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Posted: Wed 15 Dec 2010, 09:36
by Sage
4) Open terminal and type this in terminal (replacing sda1 with the partition where you did the full install)
chroot /mnt/sda1 /bin/busybox
Did that:
chroot cannot run command /bin/busybox No such file or directory

I presumed you wished the liveCD to be run with pfix=ram

What now?

Posted: Wed 15 Dec 2010, 09:50
by anAF
I typed

Code: Select all

chroot /mnt/sda1 /bin/busybox 
The report is attached in the png image

Keyboard issue again

Posted: Wed 15 Dec 2010, 09:59
by anAF
By the way,
if I run the keyboard wizard now, the layouts are all there but when I select the italian layout I've got the graphic error you can see in the attached image: what's the problem now?
Thaks again


Posted: Wed 15 Dec 2010, 10:03
by jamesbond
Davide, your report means that busybox works ==> init works ==> system should start. You should be able to boot into your full installation.

If you still can't boot, tell me:
a) what's your boot loader (is it grub or grub4dos)
b) how you install it (manually or do you use fatdog64's grub/grub4dos installer)
c) content of your menu.lst file
d) when you boot, please append "loglevel=7" to the kernel command line, and pass me the screen capture when it encounter kernel panic.

I presume you are using VirtualBox to test it - I did the same, and it booted successfully, straight to X desktop. I tested with both grub and grub4dos, using fatdog64's installer (both grub and grub4dos installed to MBR). I didn't even have to change anything in the menu.lst, just accept what grub/grub4dos installer gave me. Unfortunately I can't spare a machine to test full-install on bare metal. Others are welcome to try though.


Re: Keyboard issue again

Posted: Wed 15 Dec 2010, 10:05
by jamesbond
anAF wrote:By the way,
if I run the keyboard wizard now, the layouts are all there but when I select the italian layout I've got the graphic error you can see in the attached image: what's the problem now?
Thaks again

That's an interesting art :D On a more serious note, I'll let others look into this. This is on your frugal install?

Posted: Wed 15 Dec 2010, 11:06
by Sage
jb: although you didn't specifically refer to my HD-install, I decide to append loglevel=7 to my boot parameters. The boot proceeded much further this time until it reached:
autorun DONE
VFS: Mounted root...r-o on device 8:1
Freeing unused k...mem 444k freed
KP!, etc seems to want me to pass an init=option to kernel
followed by six Call Trace o.p.s
Obviously cannot record the whole OP as don't even have a CLI.

Posted: Wed 15 Dec 2010, 12:02
by jamesbond
Sage, have you tried my chroot test above?

Posted: Wed 15 Dec 2010, 13:06
by Sage
Oh yes - see seven items above!
Care to explain purpose in simple terms for a simple guy?

Posted: Wed 15 Dec 2010, 13:16
by jamesbond
Sorry Sage didn't see your post earlier. It means that busybox cannot run ==> thus init cannot be started ==> kernel doesn't know what to do ==> panic!

Now try this:
1) boot with your LiveCD
2) Mount the partition where you did the full install (I'll assume it will be /mnt/sda1)
3) Open terminal
4) In terminal, type this

Code: Select all

cd /mnt/sda1
and then

Code: Select all

ls -l lib64
What do you see? If you get an error message, then type this

Code: Select all

ln -s lib lib64
or else don't do anything - just tell me what you see.

Posted: Wed 15 Dec 2010, 14:43
by Sage
ls -1(numeric one) lib64 gives :
then ls -s lib lib64 gives:

ls -l(alphabetic) lib64 gives:
lrwxrwxrwx 1(numeric) root root 3 2010-04-23 21:59 lib64-> lib
then ls -s lib lib64 gives:
ln: creating symbolic link 'lib64/lib': File exists

Take your pick, but something seems to be happening.
About time for your cocoa?!!

Other Filemanager for Fatdog 64

Posted: Wed 15 Dec 2010, 19:59
by Karylon
Hi folks

this is my first post.
Fatdog64 is that, what I always wanted. Small, running in RAM, 64bit and Openbox to make it responsive. And that together with a few, but high quality applications.
It's my workhorse for everything. Thank's a lot.

