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The SFS file

Posted: Sun 01 Aug 2010, 23:09
by shinobar
Thanks aarf for testing. the sfs maybe work only on 431JP(japanese edition) or its delivertives because their sfs system is different. Use PETs instead.
Here isare PETs for avidemux2

Posted: Mon 02 Aug 2010, 06:55
by kenbanistu
When I try to convert something to VCD using the NTSC VCD preset, it fails. Not sure what's wrong.


Posted: Mon 02 Aug 2010, 23:21
by shinobar
kenbanistu wrote:When I try to convert something to VCD using the NTSC VCD preset, it fails.
Are you sure using FFconvert-1.0?

Posted: Tue 03 Aug 2010, 01:37
by kenbanistu
shinobar wrote:
kenbanistu wrote:When I try to convert something to VCD using the NTSC VCD preset, it fails.
Are you sure using FFconvert-1.0?


Posted: Tue 03 Aug 2010, 07:14
by shinobar
The screen size for NTSC VCD should be '352x240'.
It seems that the letter 'x' in lower case, was replaced with a wrong character... for example '352X240' or something.

Load 'NTSC VCD' preset, then select the screen size again to '352x240'. If you cannnot find it in the combobox, you can type it.

Posted: Tue 03 Aug 2010, 07:42
by smokey01
There are a couple of traps here.

1. When selecting a preset you must then press load for it to take affect.

2. You need to make sure you have also installed the codecs. ...


Posted: Tue 03 Aug 2010, 18:39
by kenbanistu
shinobar wrote:kenbanistu,
The screen size for NTSC VCD should be '352x240'.
It seems that the letter 'x' in lower case, was replaced with a wrong character... for example '352X240' or something.

Load 'NTSC VCD' preset, then select the screen size again to '352x240'. If you cannnot find it in the combobox, you can type it.
I gave that a try and it didn't help.

Posted: Tue 03 Aug 2010, 18:43
by kenbanistu
I should also have mentioned before, that I get an error message that says:

An error occured.
You can check the generated command in /tmp/

When I click the Look up button here is whats in

cd "/initrd/mnt/dev_save/VCD/ffconvert_tmp_wdpm1"
ffmpeg -pass 1 -i "/initrd/mnt/dev_save/wdpm1.wmv" -y -f mpeg -vcodec mpeg1video -b 1150k -s 352240 -r 2997 -mbd rd -trellis -mv0 -cmp 0 -subcmp 2 -an -an /dev/null && ffmpeg -pass 2 -i "/initrd/mnt/dev_save/wdpm1.wmv" -y -f mpeg -vcodec mpeg1video -b 1150k -s 352240 -r 2997 -mbd rd -trellis -mv0 -cmp 0 -subcmp 2 -acodec mp2 -ab 224k -ar 44100 -ac 2 "/initrd/mnt/dev_save/VCD/wdpm1.mpg"
echo -n $STATUS > "/tmp/ffconvert_wdpm1.tmp"
[ "$STATUS" = "0" ] && exit
cat "/tmp/" | grep '^ffmpeg'
echo -n Press [ENTER] to exit :
read REP

I hope this helps because I'm getting frustrated.

Posted: Sat 11 Sep 2010, 21:33
by edoc
smokey01 wrote:There are a couple of traps here.

1. When selecting a preset you must then press load for it to take affect.

2. You need to make sure you have also installed the codecs. ...
I am, as usual, confused.

If this PET ffconvert 1.0 with the codecs - called ffmpeg - and is compiled for Lucid 5.1 or is it just ffmpeg 1.0 or just the codecs for ffconvert 1.0, or ???, please?

FFconvert and FFmpeg

Posted: Sat 11 Sep 2010, 22:22
by shinobar
edoc wrote:If this PET ffconvert 1.0 with the codecs - called ffmpeg - and is compiled for Lucid 5.1 or is it just ffmpeg 1.0 or just the codecs for ffconvert 1.0, or ???, please?
The FFconvert-1.0 is the frontend only, without any codecs.
You can install it on any puppies 4.x/5.x., but Quirky and Wary already have FFconvert-1.0 preinstalled.

Requires FFmpeg as the backend.
FFmpeg is preinstalled on most of puppies. But you can upgrade it to enhance the ability.
  • For puppies 4.x, recommended
  • For Lucid Puppy, recommended provided by o1mico. You may also need additional libraries,
  • For Quirky or Wary, you do not need to upgrade FFmpeg. They already have excellent one.

Posted: Sat 09 Oct 2010, 19:42
by L18L
Hi shinobar,

I had just downloaded wary090.
Nice idea to put de/LC_MESSAGES/
So I updated from doc/.../nls/...pot.


Posted: Sun 10 Oct 2010, 03:50
by Flash
L18L, your explanation is too terse or cryptic. Would you please add some meat to it? Thanks. :)

Posted: Sun 10 Oct 2010, 12:59
by L18L
Hi Flash,
terse or cryptic
you are absolutely right.
shinobar will understand it, but here is an explanation for you and all who are interested in localization.

I was testing the german translation and uploaded the recreated result.

wary090 contains /usr/bin/ffconvert which is internationalized.
The German translation file is
/usr/share/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/ (de for German).
It is ( besides japanese ) the only language file in wary090. shinobar will put it into the language-pack_de and then it will be wasting space in the main.sfs no more!

.mo stands for 'machine object' and can be created by the gettext utility msgfmt from the 'portable object' file
which is editable in geany (or in yudit for languages which write from right to left).

