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loading torsmo at boot (+ other torsmo questions)

Posted: Fri 01 Sep 2006, 16:21
by Justin
I'm not clear on how to add a line to rc.local to make torsmo load at boot.
I've tried putting the path to the executable but that doesn't do it, though the same command in a console will open the program.

Posted: Fri 01 Sep 2006, 16:47
by MU
no, rc.local is for comandlineprograms.

Programs for X go to /root/.xinitrc ,before the line "exec $CURRENTWM".

the line must end with "&" what will run it in background.
If you forget that, JWM will not start.

Something like

/usr/local/bin/torsmo &

See here for a small autostart-tool (drag'n'drop):

Posted: Sat 02 Sep 2006, 04:31
by Justin
Thanks for the correction, works fine now.

The screenshots of torsmo show it giving a percentage of battery left, but I only get an estimate of remaining time, which is pretty erratic on my laptop. I only see one variable for battery available for use. wmpower picks up a percentage as well as a time countdown. Is there a way to get this in torsmo?

Posted: Wed 27 Sep 2006, 13:04
by sml
Editing that file is easy, but how is it going to install the torsmo.pup file on start-up so that it can run the #torsmo command?

Posted: Thu 08 Feb 2007, 20:48
by Drucker
MU wrote: Programs for X go to /root/.xinitrc ,before the line "exec $CURRENTWM".

the line must end with "&" what will run it in background.
If you forget that, JWM will not start.

Something like

/usr/local/bin/torsmo &

I set up Torsmo to start at boot with /usr/local/bin/torsmo &, and I can see it start just before the deaktop shows up, but have to start it again for it to show up. It's like it's running in the background, behind the wallpaper. How to fixx that?? Running Puppy 2.13 - frugal install - dual boot using Grub.

Posted: Thu 08 Feb 2007, 21:12
by GuestToo
Torsmo probably is running behind the wallpaper, on the root window ... Rox 2.5, which displays the desktop, tends to take over the background

does Tormo seem to work properly if you start it after the desktop is set by Rox? ... if so, it might work to add a delay before Tormo starts ... something like this:

sleep 5 && torsmo &


(sleep 5 ; torsmo) &

change the 5 to the number of seconds you want it to wait, until Torsmo starts

Posted: Fri 09 Feb 2007, 07:21
by Drucker
Here is what I have now,

sleep 3 && /usr/local/bin/torsmo &

That did it. Thanks . . . . .

Posted: Fri 09 Feb 2007, 08:03
by paulh177
anyone know why torsmo (default install) might disappear from the desktop for about 5 seconds about every 20 seconds?
(on top of icewm-ultra-xdg, puppy 2.13. started by lciking on the entry in the dotpup menu rther than starting it from .xinitrc)


Mine Dissapears, too

Posted: Fri 09 Feb 2007, 15:53
by kermitfan22
Paul, I feel your pain. I just installed torsmo for the first time on my desktop computer, all excited after using mean puppy and seeing it on my laptop. Mine blinks in and out about every 5-10 seconds. Pretty frustrating.

I'm using a Multi-session DVD of 2.13. Plenty of free memory here, and lots of CPU power, too.

Posted: Fri 09 Feb 2007, 16:19
by Drucker
Mine is doing that too. Have been running Torsmo on the same laptop since around Puppy version 1.0.8 with no problems.
Using the Dotpup_Downloader, the Dotpup file looks to be empty? I couldn't install it so I I installed it from a pup file I found in these forums. Could this cause problems?
I can remember installing from the Dotpup_Downloader in the past with no problems.

Posted: Mon 26 Feb 2007, 06:32
by MooDog
Between puppy 2.12 and 2.13, ROX was upgraded to version 2.5, which draws its own window above JWM. I think this was the explanation I got.

Torsmo has a double buffer option, which could reduce the flickering.

if you put the parameter 'double_buffer yes' in .torsmorc it might help.

see this thread for more tips on torsmo: ... +tips.html



Posted: Mon 26 Feb 2007, 22:46
by trapster
I was having the same irritating blinking issue.

In .torsmorc I changed forked to background to no

and changed create own_window to yes.

It no longer blinks in 214

Posted: Tue 27 Feb 2007, 00:50
by kjs
torsmo doesn't seem to be maintained any more (last release is stone age). It looks like somebody else continues to maintain and improve it under the name Conky (but the same pleasure to get it running too). See sourceforge....


Posted: Wed 28 Feb 2007, 21:59
by paulh177
just to say I downlaoded the conky source and it compiled "out of the box" without error.

it's also reasonably well documented and the gentoo crew have plenty of tips'n'trick on their forum about it.
