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DPupBuster- published 17 Feb 2019

Posted: Mon 18 Feb 2019, 06:26
by musher0

(Edit, Febr. 25, 2019.)
josejp2424 has just uploaded at a revised Alpha, with
"all corrections incorporated". His announcement and llinks are here.

(End of edit)
(Edit, Febr. 25, 2019.)
Former edit removed, since it is now pointless, given the above.
(End of edit)

Hello all.

José (alias josejp2424) has given me permission to share the following
information with you:

DPupBuster- is now available at:

You will find there the iso, the devx, as well as the kernel sources.

A few details :
-- the kernel version is 4.19.20, but I noticed no slowdown whatsoever
on this 12-years old compy;

-- connection to the Internet is automatic;

-- sound works well (see scrot);

-- the window manager is jwm;

-- the desktop harbors a minimum of icons since a launch bar located
at the top of the screen is being used.

Congratulations to josejp2424 for an extremely well-done distro.

Long live PuppyLinux!


NOTE -- Personal recommendation as to download:
Please download one file at a time, since aggressive ads at the MediaFire
site appear as you come out of the download. Yesterday, I tried to down-
load a couple of files simultaneously from MediaFire, and my Palemoon
browser froze badly.

firewall missing

Posted: Tue 19 Feb 2019, 21:05
by foxpup
Bonjour, buenas dias

I am testing this Beautiful Buster.
I've been playing a bit with it, set up redshift, added some little apps. Works good so far. Midori is a nice surprise.

I had to add the right iwlwifi driver for my hardware (iwlwifi-7265D-26.ucode).
Also, the firewall seems to be missing.

This new dpup is a bit of a surprise, since dpup Stretch did not get to an official release.
But josejp2424, you have made another nice build, artwork, in the line of the excellent Shiva Inu.

Quick Frugal plus my sym-link apps

Posted: Wed 20 Feb 2019, 23:14
by davids45
Gday musher0 & josejp2424,

Thanks for another interesting Pup :D .

Problems on first run (posting from DPupbuster now):

Packit - doesn't run; is it installed?

Rox: No "List" view, just icons without useful details like 'Size' and 'Last Modified'

Drive icons: trying to compact my +20 drive icons across bottom of display (into just one row - see screenshot with two) created a pile-up after just a couple of partition icons displayed

Xsane: old version? No option for a networked scanner.

After loading my all-apps sfs (all as symlinks to my data partition sda5), the following had problems:

1) missing - fixed by adding symlink to
2) missing - fixed with symlink to

evince: wants epdfview

sensors/hwmon module: no temperatures being found by sensors so Pwidgets has no 'CPU Temps' displayed (see screenshot); sensors-detect says no 12c drivers but these are in lib/modules/....

All my other apps seem OK and run as they do in my other Pups.

I will try to post any other problems (in case they are not just my fault :oops: ).

David S.

Posted: Thu 21 Feb 2019, 03:00
by musher0
Hi David.

Long time no see. I hope you are well.

Many thanks for the test.

I'm just starting to explore José's work as a user.

I can confirm that there is something fishy with the eventmanager (the drive icons
mgr). I usually go the opposite way from you, meaning: I like to have only one icon
at bottom left "resuming" all partitions, but I cannot get it with this new version of

As to ROX, I resorted to importing the old ROX-Filer from pemasu's upupRaring;
I don't much like the new version. No "weirdnesses" or "complaints" yet from this
old horse in the new environment.

(Edit, next day:) I have both PackIt and UEXtract working correclty. (End of edit)

I also installed the latest Firefox as a "portable app" outside the pupsave in
/mnt/home; Midori is ok, but I feel it is too light-weigth for my needs.


Posted: Thu 21 Feb 2019, 13:38
by musher0
Hello all.

It's also missing some popular GTK2 theme engines. I'm using the NewHumanRev-
Blue GTK2 theme. It is based on the murrina engine. File /tmp/xerrs.log was filling up
with errors until I installed the attached engines.


To recreate an installable pet file, pls do the following:
-- Enter the download directory from console
-- Type

Code: Select all

cat xa?-M*.pet >
-- The "petget" line above installs the recreated pet file.

If you wish to know what's inside this pet file, a zip file of its tree is attached.

