the boot flag on your SD card otherwise it won't work. Running eeetiger, pen gparted with you sd card in (don't mount it), then set the boot flag. After that, copy ALL the filess from your usb unto the SD card, except the pup_save file (unless you want all your settings trasferred across.) This should boot. Otherswise, you can install directly to the sd card from a running instance of eeetiger on the usb stick. After formatting to the file system you want, use the puppy universal installer to put it on the sd card. This might be best anyway, as it will configure the card properly to boot. See how you go. For eeetiger I use the internal card as my main system, the card reader for my extended disk space and my test system, and a usb install for my rescue system. Cheers. Oh, and glad you like eeetiger!!! I don't have time now, but if you are able to drop a note to the developers of Puppy 4.1 that the univeral installer didn't work in Dingo, and you needed to use Puppy 3.01, that would be a huge help! Cheers!


What's the current version?

Posted: Sun 28 Sep 2008, 16:19
by MrFairGo
Hi Dinky

Just skimmed through this entire 7-page topic. Sounds like eeeTiger might be the solution to the issue I posted at

I.e. wireless networking doesn't work. I have an Eee PC 900, currently booting nicely into Puppy from a 16Gb SD card in the slot. Ethernet works fine, but wireless does not. Neither sound. Ext Monitor works, but "stretched". And I can't get a DVD to play full screen (I have been buying the Eee little "presents" like the 16Gb SD card, an external DVD drive, a smaller BlueTooth dongle that doesn't stick out so far)

Speaking of BlueTooth, booting into XP I can connect and surf via my NextG phone perfectly. Is there a chance I could also do that with eeeTiger? Any tips on that?

I would like to DL and try eeeTiger, hoping it addresses all the above issues. However, I am wondering if this is the latest release, that is therefore most likely to work on my machine...? ... etiger.iso


Cheers from North Qld


Re: What's the current version?

Posted: Mon 29 Sep 2008, 01:48
by aarf
MrFairGo wrote: Speaking of BlueTooth, booting into XP I can connect and surf via my NextG phone perfectly. Is there a chance I could also do that with eeeTiger? Any tips on that?

I would like to DL and try eeeTiger, hoping it addresses all the above issues. However, I am wondering if this is the latest release, that is therefore most likely to work


Cheers from North Qld


The new Gprs connect feature on puppy 4.1beta could do with more testers.
See ... 4&start=60

for details.

Posted: Tue 30 Sep 2008, 02:23
by dinky
Hi MrFairGo, here's an answer to your questions:

As far as I know sound is not possible yet on the eeepc900 with eeetiger, due to needing a more recent kernel. If this bothers you, don't use it. You may be able to get sound working on your own, but it's more likely this will become a feature when I rebuild from Puppy 4.1, after it's released.

I haven't found a way to work around the screen image being stretched with an external monitor, let me know if you figure it out. Wireless does work on the 701, so I assume it will also work on the 900. Let me know how you go. WPA encryption isn't that well supported in Puppy (TKIP works), but WEP is fine. Regarding playing media full-screen, should be fine. eeetiger uses Xine-ui, so simply hit F when playing and you will get full screen. Current bluetooth support in Linux is very very basic, so don't hold your breathe. Check out Aarf's link though, he might be onto something.

The link you posted is the most recent release of eeetiger, let me know how you go. I'm working on a rebuild of eeetiger from Puppy 4, but it's going to be awhile. Nothing to test as of yet I'm afraid. Cheers,
