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forked fast momanager

Posted: Sun 09 Jun 2013, 11:48
by L18L
Scripts displayed as base name → path
→ is configurable

Making find of any Script in drop down lists easy now

edit deleted
please use recent pet at ... &start=137

Posted: Sun 09 Jun 2013, 13:02
by Bert
A mi gusto! :lol:

Nice to see the left column full of smilies...

This improvement is even better than I had imagined. Really very nice!

The only place where it gets a bit more difficult is with the many "func_" entries (Pburn, Pmusic)


But the ease of the rest of the sorting more than makes up for this.

Thank You!


Posted: Mon 10 Jun 2013, 14:04
by L18L
Sort of Binary executables same as Scripts
Highlight search term in search result

2 more configuration variables,
HIGH_BG which is a background colour.

Code: Select all

### edit between = and #   
showINTRO=no               # anything other than yes will skip the intro   
transLANG=de               # de_DE or de
myEMAIL=fido@localhost     # used when create a mo file
ISIN=☺                                         #       1 printable character to indivate mo file newer than script: ☺ or _
NOTIN=↻                                       # other 1 printable character to indicate mo file older than script: ↻ or X
SEPARATOR=⇔                               # or → or :                different from ISIN and NOTIN
SHOW_SEARCH_RESULT=1       # =0 in Xdialog without highlight or =1 highlighted in defaulthtmlviewer 
HIGH_BG='lightyellow'      # background colour for search term in search result
                           #         or choose colour with Gcolor2 (Menu > Graphics)
HIGH_BG='rgb(255,255,204)' # background colour for search term in search result
Have fun :D


No wait some moments:

I am going to make it easier, without html using builtin --colour of grep


Posted: Mon 10 Jun 2013, 17:30
by L18L
L18L wrote:... I am going to make it easier, without html using builtin --colour of grep
Proudly presenting FFMM 130610

:arrow: Binary executables in same sort order like Scripts
:arrow: Search result highlighted in console
:arrow: Search configurable context lines and geometry of result

Fun :D

edit deleted
please use recent pet at ... &start=137

Posted: Mon 10 Jun 2013, 20:27
by Bert
Let me be the first one to admit I'm not clever enough for this L18L guy :wink:

He proudly presents FFMM 130610:

:arrow: Binary executables in same sort order like Scripts
:arrow: Search result highlighted in console
:arrow: Search configurable context lines and geometry of result

The first two I understand, but I cannot digest the third one without a (polite) burb :shock:
If I'm allowed some humour, I think his coding voodoo is now also infecting his human-readable-output :lol:

I've been staring at this screenshot, wondering how it was done:

because here it looks like this, also in the latest FFMM:


Apologies if I missed the obvious.



"ISIN" would be understandable if named "ISUP2D8"?
(same for "NOTIN": NOTUP2D8"?)

SEPARATOR: Will it change from '<=>' to '->' at some point and why? And how to interpret 'different from ISIN and NOTIN' ?

Written with the greatest respect L18L !
And again, thanks for your work!


Posted: Tue 11 Jun 2013, 09:20
by L18L
Bert wrote: :arrow: Search configurable context lines and geometry of result

The first two I understand, but I cannot digest the third one without a (polite) burb :shock:
If I'm allowed some humour, I think his coding voodoo is now also infecting his human-readable-output :lol:
Search: the "new" way to find anything inside mo files
configurable context lines: number of lines before found search term and number of lines before found search term
configurable geometry of result: geometry of a rectanlgle is WiDTH and HEIGHT 8)
Bert wrote: I've been staring at this screenshot, wondering how it was done

because here it looks like this, also in the latest FFMM:


Apologies if I missed the obvious.
I am not sure if I understand your question.
It was done using with mtPaint-snapshot. I do not see any relevant difference in the two images. :?
Bert wrote:Preferences-questions:


"ISIN" would be understandable if named "ISUP2D8"?
(same for "NOTIN": NOTUP2D8"?)
But a smiley and the symbol for refresh are understandable?
I could change the configuration file saying something like
If you do not understand anything then do not touch.
Bert wrote:SEPARATOR: Will it change from '<=>' to '->' at some point and why? And how to interpret 'different from ISIN and NOTIN' ?
SEPARATOR is one character and separates "base name" from "path/base name".
Change it for example to ☺ (which is NOT different from ISIN) and momanager could not work as before. :wink:

Thinking about next version now
which will have no choices of changing SEPARATOR ISIN and NOTIN

Answered with the greatest respect!
And again, thanks for your feed back :D


Posted: Tue 11 Jun 2013, 11:58
by L18L
simplified configuration now, thanks Bert :D
have fun

edit deleted
please use recent pet at ... &start=137

Posted: Tue 11 Jun 2013, 12:35
by AbdelAziz
Hi L18L

Using latest version, in SSS domain, i select
when i click Edit the Momanager windows hide then show and nothing else happens!


Posted: Tue 11 Jun 2013, 13:59
by L18L
AbdelAziz wrote:Using latest version, in SSS domain, i select
when i click Edit the Momanager windows hide then show and nothing else happens!
Thanks for reporting this.
Repairing this might take some time for me.

But if you like you now can simply use yudit
and edit your file


Then you can test this translation in console before you have a langpack:

Code: Select all

rox -p /root/Choices/ROX-Filer/PuppyPin
... and you shouls see طلاء below your desktop icon for paint.

[edit] found the (my) fault:
change in /usr/sbin/momanager line ~ 1473 from

Code: Select all

[ "$SSSFILES" ] || LANG=$ORIGLANG exec momanager restart # 130604 --empty--

Code: Select all

[ "$SSSFILE" ] || LANG=$ORIGLANG exec momanager restart # 130604 --empty--
... and the editor should open that file.
.. and momanager will continue after editor is closed.