Posted: Thu 21 Feb 2019, 14:16
by musher0
Someone is nostalgic!

I installed links as the smaller browser | htmlviewer. Midori looks very nice in jwm. But
it doesn't play well in echinus, since it does not have a proper window frame.


Posted: Thu 21 Feb 2019, 23:26
by watchdog
What's new with firewall? Firewall-status is not working. Quicksetup complains iptables command not found.

Posted: Fri 22 Feb 2019, 04:49
by musher0
Hi watchdog.

As you no doubt noticed, josejp2424 has put the label "Alpha" on this iso. I know he
intends to do more work on it, except at this exact time, he is unable to.

I also noticed the oddity about the firewall. I think it runs in the background, it does not
show its icon anymore. I say that because when I went back to enable it -- like you
I thought this was weird --, the firewall set-up panel "said" that it was already active.
(The "active" square was already ticked.)


Posted: Fri 22 Feb 2019, 17:01
by watchdog
Cups not working: "Filter failed". It has to be reviewed.

Posted: Fri 22 Feb 2019, 19:17
by musher0
watchdog wrote:Cups not working: "Filter failed". It has to be reviewed.
Hi watchdog.

I wouldn't know, sorry. I did not test printing, since, when I need to, I always "print" to a
pdf file.

But thanks for reporting. I'm sure josejp2424 will look into it when he's back.


Posted: Fri 22 Feb 2019, 20:49
by musher0
Hello all.

Please find attached replacement files for the HexChat and Midori *.desktop files.

I had to edit the originals, they didn't play well with the aemenus.

Worthy of note: geany spewed a "Segmentation Fault" and shut down when trying
to load the original org.blabla.Midori.desktop. Any other file, geany takes without
complaint; but it borks on this Midori desktop file.

I don't know what can cause that. There are a lot of entries in a lot of languages
in that file. Geany can't handle all of them in one file?

I really don't know, it's the first time I've seen this. I'm just thinking out loud.
Usually when a prog sends a Segmentation Fault error, it's out of commission for
good. But no, in this case, it's only for this file. Geany's ok with any other file after
having sent that segmentation message regarding the org.blabla.Midori.desktop file.

Even the joe editor -- that can usually do double duty as an hex editor and is pretty
good at it -- was only partially up to the task of editing the org.blabla.Midori.
desktop file. In the end, I had to use tail -n X to a separate text file, and then
concatenate that.

But Midori does NOT get First Prize for Useless, Long and Meaningless Desktop
File Filename: HexChat beat Midori to it.

If you think the woof-CE devs are weird, by comparison, they're pretty sane! :D
Those at Midori and HexChat have their brains squarely outside their skulls :lol:,
judging from those really silly file names.

Let's say you are in good mental health. Would you name the desktop file for
your program:

Hi-Ho, Hi-Ho, tra-la la-la la-la! (Can't remember the words!) There's a Xmas song
about Santa or Rudolf-the-Reindeer with "hi-ho" in it, yes? :lol:

Have fun!

Posted: Sat 23 Feb 2019, 15:36
by musher0
Hello all.

Some of you will have noticed that DPupBuster- does not come with a dedicated
e-mail application on board.

You may wish to run the Puppy Package Manager (aka < ppm >) and install Claws-Mail,
which is already defined as the < defaultemail >.

For those of you who prefer webmail, and who would not have a webmail address yet,
here are two general pointers: ... _providers (current) (older; most URLs still valid)

I am also including a couple of URLs of webmail sites, that I know perform well AND
accept new user registrations at the moment:

You will find many other webmail sites if you care to search the Internet a little with
keyword "webmail" .

Once you have registered with a webmail site, here is an example of how to make
the < defaultemail > script easily connect to it:
-- open file /usr/local/bin/defaultemail in your text editor
-- edit the < defaultemail > script so it looks something like this:

Code: Select all

# defaultemail
# exec claws-mail "$@"
exec defaultbrowser
# or whatever your webmail address is.

Posted: Sun 24 Feb 2019, 22:37
by musher0
Hello all.

Big disappointment: DPupBuster has this line impersonating < gcolor2:> :

Code: Select all

exec yad --color --title="gcolor2" --window-icon=/usr/share/pixmaps/puppy/graphics.svg
I use gcolor2 a lot to find colors for my scripts. That decision from the woof-CE devs is
below the belt, as far as I'm concerned. Providing a trimmed down gcolor2 impersonator
is really not funny.

