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How to use an Encrypted USB drive in Puppy

Posted: Fri 30 Dec 2016, 19:19
by Bobblehob
Hi All,

I've recently had a lot of help in the Beginners section for getting this drive working. Once solved the suggestion was that I create a 'How To' here goes...

As a bit of background to this I'm in the UK and work in the NHS. If we bring work home we have to use encrypted drives to transport the data and to work from. I wanted to be able to use Puppy to work at home if I needed to. This was done with a drive that had originally been initialised in Windows and had been used on a Windows pc and a Ubuntu pc.

1) Plug the drive into a free USB socket.

2) A CD drive icon will pop up on the desktop called sr1

3) Now go to Menu > Filesystem > Pmount

4) It should show sr1 as Kingston DTVaultPrivacy30. Click the button next to it that says '(un)Mount)

5) A window (titled '/mnt/sr1') will now open showing the contents of the partition of the encrypted drive that Puppy thinks is a CD.

6) Locate and click on the 'Linux' folder

7) This will open the Linux folder and inside should be 2 folders, one called 'Linux32' and one called 'Linux64'. Click to open the Linux32 folder

8 ) there will be several items in the folder and you're looking for the one called 'dtvp_login'

9) Right click 'dtvp_login' and a menu pops up. Hover over the 'Window' option and a submenu will open. In this submenu select 'Terminal Here'

10) A Terminal window will open. In this window type "modprobe sg" (without quotations obviously) and press return

11) Now type "./dtvp_login*" (again without the quotes) and press return

12) You should now be prompted for your password. Type it in and press return

13) All being well and provided you have typed your password correctly you should get the message: "You have successfully logged in"

14) Minimize the terminal window and reopen/refresh pMount. It should now show an additional Kingston DTVaultPrivacy30 drive with a USB icon rather than a CD icon. Once again next to this click the (un)Mount button (the other Kingston DTVaultPrivacy30 drive should still be there as well but don't click the (un)Mount button next to that one)

15) A window for the drive 'sdb1' should now appear containing all your files on that drive so you're done!

16) Remember when you've finished using the drive to close the /mnt/sdb1 window and then go to the Terminal window that you minimized earlier. Type "./dtvp_logout*" at the prompt and press return. You should get the message "You have successfully logged out". You can then close the Terminal window.

17) Finally remember to unmount the drives sdb1 and sr1 before removing the USB drive.

I hope this helps and please feel free to add via replies if I've missed anything or if there are easier ways to do anything. I'm still a very green newbie to Puppy so quite well aware that this guide might not be perfect!

Best wishes, Rob.

Posted: Fri 30 Dec 2016, 22:53
by Flash
Thanks. If it's not perfect it's a good start.