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Posted: Thu 25 Aug 2011, 21:15
by zigbert
Please try to play a local audiofile in Pmusic, and then find the file /root/.pmusic/tmp/exec. This file contains the executable command that Pmusic generates. Mine looks like this:

Code: Select all

exec ffmpeg -i '/mnt/sda2/mp3/Epica - Caught in a web.mp3' -ss 130  -f au - 2>> /root/.pmusic/tmp/ffmpeg_output | aplay  2> /root/.pmusic/tmp/aplay_error
You will see that errors are pointed to external files ( 2>> /root/.pmusic/tmp/ffmpeg_output and 2> /root/.pmusic/tmp/aplay_error )

What output do you get if you execute the same command in a terminal without redirecting the errors?Mine example would be the command:

Code: Select all

ffmpeg -i '/mnt/sda2/mp3/Epica - Caught in a web.mp3' -ss 130  -f au - | aplay


Posted: Fri 26 Aug 2011, 19:45
by zigbert
Version 2.0.0
See main post

- Backend dependencies is bumped to ffmpeg-0.8 and gktdialog-0.7.21
- Full support of the m3u playlist format. (Extended info - save/load)
- Jump in track-time by moving progressbar/slider. (thanks to thunor for his work with gtkdialog)
- Equalizer supported via alsaequal/pEqualizer. (thanks to 01micko)
- Album art:
. . . Show album art while playing. (thanks to thunor for his work with gtkdialog)
. . . Fullsize in trackinfo window.
. . . (de)activate album art in preferences.
- Radio:
. . . Improved and simplified the radio manager gui.
. . . Radio index now includes more radio-stations.
. . . Remove as source for radio index.
. . . Alternative downloadable index from www.
. . . Allow to cancel index_building.
- Mixer:
. . . Mixer-modul is rewritten to use sliders. (thanks to thunor for his work with gtkdialog)
. . . Balance slider instead of setting left/right channel (Pmusic 1).
. . . Removed toolbar button for mixer.
. . . Pmusic signals (-s) now handles balance as well.
- Hotkeys - see menus for key combinations.
- Graphical themes:
. . . New standard to meet new look and features.
. . . Faster (and simpler) handling of gtk options in themerc.
. . . Builtin 'Default' theme to match new gui modules.
. . . Updated 'Nad' Theme.
- Search function now split result into groups.
- Reorganized track-info window.
- Play-button toggles play/pause icon if present in theme.
- Playlist(s):
. . . Show active playlist in Playlist-menu.
. . . Choose active playlist from hotkeys (CTRL+1/2/3/4)
. . . Mid-mouse button now always remove item from playlist (tip in right-click menu).
. . . Removed right-click menu for managing playlists.
. . . Removed buttons for managing multiple playlist.
. . . Removed toolbar button multiple playlist.
- Gui presets are updated:
. . . New features are included.
. . . Loading of presets is reorganized to still get a fast startup even with more complex gui.
. . . Splash (or not) is now handled inside the preset.
. . . Classic preset does not contain unique xml-code for menus anymore.
- Sort:
. . . Sort menuitems that requires metatags are moved to a submenu.
. . . Sort menuitems has got icons.
- Debugging (--debug) is initialized
- Loop/Shuffle option is change from checkboxes to toggleboxes. (thanks to thunor for his work with gtkdialog)
- Disable CD-related widgets if device not present.
- Preferences: Use metainfo (from m3u) in playlist.
- Don't show splashes in window manager taskbar.
- Improved detection of dependencies (pmusic -D)
- FAQ:
. . . FAQ is updated.
. . . FAQ is not longer present in pet, but will be downloaded at first view.
- Message in source window if no podcasts are downloaded.
- Searching: Don't show index-window if index is not built. WebMusic/Radio can still be a searchresult.
- Window menu is removed, so alternative presets are only reachable from preferences.
- Cancel conversion (export). (thanks to don570)
- Get rid of some terminal output
- Under the hood:
. . . Infrastructure for a new WebMusic (index of URL tracks) module is set up.
. . . Moved CD-functions to its own file /usr/local/pmusic/func_cd
. . . Moved Config-functions to its own file /usr/local/pmusic/func_config
. . . Moved all indexing functions to /usr/local/pmusic/func_index.
. . . Moved global tagging tool to /usr/local/pmusic/func_id3tagger.
. . . Moved all add_to_playlist functions to /usr/local/pmusic/func_add.
. . . <separator></separator> is changed to <menuitemseparator></menuitemseparator>
. . . <combobox> --> <comboboxtext> and <comboboxentry>.
. . . Clean up files in $HOME/.pmusic/.
- Bugfix: Do not show splash if playlist only contains 1 entry.
- Bugfix: Don't expand radio-dialog when start buildning db.
- Bugfix: searching for alternative musicbrainz tags worked only once.
- Bugfix: Show correct message when reading audio-CD (thanks to don570).
- Bugfix: m3u including 'carriage return' wouldn't open correct.
- Bugfix: Avoid theme in func_export/func_trackinfo if so is defined in themerc.
- Bugfix: Search for track in indexed collection - Trackinfo window.
- Bugfix: Track-menu in Wings mode.
- Bugfix: id3 detection in source window used time to scan radio-stations.
- Bugfix: core-utils/sed/awk in pmusic -D.
- Bugfix: Online FAQ.
- Bugfix: Make external calls read progressbar percent (like pwidgets).
- Bugfix: Preogress bar failed to view time containing 08 and 09.
- Bugfix: Tag will be saved in Track info window even if it is a system message. (searching for more info...)
- Bugfix: Message 'Source not detected' showed up a couple of seconds if starting a track from navigation buttons.
- Bugfix: Pmusic-theme was always active in Bookmark/Podcast window.
- Bugfix: 'No connection' message is missing in track info when artist/title is missing.
- Bugfix: Check internet connection before grabbing alternative musicbrainz tags.
- Bugfix: show searchresult correct when it's _partly_ contains id3tags.
- Bugfix: 'Add random' failed in recent bash versions.
- Bugfix: Pmusic filebrowser hide m3u files after loading metatags.
- Bugfix: Using 'next' button after autostarted an audio-CD (-c switch or play_CD menuitem)
- Bugfix: 'Tag all items in list' - tag genre doesn't work.
- NLS: Added: LOC_EQUALIZER, VOLUME, BALANCE, UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, 221, 238, 267, 494, 630, 631, 633, 634, 671, 730, 840, 841, 842, 844, 1010
- NLS: Changed: LOC136, 223, 267, 272, 490
- NLS: Removed: LOC147, 148, 156, 157, 180, 200, 201, 234, 254, 267, 274, 278, 402, 403, 430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 804, 805, 806