This is a programming tool. You cannot provide a useless, trimmed down version of it to
users. Please find attached the real gcolor2. Found as an rpm archive at ... 6.rpm.html
via and made it into a pet archive.


CUPS problem

Posted: Sun 24 Feb 2019, 23:46
by davids45

Confirming watchdog's report of CUPS failing to set up printing.

Mine is a networked Epson WF2510 that is fine with all other Pups, printing and scanning.

Some past Stretch Pups gave me this 'filter fails' message which, thanks to help from rcrsn51, I could fix with older versions of gstoraster and ghostscript. But so far (just 1 try), not with this DPupBuster.

But I'd still think it's a Stretch-gs-related problem?

David S.

Posted: Mon 25 Feb 2019, 02:06
by aaaaa
musher0 wrote:I use gcolor2 a lot to find colors for my scripts. That decision from the woof-CE devs is
below the belt, as far as I'm concerned. Providing a trimmed down gcolor2 impersonator
is really not funny.

This is a programming tool. You cannot provide a useless, trimmed down version of it to users.
I agree, that was a very malevolent move.

The only woofce pup that doesn't include gcolor2 by default is probably dpup and slacko 14.0, all the other pups do include it, but why use a fedora pkg when gcolor2 can be found on debian repos? It can be installed with ppm or pkg.

However, can this script based on mochimoppel's version be considered a worthy replacement? Your majesty, Louis XIV.

I somehow think that script can be even considered an improvement over gcolor2, if used wisely and not lazily.

Now, this iso provided here probably has bugs that were recently fixed and other bugs due to overwriting core scripts with modified or older versions or using untested original untested stuff and will remain buggy till the end of time. Just because musher0 doesn't know how to deal with knowledge that is above his level of understanding.

Now if only this iso was taken down and musher0 banned from the forum, but Flash is not man enough.

Please find attached, gcolor2 script directly from Fedora..

Posted: Mon 25 Feb 2019, 04:02
by musher0
Thank you so much Mr. Quintuple Alcoholic Anonymous, aka "aaaaa".

Coming from the "nothing new" department again, are we?

This distro is not from me, as it happens. I'm just a facilitator. This is the umpth time I'm
saying it, but people with thick heads don't seem to get it.

Second, it is written on it, as big as your (thick) head, "ALPHA". Same letter as in your
nick, too, but you did not recognize it. How come? Don't tell me that you flunked the
alphabet class in first grade? Interesting...

Third, nobody tries a script by a guest at a bin site. You never know, especially if that
guest is you.

Fourth, MochiMoppei is writing a yadget like gcolor2, but he's not finished with it. Like I'm
not finished with you. His script is in a state of flux, so it's not reliable yet. And that's how
you'll feel when I'm finished with you: you'll feel soooo unreliable and soooo fluuuux-
tuating, you'll want to become a stable gcolor2 rpm at SysyphusLinux, wishing to be
downloaded by someone. Not me, though: as you know, I already got it. Poor thing,
you, stuck in an rpm repo.

Fifth: people, do not try the supposed Fedora script provided by our aaaaalliterate
comrade. He has not provided the URL or the checksum. Probably a fake: anyone
familiar with Fedora repos, please confirm; TIA.

Oh I'm so glad I'm not finished with Mr. Quintuple A. Yey! Great fun ahead! Oh, you're
so NOT prepared for what I have in store for you, Quintuple A. Hehehehehe.

Posted: Mon 25 Feb 2019, 07:45
by wiak
moved following from thread: ... 72#1019572
oui wrote: I did only ask you why SliTaz with about the same browser in it
Not sure if it is the reason, but that "about the same browser", being Midori, is actually very different. In DpupBuster, Midori is an exciting different beast, being the latest Midori ver 7. In TazPup, Midori is the old ver 0.5.2. I'm surprised no-one been saying much about Midori of late - it had apparently been discontinued, but then, that changed... ver 7 Midori is very impressive to me so far. No doubt, still has limitations, but could do with a thread on it on Puppy forum to discuss the new features and current limitations since wouldn't it be wonderful to get a slim alternative to Chrome/Firefox and the like? Admittedly, I don't know if this new Midori is slim or not (I'm hoping so). Here was the announcement that revealed Midori was not dead afterall: ... e-for-all/

and this the latest news from it's blog, including work on cross-browser extension capability, and even a version being developed for Android: ... rick-road/

