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Posted: Mon 17 Oct 2011, 12:44
by 8-bit
Iguleder wrote:/usr/share/default.jpg or /usr/share/default.png.
And here I thought it was /usr/share/backgrounds/default.jpg or /usr/share/backgrounds/default.png.

Oh well.

To change wallpaper, you would copy a new background jpg/png file to /usr/share/backgrounds as default.png or default.jpg.
If you like the current backgound image, be sure to copy it elsewhere first to keep it.

Posted: Mon 17 Oct 2011, 12:49
by Iguleder
Oops, a hurried mistake. I just got home, answering your question was the first thing I did :lol:

It's /usr/share/backogrounds/default.*.

EDIT: I found the cause for the NVIDIA issue! Try to install this package (usr /usr/local/petget/ :wink:), then run xorgwizard.

Posted: Mon 17 Oct 2011, 14:16
by pacer106
Here is my idea for a name based logo. The 1st one is the main base. The rest are ready to go & have variations in size.

The black you see should be transparent when downloaded.

gdlogo3-425x307 by J. P. Stunna, on Flickr

gdlogo3-446x319 by J. P. Stunna, on Flickr

gdlogo3-312x223 by J. P. Stunna, on Flickr

gdlogo3-250x179 by J. P. Stunna, on Flickr

gdlogo3-134x96 by J. P. Stunna, on Flickr

Posted: Mon 17 Oct 2011, 14:35
by Iguleder
FML! The new driver doesn't work either, for some unknown reason - it complains about some missing function, although it was built on Guy Dog, which makes it pretty much impossible.

I think we should roll back to the Squeeze X and stop using the backported one - this means X 7.5, very similar to the one from Lucid.

Posted: Mon 17 Oct 2011, 15:58
by pacer106
Background with a cleaner looking logo.

gdn1 by J. P. Stunna, on Flickr

Posted: Mon 17 Oct 2011, 17:22
by pacer106
gdn3 by J. P. Stunna, on Flickr

gdn4 by J. P. Stunna, on Flickr

Posted: Mon 17 Oct 2011, 17:26
by stu90
Im not in Guy Dog right now but regarding wallpaper changer / setter - i think this little script should work.


Code: Select all


feh -g 540x380 -d -S filename "$IMAGES" -A "feh --bg-scale /usr/share/backgrounds/%n"
Change the IMAGES= to what ever directory you like - to look though the wallpapers left click on the image or use the <-- and --> arrow keys, to set the wallpaper as background hit enter - or to set with a different scale right click > file > backgrounds.

Guy Dog 5.0.0

Posted: Mon 17 Oct 2011, 17:49
by Billtoo
The script works.

Posted: Mon 17 Oct 2011, 18:01
by pacer106
Yep the script works great :) 1 question though. stu90 are there any other options besides scale & center for setting the background? As can be seen in my screener it squishes the image a bit with scale & of course with center it does not fill whole screen.

image-2 by J. P. Stunna, on Flickr

Posted: Mon 17 Oct 2011, 18:15
by stu90
pacer106 wrote:Yep the script works great :) 1 question though. stu90 are there any other options besides scale & center for setting the background? As can be seen in my screener it squishes the image a bit with scale & of course with center it does not fill whole screen.
Hi pacer106,
The options for Feh are - tiled, seamless, scaled, centered.

Posted: Mon 17 Oct 2011, 19:08
by pacer106
Thanks for the info stu90 & the script :) The other options did not work for me but theres good news gimp 2.7.2.sfs works in guydog :) managed to crop the background so it looks right.

image-3 by J. P. Stunna, on Flickr

Posted: Mon 17 Oct 2011, 21:00
by pacer106
Spent a little time tweaking the desktop & this is what I have now.

gd-scrnr1 by J. P. Stunna, on Flickr


Posted: Mon 17 Oct 2011, 21:27
by Keef
Before you report a bug, check the facts.
The two included network setup tools (one of which mostly works :lol: ) both offer to try and setup Windows drivers. That tends to require ndiswrapper.
I just clicked the buttons, There'll be menu entries that point to none existent programs next. This is precious finger time I'm wasting. I could be picking my nose, or poking small children in the eye.
Just a thought....