Posted: Tue 11 Jun 2013, 15:47
by AbdelAziz
[edit] found the (my) fault:
change in /usr//sbin/momanager line ~ 1473 from
Now it work fine :D
By the way don't you think version number should be somewhere in momanager gui ?

Re: FFMM20130610

Posted: Tue 11 Jun 2013, 15:57
by Bert
L18L wrote:
Bert wrote: I've been staring at this screenshot, wondering how it was done

because here it looks like this, also in the latest FFMM:


Apologies if I missed the obvious.
I am not sure if I understand your question.
It was done using with mtPaint-snapshot. I do not see any relevant difference in the two images. :?
Thanks for your reply.
Concerning the above: I saw an interesting difference, that made me think you found a way to sort alphabetically, while having the 'mother program' to the left. So 'ADF' is sorted, but 'peasyscan' is shown first. I wondered how you achieved that and why I didn't see the same.

Running FFMM20130611 now: yes the many smilies were nice, but the three dots are indeed much better for contrast.

And yes, even I understand the preferences now :lol: 8)

Re: FFMM20130610

Posted: Tue 11 Jun 2013, 16:49
by L18L
Bert wrote:... Concerning the above: I saw an interesting difference, that made me think you found a way to sort alphabetically, while having the 'mother program' to the left. So 'ADF' is sorted, but 'peasyscan' is shown first. I wondered how you achieved that and why I didn't see the same...
The only differences see :
1- nl vs. de
2- different font sizes so that I see in my "de window" a bit more than you can see in your "nl window".

'peasyscan' is shown first :shock:
No that is an optical illusion :wink:

But the entire data is:
______________…ADF→/usr/local/peasyscan/ADF (de peasyscan)
…ADF→/usr/local/peasyscan/ADF (nl peasyscan)

I missed the obvious:
-3 The width of the combo fields are different :!:
But that is something to solve for gtk gurus


Posted: Tue 11 Jun 2013, 17:29
by L18L
AbdelAziz wrote:By the way don't you think version number should be somewhere in momanager gui ?
Good question.
Momanager was, is and will stay Barry's baby.
He does not use versions and thus I did not.

Look into the script

Code: Select all

less /usr/sbin/momanager
to see latest change.

Actually latest change in my script is:
#130612 L18L fix for desk_strings not showing up in editor reported by AbdelAziz
Maybe I will show date of last change in the GUI next pet .

Re: FFMM20130610

Posted: Tue 11 Jun 2013, 19:26
by Bert
L18L wrote: The only differences see :
1- nl vs. de
2- different font sizes so that I see in my "de window" a bit more than you can see in your "nl window".

'peasyscan' is shown first :shock:
No that is an optical illusion :wink:

But the entire data is:
______________…ADF→/usr/local/peasyscan/ADF (de peasyscan)
…ADF→/usr/local/peasyscan/ADF (nl peasyscan)

I missed the obvious:
-3 The width of the combo fields are different :!:
But that is something to solve for gtk gurus
Hi L18L,

I discovered it's only a matter of global font size:

I changed it from 96 to 78 and got the same combo field width as in your .de version:


(because of eye problems I prefer the 96 size..)

Solved 8)

Re: FFMM20130610

Posted: Wed 12 Jun 2013, 18:00
by L18L
Bert wrote:(because of eye problems I prefer the 96 size..)
Me too :lol:

Next "version"
designed for small screens

smaller height by 2 lines header and less frames
smaller width by moving some text to tooltips

tooltops added for
- search
- Preferences
- editor
- about ("version") :)

will upload tomorrow


Posted: Thu 13 Jun 2013, 12:17
by L18L
yesterday L18L wrote:will upload tomorrow
... and here it is:

New variable in configuration is WINDOW_WIDTH.
momanager starts in smallest possible width of 726 px.
You can increase it up to 1360 pixel.

Have fun deleted
use recent version at ... &start=137 please

Search result can not be closed

Posted: Wed 19 Jun 2013, 22:20
by Bert
Hi L18L,

I just noticed this: the search result window gets stuck in the upper left corner of the screen, without a means to close it. (or move it)

Closing MoManager has no effect.
The window stays on top of everything else on the screen.
It cannot be killed, as it has no entry in the tray.

I have not yet tried to repeat this. I only used the search function maybe three times so far. This is the first time this happens.

All else is functioning beautifully!

Re: Search result can not be closed

Posted: Thu 20 Jun 2013, 07:54
by L18L
Bert wrote:...I just noticed this: the search result window gets stuck in the upper left corner of the screen, without a means to close it. (or move it)..
Howto close any window in almost any GUI:
:arrow: click the top right X :wink:

or if using jwm:

To close a window in jwm right click at top bar of the window and select (here translated to "Schließen") "close"

To move a window in jwm right click at top bar of the window and select (here translated to Bewegen) "move" :!:
or keep ALT key pressed and move it with mouse left button pressed.
Bert wrote:It cannot be killed, as it has no entry in the tray....
To kill a window in jwm right click at top bar of the window and select (here translated to "Töten") "kill" :!:

I am describing this so verbously because I think this could become stuff for "Momanager for dummies" 8)

Posted: Thu 20 Jun 2013, 08:32
by Bert
Thanks for explaining.

However, I did know all that... :roll:

The problem is the search result window is placed so high, the window top bar is not on the screen. So moving and closing impossible.

Yours dummily,


Posted: Thu 20 Jun 2013, 08:45
by Bert
Here's a screenie.

Top of it is also top of my screen.

Btw, the Alt + left mouse key pressed does not work here. It works for all other windows, but not for the Momanager search result window.