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Posted: Fri 17 Nov 2017, 16:31
by fredx181
belham wrote:I am 99.99999% sure when I gave him his USB for his DDog, I did not use porteus-boot.
So you used "live-boot" ? (with "boot=live" in kernel command line) if so, then no auto mounting has been done, so even less worries, I'd say. (only porteus-boot automounts if you leave out the "noauto")
P.S. Fred, one question about Debian overall. By default, Debian never mounts anything, right? Unless you first put it in the fstab? Is that correct or am I not thinking of it correctly??
Yes, as far as I know that's correct.


Posted: Fri 17 Nov 2017, 16:39
by belham2
fredx181 wrote:
belham wrote:I am 99.99999% sure when I gave him his USB for his DDog, I did not use porteus-boot.
So you used "live-boot" ? (with "boot=live" in kernel command line) if so, then no auto mounting has been done, so even less worries, I'd say. (only porteus-boot automounts if you leave out the "noauto")
P.S. Fred, one question about Debian overall. By default, Debian never mounts anything, right? Unless you first put it in the fstab? Is that correct or am I not thinking of it correctly??
Yes, as far as I know that's correct.


Thanks, Fred. I think I am going to tell him he's ok then. But I sure would feel better, lol, if he would ask me next time anything like this happens. Hopefully it never happens to him again.

Posted: Fri 17 Nov 2017, 18:45
by rufwoof
How about adding a twm version to the current set of build choices Fred?

It has after all recently celebrated its 30th Birthday since Tom LaStrange sat down to write it. Whilst the default config looks lame, with a little refinement of the configuration (single file) and it can look much better.

The small size but great power is oft overlooked and for functional setups twm can work really well, leaving you with missing options when you use other windows managers

Here's a animated gif of my twm setup

Under OpenBSD after a base install I just add (pkg_add ... similar to apt-get), firefox-esr, libreoffice, mpv, xfe, mtpaint and osmo ... and that pretty much fills my needs.

twm by rights is a integral part of X11 i.e. conceptually is included with all X11 releases, however some refine X11 to exclude twm.

Not the prettiest of wm's, but easily configured and it does a single job well aka Unix style.

I've attached my .twmrc (gzip compressed)

Posted: Fri 17 Nov 2017, 20:33
by fredx181
Hi All,

Added to build options in case of 32bit build, choice for to install pae or no-pae kernel
For no-pae it will install (version number as it is now):
Package: linux-image-4.9.0-4-686 (4.9.51-1)

Linux 4.9 for older PCs

The Linux kernel 4.9 and modules for use on PCs with one or more processors not supporting PAE.
So added to one of the questions at start:

Code: Select all

Do you want to install (default) pae or a no-pae kernel ?
(no-pae is more suitable for older (with not pae capable cpu) PCs)
Install no-pae kernel ? (Enter = pae, y = no-pae) (y/N)?
There was request for this on an issue at github:

Also available as a .tar.gz, which can be extracted in the frugal install 'live' folder
- .squashfs module including Debian non-pae kernel 4.9 (with aufs included)
- initrd1.xz (non-pae)
- initrd.img (non-pae)
- vmlinuz1 (non-pae)
(extracting will replace initrd1.xz, initrd.img and vmlinuz1 with no-pae versions, adviced is to make backups first) ... pae.tar.gz

New mklive-stretch:
mklive-stretch script

@rufwoof, Thanks! I'll have a look at twm


Posted: Sun 19 Nov 2017, 18:49
by fredx181
rcrsn51 wrote:I have posted touchpad v1.2 above. It now configures touchpad/mouse/touchscreen devices in one app and handles more options like button mapping.

I have also addressed the locales issue by changing the slider controls to integer values. This needs testing.
Thanks, added to repos, I can confirm that slider controls work fine now with my system set to dutch locale.


Posted: Sun 19 Nov 2017, 19:08
by rcrsn51
fredx181 wrote:added to repos,
Thanks. There is a new v1.3 posted above. :wink:
I can confirm that slider controls work fine now with my system set to dutch locale.

Posted: Tue 21 Nov 2017, 21:09
by fredx181
Here are deb packages for newest firefox:

Firefox Quantum (from the beta update channel)
- Included apulse
- Included preference: security.sandbox.content.write_path_whitelist set to /dev/snd/
- So, no change required in about:config
This to make sound work by running: apulse /opt/firefox/firefox (inside wrapper script /usr/local/bin/firefox)
- Will replace other firefox (if installed) from included repositories, e.g: firefox-esr, firefox-mozilla-build

32bit: ... 1_i386.deb
64bit: ... _amd64.deb

Not added to custom repo (yet) because needs testing, and I'm not really sure if it's the right setup, (i.e. replacing existing firefox, having included apulse)


Posted: Wed 22 Nov 2017, 12:04
by raja_g
fredx181, Since my Laptop won't shutdown with Kernels above 4.4, I used your suggestions to use kernel 4.4.87, in Debian 9 stretch. Functions perfect.

I do have your debian dog stretch deepin os also with kernel 4,7PAE. I want to go back to 4.4.87. The files used for 4.9 for reverting to older kernel needs some modifications, for use with deepin os. Please suggest.


