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Which Puppy is best for old Acer Aspire?

Posted: Sun 20 Dec 2015, 16:50
by pcpunk
Hey guys, I have an old Acer Aspire that is running XP and Linux Mint 13 Xfce. I already created a 4.21GB Partition for Puppy but not sure which one to use. Can make that bigger if needed also - but have room to save files on other Drives.

It was suggested for me to use Precise Retro, I'm fine with that and it works well, but I always liked TahrPup...but Tahrpup won't Boot up. I saw the option to boot via. the Graphics Wizard (which I'm sure is what the problem is) but could not get it to boot this way. Can anyone tell me how to get this to boot via Graphics Wizard? or should I just use Retro?

I will start another Thread when I get ready to install as I have more questions about that...Triple Boot. ... wBZw1yilMO

Thanks pcpunk

Posted: Sun 20 Dec 2015, 17:08
by Semme
Boot "puppy pfix=nox" then "xorgwizard" once the prompt arrives.

Posted: Sun 20 Dec 2015, 17:21
by pcpunk
Thanks Semme, good to see you still around! Any suggestions of which one would be best Retro or Tahr? As I understand, Tahr is more like a Linux Distro? Very easy to get full Update-able Browsers etc?

Posted: Sun 20 Dec 2015, 17:45
by starhawk
Puppy in all its forms is a set of Linux distros :)

If you mean capability to run modern software, yes, you need something more like Tahr or Slacko, as opposed to Wary or older Pups.

Personally, for you, I'd recommend X-Tahr. It's on this forum in the Puppy Derivatives section... it's basically our TahrPup 6.0.2 with XFCE as the desktop and file manager and that stuff, as opposed to JWM and ROX-Filer -- I find the learning curve rather steep for the latter, and rather flat for the former. If it weren't for XFCE in Puppy, I'd probably still be using Win7 right now.

Posted: Sun 20 Dec 2015, 19:16
by pcpunk
Thanks guys! Forgot to bring extra CD's with me to my internet access so won't be able to burn anything now, darn. Will try that X-Tahr starhawk! Think I have an extra USB with me, so perhaps will use that.

Forgive me for not understanding this stuff as my health is not good. And, no disrespect - but this Forum is not well organized for beginners to understand. Maybe I can ask a couple of questions:
1. How much space will I need to install Puppy?
I ask knowing the size of the iso but from what I have read the files will decompress a little, so what would be a safe size. As stated earlier I have other drives where files can be stored, and usb's.

2. Do the browsers etc. get updated, and if not how can they be secure?

3. Does anything get updated?
Seem to remember Updating stuff in Tahrpup, or and, installing Full Fledged Update-able Browsers.

4. I assume that Grub will be compatible with LinuxMint Grub so that I can Triple Boot. And, will need to install LinuxMInt last so that it will be the Default Boot?

Thanks pcpunk

Posted: Mon 21 Dec 2015, 18:48
by 8Geee
What do you want Puppy to do?
Sync with other pads, phones, etc
book reader
Act as a server (Printer, Mail, etc)
play YouTube

Atom processor installed?
What video driver?

You will find some Puppies can do all, and some are 'edited' to NOT do anything other than browse around, and login securely.

Posted: Tue 22 Dec 2015, 18:52
by pcpunk
Just browser the internet fast with good graphics. My system don't have good graphics in most distro's, puppy precise retro seems to work well. Open to anything at this point as still deciding what to do. I think this is from Mint Xfce 13 and Retro uses the same Driver but works better. The newer Xfce/Mint using now uses X.Org: 1.15.1 driver: vesa Resolution: 1024x768@61.0hz.

Had issue doing a Frugal install recently also. Will have to review all this before I post back.

Graphics: Card: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS] 661/741/760 PCI/AGP or 662/761Gx PCIE VGA

Display Adapter bus-ID: 01:00.0
X.Org: 1.11.3 driver: vesa Resolution: 1024x768@61.0hz
GLX Renderer: Gallium 0.4 on llvmpipe (LLVM 0x300) GLX Version: 2.1 Mesa 8.0.2 Direct Rendering: Yes

Posted: Wed 23 Dec 2015, 08:12
by ally
hey punk

frugal is the way to go

if you have puppy already installed all you need do is expand (click on) the iso and copy the files to a folder and then run grub4dos to make it bootable, takes just a few seconds

have fun


Posted: Wed 23 Dec 2015, 17:37
by pcpunk
Are you kidding, I've been struggling with this for days lol. I have another OS on there, XP, Mint and now hopefully puppy. I cannot use Grub4 as I understand I already have Grub2?

Here is the Thread for the install:


Frugal is the way to go -- No Kidding

Posted: Wed 23 Dec 2015, 19:44
by mikeslr
Hi pcpunk,

Like Ally, I prefer Frugal installs. My response on the other thread was merely to call to your attention the problem I've encountered on computers which also ran Linux distos that insist on installing Grub2. And you'll note (a) my work-arounds and (b) my request for information about how to otherwise avoid the problem I encountered.

For my purposes, I prefer the inconvenience of having to re-install Grub4dos occasionally rather than running a Pup as a Full Install.

