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Release of overlay_init-0.1

Posted: Sun 07 Jan 2018, 07:52
by gyro
At last, the release of overlay_init-0.1.
Unlike the previous versions in this project that were basically "proof of concept" trials of various facilities,
this version is meant to be an 'init' that can be used as a base for production.
Like a normal Puppy, the DISTRO_SPECS file must now reside in "initrd.gz".
Like a normal Puppy, a wizard is run on first-shutdown to setup an appropriate "save" mechanism.

Main features, (apart from using overlayfs):

1. Freedom to use any sfs, stored anywhere, loaded both above and below the main puppy...sfs.
Gone is the concept of an "adrv", "ydrv", "fdrv" or "zdrv", there are now 3 sfs lists, SFS_ABOVE, SFS_MAIN and SFS_EXTRA.
These lists are added into the stack SFS_ABOVE on top, SFS_MAIN in the middle, and SFS_EXTRA at the bottom.
The only limitations are that the first sfs in the SFS_MAIN list is assumed to be the puppy...sfs and must load successfully, and if overlayfs support is a kernel module it must exist in the last sfs in the SFS_MAIN list.
So you can have as many sfs's above the puppy...sfs as you like, with any name you like.
e.g. SFS_ABOVE=':/puppy/overlay_mods.sfs,:adrv_artfulpup_17.11.sfs,:ydrv_artfulpup_17.11.sfs'
or SFS_MAIN=':puppy_xenial_7.0.8.6.sfs,:kernel_modules_4.9.71.sfs'
And these lists are managed by GUI utilities in the running system, you simply select the sfs file you want to add, and then move it up the list to it's desired position.

2. Freedom to store the savefolder anywhere, again controlled by a GUI utility in the running system.
This makes it easy to setup a "save" location on a different device, e.g. puppy...sfs on SSD, savefolder on HD.
The "Saveconfig" utility that automatically runs at first-shutdown, can be run at any time.
So, if you want to have a savefolder but at first-shutdown you don't have an appropriate partition available, you can choose "Archive" so that changes you have made during the session will not be lost.
Then later, when you have setup a Linux partition, you can run "Saveconfig" again and choose "Folder", then select the Linux partition and sub-directory.
On shuddown the current "save" data will be copied to the new savefolder, and the Puppy will reboot into pupmode=12 without losing any of your changes.

3. Support for Luks partitions as "save" targets:
Following on the above example, if at a later time you decide that the contents of your savefolder are private and need to be encrypted, you can choose a partition to sacrifice as a Luks partition, and run "Saveconfig" to setup the selected partition with Luks.
On shutdown the "save" data will be copied to the selected savefolder location inside the Luks partition.
On reboot "init" will prompt you for the password for the Luks partition and then boot into pupmmode=12.
Then you would need to remember to delete the old plain text savefolder.

4. This "init" is based on the idea that it only does what it's told to do.
It will not boot if you don't specify the location of the puppy...sfs with a "psfspart=" (or "pupsfs=") boot parameter, and a "psfsdir=" (or "psubdir=") boot parameter, if the puppy...sfs is in a sub-directory.
It will continue to boot in pupmode=5 until a sucessful run of "Saveconfig" tells it to do otherwise.

5. Mostly you tell "init" what to do by running a GUI utility in the running system.
Not only the examples above for sfs files and "save" configuring,
but also some "pfix=" boot parameters with "Pfix parameter manager", e.g. "nosave", that works in all pupmodes.
Just remember that these are "boot parameters", they change the behaviour of the next "boot", not the next "shutdown".

6. Simplified boot parameters.
Along with the "adrv", "ydrv" etc.. going, so has their boot parameters.
In fact all the ':' separated file specification boot parameters have gone.
The current file specifying boot parameters are:
"psfspart" -> contains a partition label, uuid, or name of partition containing puppy...sfs
aliases are "pdev1", "pdrv", "pupsfs"
"psfsdir" -> contains the relative path to sub-directory containing puppy...sfs
alias is "psubdir"
"psavepart" -> contains a partition label, uuid, or name of partition containing savefolder
alias is "psave"
"psavedir" -> contains the relative path to sub-directory containing savefolder
"psavepart" and "psavedir" are usually not specified as boot parameters, they are set by "Saveconfig" utility.
But they can be used to set a default "save" location, and hence the location of BOOT_SPECS.

