When an application wants to link against libXt, it assumes libXt is linked against its own dependencies. That's true for shared objects, but not for static libraries - when something links against it statically, you get hundreds of undefined functions.technosaurus wrote:How are they "messed up by static linking"?
EDIT: using pkg-config and passing "--static" through a wrapper in $PATH seems to solve all X11 linking problems.
EDIT 2: lookin' good! Still fighting glib and GTK1, but I got JWM to build with Xft support.
Code: Select all
for i in linux_headers musl lazy_utils loksh tinyxlib xinit zlib tinyxserver font_cursor_misc font_misc_misc font_alias freetype expat fontconfig libxft jwm ttf_bitstream_vera; do sh build.sh $i; done
. ./config
cd $SYSROOT/usr/share/fonts/misc