Posted: Fri 26 Aug 2011, 21:21
by swiatmar
pmusic 2.0.0:
this is what I get

Code: Select all

/usr/local/pmusic/pmusic: line 348:  1106 Aborted                 $GTKDIALOG -p Pmusic -G +"$X"+"$Y" 2>$STDERR

** ERROR **: gtkdialog: Error in line 13, near token '<menuitemseparator>': Unknown tag.

/usr/local/pmusic/func: line 7:  1096 Terminated              $APPDIR/pmusic_tray

Posted: Fri 26 Aug 2011, 21:26
by pemasu
Latest gtk dialog compile could be good to have as downloadable link in the first page. Most Puppies still dont have it preinstalled.

Posted: Sat 27 Aug 2011, 06:47
by zigbert
I could easy offer the gtkdialog-0.7.21 pack, but ffmpeg-0.8.x must be compiled for the different Puppies. I guess new releases will offer both.


Posted: Sat 27 Aug 2011, 16:05
by pemasu
Just tested Pmusic 2.0 in Dpup Exprimo with Iguleders today uploaded Ffmpeg-0.8.2. I installed missing id3info (id-tools and libid3) and I used self compiled recent gtkdialog (no gtkdialog errors when Pmusic was lauched in console).
It works !!!
Only net radio streams does not play. No errors in console, Pmusic announces "Connecting..." for awhile and then it drops, usually starts to play mp3 from playlist next.

Anyway for mp3 in hdd, cover art shows, other information downloads from net and so on.
Equalizer I didnt test. In fact, I dont know which package and where should I download it. I know only one pet which 01micko uploaded to the Slacko thread.

Posted: Mon 29 Aug 2011, 20:19
by 01micko

You will have to compile alsaequal and CAPS (ladspa lib) for squezze. In my brainwave repo there is a lupu version but the needs to be updated, if you get the Slacko pet and crack it open you will see the correct place and syntax for asoundrc.


Posted: Mon 29 Aug 2011, 20:24
by pemasu
Thank you 01micko. It will be sure in my todo list.

Posted: Mon 29 Aug 2011, 20:43
by zigbert
pemasu wrote:It works !!!
Good news for me :)
pemasu wrote:Only net radio streams does not play. No errors in console, Pmusic announces "Connecting..." for awhile and then it drops,
There seems to be less focus for internet streams in the 'house' of ffmpeg development. ffmpeg plays some internet radios, but far less than it used to do..... Pmusic is ready whenever ffmpeg is......


Posted: Fri 02 Sep 2011, 18:36
by zigbert
Version 2.0.1
See main post

- Icons in menu for play/stop/next/previous.
- Replaced togglebuttons for loop/shuffle in .CD preset.
- Removed the dialog 'soundcard is not available' - info in progressbar.
- Bugfix: Ensure to use stock-icons. (thanks to thunor)
- Bugfix: Open m3u when item doesn't exist.
- Bugfix: Add after playing failed in many occasions.
- Bugfix: Dialog shows up if user 'works' too much with the progress progress.
- NLS: Changed: LOC205, 810
- NLS: Removed: LOC206

Posted: Mon 05 Sep 2011, 22:55
by playdayz
Never mind. Thanks.