7. There are many facilities in the current "init" script in woof-ce 'testing' that are not here.
Some of these are simply not possible due to the limitations of overlayfs, others are made too complicated by the limitations of overlayfs.
And some are simply things I never use, but could possibly be easily ported to this "init".
But I will leave the discussion of these to another time, (this is already a rather verbose post).

How to try it, using a Puppy with a working sfs_load:

0. Checks to do before you start:
Choose the Puppy you intend to use. It should be a recent woof-ce based Puppy.
Test the kernel of a running version of the Puppy by running the command "grep 'OVERLAY' /etc/modules/*" in a console.
A response that includes "CONFIG_OVERLAY_FS=m" or "CONFIG_OVERLAY_FS=y", indicates overlayfs support, which is necessary for this "init".
Then run the command "grep 'TMPFS' /etc/modules/*". A response containing "CONFIG_TMPFS_XATTR=y" is highly desirable.
Otherwise I recommend minimising activity while the read/write layer is in "tmpfs", (pupmode=5 and pupmode=21),
and moving to a savefolder (pupmode=12) as soon as possible.
You should also be able to run the tests against "etc/modules/*" in the Puppies zdrv.

1. Do a fresh frugal install of your target Puppy into a suitable writeable directory.
If you don't have a "test" partition on an internal device, a partition on a usb device is fine.
If using a usb device, a typical usb HD is usually much faster than a typical usb stick.
Make sure the "kernel" line for this install in your boot loader config contains
at least an appropriate "pupsfs=<partition>" parameter and a "psubdir=<sub-directory>" parameter if required.
Where "<partition>" is the LABEL or UUID of the target partition, and "<sub-directory>" is the path to the target directory.
It might be a good idea to boot this new install at this point just to test that it can.
If you do boot it, on first shutdown, choose "No" to avoid any saving.

2. Download ... it-0.1.tar to the new install directory.
Open a console window in the nenw install directory, and run command "tar xf overlay_init-0.1.tar".
This should produce 2 files, "initrd.overlay.gz" and "overlay_mods.sfs".

3. Load "overlay_mods.sfs" using sfs_load.
This will make a number of utilities specific to this 'init', available to the running Puppy.

4. Run the command "mk-timezone-file", to produce a "TIME_ZONE" file.
This text file, should contain the local time zone as "<TZ-format>|<zone file link info>".
If "mk-timezone-file" can't get the required information from the running Puppy, it gets it from "", (thanks Lassar).

5. Run the command "overlay-setup <install-directory>", where "<install-directory>" is the full path to your install directory.
This will:
Extract the "DISTRO_SPECS" file from the "initrd.gz" file.
Store this "DISTRO_SPECS" file into "initrd.overlay.gz".
If a "TIME_ZONE" file exists store it into "initrd.overlay.gz".
Rename "initrd.gz" to "initrd.release.gz".
Rename "initrd.overlay.gz" to "initrd.gz".
Create a "BOOT_SPECS" file that will load "overlay_mods.sfs" above any other sfs's in the overlay stack.

6. Unload "overlay_mods.sfs" using sfs_load.

7. Boot this modified installation.
This should result in a first boot, change data in "Quick Setup" as required.
If you provided a "TIME_ZONE" file in step 5, the timezone should already be set correctly.
On first shutdown, a utility "Saveconfig" should run so you can choose a "save" mechanism.
"Archive" provides a "persistence but still all in ram" facility, that works on any filesystem.
"Folder" provides a "pupmode=12, savefolder on Linux partition" facility, an option to format an existing partition is provided.

