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Posted: Sat 29 Sep 2012, 21:56
by seaside
technosaurus wrote:good thinking about /proc/partitions - I assume that when /proc/partitions changes you look at /sys/block and/or /proc/mounts in the other script?

Yes , much better to monitor /sys/block for specific directory changes than examining the single file /proc/partitions for specific content changes (difficult to say what went missing :) )


Usbdrive icon in tray

Posted: Tue 02 Oct 2012, 16:25
by seaside
Ok, apparently "inotifyd" will not monitor /sys/block . (Maybe because of the kernel filesystem?). So here's another version using /root/.pupevent.

Unfortunately it can only do one usbdrive at a time because I don't see any way to link a specific icon when multiple sit icons are in use.

Below goes in "usr/share/sit/"

Code: Select all

mountcode() {
# left click function mountcode

 [ ! -e /tmp/drv-pid ] && exit # nothing to mount or unmount
tdrv=`cat  /tmp/drv-pid` # check drive status
tdrv="${tdrv% *}"
if grep $tdrv  /proc/mounts; then
   umount /mnt/$tdrv
	if [ $? -eq 0 ];then
		rmdir /mnt/$tdrv
		ln -sf /usr/local/lib/X11/pixmaps/usbdrv48.png /tmp/drv-icon
		FILEMGR="rox -D"
		$FILEMGR /mnt/$tdrv 
		Xdialog --title "WARNING" --msgbox "Sorry $tdrv did not unmount" 0 0

	FILEMGR="rox -d" #eg.. xfe # 
	TYPE="$(guess_fstype /dev/"$tdrv")" 
	[ ! -e /mnt/$tdrv ] && mkdir -p /mnt/$tdrv
	mount -t $TYPE /dev/$tdrv /mnt/$tdrv
		if [ $? -eq 0 ];then
	    ln -sf /usr/local/lib/X11/pixmaps/usbdrv_mntd48.png /tmp/drv-icon
		$FILEMGR /mnt/$tdrv 
			Xdialog --title "WARNING" --msgbox "Sorry $tdrv did not mount" 0 0

Place script "usb-watch" below in $HOME/usb-watch

Code: Select all

#  # inotifyd $HOME/usb-watch /root/.pup_event:nd # in startup

#echo $1  $3
if [[ $1 == d ]] ;then
	pdrv=`cat  /tmp/drv-pid` 
	pdrv="${pdrv#* }"
	kill "$pdrv"
	rm -f /tmp/drv-pid
	rm -f /tmp/drv-icon
[[ ! $usbdrv == sd[a-z][1-9] ]] && exit 
ln -s /usr/local/lib/X11/pixmaps/usbdrv48.png  /tmp/drv-icon 
sleep 1 # need time for diirectory to show in ./pupevent
tooltip=` awk -v i=$usbdrv '/<Summary>/ {print" " i"\n"" "$2,$4}' /root/.pup_event/"drive_$usbdrv"/AppInfo.xml |cut -d"<" -f1 `
sit /tmp/drv-icon "$tooltip" "mountcode"  &
echo "$usbdrv $pid" > /tmp/drv-pid
And the line "inotifyd $HOME/usb-watch /root/.pup_event:nd" needs to be started.


Re: Usbdrive icon in tray

Posted: Tue 02 Oct 2012, 17:45
by technosaurus
seaside wrote:Ok, apparently "inotifyd" will not monitor /sys/block . (Maybe because of the kernel filesystem?). So here's another version using /root/.pupevent.
Yes, I tried that. That's why I was glad to hear that it worked on /proc/partitions - that meant we could monitor something that would tell us when to look in /sys/block, but I couldn't get it to work on /proc/partitions myself.

Re: Usbdrive icon in tray

Posted: Wed 03 Oct 2012, 00:31
by seaside
technosaurus wrote:
seaside wrote:Ok, apparently "inotifyd" will not monitor /sys/block . (Maybe because of the kernel filesystem?). So here's another version using /root/.pupevent.
Yes, I tried that. That's why I was glad to hear that it worked on /proc/partitions - that meant we could monitor something that would tell us when to look in /sys/block, but I couldn't get it to work on /proc/partitions myself.

It looks like you're right, it doesn't work in /proc/partitions either (or at least not today :) ) So .pupevent is it.

(I did the testing by faking a change to the /proc/partitions file instead of repeatedly plugging and unplugging a usb drive)

Posted: Mon 19 Nov 2012, 22:58
by technosaurus
In case anyone was looking to make their applications portable to windows

this was built with mingw and ...
gcc -Os sit.c -o sit.exe -std=c89 -Wall `pkg-config gtk+-2.0 --cflags --libs` -s


Posted: Sun 30 Dec 2012, 04:34
by seaside
Since there are libraries for many languages to handle xml code parsing, I was wondering if any xml help existed for shell programs in Linux and ran across this -

It's a set of utilities aimed at emulating the standard shell text tools like sed, tr, cat, printf, find, etc... but specifically for xml.

I compiled xml-printf which can be used to capture the content between tags and made a tray icon program for weather.

