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Posted: Wed 01 Dec 2010, 13:10
by pemasu
# retrovol
Segmentation fault
Barry Kauler posted today about this problem in luci 5.2 thread. It is probably newest woof related, at least partly.

Posted: Wed 01 Dec 2010, 14:12
by Iguleder
Finally, it's ready. Did lots of hacking on this one. Sources are here.

Insidious Puppy 001

Posted: Wed 01 Dec 2010, 15:37
by Billtoo
This is a fresh install and the first screen shot shows retrovol and
alsamixer working fine.

The second screenshot shows after installing your new gnome alsa mixer

I tried installing your new pets on the install from yesterday but it
would just show an empty gnome alsa window and selecting "sound card
preferences" from the menu would make it crash.

I'll run this install today and see how it goes.

Posted: Wed 01 Dec 2010, 17:22
by abushcrafter
Failed to show the Ethernet option in the network dialogue. I have been able to connect in all other puppy's to the internet. I think this is my Ethernet card: "02:0f.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL-8139/8139C/8139C+ (rev 10)".

Posted: Wed 01 Dec 2010, 17:56
by Iguleder
I'll check this. Maybe the kernel needs to be recompiled ... or maybe the kernel doesn't play nicely with Debian Sid.

What do you think - time for a new kernel (I'll take care of third-party drivers, modems are not needed because they won't compile)?

Posted: Wed 01 Dec 2010, 18:02
by abushcrafter
Iguleder wrote:What do you think - time for a new kernel (I'll take care of third-party drivers, modems are not needed because they won't compile)?
I don't have a clue.

Posted: Wed 01 Dec 2010, 18:21
by jplt
Bert > i have done all you said to have my keyboard working but nothing !

I change jwm to icewm and the keyboard don't respond too !

I don't know what to do ?

The strange thing is the keyboard work well in the command line without X running but i 'am in the desktop nothing just the usb mouse working !

I also teste Insidious Puppy 001 in virtual box under lupq 511 the same thing the keyboard don't work !

Any suggestions ?

Posted: Wed 01 Dec 2010, 18:25
by Iguleder
Try to install xf86-input-keyboard, it's a Lupu package.

And by the way, I started working on a kernel package. This time I'm going to compile only nvidia drivers - modem drivers won't compile.

Posted: Wed 01 Dec 2010, 20:48
by Roy
I have downloaded 001 and am about to look for the Broadcom wl wireless driver in it (for use on different computer -- a netbook), but see it is probably too late to ask about it if it is not there.

As a matter of curiosity, is there some secret or new procedure to print a web page to a .pdf? It is either not working for me or the new procedure is throwing me....

Love the speed and looks!


Posted: Wed 01 Dec 2010, 20:49
by Bert
jplt wrote:Bert > i have done all you said to have my keyboard working but nothing !
Any suggestions ?
Hi jplt,

I'm afraid I can't help you any further.
I attached the package Iguleder advised, in case you don't have a Lupu copy lying around.
Just unpack it and place it in /root/.packages/builtin_files.

Hope that helps.

Posted: Wed 01 Dec 2010, 21:14
by Iguleder
Roy - print, and choose "print to a file".

Bert - he needs the package, not the list of files in the package. I don't see it in the repo for some reason. :cry:

Posted: Thu 02 Dec 2010, 00:03
by Roy
Thanks, but something is amiss on my end....

Brought up a random Google web page (see test-screenshot.png). BTW, great job on the PrntScrn keybinding!!!
Selected Icecat's File > Print > Print to file
Assigned name of 'test.pdf' and printed
Almost the entire 1st (of 3) page is blank in .pdf (ran the .pdf over the pinboard zip icon -- actually targz'd it -- for forum attachment).

How do I get rid of all that blank space Puppy inserted into the .pdf?

Insidiouspup001 as a LiveCD

Improving the insidious puppy

Posted: Thu 02 Dec 2010, 06:21
by mistfire
Does all debs are supported? Is it also possible to install rpm, tgz and txz on PPM?

By the way this puplet is great! Is there a xfce version of it?

I suggest that include the following for better long-support and make insidous pup work more offline rather than online:

1. startmount for managing start-up programs
2. pcompile/petmaker to build a pet packages out of source code tarballs,
3. sfs converter for converting old sfs files to newer sfs, sfs installer/ sfs to pet installing for installing sfs modules

4. an apps that mounts the sfs modules on-the fly.
5. Add rar support in file archiving software.

Is it possible isolate root folder from home folder by default? it means that the home folder for storing documents and files will be at /root/folder_name instead of /root/ because of of hidden files and folder which part of an apps inside the /root/ even show hidden files is disabled. the files can be seen at GTK uploader or any file managers. It may accidentally deleted by the newbies or user.