8. Reboot to enjoy the new working puppy.
To modify the list of extra sfs's that "init" tries to mount, use "Extra-SFS manager".
To modify the list of system sfs's that "init" tries to mount, use "System-SFS manager".
To change some of the boot characteristics, use "Pfix parameter manager".
To change "save" to a different mechanism or change the location of the savefolder, use "Saveconfig".

Note1: If you use a Puppy that already boots with this "init" and it's "overlay_mods.sfs", then the utilities are already present, so steps 3 and 6 would be ommitted.

Note2: Utilities that store a partition identifier use a LABEL by preference, then UUID, then name. So if you use LABEL's on your partitions, make sure they are unique.
I use LABEL's on my partitions, as a UUID is rather meaningless when the stored data is viewed.

What needs to be tested:

1) That it does successfully boot current woof-ce based Puppies, i.e. they boot to the desktop.

2) Are there any Puppy utilities, other than the patched ones included in "overlay_mods.sfs", that are broken by this "init"?
Please don't bother telling me about "sfs_load" or "snapmergepuppy", these are incompatible with overlayfs.

3) That the booted Puppies work the same as when they are booted with their release "init".
While I have done many, many boots as part of this project, I haven't sustainably used the resultant Puppy.
I plan to setup a Puppy I can use as my daily workhorse and boot it with this "init".


Posted: Sun 07 Jan 2018, 08:00
by gyro
peebee wrote:Is it time to build a system for people to test? ArtfulPupOV?
Well, yes, sortof.
I'm thinking of producing a "delta" to the current ArtfulPup iso.
But editing an iso and producing a "delta" is new territory for me, so it may take a little time.
If that works ok, I might consider creating "delta"s for other recent woof-ce Puppies.


The TIME_ZONE file

Posted: Sun 07 Jan 2018, 09:02
by gyro
The TIME_ZONE file:
It's important function is to set the TZ variable, hence the local time-zone in "init", before any partitions are mounted. Thus eliminating any complaints from fsck relatiing to times being in the future.
Since, by default, this "init" does an fsck before the first mount of any partition, I became annoyed with frequently seeing these messages.

Pre-setting the time-zone for "Quick Setup" is just a bonus.
But during testing, I have done an awful lot of first boots, and this is just 1 more thing I no longer need to change.

For my testing, I maintain an "initrd.gz" with the new "init" and my TIME_ZONE file in it, then to test any Puppy I only have to insert the appropriate DISTRO_SPECS file.


Posted: Thu 11 Jan 2018, 07:38
by 01micko
IMHO I don't think a delta is the way to go if the default is to check the filesystem integrity and time skew errors are reported. While it is probably important to check for filesystem errors, couldn't this be done in OS proper? Before a save is created or at least after TZ is set by the user?

Anyway, this looks like a very interesting project and I will be installing a slacko (maybe even a revamped slacko - no promises) with aforementioned overlay mods and reporting my findings.

And to make things easier for me I have copied gyro's post to a PDF so I can display it on another device (comp, phone, tab) while I muscle my way through the destructions; ( :P) - shared below for anyone else's convenience.

overlay init 0.1 instructions from 07/01/18

Posted: Thu 11 Jan 2018, 11:29
by Rangan Masti
Hi, good afternoon. I am using the new initrd on both Slacko64 and Slacko32.
Working fine for me sofar!. Tahnk you. Have a nice day.


Re: overlay init 0.1 instructions from 07/01/18

Posted: Fri 12 Jan 2018, 10:25
by gyro
Rangan Masti wrote:I am using the new initrd on both Slacko64 and Slacko32. Working fine for me sofar!.
Thanks for testing and reporting

Posted: Fri 12 Jan 2018, 11:30
by gyro
01micko wrote:IMHO I don't think a delta is the way to go if the default is to check the filesystem integrity and time skew errors are reported.
The idea of a delta to an iso was to make it easier to try.
I need to create a patched .iso to be able to test CD booting, and installers etc. So I thought I might publish a delta of this iso.
01micko wrote:While it is probably important to check for filesystem errors, couldn't this be done in OS proper? Before a save is created or at least after TZ is set by the user?
No, for most reliable results, fsck should be run before the first mount on every boot, i.e. as this init does.
So idealy the time skew issue needs to be solved in init before the first mount.
If a TIME_ZONE file is present in the initrd.gz, this is exactly what this init script does.

