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Posted: Mon 15 Aug 2011, 09:43
by Béèm
Sylvander wrote:Is there much to be gained by updating to 528 once more?
...And attempting again to get sound in Youtube videos?
Difficult to say.
A lot depends on the HW and the driver for it I suppose.
In my case, not helpful for you I know, in 2HD or 3HD I don't have that problem.
Throughout the forum I see that sound problems aren't easy to diagnose.

Posted: Mon 15 Aug 2011, 10:11
by Sylvander
Thanks for your opinion Beem. :D

Posted: Mon 15 Aug 2011, 14:37
by playdayz
IMHO, things are coming together very nicely in the Puppy World. Barry has been busy, and has just released an updated Wary, 5.1.3. He has also designated 01micko as Coordinator for the newest Official Puppy, Slacko, which will be released in 6 weeks or so. First off, that means, Slacko can use testers

With the release of Wary 5.1.3 now, and the upcoming release of Slacko, there is no need for an official release updating Lucid 5.2.5. The project to update Lucid was originally conceived as a way to get a Puppy release on the charts in the interim--not the purest of motives. This was to be a simple bug-fix release, but it assumed a life of its own. In brief, we made more changes and innovations than we had time to test.

All of the changes and innovations have been released as Two-Headed Dog.

Additionally, all of the changes and innovations plus the newer kernel, the same one used in Slacko, have been released as Three-Headed Dog. So we get two for one.

These two releases will be maintained--after all, Lucid is an LTS (Long Term Support) release.

Let me start the list of THANK YOU SIR:

Posted: Mon 15 Aug 2011, 14:47
by Minnesota

Let me start the list of THANK YOU SIR:

T H A N K Y O U!


Very slow boot

Posted: Mon 15 Aug 2011, 15:25
by davec51
I did a manual frugal installation on an ext3 partition (sda3). The files are contained in a directory called "puppy528" in the"/" position. It boots fine, but the stage "looking for puppy files . . ." takes about forty seconds, way longer than on any other Puppy. My menu.lst item looks like this:
# Puppy begins
title Puppy 528 Frugal
root (hd0,2)
kernel /puppy528/vmlinuz root=/dev/sda3 ro
initrd /puppy528/initrd.gz

Any help to speed things up?

Posted: Mon 15 Aug 2011, 15:31
by recobayu
Try the grub4dos.
Your problem can be solved as soon as possible

Posted: Mon 15 Aug 2011, 15:34
by davec51
"try the grub4DOS . . ." I don't have a Windows installation on this HD, so I don't think that would work.

Posted: Mon 15 Aug 2011, 15:39
by playdayz
title Lucid Puppy luci-267 (on /dev/sda2)
rootnoverify (hd0,1)
kernel /luci-267/vmlinuz pmedia=atahd pfix=copy psubdir=luci-267
initrd /luci-267/initrd.gz
The menu.lst for a frugal install should look like this (substituting your own directory name of course). The (hd0,1) could be different also. This is for sda2. sda3 would be (hd0,2).

Grub4dos would also work on a linux partition, despite the name--it would set things up automatically. I personally would try editing the menu.lst first.

Posted: Mon 15 Aug 2011, 15:59
by Sylvander
Sylvander wrote:I've gone back to using Lupu-525
Oh no, what a typo!
That should read "I've gone back to using Lupu-526".

Posted: Mon 15 Aug 2011, 17:17
by bigpup
Sylvander wrote:I've gone back to using Lupu-525, and now all is well.

i.e. Youtube videos have sound. :D

Is there much to be gained by updating to 528 once more?
...And attempting again to get sound in Youtube videos?
A lot of bug fixes.
Updates and improvements to some programs.
Improvements in general to help.

I think your problems may have been caused by the way you upgraded and how you got Flashplayer installed.

Try upgrading by this method:

(Names used are for example only)

Upgrade Puppy 5.0 to Puppy 5.2.5
Download the Puppy 5.2.5.iso file
In Rox-filer (file manager)
Make a new directory like /Puppy525
Left click on Puppy 5.2.5.iso file to open it.
Copy these 3 files to /Puppy525 directory.
Copy the Puppy 5.0 Puppysave.Xfs file (Your old save file) and place in the /Puppy525 directory.
There are now 4 files in the new /Puppy525 directory.