Stu90's Wallpaper Chooser & XP portables

Posted: Tue 18 Oct 2011, 00:43
by mikeslr
Hi iguleder, Stu90 & All,

Thanks Stu90 for the Wallpaper chooser, which works fine. However, I wanted to add it to the menu by creating a desktop file in /usr/share/applications. The technique I generally use is to place a script calling the app in /my-applications/bin and identify that script in the desktop file's exec argument. [As the chooser was already a script, I just placed in in /my.../bin]. I've used this technique with several applications for example, opera unpacked to /mnt/home. Some worked, such as opera. Some didn't, such as the Wallpaper chooser. Except as noted below, with regard to those which failed, clicking the script in /my-applications/bin would start the app; while clicking the desktop file in /usr/share/applications wouldn't. Perhaps it's one of the quirks of emelfm2 I don't understand. [The desktop files would not start their respective applications even when permissions were changed to executable by all].
The exception are programs to run under wine. I was able to install Greendome's 1.3.28 pet, and using either wine's task manager or progman "install" an XP program, and thereafter create a functional menu entry via the above technique. But I was unable to configure emelfm2 to recognize the file ending "exe" as something to be opened with wine. Neither was I able to find any way to "install" a portable program under wine. Consequently, in order to run them I had to start wine's task manager and browse to the executable each time.
So I am compelled to ask the questions. It's not that I don't appreciate iguleder's efforts to explore other possibilities. Indeed, I believe they are essential if puppy is to remain both light-weight and functional. And its been (what?) eight years since Barry K decided for some reason on Rox-filer as his file manager of choice. 8 years in computer development, especially Linux development, is an eternity. But how much space is saved by using emelfm2 rather than rox-filer? And what are the advantages & disadvantages each has respecting the other?



Edit: After a refreshing night's sleep, I seem to be more clear headed and adventurous. It occurred to me that it is "early days" in our exploration of emelfm2: that solutions for some of its quirks have already been found. And Guy Dog, using emelfm2, appears to be much more responsive than Rox-filer. So let's press on.
In any event, the more important challenge to overcome is the difficulty some of us have encountered in the conflict between Guy Dog and our Graphics Cards.

Bug in xorgwizard?

Posted: Tue 18 Oct 2011, 02:46
by superchook
During the X setup I select in turn <probe>, <Test> and <Test_X_Now>.
X does not start and eventually I am returned to <FINISHED>
If I select <Tweak>, <Tweak_xorg.conf> and <Edit_xorg.conf> a dialogue appears which tells me that selecting <OK> will open the editor but instead it returns me to <Test_X_Now>. The VESA driver works OK.

I have noticed this bug in some other puplets.

Posted: Tue 18 Oct 2011, 03:15
by James C
Still getting things figured out.......

Guy Dog 5.0.0

Posted: Tue 18 Oct 2011, 08:18
by ETP

Thanks for this pup which is great work and a welcome return to Puppy's roots. emelFM2 seems quirky initially comming from Rox but has real merit.

With regard to the distros's name how about:

" PAT THE DOG" :lol:

Thanks once again.


Posted: Tue 18 Oct 2011, 14:40
by kros54
Which version is this wbar installed and which packages?
What are other dependencies?
You specify the location of these packages?
thanks and congratulations:

Re: wbar

Posted: Tue 18 Oct 2011, 15:03
by stu90
kros54 wrote:Which version is this wbar installed and which packages?
What are other dependencies?
You specify the location of these packages?
thanks and congratulations:
wbar-2.2.2 > deps - imlib2
Iguleder has posted .pet and dependencies on this link: ... 603#572603

Posted: Tue 18 Oct 2011, 15:22
by Iguleder
You can find all included applications here. These are the packages built automatically on top of the dpup base - the rest is Debian packages.

EDIT: I'm taking a break from 5.0.1 development, I'm on a vacation and I'm very tired from all those trips across the country.

I decided to do an experiment I wanted to do since long ago - build X automatically. Once I have this, I can also automate the compilation of underlying libraries (e.g libpng) and go all the way down to a minimal base of just a minimal devx with GCC from dpup, with the rest built as a true Puppy.