The problem is that the current TIME_ZONE stuff works fine in this test setup environment, where the overlay-setup script can add a TIME_ZONE file to the initrd.gz.
But it won't if there is a published iso, which people expect to just boot directly or install with a standard installer. Since no published iso should contain a TIME_ZONE file.

I have no simple solution at this time.

Theoretically we could modify all the Puppy installers to generate a TIME_ZONE file from the current Puppy and add it to the installed initrd.gz.
(Modifying and maintaining all the Puppy installers is the hard thing here.)
This would not do anything for booting from a CD or iso.

Or the running system could signal the selected TZ to the init script.
This does not resolve the issue for first boot, but does for subsequent boots.
This might be the best compromise.

This TIME_ZONE issue is one of the things I'm working on for version 0.2.

@01micko, thanks for testing, and for the pdf.


Posted: Fri 12 Jan 2018, 21:11
by bigpup
The TIME_ZONE file:
It's important function is to set the TZ variable, hence the local time-zone in "init", before any partitions are mounted. Thus eliminating any complaints from fsck relatiing to times being in the future.
Since, by default, this "init" does an fsck before the first mount of any partition, I became annoyed with frequently seeing these messages.
This usually indicates your computers internal hardware clock is not working correctly and does not keep correct time.

This is one way to get around this problem.
fake-hwclock ... ock.8.html

Posted: Sat 13 Jan 2018, 09:39
by gyro
bigpup wrote:This usually indicates your computers internal hardware clock is not working correctly and does not keep correct time.
Sorry, I have to disagree.
The hardware clock is fine, the problem is that the 'init' script does not know what the actual timezone is, while it's busy mounting and unmounting partitions.
The Puppy tradidional way, is for 'init' to set the timezone to some hardcoded value (hence usually wrong). The problem wih this is that the superblock times in a Linux partition can get skewed into the future either when you reboot to this Puppy or when you reboot to another Puppy, depending on which side of your actual timezone the hardcoded timezone is set to.

The concept of the TIME_ZONE file is to allow 'init' to correctly set the timezone, before any mounts or unmounts of partitions.

The good news about all this timezone stuff is that it does not affect the integrity of the data. It's just annoying messages from fsck.


Posted: Sun 14 Jan 2018, 08:15
by 01micko
gyro wrote:The problem wih this is that the superblock times in a Linux partition can get skewed into the future either when you reboot to this Puppy or when you reboot to another Puppy, depending on which side of your actual timezone the hardcoded timezone is set to.
What about for ISO booting purposes, hard coding to Pacific/Kiritimati? That is the eastern most time zone so therefore anywhere after must be in the past. I notice fsck doesn't care if the time is in the past. I just checked by skipping my clock back an hour (future superblock error is reported) and skipping it forward an hour and no error reported. Of course I have Australia/Queensland set in my TIME_ZONE file.

In other news, I did the deed with a fresh slacko64 install with kernel updated to 4.9.73 with necessary configs. I approached it a bit differently though. I did the fresh frugal and then booted it, set timezone and from within that install performed all of your modifications. Seems to be working quite well. I have a google-chrome sfs loaded running as 'spot' with added support packages added from PPM (gtk+3, updated mozilla-nss etc).

I'll keep this as a daily driver for a while.


Posted: Sun 14 Jan 2018, 09:33
by peebee
Tested with:
Kernel 4.14.13 64-bit

All seems fine :D


Code: Select all

title OverlayFS (sda4/overlayfs)
  uuid 9bb32631-a1f9-425f-81bb-9f816347e8fc
  kernel /overlayfs/vmlinuz  pmedia=atahd pdrv=sda4 psubdir=overlayfs
  initrd /overlayfs/initrd.gz

Code: Select all

====> /initrd/tmp/bootinit.log <====

'FATAL' messages may be insignificant.