For myself ROX is not so convenient for many copy and paste operations, so I have build a package of PcmanFm 0.53 which works well with openbox.Most of the dependencies (libhal, libdbus etc.) were simply taken from debian 64 packages and converted with deb2pet and then funneled into one main package.

The pet is below one Mb.

When someone wants to use this package first you have to tell PcmanFm to use a Gnome icon theme (otherwise You get segfault error).
So copy the "nuoveXT.2.2.tar.bz2" to /usr/share/icons/ and unpack it inside this directory.

Now open the hidden file /root/.gtkrc-2.0 and add after the last line:


Now PcmanFm should work (I hope). You find the in the menu under System.

If possible give me one or two feedbacks, wether it works or not.

If some finds a more beautiful Icontheme please let me know also, because nuove XT is a little bit dull.
I have tried several times to upload the (9Mb) nuoveXT.2.2.tar.bz2 but was always thrown out. So please try to find this Icon theme by googling.


Posted: Wed 15 Dec 2010, 20:19
by gcmartin
I run a liveDVD and have NOT seen the reported problems others are seeing with DNS resolution on my FATDOG. The problem you are working on, you ask
... try ... ...
  • Is this PET to be added to my running system?
  • And, if so, how will I know what to report to you, if all continues OK and I still am able to route?
  • Lastly, if you advise me to test, what steps should I follow for the PET's certification on FATDOG (maybe a 511-rc1 may be in order)?
Hope this helps
P.S. Just a note: When adding the updated Seamonkey browser to the PPM, INSURE that you get the 64bit version (available as a stable or the beta versions).

Posted: Wed 15 Dec 2010, 23:03
by James C
Finally got around to giving 510 a spin..... live pfix=ram.booted to working sound and correct screen resolution but no internet connection. Installed the pet from the first post which solved that little difficulty. Display seems good even with the default driver.

Processor : 4x AMD Athlon(tm) II X4 620 Processor
Memory : 3797MB (219MB used)
Operating System : Puppy Linux 0.50
User Name : root (root)
Date/Time : Wed 15 Dec 2010 04:59:38 PM GMT+5
Resolution : 1366x768 pixels
OpenGL Renderer : Software Rasterizer
X11 Vendor : The X.Org Foundation
Audio Adapter : HDA-Intel - HDA NVidia

Vendor : Mesa Project
Renderer : Software Rasterizer
Version : 2.1 Mesa 7.8.2
Direct Rendering : Yes

Think I'll give this a bit of an extended test....looks really good so far.

Posted: Wed 15 Dec 2010, 23:35
by James C
kirk wrote: Anyone out there using Nvidia graphics? Just wondering how that's going.
I'm using the onboard Nvidia on this box.......downloaded and installed the 260.19.21 pet and working good.

Vendor : NVIDIA Corporation
Renderer : GeForce 7025 / nForce 630a/PCI/SSE2
Version : 2.1.2 NVIDIA 260.19.21
Direct Rendering : Yes

# glxgears
10165 frames in 5.0 seconds = 2032.853 FPS
10183 frames in 5.0 seconds = 2036.480 FPS
10174 frames in 5.0 seconds = 2034.621 FPS
10185 frames in 5.0 seconds = 2036.961 FPS
10170 frames in 5.0 seconds = 2033.841 FPS
11147 frames in 5.0 seconds = 2229.383 FPS
11127 frames in 5.0 seconds = 2225.292 FPS
11418 frames in 5.0 seconds = 2283.442 FPS
11401 frames in 5.0 seconds = 2280.100 FPS
11362 frames in 5.0 seconds = 2272.362 FPS

Posted: Wed 15 Dec 2010, 23:50
by jamesbond
The original dhcpcd (without the dhcpcd.conf fix) works fine on my home router, but not on my enterprise router. So the result varies. The problem is the same as others - /etc/resolv.conf was empty. So I quickly figured out that dhcpcd isn't getting DNS information, and I figured it if I forced it to ask for DNS info (by putting "require 006" in dhcpcd.conf), it might work - which it does. It also works with your fuller dhcpcd.conf. I won't be able to test 3.2.3 dhcpcd pet in my problematic environment until tomorrow.
Tested the 3.2.3 dhcpcd in enterprise environment from pfix=ram. It works straight away.