Can't do a full install!

Posted: Thu 02 Dec 2010, 06:27
by Tui
Yes I did another reburn of the downloaded iso
and before doing so did an md5 to check if it compared
with that stated in this forum.

But still can't do an install to the HD

The script won't go past the CONTINUE & QUIT install window.

What am I missing?

Cheers Tui

Re: Can't do a full install!

Posted: Thu 02 Dec 2010, 07:13
by James C
Tui wrote:Yes I did another reburn of the downloaded iso
and before doing so did an md5 to check if it compared
with that stated in this forum.

But still can't do an install to the HD

The script won't go past the CONTINUE & QUIT install window.

What am I missing?

Cheers Tui
Don't think you're missing anything. :)

I generally do manual frugal installs,so no problem there. I just failed trying to install via the installer on 2 machines myself.

First was my test box with a frugal of Insidious 001 on sda15, the installer detected that install and was supposed to continue while skipping that partition (same window you saw I guess) but it just quit.
Second was my main Linux box...same story,detected a Insidious sfs in a partition and just quit again. Big problem, no Insidious 001 files of any kind on that computer. :lol:

Believe we have a installer problem. :)

Posted: Thu 02 Dec 2010, 08:06
by Iguleder
Can you run it from the console to see if it shows any errors?

mistfire: I'm writing a guide that explains how to build Insidious Puppy on your own. :wink:

Roy: try to install libjbig2dec.

Re: No Frugal nor Full instalation.

Posted: Thu 02 Dec 2010, 10:02
by smokey01
Tui wrote:Well things were going well until
I wanted a full install or frugal.

The live CD runs ok! This bit of instruction software
is missing.

So how do I get a full install?

You may already know this but you can't do a full install to a non Linux partition. Frugal will work on FAT16/32 NTFS.

Posted: Thu 02 Dec 2010, 10:54
by Iguleder
Hey guys, you really should try the new Flash 10.2 beta. It's great - my Q2 2010 netbook can play 720p video smoothly with it (it's an Intel 3150 accelerator, i915 driver)!

What a difference! I still can't scroll smoothly or do any heavy stuff while Youtube HD videos play, but they're smooth - previously I had one frame in 2-5 seconds. And fullscreen works perfectly, it's smooth too! First Puppy to have this :D

At the moment I'm compiling, I think it could be a great addition to 002, which already has many upgraded packages, including ffmpeg. It also has a new mixer, improvements to Iceape (homepage, default settings, Puppy bookmarks), DeaDBeeF (decided to give up on alsaplayer, it seems Debian doesn't have any good alternative to DeaDBeeF, which is ideal - made a PET), a package list downloader (to reduce the ISO size) and other things I don't remember.

Re: Improving the insidious puppy

Posted: Thu 02 Dec 2010, 11:08
by nancy reagan
mistfire wrote:Does all debs are supported? Is it also possible to install rpm, tgz and txz on PPM?

By the way this puplet is great! Is there a xfce version of it?

I suggest that include the following for better long-support and make insidous pup work more offline rather than online:

1. startmount for managing start-up programs
2. pcompile/petmaker to build a pet packages out of source code tarballs,
3. sfs converter for converting old sfs files to newer sfs, sfs installer/ sfs to pet installing for installing sfs modules

4. an apps that mounts the sfs modules on-the fly.
5. Add rar support in file archiving software.
Yeah, esp jrb's sfs linker very very practical for un/mounting all kinds of sfs files, and/or - whole directories -. Very small app that does a very great job. Read more on this page

And .. dup(licat)finder ?


When writing your guide will you also talk to low profile users like ?? I would so very very much know how to appply debians (for it has fretsionfire for me nephews).

Anyway you are a genius and then it is often hard to understand lowprofiles like auntie. Needless to send more praise.

Posted: Thu 02 Dec 2010, 14:00
by Iguleder
The guide isn't very technical, don't worry :)

I uploaded the sources, now uploading the PET - somehow it's smaller than the from 001.

This kernel has many modules compiled into the kernel image itself, so it should boot faster. Things related to ACPI and all the common "core" stuff, I mean (things like the video/button modules, hardware monitoring support, etc'). This time the whole ALSA consists of kernel modules - I found out this is needed for ISA PnP.

Oh, another important thing - this one also has Nouveau, I'm going to try it on my nvidia machine :D

EDIT: I forgot to mention, there's a new repo - here. The name is more generic this time :)

In order to add this repository to any Puppy (should work with 4.3.1+), add this at the end of /root/.packages/DISTRO_PET_REPOS:

Code: Select all

The packages there should be compatible with Lupu (except the drivers, they're specific to a kernel version). The kernel PETs can be used with Woof, if any puplet developer is interested :)