Tweather takes information from by zip code and displays the current weather icon in the tray. When the mouse is moved over the icon, current conditions are displayed and the forecast for tomorrow. A left-click of the icon refreshes the data and a right-click quits the program.

You'll need to edit the zip code at the top of the script for the zipcode you want to monitor.

Tweather requires Technosaurus' sit program found here- ... 1&start=70
and xml-printf which is in the attached xml-printf.tar.gz file. EDIT: see next post with a much smaller version kindly compiled by Vovchik

Probably best used by linking the tweather script to the /root/Startup folder so that it's available at the start.


Code: Select all

#!/bin/sh -a

# tweather tray icon weather
# Requires Technosaurus' sit program and xml-printf
# Seaside December 29, 2012
# Left-click refresh Right-click quit
# Place zip code below

refresh() {
	zipcode='10012' # <<< zipcode here
	wget -O /tmp/tweather $loc
	w=`xml-printf '%s\n' /tmp/tweather :/rss/channel/item/description`
	while read line; do  
	  case $i in
		1) CURRENT=${line%%<*} CURRENTI=${line#*=} CURRENTI=${CURRENTI/>/} ; wget -O /tmp/currenti ${CURRENTI//\"/}  ;;
		2) RANGE=${line%%<*}       ;;
		3) TOMORROW=${line%%<*}    ;;
		*)                         ;;
	done <<<"$w"
	echo "$CURRENT 
Tomorrow: $TOMORROW" >/tmp/tweather-tip

export -f refresh

sit /tmp/currenti /tmp/tweather-tip refresh  "kill $( </tmp/tweatherpid)" &
echo $tweatherPID >/tmp/tweatherpid

Posted: Mon 31 Dec 2012, 00:27
by vovchik
Dear seaside,

Happy New Year, and thanks for tweather and xml-print. I stripped your version and then upx'd it, reducing the size from 233k to 33k. I wish I knew how I could get tweather to show Vienna, Austria and Lviv, Ukraine. I don't know where to find the source xml file on accuweather. Have any ideas?

With kind regards,

Posted: Mon 31 Dec 2012, 03:56
by seaside
vovchik wrote:Dear seaside,

Happy New Year, and thanks for tweather and xml-print. I stripped your version and then upx'd it, reducing the size from 233k to 33k. I wish I knew how I could get tweather to show Vienna, Austria and Lviv, Ukraine. I don't know where to find the source xml file on accuweather. Have any ideas?

With kind regards,

A very Happy New Year to you as well.

Wow, that was an impressive reduction in the xml-printf size and thank you for doing that.

As the latest sit by default looks for functions in /usr/share/sit/functions, the above script will not refresh. So I moved the refresh function to /usr/share/sit/function*refresh. I also combined sit 1.0, xml-printf (your nicely reduced one) and tweather into an all inclusive pet as attached.

I think that accuweather seems to only have US feeds. There are other feeds mentioned here- ... r-updates/
but their formats would most likely be quite different.

Best Regards,

Posted: Mon 31 Dec 2012, 19:41
by vovchik
Dear seaside,

I installed your pet and it works nicely. I have also checked that link you provided for RSS feeds. Yahoo seems to cover the globe. To get Vienna, Austria, and centigrade, I use this:

Code: Select all

wget -O /tmp/weather-vienna ''
The next thing I will have to do is to learn how to parse that xml with xml-print. If you - or anybody else on the forum - have any good ideas, please post them....

With kind regards,

Posted: Mon 31 Dec 2012, 20:30
by technosaurus
I just posted some new svg tips for slicing png images in the
simple svg game framework thread
This allows you to use a single slice-able png image for all of the sprites (better for file size and for http requests if they are served online)
The tray icons are pretty small so I didn't think this would be relevant but it seems that some weather apis use png sprites to combine clouds, rain, sun, etc... into 1 image so that it can be downloaded all at once (this only requires 1 http request, so it is usually faster) and formatted using to the correct slice using css

I also wrote a sprite generator here:

Posted: Tue 01 Jan 2013, 03:17
by 01micko
Hello vovchik

To get your weather code (replace zipcode variable) you have to jump through some hoops. You go to the download page for accuweather and get the "Net Weather" as if you were to add it to your website. Agree to their terms and a code box is presented. Scroll to the zipcode part and there is your weather code, replace spaces with %20. Mine is:

Code: Select all

as it appears in /usr/share/sit/functions, works but is in farenheit. Would likely need to parse the METRIC= option in seaside's script for a choice. Or do the math, either way.
EDIT: no need for math or extra code, just add the "&metric=1" bit further down in the code for celcius.. edited my code and it works. For farenheit, no param or metric=0.

Posted: Tue 01 Jan 2013, 10:29
by vovchik
Dear 01micko,

Happy New Year! You solved the problen in a very clever way. No need to register, but almost, to see the address. I also now get Celcius, which is what I want. Thanks.