Posted: Mon 12 Sep 2011, 13:22
by zigbert
Version 2.0.2
See main post

- Message when downloading FAQ from web.
- Hotkey (F1) for help.
- Minor updates in FAQ.
- Bugfix: Deactivate equalizer when Pmusic quits. (thanks to 01micko)
- Bugfix: Press play button --> Icon doesn't change to pause.
- NLS: Added LOC527

Posted: Wed 21 Sep 2011, 19:42
by zigbert
Version 2.1.0
See main post

- Mark playing track in playlist
- Statusbar with playist / track information
- Removed menuitem 'Playlist length'. Now in statusbar.
- Removed menuitem 'Show remaining time'. Now in statusbar.
- New gui presets.
- Managing of loop/shuffle is managed by 1 button instead of 2 togglebuttons.
- Managing of add-mode is managed by 1 button instead of 2 radiobuttons.
- Removed Stop-button.
- Shrinked default theme.
- No spacing between navigation buttons.
- Facelift in About window.
- Removed Vertical preset.
- Updated Theme specification to include icons for add-modes and no-loop.
- Reduced cpu-usage for loading meta-information in music-source window. Increased sleep value in <progressbar>.
- Less ambitious sorting after loading metainfo. Now sort by Title.
- Bugfix: play/pause icon when start track by moving slider.
- Bugfix: Message (searching for Track nr) in trackinfo window remains if previous removed by a space.
- Bugfix: Mass tagging failed on some systems (Slacko)
- Bugfix: Show full trackinfo window at first run (with no active track defined).
- NLS: Added: LOC413, 414
- NLS: Removed LOC158, 159, 228, 229, 407, 408, 520

Posted: Thu 22 Sep 2011, 17:19
by zigbert
Version 2.1.1
See main post

- Bugfix: Bookmarking
- Bugfix: Export

Posted: Sat 24 Sep 2011, 06:55
by zigbert
Version 2.1.2
See main post

- Radio streams do not show any length in playlist.
- Radio streams progress time shows in statusbar.
- Refined output in statusbar.
- Moved Metaload progressbar to bottom of Music source window (Classic mode).
- Bugfix: Add track after playing track.
- Bugfix: Do not include radio streams in playlist length calculation.
- Bugfix: No pause when dragging progress-slider for playing radio stream.
- Bugfix: Remove option to run without theme.
- Bugfix: Sort files after loaded metainfo in filebrowser.
- Bugfix: Metaload progressbar position conflicts with table widget.
- NLS: Removed: LOC277

Posted: Sat 24 Sep 2011, 20:44
by zigbert
Version 2.1.3
See main post

- Bugfix: Ensure <progresssbar> is smaller than gui to avoid window-size-bump.

Posted: Sun 25 Sep 2011, 11:42
by pemasu
I compiled yesterday ffmpeg-0.8.4 in dpup, I got compile tips from 01micko.
Pmusic-2.1.3 works with Dpup Exprimo. Radio streams works now ok. I will include ffmpeg-0.8.4 and your latest pmusic version to the Exprimo.
Thank you of continued improvements.

With Wings I have had all the time problems. Pmusic halts with below information when launched in console. I have tried different gtkdialog binaries, I even compiled svn of yesterday version.

Code: Select all

# pmusic
/usr/local/pmusic/pmusic: line 357: 12393 Aborted                 $GTKDIALOG -p Pmusic -G +"$X"+"$Y" 2> $STDERR
/usr/local/pmusic/func: line 7: 12389 Terminated              $APPDIR/pmusic_tray
If this report gives you insight what should I do, I would be happy. I would like to use Wings as default window preset with some nice theme, and radio stations preinstalled. That is my vision for next Dpup Exprimo version.

Posted: Sun 25 Sep 2011, 13:59
by zigbert
I had to check here that Wings works for me in Slacko B4 - it does...hmmmm.

try to execute pmusic --debug and see if any valuable errors come to surface.

Line 354 in /usr/local/pmusic/pmuisc is
#echo "$Pmusic" > /root/gtk
Please unhash it and post /root/gtk here. Maybe I can see any incompatibility in the xml code.


Posted: Sun 25 Sep 2011, 14:02
by zigbert
pemasu wrote:I compiled yesterday ffmpeg-0.8.4
Radio streams works now ok.
Makes me a happy boy :D

Posted: Sun 25 Sep 2011, 16:30
by pemasu

Code: Select all

# pmusic --debug
/usr/local/pmusic/pmusic: line 317: kill: (30562) - No such process

** ERROR **: gtkdialog: Error in line 394, near token '</hbox>': syntax error

/usr/local/pmusic/pmusic: line 357: 14759 Aborted                 $GTKDIALOG -p Pmusic -G +"$X"+"$Y" 2> $STDERR
/usr/local/pmusic/func: line 7: 14738 Terminated              $APPDIR/pmusic_tray

mv: cannot stat `/root/.asoundrc': No such file or directory
rm: cannot remove `/root/.pmusic/tmp/*.wav': No such file or directory
rm: cannot remove `/root/.pmusic/tmp/*.inf': No such file or directory
/usr/local/pmusic/func: line 464: kill: (14910) - No such process
killall: cdda2wav: no process killed
and the content of /root/gtk as gtk.gz. Remove the phony .gz