Doing fsck of /dev/sda4 as ext4 with e2fsck.
e2fsck 1.43.3 (04-Sep-2016)
Linux-3: clean, 303495/5693440 files, 15090214/22761984 blocks
Mounting /dev/sda4 on /mnt/sda4 as ext4.
Using /mnt/sda4/overlayfs/BOOT_SPECS
Using 'puppy_LxPupSc_18.01.sfs' as sfs0 file...
 Copying /mnt/sda4/overlayfs/puppy_LxPupSc_18.01.sfs to /mnt/tmpfs/
 Mounting /mnt/tmpfs/puppy_LxPupSc_18.01.sfs on /pup_sfs0.
Using 'fdrv_LxPupSc_18.01.sfs' as sfs1 file...
 Copying /mnt/sda4/overlayfs/fdrv_LxPupSc_18.01.sfs to /mnt/tmpfs/
 Mounting /mnt/tmpfs/fdrv_LxPupSc_18.01.sfs on /pup_sfs1.
Using 'zdrv_LxPupSc_18.01.sfs' as sfs2 file...
 Copying /mnt/sda4/overlayfs/zdrv_LxPupSc_18.01.sfs to /mnt/tmpfs/
 Mounting /mnt/tmpfs/zdrv_LxPupSc_18.01.sfs on /pup_sfs2.
Using 'overlay_mods.sfs' as sfs3 file...
 Copying /mnt/sda4/overlayfs/overlay_mods.sfs to /mnt/tmpfs/
 Mounting /mnt/tmpfs/overlay_mods.sfs on /pup_sfs3.
Using 'adrv_LxPupSc_18.01.sfs' as sfs4 file...
 Copying /mnt/sda4/overlayfs/adrv_LxPupSc_18.01.sfs to /mnt/tmpfs/
 Mounting /mnt/tmpfs/adrv_LxPupSc_18.01.sfs on /pup_sfs4.
Adding module kernel/fs/overlayfs/overlay.ko
Mounting pup_sfs3:pup_sfs4:pup_sfs0:pup_sfs1:pup_sfs2 on /pup_sfs...
umount_unneeded - keeping /dev/sda4
Booting with PUPMODE=12
Using personal storage /overlayfs/LxPupScsave [sda4].
Mounting LxPupScsave:pup_sfs on /pup_new...
mount -o move /pup_sfs0 /pup_new/initrd/pup_sfs0
mount -o move /pup_sfs1 /pup_new/initrd/pup_sfs1
mount -o move /pup_sfs2 /pup_new/initrd/pup_sfs2
mount -o move /pup_sfs3 /pup_new/initrd/pup_sfs3
mount -o move /pup_sfs4 /pup_new/initrd/pup_sfs4
mount -o move /pup_sfs /pup_new/initrd/pup_sfs
mount -o move /mnt/sda4 /pup_new/initrd/mnt/sda4
mount -o move /mnt/tmpfs /pup_new/initrd/mnt/tmpfs
'/pup_new/initrd/pup_rw' -> '/initrd/mnt/sda4/overlayfs/LxPupScsave'
'/pup_new/tmp' -> '/initrd/mnt/tmpfs/tmp'

Posted: Sun 14 Jan 2018, 09:34
by jamesbond
01micko wrote:
gyro wrote:The problem wih this is that the superblock times in a Linux partition can get skewed into the future either when you reboot to this Puppy or when you reboot to another Puppy, depending on which side of your actual timezone the hardcoded timezone is set to.
I got interested when I read this, so I've done a few tests.

I found out that this superblock problem only manifest itself when your hardware clock is set to localtime - which is the default settings in most puppies, to accomodate dual booting with Windows. If hwclock is set in UTC, all is good.