Like I say, I don't know how slim Midori remains (I note GTK3 version, but presume can still be GTK2 compiled). Should add that one definite difference between normal Slitaz and Pups is that Pups use Xorg whereas traditional Slitaz only uses Xvesa (hence much smaller) and probably Slitaz uses seriously cut-down libs, but I haven't looked into such differences.

Well, maybe talk of Midori in this thread is somewhat off-topic, though shouldn't be in terms of, way things are going, Midori maybe should be added into woof-CE builds.


By the way, I'm posting this from Midori ver 7 in DPupBuster right now. Really quite impressed with it - hoping to test it more thoroughly to see how heavy it is (especially in terms of RAM used with multiple heavy page tabs (such as gmail, which is notoriously heavy in RAM per page - not sure Midori can do much about that though...short answer is that it probably can't since problem is the heavy web page design no matter the browser I'd say). Midori 7 in DPupBuster has failed to play video stored on Facebook for me, but I'm not sure if that is fault with Midori or in DPupBuster setup (video playing by Midori maybe still needing set up in DPupBuster itself since Dpup just in alpha state).

EDIT: I haven't tried as yet, but I've read that you need to install GStreamer codecs for html5 video/audio to work in Midori (but not sure yet what info applies to new versions of Midori). I guess that will apply to Youtube use too.

Posted: Mon 25 Feb 2019, 10:45
by oui
Hi Wiak

at your place, I would not denigrate SliTaz and its web connexion! In the new Puppy buster, Midori 7.0, the links you did supply open not willing and no youtube!

In TazWeb, the own browser of SliTaz (based like Midori 4 on webkitGTK 2), top left, you get youtube :idea: . and also in Xombrero (also based like Midori 4 on webkitGTK 2), top, right, and, of course, in midori 4 (bottom center but actually not with youtube)

important is not the number 4 behind the name Midori but

if it works

including links and youtube etc. :wink:

as the guy's of SliTaz did develope her own browser as the base for her wonderfull Slitaz-Panel (in the base installation, nothing to add...)

- Puppy can not offer such comfort in more than 200 Mb and more and more -

(the panel actualize the distro exactly like the main distro's Debian, Ubuntu etc
the panel can change the user's (user name as well as create the new user with FREE login, and the passwords if not FREE login),

It is for evident, that SliTaz maintains the full compatible version of Midori with the more important TazWeb (and Xombrero, the most secure browser on the web) and doesn't want to manage more versions

as, it is true,

those versions WORK

also in youtube

and generally in HTML5 (google did just ask if I agree to save 3 HTML5 from google if I will use I did answer "yes" and no claim!)

The print screen is self explanatory :wink:

test the functions not the idiotic release number behind a package name!
it is to easy...

(note: if you install Xombrero in SliTaz to test it, you have to restart one time after the first xombrero start to see how perfect it is installed :wink: )

Posted: Mon 25 Feb 2019, 12:10
by oui
As I was testing actual SliTaz (early SliTaz did have Seamonkey) I did try if it continue to install Seamonkey. Not really: only the old version Seamonkey 2.7.2 out the time where Slitaz did not use webkitgkt itself. But for user, it can be usefull to loge a neuer release of Seamonkey as all links, register etc are already correct and work :wink: : only erase all the stuff in /usr/lib/seamonkey and fill it with the stuff of a newer version :roll:

as I often use Seamonkey 2.30 (the last version based on xulrunner) I did start it without more installation where it is on the disk

no problem!

and I did invoque youtube today 2019.02.25!

a terrible message did appear ( not supported any more ,...), but, at the bottom, you will find a key to refuse to actualize, youtube opens now full and you can look and listen in Seamonkey what you want

yet in Seamonkey 2.30 in Slitaz!

Posted: Mon 25 Feb 2019, 14:25
by bigpup
Desktop drive icons bunching up.

Rox>Options>Pinboard>Icon grid step
Select fine.
That will usually correct this issue.