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gcc missing header files on FatDog64 702 no math.h

Posted: Sun 10 Apr 2016, 18:37
by ljward

I'm trying to compile some simple C code on FatDog64 (latest ISO version 702) without luck. I've installed the latest gcc packages in the package manager (tried both gcc and gcc-full), but it appears some header files are missing? So far both limits.h and math.h complain.

Here's an example test case that fails to compile:

#include <math.h>
int main() {
return 0;

# gcc test.c
test.c:1:18: fatal error: math.h: No such file or directory
#include <math.h>

compilation terminated

The same error is produced using c++ and g++

Does anyone know if there is a another package I need to install that contains the missing header files or know how to fix this? I also can find cmath.h in no sub-directory of /usr. I'm hoping to get a working c/c++ compiler so I can polish of my fatdog remaster with the few things it doesn't have packages for already.

Thanks for any help you can offer.

Posted: Sun 10 Apr 2016, 19:53
by perdido
Have you installed the devx and kernel source packages? They are needed for compiling.

Get them here if needed:

Kernel source is specific to kernel version.


works now

Posted: Sun 10 Apr 2016, 22:10
by ljward
The C/C++ compilers now works after installing the fd64-devx_702.sfs and kernel-source-3.18.7.sfs files.

I did run into an issue because it seems much more than just the headers are in devx (git/perl/python/other stuff) which overwrote some of my other installed versions. I'm assuming the right thing to do would be to apply fd64-devx_702.sfs first before installing anything else manually or via the package manager. I've reinstalled what got overwritten and things seem to work fine now.

Thanks for the help, it is much appreciated!