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Posted: Thu 05 May 2011, 13:36
by stu90
I don't know if alexandrion has it included in Reborn Puppy or not but there is a Tint2 configuration GUI tint2conf or is it tintwizard (requires python)

I have it in this here (if i recall these some other app ins in there as well, Feh image viewer, 9menu, gtk-engines) ...

Posted: Thu 05 May 2011, 17:08
by alexandrion
stu90 wrote:I don't know if alexandrion has it included in Reborn Puppy or not but there is a Tint2 configuration GUI tint2conf or is it tintwizard (requires python)

I have it in this here (if i recall these some other app ins in there as well, Feh image viewer, 9menu, gtk-engines) ...
i did not include any gui tint2 configuration editor

Posted: Thu 05 May 2011, 17:09
by alexandrion
TLM wrote: Thank you for your assistance. Now having fun with tint2rc file! Can change clock font size and color and all kinds of things.
sure, have fun editing stuff :)
if you have any other questions feel free to ask them :D

Posted: Thu 05 May 2011, 18:25
by puppyiso
puppyiso wrote:

3) can't use anything other than English. And it's not lupu's problem since other lupu based all worked fine with other languages. Abiword wasn't even installed and downloaded version never got along with any language other than English. You have to announce it as an English only version or not Asian language friendly version.

i don't understand what you are talking about, what do you mean by other languages, can you please clarify that?
also abiword was removed by default (see first post)
Please see the screenshots I attached

are you using pmount or ppy-mount? (and which versions)
As usual, I used Pmount Where can I find ppy-mount?

The resolution may be a fault on my part. I installed good old(need some upgrade) Shinobar's 431qs version. It had resolution problem at the beginning

I had to re set using xorgwizard after the save file was set.

I do like your approach but had some problems. Especially the scim thing.


for some reason this old chrome browser can't upload pictures. I have to reboot and send the screenshots for you. One moment.

Posted: Thu 05 May 2011, 18:25
by puppyiso
puppyiso wrote:

3) can't use anything other than English. And it's not lupu's problem since other lupu based all worked fine with other languages. Abiword wasn't even installed and downloaded version never got along with any language other than English. You have to announce it as an English only version or not Asian language friendly version.

i don't understand what you are talking about, what do you mean by other languages, can you please clarify that?
also abiword was removed by default (see first post)
Please see the screenshots I attached

are you using pmount or ppy-mount? (and which versions)
As usual, I used Pmount Where can I find ppy-mount?

The resolution may be a fault on my part. I installed good old(need some upgrade) Shinobar's 431qs version. It had resolution problem at the beginning

I had to re set using xorgwizard after the save file was set.

I do like your approach but had some problems. Especially the scim thing.


for some reason this old chrome browser can't upload pictures. I have to reboot and send the screenshots for you. One moment.

Posted: Thu 05 May 2011, 18:45
by puppyiso
Sorry for the double post.

Anyway, I rebooted and found those shots out of thousand pictures.

I zipped it and attached.

Please see them

Posted: Thu 05 May 2011, 18:57
by alexandrion
use 0.44 for ppy-mount / broken links
i still dont understand what scim is and as for the internet, i repeat, i did not alter the behaviour of the internet setup tools in any way

Posted: Sun 31 Jul 2011, 22:55
by TLM
I just installed this on an asus eeepc 701 4gig ssd with 2g RAM. Everything works pretty good except webcam. If anyone could point me to existing PET files to get my webcam to work, I would be most grateful. My searches are turning up a lot of things that i am not sure will work or not. Many thanks!

Posted: Tue 02 Aug 2011, 06:57
by alexandrion
isn't cheese in the puppy repositories?

Posted: Tue 02 Aug 2011, 13:18
by marco07
I just finished reading thru entire posts in this thread and became interested to try this. I am downloading version 0.44 right now. Will be tring it later this eveining and will be back here to post how it all worked out.
thanks for sharing!

Posted: Tue 02 Aug 2011, 14:35
by TLM
alexandrion wrote:isn't cheese in the puppy repositories?
Why yes it is! There are an enormous amount of dependencies that come along with it however and even after installing all these, it still is not right (webcam works, but Cheese is missing icons, no Help file, etc.

However i just found PETS for luvcview and guvcview.. Will try these out and see how it works.