puppy as office machine

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puppy as office machine

#1 Post by lawquest »

I wonder if I load Open Office 2.0, lyx, postgresql, dosemu and a few other programs on my puppy machine if it will then run any faster than my current SuSE 10.0 machine? And I wonder about inconsistencies and conflicts if I get away from the Puppy-recognized Pupget programs.

Any general comments that might help me decide whether to just keep my Puppy machine (Puppy is loaded on hard drive and is machine's only operating system) simple, lean and mean, with the stock Puppy programs or instead to load it up with stuff that would make it usable as my office machine (or at least compatible with the other linux machines at my office) would be appreciated.


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#2 Post by sunburnt »

lawquest; Puppys speed is dependant on it being able to load everything into memory.
If the PC has the memory, then Puppy will load all of itself into it, that's why it runs fast.

Other Linux apps. are a crap shoot, some will work just as they are, others need modifying.

I'd say try making it into an office machine & see how good you can get it.

Before you start, make a BackUp copy of your SAVE file!!!
Then you can always go back to the old setup.

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#3 Post by lawquest »

Thanks. I have puppy running from the hard drive and am quite impressed. Don't know if that makes a difference or not, but will keep your suggestions in mind.


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#4 Post by lawquest »

I love Puppy but am still not quite there, using Puppy as an office machine. I have it loaded on the hard drive and set up so most of the non-standard programs and all data is saved on hda3 (hda1 is swap and hda1 is Puppy)

I got foxpro 2.6 running on puppy fine, via dosemu. But we use Basic Books, a linux accounting and check-writing program (similar to Quickbooks) for our office accounting. Basic Books requires postgresql and I still haven't got that to work on Puppy. Any thoughts are appreciated. When installing from source, postgresql hangs up at the initial (./configure) step, giving the following error message: "configure: error: no acceptable C compiler found in $PATH." Don't be misled by my getting dosemu to work. I am still quite a novice compared to the rest of you guys.

Finally, I note that I have learned that generally it is best to stick with the programs that come on the Puppy CD (I have 2.14) or which are on PETget, my only DotPub being the Abiword speller. And the reason I learned this was that most of the big programs I tried slowed the computer (Pentium III 500) to a walk. I probably won't know what postgresql does in this regard until I get it going, but am worried here at it is a big program.

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#5 Post by craftybytes »

The error - "no acceptable C compiler found in $PATH" - means that you have not installed the files from the - 'dev_214.sfs' - file..

A good bulk of Puppy's development oriented programs are held in the - 'dev_214.sfs' file - now for Puppy to get access to this file, it needs to be located in the same folder/partition as your current 'pup_save.sfs' file..

If you have the - Puppy 214 Unleashed CD - from Barry, the 'dev_214.sfs' file is located within the "puppy-2.14" folder - so just copy it to right next to your 'pup_save.sfs' file - wherever you have that located..

If you don't have the Unleashed CD ( I highly recommend you purchase one from Barry - only 9.00US) - then you'll have to download the 'dev_214.sfs' file from the Puppy repositories - mind though, it is 60MB in size so unless you are on broadband - it will take a fair while to download on dial-up.. ( that's why I recommend getting the Unleashed CD - most everything you need to make your 'own' version of Puppy is on there including the 'development' files, etc..)..

3 x boot:- ASROCK VIA 'all-in-one' m/b; AMD Duron 1.8Ghz+; 1.0GB RAM; 20GB hdd (WinXP Pro); 80GB hdd (MEPIS 3.4-3/Puppy v2.15CE Frugal); 1GB USB pendrive (Puppy 2.15CE Frugal); CD/DVDRW; 17" LCD monitor; HSF 56k modem... MEPIS is great.. Puppy ROCKS..

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#6 Post by MU »

Installed to a harddrive, Puppy does not run in memory.
So you have no real advantage concerning speed compared to another Distro.
Except that Puppy usually boots faster, as it runs less programs by default.

If you need a real fast Puppy, use 256 MB memory (or 512 MB or 1 Gigabyte for OpenOffice).
Then run it from CD or as a frugal installation.
This simply copies the Puppy files from CD to harddisk, but does not extract them (different to a full harddrive installation)

There are Puppys that already include OpenOffice, so it will load completely to Ram, if you have enough of it.

Postgres: yes, see message above by craftybytes.


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