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Posted: Thu 18 Jun 2020, 18:49
by bigpup
i formatted my windows partition and installed puppy on my hard drive
Exactly what did you do???
Specific details!!

Do you want Windows to still be on the computer?
I can't access my bios menu any pc just goes blank for about 10 seconds then boots into xenialpup.
To answer this need specifics of above question.

My guess is, you formatted, thus deleting Windows, and it's boot loader is hanging up, with nothing to boot, and finally goes to booting Xenialpup.

The bios menu is not a menu you see on boot.
A boot loader menu is what is shown on boot up.

Bios setup menu is accessed by pressing a specific key just as the computer boots. Delete, F2, F10, etc.......
That bios setup is used to setup the hardware settings of the computer basic operation.

This is not a Xenialpup caused problem.
Strongly suggest you make a topic about your problem in Beginners Help section of forum.
This way, more people see it and can get better help.

Posted: Sat 20 Jun 2020, 20:59
by bigpup
Using Quickpet->Useful to download the 32bit_compatibility_libs_xenial64.sfs
Select any repository and get this error message.