Run the boot loader configuration program for the boot loader you are using to make a boot option for the new Puppy 5.2.5
When Puppy 5.2.5 boots it will use and update the save file and programs.
When Puppy 5.2.5 seems to be working OK you can delete Puppy 5.0.

Flashplayer does not come installed in 528.
Any browser you installed in 525 should be in the old save file.
So see if you still have it.
Run that browser.
528 has a option that pops up, the first time a browser is run, that gives option to download and install latest Flashplayer. If you get that option use that to install Flashplayer.
If you do not get that option, when first running a browser, maybe Flashplayer was also in your old save file.
Try a You Tube video and see what happens.
If you still need Flashplayer,
Get it from Puppy Package Manager in 528.

Slow boot solved!

Posted: Mon 15 Aug 2011, 19:17
by davec51
title Lucid Puppy luci-267 (on /dev/sda2)
rootnoverify (hd0,1)
kernel /luci-267/vmlinuz pmedia=atahd pfix=copy psubdir=luci-267
initrd /luci-267/initrd.gz
The menu.lst for a frugal install should look like this (substituting your own directory name of course). The (hd0,1) could be different also. This is for sda2. sda3 would be (hd0,2)."

I used your recommended entry in my menu.lst and the program found the correct Puppy files in less than one second, as opposed to over forty seconds with my inept entry.

Thanks, Playdayz. You have helped me before and I appreciate it.
For my education: was it the "pmedia . . ." or the psubdir . . ." item that made the difference?

Posted: Mon 15 Aug 2011, 19:29
by rcrsn51
It will be even faster by adding "pdev1=sda2". Now you have told Puppy exactly where the sfs file is.

Posted: Mon 15 Aug 2011, 23:13
by ilanrab
stiginge wrote:I cannot connect to the wireless network using either SNS or Network wizard. When I select 'wlan0' from within SNS it doesn't seem to pick up my network or any networks...
I had the same exact wlan0 issue, right after the Two-Headed Dog 528 installation, an hour ago.
My installation process was:
1. USBflash frugal type. Copied 3 files from the CD image to my primary partition. copied the lupusave file to my 2nd partition. Renamed it to lucisave.
I rebooted.
2. Came up fine, except the wireless net was not connected. I did the SNS setup and was able to use Chromium to get onto the internet.
I rebooted.
3. Came up fine, except the wireless connection was not working. I tried using SNS first. Nothing seemed to help. No wireless net, in the area, was recognized at all. It kept pointing me to the main network window.
I mucked around with the non-SNS network settings, and that didn't help.
I shutdown the system.
4. Powered up. Everything came up fine, including the network. It has been fine ever since. I have rebooted several times since then, without any problems.

Something about the installation process messes up the network settings, but only for the second reboot. All further reboots seem to work fine.

Posted: Tue 16 Aug 2011, 01:07
by joe0855
bigpup wrote:
joe0855 wrote:Is there a clean way to update my 5.25 to 5.28? Could I just copy the save file from my 5.25 thumbdrive and paste it into a new 5.28 installation on another thumbdrive?
That is basically how you upgrade a frugal install. Use the old save file with the newer version frugal install.
You will need to make sure the save file gets renamed to lucisave. for first part of name.
That is the name 5.28 uses.
When you boot with the 5.28 thumb-drive it should use and update the save file.

The only issue you may have is two console icons on desktop overlapping each other. Delete one or just move them apart to have both. They run different terminals.
May run into other small issues. Upgrading a save file never seems to be 100%
Issues usually involve something not working because it was in 5.25 and is not in 5.28.
My desktop wallpaper changed because that old wallpaper is not in the newer version.
Thanks bigpup!

I have a dilemma

Posted: Tue 16 Aug 2011, 17:21
A newbie comes up and says I like your Puppy. How do I get it?

I ask them what hardware they have and get told it is fairly modern.