If you want to use the german ffconvert:
Desktop > Choose Locale Country Setup
choose de_DE
no need to restart X
You can launch ffconvert in German language from terminal:

Code: Select all

LANG=de_DE; ffconvert
You will see the GUI with some textes not translated and some ugly characters which are not german.
Now apply the new translation:

edit /usr/bin/ffconvert to:

Code: Select all

# FFConvert - a frontend of ffmpeg
# 20 Jul 2010 by shinobar <>
copy the new translation to
and relaunch

Code: Select all

LANG=de_DE; ffconvert
Now everything is allright.
'export OUTPUT_CHARSET=UTF-8' is nort really a bug and shinobar will correct it, I am sure about this :D

You can launch ffconvert in English by

Code: Select all

LANG=en_US; ffconvert
If you like to produce a translation to another language feel free to do so!
Hope that helps

Development ffconvert

Posted: Sun 10 Oct 2010, 14:10
by shinobar
L18L wrote:'export OUTPUT_CHARSET=UTF-8' is nort really a bug and shinobar will correct it, I am sure about this :D
I was almost forgetting it. Thanks.

I am planning the next release, but time goes by... :lol:

Attached a development version.
It is not PET because it is not official release. Use who knows how to use.
It does not contain full components. Only the script and the launcher(.desktop file).
Use with ffconvert-1.0.
The development version can launch with the launcher or clicking the script.
Or type 'ffconvert-1.1' from the virtual terminal.

Posted: Sun 10 Oct 2010, 15:42
by L18L
Just tried to convert to mp3 mono (wary090)

Code: Select all

# LANG=de_DE@euro;ffconvert-1.1

Code: Select all

/usr/bin/ffconvert-1.1: line 130: 31775 Terminated              gtkdialog3 -p DIALOG >/dev/null

(gtkdialog3:1858): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: gsignal.c:3079: signal name `depressed' is invalid for instance `0x8532258'
/usr/bin/ffconvert-1.1: line 774: 31783 Terminated              gtkdialog3 -p DIALOG >/dev/null
[1]+  Terminated              gtkdialog3 -p DIALOG >$REPFILE
result sounds good in Pmusic :D
no sound in mplayer :cry:
May others
who knows how to use
do more testing.

Posted: Mon 11 Oct 2010, 01:25
by shinobar

Code: Select all

# LANG=de_DE@euro;ffconvert-1.1

Code: Select all

/usr/bin/ffconvert-1.1: line 130: 31775 Terminated              gtkdialog3 -p DIALOG >/dev/null

(gtkdialog3:1858): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: gsignal.c:3079: signal name `depressed' is invalid for instance `0x8532258'
/usr/bin/ffconvert-1.1: line 774: 31783 Terminated              gtkdialog3 -p DIALOG >/dev/null
[1]+  Terminated              gtkdialog3 -p DIALOG >$REPFILE
Thanks for testing.
The output on the terminal is nomal.
The GLib-GObject-WARNING can be seen with Lucid Puppy(LupQ/Lupu). Suspect the gtkdialog3 bug or compiled under different environment.

Changes of 1.1

Code: Select all

# 28 Jul 2010 check ffmpeg suports for each codec, crop and zoom, libvovis instead of ovis
# 10 Oct 2010 progress bar, allow both 'orvis' or 'liborvis' as the codec name
Known problem: Canceling the job.

Posted: Mon 11 Oct 2010, 16:16
by abushcrafter
shinobar wrote:Changes of 1.1

Code: Select all

# 28 Jul 2010 check ffmpeg suports for each codec, crop and zoom, libvovis instead of ovis
# 10 Oct 2010 progress bar, allow both 'orvis' or 'liborvis' as the codec name
Known problem: Canceling the job.
To remain compatible with older versions of FFmpeg in older puppy's, what about this script: ... 967#456967.

backward conpatible

Posted: Tue 12 Oct 2010, 01:09
by shinobar
abushcrafter wrote:To remain compatible with older versions of FFmpeg in older puppy's, what about this script: ... 967#456967.
Tnx. The wrapper is great.

FFconvert-1.1 itself also has the code:

Code: Select all

# 10 Oct 2010 progress bar, allow both 'orvis' or 'liborvis' as the codec name
Also xvid and can be another have same situation.

Code: Select all

    VCODEC=$(echo "$VCODECS" | grep -w "$VCODEC1")
    if [ "$VCODEC" = "" ] ; then
      case $VCODEC1 in
        lib*) VCODEC=$(echo $VCODEC1| sed -e 's/^lib//') ;;
        *) VCODEC="lib$VCODEC1";;
      VCODEC=$(echo "$VCODECS" | grep -w "$VCODEC")

Posted: Tue 12 Oct 2010, 04:07
by technosaurus
I added your development version of ffconvert to my bashbox script - it went fairly smoothly. (I am trying to consolidate as many functions as possible into a single script to ease development) Once we get everything together we can probably do some significant code reduction through code reuse (another bonus would be a unified look and feel).

Let me know what you think....or any other goodies you'd like to see added.

bashbox thread

Re: backward conpatible

Posted: Tue 12 Oct 2010, 21:03
by abushcrafter
shinobar wrote:
abushcrafter wrote:To remain compatible with older versions of FFmpeg in older puppy's, what about this script: ... 967#456967.
Tnx. The wrapper is great.

FFconvert-1.1 itself also has the code:

Code: Select all

# 10 Oct 2010 progress bar, allow both 'orvis' or 'liborvis' as the codec name
Also xvid and can be another have same situation.

Code: Select all

    VCODEC=$(echo "$VCODECS" | grep -w "$VCODEC1")
    if [ "$VCODEC" = "" ] ; then
      case $VCODEC1 in
        lib*) VCODEC=$(echo $VCODEC1| sed -e 's/^lib//') ;;
        *) VCODEC="lib$VCODEC1";;
      VCODEC=$(echo "$VCODECS" | grep -w "$VCODEC")
Oh/arrr. So what does "progress bar" mean in the change log? Thanks for pointing out xvid. Will add that to the script.