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Music player with screen saver and track list crawler - pls?

Posted: Wed 18 Apr 2018, 21:50
by Puppyt
My request: is there a screen-saver option that exists for any media player that will present a simple crawler or printout of the details of the music currently playing in the background? Could a stand-alone screen saver application be modified to accomplish the task?

I have been joint carer for a few years now for a live-in mother-in-law progressing with Alzheimer's-like dementia. She's Depression-era Australian farming stock, but cannot operate modern CD/radio players and baulks even at using the TV remote. Computers? *FUHGEDDABOUDIT* So I've cooked her up a bit of a music server from an old laptop to play her old CD's (I've stored as digital files), and working through Internet radio stations for her. Rationale being that a musical environment that reflects a dementing person's early life and tastes, has been shown to significantly slow the progression of the disease.

Have been experimenting with VLC/gxine/deadbeef/Pradio/etc and can "fire and forget" playback for her. However she won't read track info from the various interfaces - the detail is just too much, and she refuses outright to be a late adopter of digital tech. I think that a basic black screen with large-lettered track details would be ideal but cannot find such a feature on existing players. Any advice on the matter gratefully received.

Posted: Wed 18 Apr 2018, 23:38
by Galbi
Hi Puppyt, just to give you something to investigate, mpv has a lot of parameters that can be invocated from command line.

For example, something like this:

Code: Select all

mpv --osd-playing-msg AAAAA --osd-font-size 64 --player-operation-mode pseudo-gui Van\ Halen\ -\ Jump\ \[February\ 1984\].mp3
Of course, it needs more investigation.

Hope that helps.


Posted: Wed 18 Apr 2018, 23:50
by Puppyt
Cheers Galbi! I also found 666philb's mention of google player here ... 467#988467 / also looks hopeful with some contributed customisations on github. Will take some digging still...
Oh, and I'm limited to 32-bit applications for a PentiumIII, 512MB laptop circa 1999...

(PS off-topic :- how do I link urls to text as you have done? My signature is a mess, for example...)

Posted: Thu 19 Apr 2018, 00:24
by Galbi

Code: Select all

[url]Whatever you put here,will be a link[/url]

Posted: Thu 19 Apr 2018, 00:57
by drunkjedi

Code: Select all

[]Your text[/url]
This will show "Your text" as link and clicking on it will take you to the url.
Like Click here for google

Posted: Thu 19 Apr 2018, 01:02
by musher0
Hi puppyt.

Maybe one of these? ... yers-linux

Also, using a wrapper, you can force a CLI app to display with a bigger font.
This wrapper:

Code: Select all

urxvt -fn xft:Monaco:pixelsize=20:antialias=true:hinting=true -e mpg123 Rhapsody_in_Blue-Bertoli.mp3
gives the size in the attached pic.

Posted: Thu 19 Apr 2018, 05:37
by zigbert
pMusic has a fullscreen option in the View-menu that shows albumart and trackname on a black screen.

Posted: Fri 20 Apr 2018, 00:55
by Puppyt
oooh... thanks guys!
Actually, have had a frustrating time with wifi dropouts on that particular machine lately, is it due to old pmusic (v 0.56 ish - not on it at present), dodgey link to radio station, general processing hijinks on this old gear - working through it when I have the time.
Cheers to drunkjedi and Galbi for the link tips - muchas gracias!
Musher0 and zigbert - I will try those media presentation tips on a few versions on differently-abled machines first and get back to the thread with feedback over the weekend, Cheers :)

PS Stardust v10 is in the mix of testing puplets, btw ;) Puppy Stardust 012 [edit: hey - up to v13? How did I miss that??]