With kind regards,

Posted: Tue 01 Jan 2013, 11:44
by 01micko
Hello vovchik

Yes, it is the same weather code as Pwidgets uses, but I didn't know you could append the "metric=" bit to that code, a handy feature.

Once upon a time Accuweather had that code in the URL for a location, but now it is hidden away in the html. I just stumbled upon the "Net Weather" method, kind of an "educated guess". Easy enough I think :) .

Happy New Year to you too.

Posted: Tue 01 Jan 2013, 14:06
by Geoffrey
I had a bit of a play with this weather app, I managed to get it working using yad for the notification.

Code: Select all

#! /bin/bash

function refresh() {
	zipcode='10012' # <<< put zipcode here
	wget -O /tmp/tweather $loc
	w=`xml-printf '%s\n' /tmp/tweather :/rss/channel/item/description`
	while read line; do  
	  case $i in
		1) CURRENT=${line%%<*} CURRENTI=${line#*=} CURRENTI=${CURRENTI/>/} ; wget -O /tmp/currenti ${CURRENTI//\"/}  ;;
		2) RANGE=${line%%<*}       ;;
		3) TOMORROW=${line%%<*}    ;;
		*)                         ;;
	done <<<"$w"
echo "$CURRENT 
Tomorrow: $TOMORROW" >/tmp/tweather-tip
export -f refresh
sh -c refresh

line1=`awk 'NR==1' < /tmp/tweather-tip`	
line2=`awk 'NR==2' < /tmp/tweather-tip`
line3=`awk 'NR==3' < /tmp/tweather-tip`
line4=`awk 'NR==4' < /tmp/tweather-tip`

exec yad --notification --text="$line1 $line2 $line3 $line4" --image="/tmp/currenti" --command "sh -c refresh"


Posted: Tue 01 Jan 2013, 17:04
by seaside

I was pleased to see that you found a world solution for Accuweather because I just took a look at Yahoo weather and while they have the same xml path to the "description" tag, the actual content is composed of DATA html markup. Short of stripping out the html code, I'm not sure how sit can display any markup.


Yes, nice and Yad is always a good swiss army knife located comfortably between Xdialog and gtkdialog.

vovchik ,

I feel much warmer knowing that you'll be able to tell exactly how cold it is where you are. :D

A very Happy New Year to all,

Posted: Tue 01 Jan 2013, 23:11
by technosaurus
to get markup from rss feeds most people typically grep for the needed tag and then strip the tags out using sed ... I use shell only methods such as:
(just the jist of it - not tested, and I always seem to mix up ## and %%)

Code: Select all

wget -O - url | while read LINE; do
case "$LINE in" *something*)
  CONTENT=${LINE%%* beginning stuff to remove>}
  CONTENT=${CONTENT##</end stuff to remove*}
  echo $CONTENT >>somefile.svg

Posted: Fri 04 Jan 2013, 07:54
by mavrothal
seaside wrote: As the latest sit by default looks for functions in /usr/share/sit/functions, the above script will not refresh. So I moved the refresh function to /usr/share/sit/function*refresh. I also combined sit 1.0, xml-printf (your nicely reduced one) and tweather into an all inclusive pet as attached.
Works nicely with JWM tray and also with tint2 that I tried it.
I have this little /root/Startup script (since is will fail with no connection in pace).

Code: Select all


IFCONFIG="`ifconfig | grep '^[pwe]' | grep -v 'wmaster'`"
while [ "$IFCONFIG" != "" ]; do
	sleep 1
    ping -c 1 
    if [ $? -eq 0 ];then
		ping -c 1
		if [ $? -eq 0 ];then

One "problem" I have is that right-click on the applet will quit it.
How do I avoid this?

Happy New Year.

Posted: Fri 04 Jan 2013, 17:25
by seaside
mavrothal wrote:
One "problem" I have is that right-click on the applet will quit it.
How do I avoid this?

Happy New Year.

Happy New Year to you as well.

You can change this line-

Code: Select all

sit /tmp/currenti /tmp/tweather-tip refresh  "kill $( </tmp/tweatherpid)" & 

Code: Select all

sit /tmp/currenti /tmp/tweather-tip refresh  & 
That should reassign the right-click to no action.

Nice script for checking if your connection is up.


Posted: Fri 04 Jan 2013, 23:41
by Geoffrey
mavrothal wrote:
I have this little /root/Startup script (since is will fail with no connection in pace).

Code: Select all


IFCONFIG="`ifconfig | grep '^[pwe]' | grep -v 'wmaster'`"
while [ "$IFCONFIG" != "" ]; do
	sleep 1
    ping -c 1 
    if [ $? -eq 0 ];then
		ping -c 1
		if [ $? -eq 0 ];then

Nice, I was only the other day looking for such a script, I found that cairo-dock with it's weather widget has the same dilemma, I will be using this, thanks.

Yweather 0.1a - taskbar weather app

Posted: Mon 07 Jan 2013, 14:17
by vovchik
Dear guys,

I have coded a taskbar weather app in BaCon - based on Yahoo's weather API - and it is available here: ... 079#676079.

Have fun....

With kind regards,