Posted: Wed 22 Nov 2017, 16:30
by fredx181
raja_g wrote:I do have your debian dog stretch deepin os also with kernel 4,7PAE. I want to go back to 4.4.87. The files used for 4.9 for reverting to older kernel needs some modifications, for use with deepin os. Please suggest.
Yes, that's because the deepin version has different filesystem structure, e.g. /lib is symlink to /usr/lib, /sbin is symlink to /usr/sbin etc...

I made modification in kernel-4.4.87.squashfs according to that (symlinks) and works for deepin version from what I tested: ... mod.tar.gz

Note: I tested this on latest DebianDog-Deepin 2017-10-14 iso version, which I'd recommend, btw, see here: ... 904#970904
But I guess it works also on older version (with the 4.7 kernel), not sure though.


Posted: Thu 23 Nov 2017, 10:26
by raja_g
It did work with the older Deepin version, also. Thanks.

Shall try your updated, current version based on Debian 9, when my network speed improves.

Posted: Thu 23 Nov 2017, 11:45
by rcrsn51
fredx181 wrote: - Included preference: security.sandbox.content.write_path_whitelist set to /dev/snd/
See OscarTalks' alternative here. This works for me.

Posted: Thu 23 Nov 2017, 13:15
by fredx181
Hi rcrsn51

Do you consider the sandbox level set to 0 as a better option than the whitelist change ?
Or in other words: does one of the debs I provided above not work for you ?


Posted: Thu 23 Nov 2017, 13:16
by rcrsn51
fredx181 wrote:Do you consider the sandbox level set to 0 as a better option than the whitelist change ?
Only because it's easier to remember.

Posted: Thu 23 Nov 2017, 14:47
by fredx181
Hi All,

Some changes in script mklive-stretch and the setup in general:

mklive-stretch script changes:
- Install kernel 4.9.0-4 (previously was 4.9.0-3)
- Will download and extract "dog-boot-stretch-20171123.tar.gz" now, it contains new aufs and squashfs kernel modules (to fit with kernel 4.9.0-4)
I expect that kernel 4.9.0-4 will stay as standard Debian-Stretch kernel during the next years.
(if not, I'll change again)
For anyone who uses older script (which installs kernel 4.9.0-3), it still works, but there's a chance that kernel 4.9.0-3 will be dropped from Debian repos at some point of time.(and then the build will fail)

Further changes:
- Added "dog-boot-stretch-20171123.tar.gz" to the github MakeLive repository (for compatibility with kernel 4.9.0-4, see also above)
- Changed in all config files firefox-esr version 24 to version 45 (the 24 version is much smaller, but really getting too old now IMHO)
- Added to "Full" prepared build type configs: tzupdate (configures automatic timezone and time) and to "Minimal" prepared build type configs: peasyclock (program from rcrsn51 to configure timezone and time)
Of course (as you probably know) these configs are just basic setups and can be changed as desired.

New mklive-stretch:
mklive-stretch script


ISOBooter works with one glitch

Posted: Thu 23 Nov 2017, 19:29
by mikeslr
Hi All,

Having decided that this was a good a time as any to beginning exploring ISOBooter, booted into XenialPup64, I downloaded isobooter-stretch.tar.gz from ... 028#964028 and followed the instructions on that post.

A bootable USB-Stick was created which had the desired format: a fat32 first partition on which was located grldr and a Linux Ext3 on the second partition where Xenialpup64 was located in a folder.

However, after clicking isobooter-stretch, it reported that it could not find any OS and did not generate a menu.lst.

This was remedied by opening a text editor and creating on the first partition a file named menu.lst with this content:

title XenialDog64 porteus-boot save on EXIT in /casper/changes folder
root (hd0,1)
kernel /xendog64/casper/vmlinuz noauto from=/xendog64/ changes=EXIT:/xendog64/casper/
initrd /xendog64/casper/initrd1.xz

I am booting from it now.


Re: ISOBooter works with one glitch

Posted: Thu 23 Nov 2017, 19:33
by rcrsn51
mikeslr wrote:However, after clicking isobooter-stretch, it reported that it could not find any OS and did not generate a menu.lst.
Did you copy an ISO file onto the first partition?

Posted: Thu 23 Nov 2017, 20:09
by mikeslr
Hi rcrsn51,

Missed that part. :)


Posted: Fri 24 Nov 2017, 11:10
by fredx181
Made small improvement for "flashplayerchoice", v1.0.3, it will check at start if a flashplayer update is available and display info, see pic.
Install with Synaptic or apt-get.
Thanks to Geoffrey for his "Flashplayer updater" (I took some code from it to download directly from Adobe)


Posted: Fri 24 Nov 2017, 12:08
by fredx181
Hi rcrsn51, everyone

When I click on BIOS in Peasyclock I get the date with ½ in it (see pic), you or anyone have any idea how comes and if/how it can be solved ? (although not a big problem IMO).
More a general question, btw, because I've seen it often (e.g. date displayed by lxpanel and some more I can't remember now), using yad does similar:

Code: Select all

yad --text=ext2/3/4
Results in displaying:


Posted: Fri 24 Nov 2017, 17:26
by dancytron
I saw your notice about the new kernel, so I tried to run Upgrade Kernel.

It says my kernel is up to date, but I think I can see the new kernel in synaptic.

Maybe a bug?
root@live:~# uname -a
Linux live 4.9.0-3-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 4.9.30-2+deb9u5 (2017-09-19) x86_64 GNU/Linux