Posted: Thu 16 Dec 2010, 07:13
by Sage
Done all that:
chroot:cannot run command /bin/busybox : No such file or directory.

Please clarify l - alphabetic or 1 -numeric (although I did both!)
Thanks for sticking with this issue. Your last tests seemed to be saying something relevant?

For the record - I did look into /bin and there is a gearwheel called <busybox> inside - it is empty if I open it as text, although properties show an 835K file.

Posted: Thu 16 Dec 2010, 09:00
by anAF
Hello jamesbond,
thanks for the answers.
For the testing I'm using a full installation in Virtualbox, and everything works fine, maybe my last post wasn't well explained.
The only thing that's not working is that graphic bug if I change the keyboard layout: it seems the screen has been magnified lots of times until it becomes ascii art! In the screenshot I sent you can also see the arrow of the mouse pointer, and it moves if i move the mouse...!
If I turn off the virtual machine and reboot, it starts telling me Xorg didn't shut down in the right way, but the boot up continues and everything works then, also the italian keyboard!
Maybe this is a minor bug you want to fix, but the important thing is that everything works now!

Thanks a lot for your efforts


Posted: Thu 16 Dec 2010, 10:28
by Sage
Found another old HD, so did a FRUGAL on it. This works OK, but:
- doing a legacy GRUB install failed to overwrite the previous version
- deleted the old GRUB and copied the advisory version in its place - BINGO.

Is it 'normal' for the legacy installer to fail to overwrite previous versions?
On some very old HD s it has been necessary to clean them down completely, esp. in the boot sector, with a debug script in order to make them accept a FULL install + new legacy GRUB. Most of the major distros perform these tasks automatically now during install partitioning, I suspect?

Confirms my prejudice against FRUGAL installs (at least onto HD s). Wastes time, complicates subsequent file handling and disc manipulations. FRUGAL is best kept for USB and CF media, probably?

PS. Oh yes, tried various GRUB text modifications (in ignorance!) - doomed to fail, of course. The error lies deeper inside the code, so must await the expert breath of jb/kirk to weave some magic.

Posted: Fri 17 Dec 2010, 07:26
by jamesbond
Sage wrote:Done all that:
chroot:cannot run command /bin/busybox : No such file or directory.

Please clarify l - alphabetic or 1 -numeric (although I did both!)
Thanks for sticking with this issue. Your last tests seemed to be saying something relevant?

For the record - I did look into /bin and there is a gearwheel called <busybox> inside - it is empty if I open it as text, although properties show an 835K file.
It's ok - busybox is a binary file and isn't supposed to be viewable by Geany.

It should be a "small L" - but it doesn't really matter because you did both. Your report confirmed my guess, which is, lib64 wasn't symlinked (this is supposedly fixed by the modified puppyinstaller). You did the "ln -s" command twice - the first one issued was successful (mean there was no lib64 symlink, otherwise you'll get an error), and the second one issued failed (because the link had been created by the first command issued).
This should have fixed the problem - it fixed mine, and it fixed Davide (anAF). For some reason your wasn't fixed, busybox still failed when you do chroot - so now I'm running out of ideas :shock:

Diagnostic script

Posted: Fri 17 Dec 2010, 08:01
by jamesbond
This is a little script to collect some of the more common items usually asked during troubleshooting. I saw this proposed many many times during various testing phases in many puppy variants, when people encountered with problematic this and that, and piece-meal information was asked ... Some suggested why not have a script that will collect those information automatically, and the user just need to upload one file instead of having to collect various files themselves.

Well, wait no more - this is the script.

It currently collects the following:
- kernel stuff: dmesg, lsmod, /proc/cmdline
- X stuff: Xorg.0.log, xorg.conf, /sys/class/vtconsole
- sound: mostly contents of /proc/asound, amixer output
- network: output of ifconfig and ip address
- disk: probedisk, probepart, /proc/partitions
- puppy config: BOOTCONFIG, PUPSTATE
- output of hardinfo

Output will be stored in /root/diag.tar.gz, ready for upload to forum.

Note - as this is only the first release, and have not been actually used to troubleshoot anything, the information it collects may not be complete or even useful. I invite others to improve this.