And, in part, my recommendation to try a Full Install was motivated by (a) you've already created a separate partition for Puppy. A Frugally installed Pup doesn't need a separate partition. It will run fine from a folder on your ntfs formatted partition or, better still, a folder on your Linux formatted Mint partition. Only on a Linux Formatted --rather than ntfs formatted-- partition are the following operations possible: using a SaveFolder, compiling, remastering, symlinking to external apps and files. From a ntfs partition, Pups can still compile and remaster, but you have to do so within your SaveFile.

(b) You would prefer to run Tahrpup --or perhaps, as starhawk suggested, X-tahr. While Tahr can be run with only 512 Mbs of RAM, in practice satisfactory Web-browsing requires 1 Gb. You have 2 Gbs. Running as a Full Install will provide a performance boost. Frugal installs have to decompress applications before they can be run. That takes RAM and CPU. In Full installs, applications have already been decompressed onto your drive.

On the other hand, I am uncertain as to the current status of the use of SFSes with Full Installs. As I've said, I don't run them. I know when SFSes became a popular way to employ applications there was a problem using them with Full Installs. But the primary reason I don't run Full Installs is that every mistake made --and while experimenting, I make a lot :lol: -- would immediately be written to my OS and it may not be something I could undo. Translation: that means I'd have to wipe the Full Install and start from scratch.

Recognizing the potential problem that Linux-Mint's Grub2 may create, perhaps try the following, which creates a Frugal Install:

(1) Running Puppy from the CD, Create a folder on the Mint partition-- Mint will ignore it. Give the folder a unique name -- like tahrpup.
(2) Copy the following files from the CD into that folder: vmlinuz, initrd.gz, and every file ending in sfs.
(3) Run Grub4dos, selecting sda as the location for it to install. --That's the way I do frugal installs.

Grub4dos will --at least for now-- supersede Grub2, and create a Menu.lst providing options to boot Linux-Mint, XP and your Frugally installed Pup.

The problem you've had may just be with Pup's "Universal Installer". AFAIK, it hasn't been modified in the last couple of years, so may have some difficulty with what Linux-Mint's Grub2 now does. Grub4Dos, itself, is reasonably current.

If such Frugal install runs well, you can consider what you want to do with your 3rd partition. Perhaps use some of it to create a 2 Gb Swap-partition? But my guess is that Linux Mint has already created one. Perhaps try out a Full Install and see how it compares to the Frugal --booting into a Full Install Pup would also be an easy way to re-install Grub4dos. Or try out some other Pups to see which provides the best fit for your computer.


Posted: Wed 23 Dec 2015, 20:15
by theru
Assuming the windows bootloader is chainloaded from grub2 this workaround may help: ... htm#winEXE

This installs Puppy from Windows. It includes grub4dos which gets chainloaded from Windows. It doesn't touch the mbr.

I don't have grub2 so I don't know if it will work for you.

Posted: Thu 24 Dec 2015, 21:08
by pcpunk
I used lupu guys as Tahr would not boot from this somewhat worthless pc lol. It is a decent test platform though, but it don't have sound, so that prevents me from using youtube to learn some of this stuff! Will carry on at other Thread as I've chosen a pup.

I already have 2gb swap on separate partition.

Posted: Sun 27 Dec 2015, 20:24
by TTW
I also run puppy on an acer aspire
Personally I use either saluki or carolina vanguard. Both work well.

My preferrred install method is as follows:
Have a linux partition on the computer and a swap partition.
mount the iso for the appropriate puppy and copy the files to the linux partition - i put each different puppy in its own folder
then i have a usb stick that has grub and a menu.lst file. each time i add a new puppy I add a menu lst entry so i can boot that puppy.
as for browser and email I use Shinobar's portable versions. The benefit is that they update easily and live on the linux partition not in my save files. Keeps the save files slim and they can be shared between each version of puppy.

Hope that helps you


Posted: Sun 27 Dec 2015, 21:41
by starhawk
Both Saluki and Caro Vanguard have very old printer stuff (unless that's been updated, I don't think it has) -- you may or may not have problems with newer printers.

I did (in Caro Vanguard) -- there's an annoying interaction w/ Libreoffice there -- it seems little at first but it gets real old real fast -- I don't use Caro Vanguard any more, at least a little because of that.

For the record, Carolina Vanguard is a derivative of Carolina Linux is a derivative of Saluki which IIRC dates back to an early 5xx-series Wary. (5.2 I think? Don't remember.) jemimah, who has not been active on this forum in multiple years now, created Saluki (and several others) before she disappeared.

...has anyone heard from jemimah at all, even this year, seriously...? Last I heard she was doing some sort of godawful call center crap or something horribly draining like that, and just couldn't do anything but recover in her spare time... but that was like two years ago. I really do hope she's found something better and just can't remember her password or something... she was nice, and she was smart.

Aspire 1640 with Legopen hungarian Puppy

Posted: Wed 13 Jan 2016, 12:59
by Pelo
Apire 1640 Legopen on test, not bad !
already installed Toutou 436, Dpup sqeeze, Saluki (fine !)
Kernel serie 4, 32 Bits, QtWeb as Browser.... Feed Back will come.