I don't know how you do it gyro, but this is how I did it in init (I don't have persistence file in initrd like you do): "[ $TZ ] && hwclock -t" where hwclock is busybox applet similar to coreutils' utility of the same name.

This way, I only need to pass boot parameter TZ=EST-10 and all will be right. Of course, again, this is only necessary when running hwclock in localtime.

Posted: Mon 15 Jan 2018, 17:45
by peebee
I've made a delta to produce LxPupSc-18.01+4-overlayfs.iso

See: ... 329#980329

Posted: Tue 16 Jan 2018, 00:52
by stemsee
I tried this with artful pup. opened the initrd and put in the DISTRO_SPECS. added kernel arguments pdrv and psubdir and everything else was automatic.
Once at desktop loaded wine-2.2.sfs @200mb. the 32bit pae kernel recognised 7.9gb of 16gb.

Posted: Fri 19 Jan 2018, 16:45
by gyro
peebee wrote:I've made a delta to produce LxPupSc-18.01+4-overlayfs.iso

See: ... 329#980329
I assume you did not inclued a TIME_ZONE in the initrd.gz in this iso.

Posted: Fri 19 Jan 2018, 17:17
by peebee
gyro wrote:
peebee wrote:I've made a delta to produce LxPupSc-18.01+4-overlayfs.iso

See: ... 329#980329
I assume you did not inclued a TIME_ZONE in the initrd.gz in this iso.
Yes I did - 01Micko's suggestion as mentioned in the link....

Posted: Fri 19 Jan 2018, 17:30
by gyro
Firstly, thanks folk for taking the time to test this.

Re the timezone thing:
1. Skewing only occurs if the hardware clock is set to local time.
2. If you set it to a fixed value you see the skew reported either:
When you mount a partition with the correct timezone that was umounted with the fixed timezone,
When you mount a partition with the fixed timezone that was umounted with the corrent timezone.
3. This init seeks to provide facilities so that the timezone can set consistently for all mounts.
4. The TIME_ZONE file idea makes most sense when you are modifying the initrd.gz before first boot, it does not make as much sense when this intrd.gz is already included in an iso.
5. Version 0.2 will include support for a "ptz" boot parameter. e.g. ptz=AEST-10
6. Version 0.2 will also support the possibility of the time-zone in init being set by some utility in the running system, possibly 'Quick Setup'. The skew issue could still occur on first boot.


Posted: Fri 19 Jan 2018, 17:58
by gyro
peebee wrote:
gyro wrote:
peebee wrote:I've made a delta to produce LxPupSc-18.01+4-overlayfs.iso

See: ... 329#980329
I assume you did not inclued a TIME_ZONE in the initrd.gz in this iso.
Yes I did - 01Micko's suggestion as mentioned in the link....
Sorry, but I don't think it's a good idea to use the timzone setting facilities in this manner. If you are going to set the timezone it should be to the correct one.
Which is one of the problems when trying to use version 0.1 in an iso.
Unfortunately version 0.1 effectively sets the timezone to UTC in the absense of a TIME_ZONE file.
Version 0.2 will set it to 'XXX12' (west of everwhere), if it is not set in a TIME_ZONE file or ptz boot parameter.
(I need to test the west v east thing again before releasing version 0.2)


Posted: Fri 19 Jan 2018, 18:20
by peebee
gyro wrote:If you are going to set the timezone it should be to the correct one.
There is no "correct" one for a general purpose .iso.....

Posted: Fri 19 Jan 2018, 19:21
by gyro
peebee wrote:
gyro wrote:If you are going to set the timezone it should be to the correct one.
There is no "correct" one for a general purpose .iso.....
Yes, that's what I was trying to say.
The 'init' needs to have a hardcoded default that ensures that no one sees the issue on first fsck on first boot.
Then provide mechanisms for the correct local timezone to be set in 'init'.
This is what I have coded into "overlay_init-0.2". (Just a bit more testing to do)

Then there is no point in having a TIME_ZONE file in the iso.