What do I say?

Do I point at the official Puppy 5.2.5 and say you also need to download the instant update 01, ... We all like doing that!

Do I point at Two-Headed Dog 528 even though it is a derivative and not an official Pup. We know there are bugs in it but:

Are there any features that were bugless in Lucid Puppy 5.2.5 but have become buggy in Two Headed Dog 528?

If the answer to that last question is NO then surely Two Headed Dog is better than Lucid 5.2.5 (cos it has more features and it includes the instant updates - a prime driver for the 5.2.5 update in the first place).

For that reason alone this should be the latest Official Lucid Puppy instead of 5.2.5. It would not require any more bug reports to be read. Just issue what we have got - officially. It would be nice to identify in the release notes the features of 528 that are buggy (experimental!) but I don't want to make extra work so ignore that request if you want.

Citing the Wary 5.1.3 release and impending Slacko as a reason not to continue the Lupu line officially seems illogical to me.

I use Wary on my old clunker but it isn't exactly beautilicious and looks out of place in comparison with other distros on newer hardware.

Slacko may indeed be the next step although we are not sure when it will arrive.

I was also devastated to read, on the same day that Playdayz cancelled the next official Lupu, that the latest update of Slacko would no longer boot straight to desktop! Now I don't give a toss about that but newbies like it!

Any answers to the emboldened question above and my dilemma appreciated.

Playdayz - if the answer to that emboldened question is NO please reconsider and make this Two Headed Pup an official Lupu.

Posted: Tue 16 Aug 2011, 18:22
by bigpup
There are a lot less bugs in Two Headed Dog 528.
Seems to me to be an update to Lucid Puppy 5.2.5.
Just having hard time understanding the path that was taken.
The update process got a little carried away, but the features that where added and the fixes that where implemented made a much better Puppy.
Just fixing Bootflash and making help actually have something useful in it, was enough to call it a good update to Lucid 5.2.5
Even a buggy update is better than a really buggy original 5.2.5!
You said it well ICPUG.

2HD ???

Posted: Tue 16 Aug 2011, 18:54
by Volhout

I recall that the only reason this work started, is to make a single iso of 525 with update001, and some more bug fixes if possible. Even then there was mention of slacko and mageia.

The way things are going now, 525 is the last pup in the 5 series. The buggy one.

I suggest to release 526, or 527, or 528 anyway. To have a better version that 525 in the puppy 5 series.

2HD.... a "derivative" ?? NO-NO, this is at this moment the ONLY PUPPY. Wary is Barries playground, and as he originally told when he stepped back, he is doing his own thing with quirky and wary.

And Slacko .... nice to have another puppy, but it is like 500. The first in a series, and before it is stable enough for end users, we could be a 624, and counting 2013.....

Please, an official release if you think it has any value above 525 in form or function.


Posted: Tue 16 Aug 2011, 20:46
by playdayz
a really buggy original 5.2.5!
WTF. 5.2.5 was tested for 3 months--and it was the 6th release of Lucid. There were like 4 bug fixes in the Instant Update 001. I hardly think it should be called really buggy.

Anyone can use Two-Headed Dog, and as I said, it will be maintained.

This thread is for Two-Headed Dog 528.

Please help test the next Puppy, Slacko.

Posted: Tue 16 Aug 2011, 22:37
by majorfoo
playdayz wrote:
a really buggy original 5.2.5!
WTF. 5.2.5 was tested for 3 months--and it was the 6th release of Lucid. There were like 4 bug fixes in the Instant Update 001. I hardly think it should be called really buggy.

Anyone can use Two-Headed Dog, and as I said, it will be maintained.

Please provide pet for new seamonkey 2.3


Posted: Tue 16 Aug 2011, 23:44
by playdayz
Please provide pet for new seamonkey 2.3 ...

I saw a report that 2.3b3 was faster than Firefox 5.0.1.
Or, how about Chromium 15? ...

It seems stable so far----without the "pinwheel of death"--famous last words!
Edit -> I spoke too soon. No pinwheel, but it did get stuck on loading. It seems to do that once and then be OK???