How to install from hdd iso, to hdd, so that puppy...

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How to install from hdd iso, to hdd, so that puppy...

#1 Post by ax.falcon »


2 things: a) How to get the install .iso to boot from the hard disk drive using grub2. And b) how to install puppy to boot from the hdd, so that puppy loads in to RAM thereof.

a) I've been trying to load the install .iso into a spare hdd, shortcutting using a USB and a CD/DVD. This way I can just load the iso on to the HDD in a small front partition, boot from the iso, and install puppy linux that way. But I get this error:

"finding puppy files... ...cannot find puppy_tahr64_6.0.5.sys" when the boot loader attempts to read from the iso on the hdd. I've checked, the file is there in the iso.

As a side note, I thought it would be easy to find a program that loads a linux iso onto a partition at the front of a spare hdd, and then boot loads that iso using grub2, and then installs from that iso onto the rest of the hdd partitions.

Is there a program like that? This way circumvents using a USB or CD. Just straight to the hdd. I've been trying to write it without much success.

b) Once I've figured out how to install it, can I install puppy linux onto a hdd, so that it will load puppy into the RAM every time I turn the computer on?


p.s. can I install puppy without using a CD? I've already gone all the way in to town to buy a USB for this :) Thanks.

This is my grub2 config:

Code: Select all

menuentry 'Install -=Puppy=-' {

set isofile="/iso/tahr64-6.0.5.iso"

loopback loop (hd0,5)$isofile

linux (loop)/vmlinuz boot=puppy iso-scan/filename=$isofile noprompt noeject

initrd (loop)/initrd.gz

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#2 Post by foxpup »

Do you really want to boot from the iso?
You can do a frugal install on hd.
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#3 Post by mikeslr »

Hi ax.falcon ,

I'm guessing that your menu entry lacks something. I don't use Grub2. Do the examples here help?: ... 727#818727
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